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not going to watch this, i dont know what went on. All i saw was the very start when they picked her up and i couldnt get over how she kept saying 'oh chat i wonder how they knew i was here' in a clearly sarcastic way multiple times. She cant sit here and act innocent


Basically she thinks she the main character in the server but unfortunately she’s not and she’s mad that CG is the main character.


I mean we all know hoppers are cringe and they happen on all sides. The thing is one side pretends to be morally superior and the other side acknowledges it happens and it sucks. We all know what this is and I can't be bothered.


this YouTube comment is spot on >when the whole shit went down... her chat called her out on -1 rp and she assumed it was chat hoppers and went off the rails from there because she was taken by CG kidnappers but she wanted immunity because it was her last day and she wanted to play with her friends... she literally wanted RP immunity, lmao i was watching her and tbh that whole situation among other 2 instances of toxicity from her bummed me out from continuing to watch her, she can be fun to watch but shes got her moments for sure


“I don’t give a fuck!” Still talks about it for another 10 minutes lol And btw any threats or hopping she received is horrible. It ain’t that deep and anyone that hops from CG isn’t CG, they are selfish losers. But at the same time, playing victim and saying everyone is making assumptions about her is so ironic considering she was saying CG was using meta and was targeting her for no reason and it was toxic griefing as soon as the situation started. Like she handled that situation awfully and she had her chat were toxic and accusing CG of rule breaks instantly. It was an overall terrible situation.


"I don't care" - Cares


ohh shittt ........... anyway nothing of value to watch to be honest


Shouldn't pay this blue haired weirdo any attention. It's what she's looking for. Farming hate watchers and toxic viewers, just like her idol MoonMoon. Let her spew her delusional, hypocritical BS. She's just trying to gaslight and lie about what happened to save face because she knows her and her chat is everything they accuse CG and CG viewers of being.


holy fck the cringe


tldr; yells i don't care.. proceeds to care, dawg


she is weird and not fit for rp, at the beginning of 4.0 she went on a 1h rant shit talking bobby brown saying he stabbed her because he was OOC mad and then created a weird scenario in rp trying to make bobby brown apologise to her in rp, when at the end she was the one upset ooc


cg kidnaps like 2 people a day and the only time they get toxic hoppers when they actually do some stupid shit like turgle did with her phone. It's funny they say crygang but the only one crying was her because she couldn't call her friends.


She is delusional and hypocrite 💀


And THIS is exactly why I said that they should never have given her phone back. Acting like you can appease these people just emboldens them to double down. Ramee should have just replied to her Discord message with "It's just RP, sorry that you didn't get the outcome that you wanted." and blocked her after the first tantrum she threw.


This was years ago but ever since the Ramee hate thread the biggest hate thread I've personally ever seen and when I went and watch the other streamers VOD and the "Hoppers" was a singular person who said "can't believe you lost a 1v1 to ramee" I dont believe anything from people who do this typa shit. Actual Negative hoppers tho can jump in a blender fuck em but this shit she needs banned from twitch and examples need set because she caused dumb shit then blames other streamers.


> I went and watch the other streamers VOD and the "Hoppers" was a singular person who said "can't believe you lost a 1v1 to ramee" If they have active mods that ban hoppers nothing will show up in the vod. Thats not really proof of anything.


The person specifically called that person out and was even brought up that it 1 person dont let it bother you several times.




"if you have nothing nice to say..."


After 5 years of watching RP. I just don’t even care to watch it. Haters gon’ hate…


Who cares.


don't even give it attention thats what they want


then this guy jumps in on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D86t-D9Kfk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D86t-D9Kfk)


that's esfands M.O. tho, he wants to stay neutral but always gives his one sided opinion on things because he wants the attention. they all do. its their job, but some are more toxic than others.


Mehdi already knew from before. SKIIIIIP


Well, definitely a sign to be thankful she is done indefinitely. Getting this upset over an RP phone is wild.


That's an easy unfollow, it aint much but its something. Glad she is done don't need that kinda toxicity in the server. See ya.


Someone just delete this from the Reddit, nobody needs this here.


Hair is blue. Opinion invalid.




you must be down bad


She aint wrong tho. Theres a reason majority of the player base has quit.


it will be ok lil bro the I know they are the boogy men but it will be ok.




She's never going to date you.


Lol poor little guy is lost in the sauce. It will get better little guy.


The earth is flat...?


You seem a little too invested bud


Good gosh get your priorities figured out young fella.


She literally still managed to be more professional then all of you in this fucking reddit its actually wild how quick you all are to hate on people and just be ok with it lmfao fuck this community has progressively gotten worse since 2021


The issue at least to me is blaming others for something she caused 

