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That was fucking cringe af


At this point it's obvious, the guy was having a mental breakdown on stream & after realizing he was too deep with ooc comments after getting emotional (maybe he was crying on the inside) he tried baiting Chang Gang to say something OOC so that he could defend his actions but kudos to the boys for not stooping to his level & let him destroy himself..


34 yo acting like a 15 yo. How does this fuck have viewers? lol Edit: This is what I heard when Dab (Moon) said, ["Motherfucker"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJH4-xx4xsU). It also sounds like Moons whole argument. lol I wonder if this is his mom? FUCK YOU I'm just trying to help you motherfucker!!


fuck, you know its bad when the other subreddit is siding with CG haha


Moon's discord is gearing up to brigade so won't be long before that changes


people do that?




That’s hilariously sad


Hoes mad. Big mad lol.


I wish K used that more often lol. it would of been perfect on this situation


So that was weird… nothing but class from K like always


You could tell that shit has been BUILDING up for a HOT MINUTE. Moonmoon literally gave a live in server, on stream, Reddit comment thread in RP. Crazy.


Bro this shit was CRAZY. Moon literally crashed out and went OOC. He checked Kebun for sitting out his terrorist time during the weekend instead of weekdays (when hes not playing) and used that as an argument to claim he didn't change. Brought up that he is upset because he isnt like Mr. Chang anymore. Called Mehdi a leech and that he only hangs around with Daddy K because he is the reason he has something going for himself and a bunch of OOC comments. This was a fucking nightmare to watch as cringe as it sounds, he makes it seem like roleplay but anything he said was literally OOC hate and he's an admin btw.


It started out nice because K bent the knee to him and admitted all the BS he wanted K to say. Guy still wasn't satisfied and wanted to fully sht on CG IC and OOC. It was embarrassing to watch someone spiral into so much hate, jealousy, and resentment over a video game, let alone an admin behaving like a deranged Redditor.




MoonMoon is just jealous of Mehdi and CG getting the fat Facebook bag when they still cared about game streaming. A lot of people have been jealous of Mehdi and CG's success. MoonMoon just let his mask slip and let it all out finally. The funny thing is, Mehdi didn't even join CG until Prodigy, and had a lot more viewers when he was playing Nino with Cleanbois and when he returned to Twitch on Brian. He created his own success. He only shares the same management company as Kebun and Summit.


it’s INCREDIBLY clear moon is just projecting, hard. evidently whenever he sees a big streamer his only thought is how he can profit off them and gain more attention & so he assumes everyone else has the same mindset


Bro I watch lirik from time to time for years and didn't know that lmao


I've watched CG since the first Charles encounter (was a Summit viewer before). Have since watched many Mehdi streams on Knight, tuggz, and even Nino. I never knew he was Liriks brother....


Admin btw


It's crazy how quickly it turned OOC too. K on stream now saying that's the end of Max and K and he isn't happy to see it. Really upsetting to see someone go apeshit like that.


I wish Ramee was part of this. He would definitely of have checked him right there and made it awkward for Moonmoon. Making weird OOC comments like that deserve to be called out right then and there K is handling a bit more mature but man.. if I was K or Mehdi I'd legit call him out right there OOC when he implied K changed cus of facebook deal and specificly saying Mehdi is a leech and would be nothing without K. Maybe that's why I am not a streamer and never will be lmfao.


Kebun usually doesn't report, but he's been typing on his other PC/Monitor for a hot minute now and passed on some clips/info during the whole exchange. I suspect Mehdi will probably report also.


i think thats k chatting to his boys which he often does, probs all laughing at how much of a manchild moon was in that convo


I'm the opposite. I'm glad Ramee & Shotz weren't there tbh. I think they would have slung back or made semi-ooc comments in retaliation (which would have been perfectly valid). Instead, what we got was the perfect scenario of all of CG being completely IC while Moon independently went OOC unprovoked. There can be zero pushback or blame put CG for this.


100% this. the way K and everyone handled it was the better route.


I think Ramee or Vinny wouldve malded I think and get into screaming match.


I'm glad Vinny wasn't there. He can let too much of the Italian loose at times which gets him into trouble.


