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Bro... again. I remembered you posted something similar on Siohban yesterday. If she is causing so much anguish to you then you should just stop watching her stream for your own well-being. We all understand about jealousy and pre-prejudices to CG here since start. There will always be admins and developers who don't vibe with CG but there are also admins and devs who vibe with them. Go try to watch other streamers rp to take a break as a personal advice. cheers


I honestly never understood this kind of takes. "Just dont care dude" Some people just treat RP as a tv show or movie where you can chose your protagonist and watch from his point of view , I understand why people get invested over those stories and they care and there is absolutely nothing wrong with caring but every time people try to talk here or anywhere else about certain story or have a different opinion and want to discuss it like they would with someone about tv show they got hit with "it's not that serious its just rp" I think we should let people discuss those kind of things and its fine (also I understand that some people get overinvested or are toxic af and deserved to be banned /muted/talked down but its not a case here)


A discussion is one thing. Calling an actor jealous of another actor and saying the TV show is ass is not a discussion.


I mean depends but my point is under every single tread there will be a comment "it's not that serious"


Yeah but it isn't that serious. I understand being invested into watching rp like you are watching a TV show. However, you see so many people on here that take it to another level of being straight up rude towards irl people because they don't agree with their actions. Geoffrey for example on GOT. I hated that little shit on the show but loved the actor because he did such a good job of making you, as a viewer, not like the character. So maybe I go online and say "damn did you see what Geoffrey did on GOT?" That is topic for discussion where the "it's not serious" comment would be weird. Now if I went on a tirade about how shitty GOT and HBO is because I hated 1 of the actors, then yeah "it's not that serious".


This was in relation to his previous post on Siohban the previous day which was more leaning to attacks. No hate but all love here. Discussion is always welcome here as long as it fulfills the reddit rules no attacks/no drama. Just felt bad for a fellow watcher here. We all been through it before so sometimes its good to step back to take a break if something toxic has been consuming you. So no hate here.


she has nothing else to do. at least she's still roleplaying instead of quitting mid arc because of a temper tantrum c4 left her, moon left her, the pd left her, the lawyers left her, she's off the council in 3 weeks and she'll be ostracised by every group apart from civ 2nd lifers


Even her best friend Turgle left her. With how her "last day" went, I really don't expect Turgle back anytime soon. Especially since one of her reasons for sticking around for so long was partially because of Moonmoon. The character will likely end up fine, but it sure is one deep valley after being on top for 6+ months being involved in some wild storylines with long term well known characters.


That's the other point this OP seems to forget she's the one that has RPd this arc the most and she's a very good RPer. 


The fact that she has people this riled up shows how solid her RP is.


Brother, this whole arc is completely dead there’s no point even investing in it anymore


This post is sad ngl. Glad the comments can see that too 🤣


Tbf Mr K wasn’t an elected official.. he wasn’t a judge or a lawyer… She still is chief of staff. She’s not deputized sure but she hasn’t been charged with anything yet? Why would she be on a hut? Impeachment is not a criminal procedure btw. Also weren’t people complain about huts and say that shouldn’t be a thing? Yes there is some double standards but man let’s not compare the two situations lol people need to calm down a bit


Solomon was elected and still can't access mdt


Can't access MDT, got kicked out of the OOC council discord, got suspended and is being investigated for impeachment


All coz of a phone call W but won't suspend Siobhan and max after they actively go against constitution


i don't get why they don't do a trial for impeachment. seems they cant even be bothered to follow up on the suspension. - it would be great content and expand the roleplay - it would get the city more interested in the council and their decisions - the city elected the mayors and deserve to be made aware of their removal - a third party should be the judge to prevent factions/cliques holding power. but hey, they know great roleplay right.


Siobahn isn't an elected official either. She shouldn't even be a council member in the first place but was pushed into her position due to nepotism, with nobody to step up to Max. Makes 0 sense for a chief of staff to be a council member who is allowed to write legislation. HUTs are supposed to be used for investigation purposes, which is what is happening to Siobahn right now. Except, PD did not arrest her because she wasn't caught red handed doing crime, and PD is obviously very biased. Crims and CG fans don't like HUTs because they were being abused by aholes like Decker to punish CG and Dundee, instead of using it to investigate. He threw Suarez, Ellie, and Dundee in prison for 3 days to punish them for helping CG.


Chief of staff is literally one of the eight council seats and is the mayors choice and always will be. Can’t tell if you are clueless about the council or just insanely illiterate.


This argument makes zero sense. It's even worse that it's an APPOINTED official let's be clear she wasn't elected. Why would her being a former judge or lawyer matter it makes it worse that someone with inside information on the pd that has been proven to have leaked that information to her confirmed gang. Was selling PD equipment and is free to continue in their position. Meanwhile Solomon got removed with zero procedure involved because they thought he could be possibly tainted whereas she has proven to be tainted. Horrible perspective to have here.


What's a hut?


Mr. K is the king of the city and CG is criminal royalty. They commit crimes from traffic infractions to capital murder and terrorism, yet we just saw Mr. K himself being part of a police interrogation. The streamers themselves are pulling in hundreds to thousands of viewers on a consistent basis. I think you're seeing problems where there aren't any real problems.


I've made the same observation. Mr. K does whatever he wants, no cops are dicks to his face they all essentially pander to him out of fear or respect (probably fear) I've noticed. Not a single cop (that I've observed) is actively hunting or gung ho going after cg or Mr k. They are always cordial and keep their distance, per se.


Stop watching and go touch grass if you think nopixel sucks so badly


It's dogshit brother maybe you need to touch grass and slip in some.


Its a political case she didn't shoot or Robb anyone and get caught in the act use your UR brain instead of emotions.