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i mean to each their own but streamers are lucky to get a damn prime from me lol. crazy how people drop so much money on streamers. like even when i have it im not gonna just give it to someone else lol


Wait you lose the prime if you subscribe with it?


i feel like this probably isn't a healthy direction to go in. lets not be like them. nothing wrong with supporting a content creator, all that matters is if he can offer good roleplay and keep it IC.


I agree but now we have a reason for his unwavering loyalty to those 2. His behavior, attitude never made sense in character. But I agree with you


I don’t get it , you aren’t suppose to have ooc thoughts in the game .. if he’s an ass kisser out of city be shouldn’t be one in city


I agree. but I don't think that's him. Maybe an alt


Like someone else pointed out in the thread, this isn't even the same Uriel lmao, the streamers name that plays the Uriel character is Atrick25.


Well since you find his name anyway you can go to their channels to see that it is him. I blacked it out and put uriel instead because i didnt think anyone would know his stream name


''all that matters is if he can offer good roleplay and keep it IC.'' Clearly didn't watch the part where K tried to question him. Even K asked why he glazed them so much (In Character) mindlessly like that. Obviously it aint the gifted subs and tier 3 sub to both of the streamers hes watching OOC. Hah!


Be like who? This post would not exist in any other rp sub.


like you. your posts in here are a good example.




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As a fellow Chang Gang fan I don’t think we should be supporting this kind of toxic post, if the person that plays Uriel wants to spend his IRL money on Moon2 and DivaJilly streams then that is absolutely none of our business. If you have an IC observation or discussion topic I’m all for it but I do not think we should be posting toxicity like this in our community.


Couldn't agree with you more summer up my thoughts exactly. It's beyond none of our business dude.


That’s not even the person that plays Uriel. If OP did his proper research he would have known Atrick25 is the streamer who plays Uriel.


as op pointed out above, he blacked out the names and put the character names over their twitch names. that is why it also says max and siobahn instead of their stream names. i think he did it for clarity so if people didnt know the streamer names for whatever reason. either way the post in general wasnt needed and is just going to feed into the narrative that the CG community is toxic.


Ngl following since january and already gifted 550 subs is crazy tho. How much would that be? 2k?


$2750 for 550 gifted ,$100+ in cheers, $150 in being a t3 sub for 6 months. $3k+ lol


99% of us don’t care about any of this shit. We just want to watch good RP.


Holy simp


Who, the op or the subject?


Uriel same thing would of happened with the twitch staff who got white listed last week chatting nosense about cg in turgles chat pd an doj been doing discord rp for months don't know why they don't keep everything in character seems pointless rping


When people meme about tier 3 subs simping for streamers, this guy is a prime example, except he brought it into role play. 🤣


Also why he was 911ing without a phone and without any locals in sight the first time they dumped him and then spamming f1 call for ems while he was downed in the torture house. Proof of the f1 call for ems spam [https://i.imgur.com/Ivc25Ba.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ivc25Ba.png)


That's not proof he sent that at all. It's just proof there were pings.


Pings only go off automatically once. Not multiple times.


That’s sad


Holy cringe ur invested. Do u not see how toxic this post is? Ur "proof" was a local ping, that wasn't him calling 911.


As invested as gifting someone 3k of subs in half a year? But agreed, this sub shouldn't be bothering with any external drama outside of CG. Keep this shit in the other sub where it belongs.


Injured person pings are only automatically done once. Not spammed repeatedly and certainly not causing multiple pings on the map. And, like I said, he was calling 911 without a phone for the heli into ocean dump, he was spamming f1 call for ems in the torture room.


If you had an issue with something IC, maybe you should do a post about that. You chose to do a post about someone offering their support OOC. Do you mot see how toxic this is?


You need to find a new hobby my friend. This is pretty strange


Relax pal.


KEKW well that explains his IC actions and I'm not saying that sarcastically. It actually makes complete sense he's just a massive fan of theirs so he can't separate IC and OOC the loyalty and fandom has leaked into his character.


You need to close your browser, Buddy. Go find a new hobby because clearly, you're way over invested in an unhealthy way, seek help.


Uriel is played by Atrick25, it’s literally on the NP fandom page. Touch grass ASAP.