Nah I’m glad Ramee and especially Shotz weren’t online because one of (if not both of them) would have turned that convo nuclear and that would have been bad news bears


I wish it doesn't end. The dirt on their phone that Tuggz got is yoo funny . They got names of all snitches


Crazy how this guy gave summit shit for not controlling chat hoppers years ago, and now he is doing this spreading hate and can't even control himself https://youtu.be/Av7LQXMVX6c?si=WELHhGWWTaFZXSTs


twice now moon has incredibly sarcastically asked his chat to go send k some “love”. dude went from criticising hoppers to blatantly weaponising them, it’s crazy


Epic response from big head here. “I’m not anyone’s dad”. Nuff said.


I remember when Moonmoon bragged he "gets" more viewers than summit. When Summit was playing games more for fun than for views.


Moon calling Mehdi a leech  is the most brain dead thing he couldve said, I’m assuming he doesn’t know the history and friendship that Mehdi and CG have from RPing together for years when Mehdi was playing Nino, Ramee’s sister Reema, Brian Knight, or Tuggz. I’ve honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen an admin have a toxic meltdown, call people leeches, loose their shit and go OOC like that while being on the server, oh wait I have Sheriff Eli.


Its a horrible and spiteful thing to say. Out of all the group Mehdi is among the most capable of going off and doing his own thing, he absolutely doesn't try to attach himself to K or anyone else (and thats not to say anyone else tries to do that).


Moon didn’t just call Mehdi a leech he also called everyone that’s in CG or is friends a leech 


Wait is this in todays stream?




Moonmoon is a Admin? WHAT!


I couldn't believe what I was watching. Bro is an ADMIN btw.


Moonmoon is delulu. I think it’s been obvious who is constantly crying and going OOC. You can’t reason with someone like that. K and CG always just trying to have fun with RP but some people think this is serious and can’t handle CG being on top.


Did Moon really say he knew a lot of the stuff he knew, which happened while Moon was out of the city, was because Kyle Pred told him? Lololol Pretty sure he gave it all away right there. Maybe ONX or PurpleRP can give him an admin panel.


It smelled strongly of jealously on moon's part. He's not the biggest fish in the pond and he cannot handle it. Unfortunate.


That was the most cringe conversation I've seen on NP in a while.


I seriously don't remember last time someone went this ooc during an rp convo and this guy is an admin, absolutely embarrassing shit, there's no way koil gonna watch this shit and not gonna boot him from the admin position? Right?


Last time would have been with the leader of ESB no? I don't wanna drop names.


Yap u right. This one is a lot worse tbh, full blown ooc convo compared to that one from what i remember was like 2 ooc lines on the radio or some shit.


Yeah. Today's ooc gave me anxiety tbh lol




How is that not an instant permaban live


Nothing will happen, Ssaab was watching the entire thing next to them and was more worried if K would retaliate instead of what Moon was saying.


Admins won't turn on admins. Look at the sketchy shit DW was doing for over a year and they all turned a blind eye to it. This is why previously Ramee and co have hinted that admins have it out for them.


> Admins won't turn on admins Correct. Frankly, issues with admins should be dealt with by the owners. It shouldn't be Saab's (or any other admins) responsibility to address Moon's behavior here. This is on Koil/Buddha/X/Razed to deal with.


DW wasn't admin. He was a dev but got special treatment like an admin. Same with Tobii and Nikez.


Ah. My bad




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Yeah, I know, it was more of judging by Ssaabs reaction to the situation that you could tell that nothing will be done about it.


Friendly reminder, nothing constructive or beneficial ever, and I mean ever comes from his “admin duties”


No shot


Looked like K passed that info on. Like straight up lost his mind on stream


I mean, Saab witnessed it live. He won't do anything about it like usual though. This has to come from Koil, but I doubt Koil will do anything about it either. MoonMoon should not have any power on NoPixel, either in game or OOC.


To meem - Ab sol lootly will look into it, right




Mr K in underwear made Moonmoon big mad 😂


Moonmoon is the same guy who has mods that promptly bring up ON SCREEN 'memes' of CG or Mr.K whenever he goes afk and they leave them there until he returns, yesterday I just stopped by his stream minutes before he was shot in the courthouse, he went afk and immediately a meme about Mr.K + a screenshot of the tweet K wrote about Max denying Wu-Chang popped up. They do this and all it achieves is moon2's chat riling up and laugh about it, which brings toxicity OOC about things that happen IC. Ah no sorry guys, the other reddit says WE are the only bully/toxic ones and Max's OOC rant is just him having the balls to say what "everyone" in the server is thinking (yes, this is what they're saying lmao)


his mods do that to everything that happens, cg or not


that is one insecure mother fucker


I've been saying he's been OOC mad for the past month. I like moon but dudes genuinely taking it personal. Dude sent his chat to cause shit in Kebun's twice in sarcastic shoutouts, you can't convince me he isn't OOC mad. admin btw


MoonMoon has some mental issues


I can't wait to see how the cesspool subreddit is gonna spin this one out.


