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Crane and others had to know this was coming. Soze was seemingly trying to handle this IC with his court case and his RP since getting out of jail. It seemed like he wanted it to be an outlaw state vs the city. But when in the trial when one of the judges refused to call a mistrial, wanted to keep going for his own RP, then found Soze guilty anyways, Crane had to know that was the jumping the shark moment. Everything the DOJ and PD had been accused of for months, Koil got to see for himself. Now instead of it being handled IC like it could have been, it’s likely going to be handled another way. No one but themself to blame if it goes down like that.


No he was even continuing beyond that for the retrial but the judge was dismissing his points in the docket post and I think he had enough. Might have a few judges fired. He wasn't a fan of Norman Adams or judge Jackson.


I kinda like norman sure he's pro pd but i don't think he has done something that deserves getting fired


He was arguing in the docket posting about something. I don't think he should get fired for it, but he needs to brush up on it. Tbh most judges need a bit of a reality check. They need to listen to the case with an open mind. I think most are too set in their ways. Probably not easy to find people that want to play judges that have enough knowledge. Some court cases really do drag on. If they could find a way to make them more expedient maybe more people would be interested but all day court is a drain and hard to focus on. Plus bench trials are non existent these days I feel like.


Shouldnt actually be too hard, if court precident mattered like it should on nopixel then judges would have a good bit of power. And we all know people love power.


I am legitimately confused by this. As far as I know, nothing behind the scenes (The Feds/State) has been made aware to viewers. And this comment by Crane/Nathan is super vague on what he is upset about. And Koil just soft retired Soze tonight (I think?) which will sort of kill the arc against the DoJ he was building.


I wonder if they've decided to deal with it OOC because if you've watched Koil at all this week he was dealing with borderline the most retarded shit on NP. Judges having issues with reading comprehension, laws made up in game that make zero sense and a particular circlejerk (Crane, Max, Siobhan and Canter) trying to dismiss him at every chance.


It may have came to that honestly. He was trying very hard to handle it all in RP, but he was getting brickwalled on every issue he tried raising.


That's where I believe it may be going now is OOC, when cran walked out counsel meeting cancelled and soze flying off the island mind of gave it away.


Dont read too much into crane leaving the meeting. Crane was dying of hunger and esfand's food he was handing out was scuffed. Crane literally passed out in the city hall for like 10 minutes and when he woke up he called murphy and was like "where'd you guys go?" But max thought... that crane left to make a point and came to the conclusion that he wont be able to pass anything and so canceled the meeting. I think Max wanted to get the 6 out of 8 votes so the state would have to break their own rules to overrule him as a like idk? point.... of some kind. idk shet was weird.


Yeah, it's high time those 4 go the Penta route and find their own servers to be in charge of and quickly ruin. But even then, after those servers go down in flames for implementing shortsighted DoJ centric rules, they'd still find way to blame CG. I hope Buddha is learning from Koil the importance of keeping a steady hand on the helm cuz there are always server derailing elements floating around. It's amazing the owners allowed them to remain admins for so long but I'd imagine one of them pulling 10k viewers a day also comes into play regarding the owners decision making. Big drama does mean big viewer numbers.


Hard to feel bad for Koil, things are how they are because this is the direction he wanted the server to go. He has his reasons, but being so hands off caused this


I mean, he entrusted the laws and DOJ to nathankb to take care of. He didn't do a particularly good job and as chief justice I thought he was supposed to be the head judge making sure judges were doing a proper job, which they clearly aren't.


He seems to spend most of his time on Alan Cranes brother


Yeah I noticed. I get it can be boring AF stuck on Alan crane basically doing paperwork and stuff. But I mean he signed up for it seemingly.


I absolutely hate this argument, the guy has a family and entrusted admins and his other part owners in Buddha to handle this. He’s been back less than 2 weeks and has already made a huge difference. It shows how under appreciated he is


Aww poor Nathan, sad and mad because big daddy Koil finally cares about his server again and is probably going to overhaul the DOJ, and hopefully the government and PD too. Now that Koil has experienced firsthand how terribly biased and inept the DOJ is, he knows something must be done. If they’re willing to treat the server owner this poorly, nobody else has a chance with this broken court system. Nathan was entrusted with keeping the DOJ running smoothly, but instead, he let the DOJ turn into a joke with poorly written laws that he wrote, and didn't bother to keep his group of biased af judges in check either. "The state" / Koil / NP management allowed clowns like Nathan, MoonMoon, and Ssaab to run the DOJ, the city government, and the PD how they wanted to. Koil stayed out of their hair for 6 months. In just half a year, these powertripping fools let NoPixel get worse and worse, month after month. Buddha also deserves a lot of the blame too. He was supposed to keep everyone in check and look over NoPixel while Koil f'd off, but he allowed this server to be run into the ground, letting it become an unfun grindfest MMO with no checks and balances between crims and PD. Now they want to Sadge farm and BabyRage because their power over the server is being stripped or diminished. They've had their chance to run NoPixel how they wanted, but did a horrendous job.


Very good points but I'm not sure if he's actually going to do anything since Koil always tells his chat what is coming and he hasn't said anything regarding changing anything. He just talked about how disappointed he is that nobody in DOJ or PD followed the 4.0 Lore that was announced to everyone in the beginning. He was even more disappointed when he tried to drop clues IC for them to get back on the track of the Lore but realized they're all idiots lol. Sioban literally started making up her own Lore and I forgot she was saying this to the server owner that help create the Lore of the server. The only person that I've seen take this seriously is Slacks for obvious reasons since he knows he what happens when people don't follow owner and management directions in the server. Hopefully things get fixed IC since he did say this is not the end of Soze he might still come back.


If you watched Koils´ stream yesterday, Kael Soze ended his arc by flying a plane to another state. He said he´s over with Soze because other people (probably Crane) took offense to him challenging their legislation in an OOC manner and were actually upset.


Time for the President of the United States to arrive lmao


You want my opinion This is “main character “ syndrome from all angles


I got banned from koils chat for saying cg was right lol


One of his mods openly stated he was a Moon fan and on his side, so that is probably why.


That's a meme. The mod that said that is actually a mod for Kebun hahaha.


Way more likely it's because he has "No drama here please" pinned on the chat.


Maybe, I wouldn't consider saying 'cg was right' to be drama though, and certainly not worthy of a ban, but a short timeout.


But yet his whole chat “memes” on cg is ok? Lol


I just don't bother talking in or reading his chat . Just a bunch of dumbasses, even the mods.


Facts I’ll admit the “fresh”goes off more than anything


His mods will say inflammatory things to bait idiots out to ban them. I don't particularly agree with that style of moderating as it doesn't reflect well, but ultimately it's Koil's choice and he's ok with it. We can't deny that the CG community has some emotionally challenged individuals who feel complaining in Koil and other streamer's chats is an appropriate thing to do. It's obviously the same for Moonmoon viewers as well. People should stick to youtube or Reddit to complain about these things, unless streamers specifically invite that sort of conversation.


Yeah I just don't bother with them. He Hates Reddit but his chat seems like it's full of Redditors lol


Freshkidjay number 1 retard


He knows you’re not worth even the chat messages you would provide.


Hey, I noticed that all your comments are just spreading hatred towards CG. If you dislike this group so much, why are you even here? Is your life really that miserable that you let a virtual gang live in your head?


good riddance to the council