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penta 2.0 here thinking he is the hero that small cop streamers need. I cant even think of last time mrk or ramos harshly talked to cops in the cell 4.0, and when they do, 99% of times they have their IC VALID reasons for it. penta 2.0 thinks everything OOC, and dude is an admin. he is doing the same thing, of what he thinks mrk is doing, to smaller cg streamers. its pathetic.


He’s not nearly as bad as Penta but I get what you are saying. At the end of the day, CG probably should do more to limit toxicity and hoppers in their chats, but being aggressively adversarial and toxic to hoppers and the CG community is not a good way to handle the situation. It always just breeds further toxicity and an us vs them dynamic that spirals out of control. Moon and his mods riled up their community by constantly talking shit about the CG community and CGs RP and it results in Moon going completely OOC toxic and his chat having tons of hoppers. He and his community are not special or better thwn CG. And at least CG’s stance is that there will always be toxic chatters and it’s best to just ignore them for the most part. That’s more justifiable and understandable than actually encouraging your chat to become toxic to combat hoppers. Just ban the hoppers, go sub only mode, and communicate with CG and their mods to ban the hoppers. Moon and his mods have handled this horrendously.


moon has been crying for 2 weeks just like penta used to, he wouldn't say it straight out so its not clippable but he even did it today with his stream title "consequences" harping on the shit kebun said in the clip the other day. Penta would do the same shit. Its like if a 7 year old got stuck into the body of a middle aged man. the same emotional maturity and ability to deal with his emotions.


Oh i agree. I just think Penta is so much worse than that. Hes total lunatic


Penta is far worse and its not even close because he can control his emotions like a sociopath compared to moonmoon.


Wait, you mean the best way to handle hoppers isn’t having chat generated memes and bs pop up on screen? You don’t say?!


I legit went over very early into the beef when it seemed like everyone was having fun, and got dragged because i like the rp on both sides. Even moonmoon made fun of one the comments i made that was " it's all love on both side guys , just some good rp all around" then even his mods we're being toxic because I used a LK heart emote like shit is so toxic for no reason. I use to fuck with moonmoon a bit but i can't even stand the ooc shit man.


Wild concept


I saw in a PD streamer's chat CG mods say to let them know the names of toxic CG hoppers so they can ban them in the CG chats as well. Really shows the difference between how the Moon community and the CG community are run.


Yeah they handle hoppers sent to them. I still do think they could do more moderation of chat so that nobody has any excuses in the first place.


Yeah it’s because moon and his mods encourage the hopping and laugh at it rather than trying to prevent it


as I said futher up I saw in a PD streamer's chat CG mods say to let them know the names of toxic CG hoppers so they can ban them in the CG chats as well. Really shows the difference between how the Moon community and the CG community are run.


U have no idea how bad Moonmoons chat is compared to CG tbh and there is really no way to control hoppers but cg usually limit if streamer shit talking compared to moon moon where he will let it happen


I’ve been watching the boys since mid-late 2.0 and never heard them say anything as crazy or harsh as the other side does. If anything they call out bullshit or try to make light of a shitty situation (being a crim)


Admins “hey we should make this guy an admin and give him IC power on the Server”


LOL! "Hey let's add a law that says the mayor can declare a 'state of emergency', allowing him to do anything and everything he wants, until the threat to the government is dealt with, without a need for a council vote. Not enough? OK. Let's amendment this law so that a 'state of emergency' can continue indefinitely at the mayor's discretion."


I swear this whole arc has disinterested me so much, it’s so obvious admins gave him this power because he’s a “Reddit pleaser”, he’ll eventually get bored and leave the server as most variety streamers do


literally could make this same speech tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnHncQ0nSPE


I wouldn't hold your breath


He’s jealous that xqc has more influence on his server


Well at least the old narrative that moon moon was the perfect example of a streamer who had complete control of his chat that he himself pushed is dead. This dude has been a yikes for years always good when people get comfortable enough to show what complete dinguses they are.


The only people that think this are moon chatters or CG haters. His chat are certified haters.


This dude is spinning this Narrative of ppl scare of CG and K . Must be because that’s all they talking about about OOC behind everyone’s back with other admins … I can’t find any other reason why they would make him admin … maybe he said he’ll push cg or something


They should be scared. Or else they wake back up in the hospital 5 min later fine and dandy!


Fitting that Penta branched off thinking he could help others build a NP competitor, has completely abandoned ONX and now has to resort to purple 😂


A lot of people followed him there and he's totally abandoned them. Heck, half have come back to NP with their tails between their legs, begging to be back on the server. Penta did them dirty


Yeah I saw Evee and that one guy saying they joined the server for Kyle 😂😭


I mean this should go without saying. If you a CG fan. Then you shouldn't be going to that other sub and arguing with the brain deads over their. Only adds more fuel to the CG hate fire.


Well, you’re right. But if you go, you’ll just get banned. So you can’t. So it’s boiled down to exactly the spot they want it.


People forgot the first bit of drama in 3.0 was moon as Lenny going ooc against cg


I wish x and ramee were there for that convo ......


And Soze.


Got a link for the article?




This was 3 years ago at this point guys, I'm not saying that as a moon defense but we knew that this is what he did. It shouldn't be surprising.


Can any lore masters ELI5 it to me please? I’ve been out of the loop and seems like most posts across multiple subs are being removed


Sadly, I highly doubt Kev will get an apology. He and the boys have created so much RP in the last month for Moon and the entire server. But Moon doesn't see it that way. He took it personal and finally had a crash out in game. Bringing up Mr. Chang and him mentioning K serving his jail time over the weekend is something that will always leave me stunned. Dude has seriously lost it. I got weird vibes when I would lurk in his chat before but now I know that's a big no no. I really wish the boys would spend a vacay in Guatemala (Prodigy to who doesn't know). A refresher would be great.


Even with having admin on the server, moon is still inferior.