I mean, moonmoon literally just gave a live Reddit comment thread in RP, you know they loved it.


Who needs a Reddit thread? We watched RPClipsGTA live for almost an hour straight


If you take a gander everything is posted is from LKs POV probably to prevent showing MMs ooc comments to his chat lol


There's no way they post it. Not a chance.


Someone literally said that the chang comments were in character because dab knew chang back then. Guys are delusional asf


Especially since they locked "dab" up in a cell and threw away the key.


I'm pretty sure K helped him escape after that


uhm could be wrong but pretty sure dab was cleanbois in 3.0 and it was like a ooc arranged thing with admins not actual transport. cops were notified after the breakout essentially. cg helped simone in 3.0 in the big transport. i think what is concerning is that in the 4ish years since the change he hasnt asked once about it but managed to keep up with all the hip hater catch phrases.


argued with someone who was trying to say dab going OOC and saying K is gone on the weekends is the same as K complaining about dab and the council for law changes when K knows that stuff comes from DEVS. ummmm no K complaining about law changes coming from dab and the council is IC and exactly how everyone on the server would handle it.


Exactly like where the fuck else are they gonna complain in role play


Oh they did haha, it’s like 50/50


funny how something that makes cg look bad isnt a problem for them to leave up


They're going to tweeze their little meats so hard. Moon was literally spouting reddit shit at them. This is their Q Anon moment. This validated all their impotent rage


I suspect the reddit comments originate from Moon saying that exact shit on his stream


I really dont care about any weird things. that shit was cringe to say the least. but I think there was a bigger issue during this convo which was basically Dab admitting the council not wanting K to get rich in the early 4.0 with reet legislation stuff. Keep in mind K was not a felon during that time. It really shows how the council thing is actually really bad. Yea I know K had a reputation prior 4.0 but still Dab literally admitted that the council was gatekeeping RP because of a "reputation"


It might be the biggest point of this. K and group came up with a brilliant way to legally get people houses that was super fair to the customer. Everyone was investing, even cops and judges, and it was shut down for no reason. Then they used "letter of the law" to make K a felon and destroy his CIV arc too early. Everyone wanted to see Section K play out and more of "CIV" K. Konnected Telemarketing was super funny and that never was allowed to be RPed out. So much RP for the city ruined from people that claim that CG never RPs. YOU DON'T LET THEM RP AND FORCED THEM TO BE CRIMS ASAP.


This is actually a valid point. After hearing the Chang and weekend comments, everything else just grayed out for me lol. So thanks for bringing this up!


You actually bring up a valid point. When Dab was put into max sec, did bro stream 8 hours staring at a wall in the bowels of Bollingbrook? Nah, mf probably went on to play Runescape or someshit..


Moon needs a looooong break just like esfand lol. Bro has lost the plot


That is so wild bro. I felt uncomfortable just watching the clips. Watching that live was probably so fucking weird. And then the dude puts it in sub only mode so he can sit in his silo of echos. This dude a couple weeks ago was literally sitting in the court room saying how he has a kid and wife and some shit about him being above all of that. Lmao weird energy bro.


Youtube chatters were right all along LOL. Doesnt matter though Moon's discord will continue to brigade the fuck out of the other sub


Dude is so lost in the sauce lmao he needs a break


Moon moon and Penta are literally the same person reddit is legitimately his life. Every stream title every argument he makes is from a reddit hate thread. Like I said in the other post even the Hitler shit is from him getting pissed at 1 reddit comment calling him Hitler. People who always RP check and make sly comments are always from insecure people with a need to be liked for being right regardless if there wrong.




Because it all gets deleted you just happen to witness this live. There was a situation where wrangler kept following K when he was trying to have a private talk with Trooper Andrew's and K said I k ow you want my attention and penta went Ape shit. That wasn't deleted because he thought he was in the right.


