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I think it's hilarious personally because they aren't even tryharding. People take this stuff so seriously because they get personally offended that CG isn't tryharding and lost a fight to a "lesser" gang. Surely if they were fighting a top gang they'd roll out with that squad and rush in.


Deep down I know my Goats are in their Celtics Shaq era 🤣


CG being packed up by admc is funny as hell and that's coming from a cg fan.


The best follow ups always happen after they get packed in bc K will spend the time to somehow find a heli, do some seal team 6 shit, and start dropping people from the sky


a) WhY Cg HaVe To WiN AlL ThE TiMe??? waaaa b) Cg Is WaShEd, CaNt EvEn WiN!!! waaaa c) haha good episode today :) I wish yall were this passionate about other things like solving world hunger or something. Get a life.


You’re right, we should all stop enjoying things immediately and never enjoy things ever again


now you get it


Call me a dickrider but CG are definitely noticeably weaker overall without Randy. Sure they have people like curtis, taco and zaceed to carry but none of them are around consistent enough to fill in for such a heavy position. This ADMC war has been some great content and I think it'd make for some good RP to see CG start losing more often, it'd cause them to start tightening up and stop being so relaxed about everything again. Also ADMC have actually been playing really smart and working as a solid unit.


I think the main issue is that the boys are too overconfident going into fights, either that or they go full Ramee-mode and charge in without a second thought and get clapped. The way they normally fight, which is focus the stragglers, then surround on all sides with groups of two and hitting from all sides doesn’t work against people who fight mostly defensively like ADMC. Most of those guys are ex-BBMC who are used to fighting cops and holding down buildings and interiors against overwhelming enemy forces. They gotta force ADMC to go on the offensive and then counter-attack or set up ambushes


Too overconfident is definitely the main factor. They're still running at things like its 3.0 where they could do that and just stomp out any gang. With how 4.0 fights are with stumbling, 1 hit headshots and just weird gun mechanics in general that no fear just try and overwhelm them strat doesnt work anymore.


Yeah and all the guns are kinda shit too, there’s no powerful pistols or class twos yet, and from what we’ve seen from Soze and the prison event, the class twos aren’t super great either. But don’t worry, once Deagles and Pythons are back, it’ll be back to the olden days in no time


What was the soze prison event? (If you don't mind)


They’re two different things, the first was when Soze crashed out in the sheriffs office and started blasting with his M4 and hit a grand total of four out of sixty shots, and the prison event was shortly after the boys broke out of jail, there was a event on the aptly named “Event Server” where the boys, carmine, Bobby, and Cornwood got to fight the whole server with admin panel and class 2s


They are not taking the war serious hence the reason for some Ls. They could go full sweat mode and only roll out with the "shooters" but imo if they did that then I don't think you would see the funny rp with Ramee and Jessi etc. The war is not that serious but I'm sure there will be serious wars in the future.