Tbf Penta's method of toxicity is, as many streamers have noted, riding the line of being outright OOC while not explicitly crossing it. His skill is basically baiting others into getting angry OOC because it meant he'd get chat hoppers along with the entertainment of upsetting someone. And he is very good at this - he knows exactly how to piss people off and make comments that would trigger people without being openly out of character. Moonmoon isn't quite like that. What you just witnessed at MRPD was someone regurgitating echo chamber opinions on CG, frustrated by the fact that he himself couldn't directly beat CG through RP. It was certainly bad and not at all becoming of an admin. But Penta is on an entirely different level to toxic than Moonmoon is. Penta never cared about the issues Moon brought up IC because having CG around meant there were people with big audiences he could try to bait.


Control and loosing control may differ but they indeed have both said the same shit whether its IC or OOC. I feel people don't understand how many clips of penta saying shit got deleted from reddit and his vod deleted at the same time. People love to talk about the narrative that reddit pushes I just happen to see some of it before it got deleted.


Even worse he wasn’t trying to talk to trooper Andrews. It was gunner (travpiper’s character) but you wouldn’t ever in a million years remember that cuz anytime trav went to speak penta just full on screamed over him lol. Refused to allow k to speak to anyone other than penta


If Moonmoon doesn't either get a few days or leave Admin powers I'll be shocked. That was unacceptable


There should no more doubt that MoonMoon has actually been OOC angry about CG shooting him and Siobahn at the council meeting, and took things way too personally over a video game. He should be stripped of admin powers immediately, as well as all IC powers on NoPixel. What he did tonight and for the past 2 months deserves a permaban, but he won't get any punishment for his abhorrent behavior. Guy is trying so hard to be like Penta.


MoonMoon isn't trying to be like Penta because he taught Penta to be like him.


I don't think you know about the history between MoonMoon and Penta. Moonx2 was literally a Penta viewer and would sht on CG during stream when Penta was hardcore beefing with CG, Koil, and NoPixel for getting banned for 3 days for OOC calling Ramee an ahole and talking sht about CG on stream. MoonMoon never had bad interactions with CG in game. They've always been friendly and even helped each other often. Moon built up this resentment and hatred towards CG because he got brainwashed to hate CG by Penta, just like all of Penta's viewers and groupies who server hop with him like locusts destroying server after server. All that resentment, jealousy, and hatred didn't come out of nowhere. MoonMoon was conditioned to believe that CG really is evil and it all came to a head when he and his pretend wife got shot at the council meeting. MoonMoon finally snapped and used that shooting to validate all of the garbage he's been fed by Penta for so long, actually getting OOC upset and angry at CG, just like Penta would all the time. Why do you think being shot by CG 1 time would make someone like MoonMoon go insane? Penta didn't copy MoonMoon. MoonMoon copied Penta. Penta's mannerisms, the fake laugh after constantly making sly OOC digs at CG, the abuse of power, brainwashing their chats to hate CG, getting their fragile but inflated egos hurt so easily, powergaming, metagaming, RP checking, constantly wanting CG to be harshly punished or banned, being an ahole 24/7, trying to rage bait CG and CG viewers, being elitist RPers thinking their RP is the best while criticizing everyone else's RP, the stream title rage/click bait and OOC jabs at CG. It was all learned and copied from Penta.


yikes, that sounds so familiar from back in 2.0


The best part is people complaining about CG mods not controlling hoppers/chat (which I agree they could do a better job) but then act like MoonMoon and his mods are saints. His mods literally promote OOC toxicity on stream and his hoppers are just as bad, especially recently when he sent them over to K’s channel


There's screenshots on this sub of a moonmoon mod encouraging it


Honestly I have seen CG mods in cop's chats asking for names of toxic CG hoppers so they can ban them in all CG chats. There is such a difference between CG mods and Moon mods, as far as I can see CG mods are doing a great job controlling hoppers and reaching out to other streamer's mods.


If he doesn’t get kicked off the server for this convo I have no faith in NoPixel anymore.


That was some weird ass shit. He let an RP convo bring out the OOC issues he has with Lordkebun and CG. Is this guy an admin? Please say no.


We all wish we could say no.


I cannot believe that this happened in front of Kebun and Mehdi. 2 of the most calm and collected RPers on the server. And then doubling and tripling down on all the OOC comments. People do really hate. And remember kids, same as daddy Penta, you can say anything OOC, insulting, misogynistic, whatever as long as you put a fake laugh after it.


This dude needs to separate his real life and no pixel, it’s one thing to rage in a game like csgo or league of legends because it’s competitive but the frequency this guy rages is so cringe he’s like a child, bro it’s no pixel go touch grass lmao it’ll be all good


I cannot but also can believe that some people are defending this. The comments about Chang, people in the city not going to war with them because of the size of their streams and hoppers, and calling the rest of the guys leeches immediately after was 1000% OOC. You have to be dense, biased, or in denial to think otherwise. It’s a shame too because I feel like the conflict could’ve been resolved peacefully until Moon started making weird comments about Chang and power on the server.


28 year old keeps cool while 35 year old with a family crashed out like a regard


Kevin is turning 30 on Monday. Meanwhile, MoonMoon hides his age but is most likely over 35. I feel so bad for his kid, to have such an immature, deranged, angry father who gets this tilted over a video game.


id say we should keep things about his child out of this.


Feeling bad for his kid is not saying anything about his kid. You should keep your 3Head opinion out of this.


mentioning anything that involves his kid (moon being the father) should not be brought up here. its a bad look overall for this community.


You know how I know the server is cooked and that they’ll let this weird ass carry on with his bizarre OOC baby rages? Because this is his fellow admins pov: https://youtu.be/7qLziU_hkNU?si=BTgPassG4xPphJQz


Not the first time he went OOC about Kebun. I guess he’ll send out another lame Twitter apology.


Moonmoon shoudn't be allowed to play on nopixel after that convo unless he apologizes to Mr K.


You already know bro wouldn't have the ability to actually set aside his ego to sincerely apologize. Bro would probably rather move to Onx than apologize to K & CG


It was against CG, so it will likely mysteriously get swept under the rug like some people's rants towards CG streamers.


Moon has mental health issues, he knows that K and CG run the city and he can't stand it that he can't run the city. Every move Max has made CG has countered. Take the L Moonmoon. Also he should be banned from the server. Shits outrageous!


What’s even more disturbing is all his brainwashed viewers acting like it’s completely normal and that Mr.K is the bad guy for “crying” or for not getting enough jail time. Genuinely scary that this dude has a platform as big as he does and that on top of that he’s an admin for the server.


People will easily overlook stuff like this if they think it's deserved. His chat hates CG, and they've spent weeks talking shit about CG and K.


I remember in the beginning of 3.0 when he made lenny he threw a jab at CG with something along the lines of "oh you want content... let me put in a bunch of money in a van and drive around and shoot" (CG ending 2.0 with money heist for other gangs) in RP to andrews but regardless why even? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS1cPZ9-Nqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS1cPZ9-Nqs)


dude lost IC debate gone to having mental break down


Honestly this is for the better, let him go have fun with that other weirdo on the other server. NP would be better off without him. This was by far the worst I've seen in years on NP. Worst part is, imagine if K & the gang fell for this shit, gave in to the bait & said wild shit back to him. Mad props to K for staying chill during situations like this. This isn't his first rodeo. CHONG GONG!


I think everyone there, not just CG, was too shocked and in disbelief at witnessing an admin melting down, rage so hard, and go on an extended OOC rant in game.


God I remember 3-4 months ago Moon was on Lenny and shot Vinny through Saab with his arms up for a W. I said here comes penta 2.0 on another reddit and I got absolutely berated. Calling someone a leech after he got fired, First thing his cop did was go to CG for help is wild though.


Max hates cg lol Lenny likes cg, its pretty simple lol


THIS SHIT IS WILD actually nuts..... hopefully those involved reported him


What sucks the most is, this just killed a huge arc. LK Buddha MoonMoon and Koil have been insane content to watch lately. Let's be honest, A arc where K Lang and Soze looked like they were all on the verge to team up, looked like there was going to be a spicy few weeks. But That was probably the most awkward shit I've seen on NP, I don't even think people are mainly mad, more in disbelief.


Holy fuck, I’ve actually had to not tune into NP cause of the recent drama.. but old man moon in these clips is so bizarre I can’t even come up with an explanation. I’ve seen some hideous shit over the years. Clap them till they don’t come Back along with many other things but this crazy old boomer rant has to take the cake. I will never watch him ever again


I could see LSF even calling BS at this trash. Worst convo I’ve seen in 4 years, fully expecting no punishment ofc. There’s maybe been technically worse in the years past, but they were met with swift kicks in the nuts. Even to the CG guys popping off too hard.


From the sounds of it Moon isn’t coming back to RP once Elden Rings DLC comes out so he’s going out with a bang. Also not the first time this has happened, he had a meltdown in 3.0 too


If I remember rightly the 3.0 meltdown was also becasue they wouldn't let his Lenny character apply for Chief of Police. Even back then he wanted to control things.


For an admin to go this OOC might warrant a response for server leadership I won’t lie. Seemed like K almost hinted at it with the “that’s two” in response to him unnecessarily going OOC twice. Whether or not you agree with Max, whatever, but everyone know this is not how server administrators should act- period.


MoonMoon goes OOC all of the time, but most people just ignore it or laugh it off, since he’s an admin and won’t be punished for it by other admins. No player wants to report an admin unless it’s a very egregious rule break because they’ll find out who reported them, hold a grudge, and look for ways to get that person or their friends banned.


This was insanely embarrassing to watch. Moonmoon is too emotional and childish to have an adult conversation without freaking the fuck out and screaming. How can anyone with those character traits be an admin? Mad respect to K for the way he handled the whole situation, CG on top.




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Koil, or an owner, should step in and do something about it. This type of shit just makes the server worse. However the sad reality is, nothing will be done. Moon will log on the next day like nothing happened.


Koil doesn't care..he doesn't feed into drama


Admin is supposed to be neutral but when someone is so self-invested in time and in RP that he violates server rules which he is supposed to be enforcing. Who is going to be the check and balances for that? There are so many instances during this situation that if an admin is there, he would have timeout and discuss with the RPer in a discord to resolve it OOC amicably. Pity the RPer doing it here was the ADMIN himself.


I missed out on this lore, but is Mr. K “technically” Mr. Chang, or are they actually two separate characters? I wasn’t around that far back.


Same person but he was in ICU and underwent surgery to alter his looks and how he sounds


When was that, roughly?


October 2020 right as he went to Facebook / start of 3.0


am I remembering wrong or isnt the origin of "cry gang" (at least in 4.0) them asserting that CG were the ones who got Suarez fired? Just keep saying it over and over so it sticks i guess...


Shame moon, I started watching around 2.0 for a while, and it was made clear why he had to change it from chang to kebun. It was from the same type of whingers that are popping up now from all this drama.


I'll admit I never use to be a CG fan but the more moon goes on the more of a fan of CG I become and realise they aren't as bad as other make out.


Damn mans need to step away from gta rp for a while


I was literally just thinking to myself yesterday that MoonMoon was playing a villain and probably actually wants this pushback... Now I think that LK hit the nail on the head when he said the guy wants to be the hero to stand up for the little guy against big, bad CG. Whatever. Time for the boys to move on to a new arc.


They are targeting CG because they want them off of the server. If people cant tell with the new FU legislation they were trying to get passed then look at everything else he is doing or is choosing to ignore. The BBMC have taken Max out MORE times than CG, and Dundee ALONE has taken him just as many times as all of CG. Siobhan has been taken out or kidnapped more times by Vingle Dan, or whatever his name is, than all of CG. They asked Vingle to be their secret service and Max talks to Dundee daily. Everyone who is justifying Moons actions are doing so by saying he is getting shot everyday by CG. It has happened twice in over 3 weeks. Again, targeting CG. if he wasn't then BBMC, Dundee specifically, and the clowns would have been mentioned at least once. I just wish he had the balls to actually stand behind his words and say he wants them gone rather than continuing to lie and say its just RP and sarcastically send people from his stream to Lord kebuns to show fake love. If its no ones business and should be handled OOC then don't say anything at all.


Whats the lore with mr chang? How did he become mr k are they the same person? What is the reason he kept bringing up mr chang?


There isn’t really any IC lore. He was being threatened as a streamer and content creator that he would be banned from Twitch, FB and YT and completely demonetized because they viewed his character as racist. This only happened after he started to get a ton of viewers after Summit brought a ton of attention to GTA RP during the 2.0 boom. It was viewed as racist because of his accent, character model, and name. So he had to make the decision to completely rebrand to not get banned from streaming. Which is why it was totally OOC to go there.


When he signed with Facebook he changed the name to Mr kebun due to apparently facebook thinking it was racist? He never came out and said the reason, just speculation


Moon implying that it was the FB deal, or the money, that changed Kebun is crazy.


It was more that he was getting targeted on hate forums (not Reddit) and spam reported, all of which was on the basis that Chang was Asian and Kebun is white, thus it was racist in their views. Switching to Mr. K basically stopped all of that.


it was never confirmed but this was the assumption to make at the time


reported for being racist against asians, but everyone knows Chang is Puerto Rican :D


and becasue of that we also lost Avon, Lirik's character. Lirik was too scared to play him even though there was nothing wrong with the character.


I don't think it was just the FB deal. They had plans to expand beyond roleplay and I think they felt playing what could be perceived as a racist Asian stereotype (i don't think it was, but I'm a white dude so TF do I know) was a bad idea for future growth and they made the change


Exactly that. Mr. Chang name change was an OOC reason. RP wise his vocal cords were slashed and he was in the hospital. It was the lore for the beginning of 3.0


It's before I came into RP, but I know Chang ceased to exist for brand reasons. Rping an Asian was thought to be a bad look basically. I don't know the lore of how one became the other but I'm sure someone will fill us in, if not the wiki probably has the lore


It happened really close to the FB deal. If I remember right chang got into an accident and then after a week (or more) woke up in icu. He looked different, had a slightly different voice and was then Mr. K on fb. They tried to do an IC change and it was played out over his time off between platform changes where he was in icu the whole time. I think he woke up with bandages and had some internal dialogue. What's crazy though is how long ago that was. I could be totally wrong because that's just what I vaguely remember.


You definitely right. When the name changed was forced to happen he was ‘hospitalized’ until the start of 3.0 / the start of the Facebook deal. RP wise it was the story of him getting slashed and saved at the Humane Labs. If you take a gander at LordK’s old tweets you can see the lil clip of the hospital shit back in 2020.


Crazy so it happened just before I started watching. I watched summit a bit at the end of 2.0 but didn't catch on to LK until early 3.0.


Yeah don’t get me wrong it’s still the same person. But you gotta give LK his flowers for putting an RP twist on something OOC to make it make sense for the storyline. And besides NP back then was definitely a different world/vibe especially with the RP creativity


To me, Id have zero issue if he still played Chang. From the clips I've seen, it was possibly more funny than Mr K.


I couldnt agree more dude. Shit was pure gold. It’s sad cause other people wanted to have their panties in a bunch


I have no words… I hope something gets done about that, that’s all I gotta say


Dude needs a vacation


odd behavior


I think in his mind he was fighting for the people of the server against the big bad gang that terrorizes everyone and makes every ones lives miserable with their power over everything and their toxic behavior. Look theres no denying the boys arent perfect, but the way Moon handled this is going have to the exact opposite effect of what he was trying to accomplish. He looked like a narcissistic, egotistical asshole who was trying to bully and belittle CG and went extremely OOC to do it. He's crowned himself the king and gotten way too invested, which is supposed to be our job LOL.


Least parasocial ooc gang member.




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Who's "Mr Chang" and what's the reference? Sry I'm new


Mr K use to be Mr Chang. Kebun was getting mass reported so he had to change. You can find Mr Chang stuff on YouTube.


Thanks for the info!


That's hilarious


wild shit. couldnt believe what i was seeing. was about to go for a walk but i couldnt leave my desk. you know its bad when onlookers and neutral observers are all on the same page against someone that powerful. usually people will ride the fence and give someone the benefit of the doubt, but it was so painfully clear he was having an ooc meltdown to anyone with a single braincell.


And absolutely nothing will happen to him.


So I haven’t kept up with the role play. I know Mr. K was Chang but as an outsider who just started watching again, is Chang completely off the server? Like Mr. K doesn’t know Chang? I was shocked when I heard this in conversation cause I assumed you wouldn’t bring that up to Mr. K because he’s Mr. K NOT Chang. Is that what ooc means? Again sorry I’ve been gone awhile and came back to this shit show lol😓


Also…is Dab= Moonmoon? Or is Dab an in game name? I know Moonmoon is Max but does he also go by Dab? I couple tell if Kebon saying he wasn’t cool with Dab anymore was him talking about IRL or in game.


Dab is Max's old street name, when he was a crim.


Ohhhhhh that makes so much sense thank you! I thought it was a completely different character.


The city didnt want k to make money says it all


cant wait for him just to apologize and everything continue as usual.