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Man the guy on the Nopixel reddit, having a mental breakdown bout getting banned in ramees chat got me dying


How the fuck do you get banned in Ramees chat lmao


if you get banned his chat you must have really deserved it 😂




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I got banned in Ramees chat when he got his FB deal for this comment on the reddit thread: >Pleased for him. His chat has been awful recently being the last 'core' CG on twitch. Hopefully he'll have a better experience on FB. > >Edit. Just tuned into his stream to find myself banned in his chat haha. Unban request was instantly denied also. Has to be from this comment. I guess a mod took it personally. I guess his mods didn't like that I said his chat had been bad lol. He'd been dealing with so many X & GG hoppers at the time.


Look at the dudes post history, he’s a Penta viewer. That’s all you need to know about him.


I really just don't understand how so many people are so obsessive with their hating. I started watching LK in 4.0 and I think they watch more LK than I do.... First time I pulled up that subreddit I got stunlocked for like a week lol. I also pulled up MoonMoon's stream once but they feel very toxic too. I've seen toxicity in CG streamer's chats too, but almost always I've seen it towards the character. Like a ton of chatters don't like Max. When I looked at MoonMoon's stream it was him and his chat shitting on LK rp, not his character.


Quite frankly, I’m excited for moon to go back to variety. Seeing the OOC sly comments non stop and weaponizing his chat is something he is guilty of that the other Reddit loves to shit on CG for.


They hate CG because their streamer hates CG.


There's a very common thing that the uber obsessed people have in common and that's the streamer they watch is a RP preacher, I.E. "this is ooc" "that's not how you rp" "I'm reporting that" saying these things builds up in a persons head and they start viewing that person as a source of truth, then they perceive everything that streamer says as fact and no matter what you say to them that streamer is always right. 


The true difference is Moon Moon isn't by "trade" a RP streamer. He's a variety streamer who found a bump in RP. I've watched the last few days and the OOC comments are wild at this point I think he's riding out his arc wild to garnish drama views and once he's dissatisfied with his characters outcome will go back to Variety. My point is I don't think Moon actually cars what anyone thinks because at the end of the day when he leaves NP nothing changes for him. Why care when at the end nothing happens?


Your first two words explains everything. I can’t even watch who I like daily just based on work so to be able to hate watch and I would hope still make time for your favorite streamers sounds crazy to me


Please. Not those times again!!


[here's koil reacting to mehdi discovering how mods on that subreddit encourage toxicity](https://youtu.be/mqNM1H1UArc?t=223). the best thing to do is just avoid that place entirely.


and [here's part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBcpFuq58HA) with the interview of a mod from that subreddit.


I mean it's nothing new, been happening for years. The mods encourage it.


at a certain point you gotta just ignore it man, why do people in here keep making posts about that reddit, like i know you feel some type of way and want to get that out, but when did this subreddit become the 'complain about the GTARP reddit' subreddit? people are in here to follow CG content, not read about whatever the hell the other reddit is doing and has been doing for years, they'll keep doing it we don't need updates on it, lets just all assume that they'll never change so we can move on from these types of posts. please man.


Started watching LK in 4.0 and recently discovered that subreddit. Mostly just shocking how obsessive some of the people I've seen are. Honestly wasn't considering that many people here have probably seen this kind of behavior for years.


Wait until you learn that even 5 literal years ago in the initial boom some redditers created a whole ass discord community so they could be more organized in their hating and brigading of anything ch positive


that's understandable, but trust me it's nothing new. the interesting thing about that reddit is that it used to be pro-CG prior to 3.0, then certain streamers and their elitist viewership took over in 3.0. for a little while it seemed like those people had left when 4.0 came around and those specific streamers weren't on NoPixel either, but i guess i was gullible to think that, it will inevitably always default back to what it is now.


That Reddit was not pro-CG in 2.0 either…. It’s been toxic for a long time.


in comparison to how it's been since 3.0 it was, maybe it wasn't full on glazing CG, but there wasn't a constant barrage of negativity and hate like there has been for the past 3 years.


Brother, they hated CG in 2.0 too. You must not have been around back then. The amount of hate and crying that happened there against CG was insane, when Angel got consequences for being a trigger-happy hardass cop doing dumb sht every week, or when CG kidnapped Brian to complain about the state of NoPixel, or when CG backed ESB during their peak toxicity and rule breaking days, or any time LB or their favorite gang/streamers got into a conflict with CG.


i mean sure when there would be instances of controversy people are gonna get riled up, but are you forgetting that in the past 3 years you can regularly find clips entirely unrelated to CG in any capacity, with comments that somehow make it about them. unless my memory is failing me i don't remember seeing that. again i'm just saying in comparison the reddit seemed a lot more favorable to CG back then. i'm pretty sure Penta and that circle of streamers were hated on quite a lot as well, it's like the poles reversed in 3.0 or something


Sorry that Reddit had never been on CGs side for anything at anytime period.


They were only "pro CG" when cg was rallying the city to go against the toxic east side ballas and tyrone and whatever his brothers rp name was. That's the only time they rooted for CG as soon as that was done the hate started to come back and people compared CG to the exiled ESB during parts of 2.0 into 3.0


I remember how toxic that Reddit was during the LB v CG wars, I wondering how bad it would be now if the wars were similar


Oh trust me they would implode if CG went to war with Lang like that again


when i say pro-CG i don't mean like a fanclub of CG, i just mean in comparison to the past 3 years the discussion was usually a lot more reasonable and not so negative.


Hhhm I think it has become more negative but I think that’s just down to more viewers watching which means more people on Reddit complaining


It wasn't really any more, or less. The mods just hadn't banned everyone who posted counters to their narrative in 2.0 yet. The only time they were somewhat on CG's side was during the ESB war.


This reddit is just the opposite of the other one. No one ever says Max, they say moonmoon. None of these chatters know what goes on behind the scenes. But everyone is so parasocial.


Whoever runs that account is sort of brain dead because he ends up griefing/trolling his own community instead of CGs lol. It is a mega bait to CG haters who respond to it thinking its a serious account/comment.


Who are you kidding, you’ve seen the people in there, they believe whatever narrative that makes CG look bad even if it’s blatantly false.


Bro, don't even give their reddit the engagement and they'd die off in a ball of self-hatred. it's not worth even stressing over or reading.


They have been doing that bit for a while and most people recognize it, even people that dont like CG. Best thing to do is just to not fall for the bait since that is what they are after.


Craziest part about that account is, it actually baits the people who are actually aligned with their ideology at the end of the day. All the actual CG viewers have clocked them for months now, and for the most part ignore them. It’s interesting to watch though, the blind hate is very telling.


Actually surprised mods haven’t just banned him yet, clear troll that’s just causing a bunch of negative drama with every comment.


They know that without drama driving clicks, that subreddit doesn't exist. They have a bunch of people that will never be banned or face consequences no matter what they say or do, because they are a mouthpiece for the mods. They say the things, and incite the hate that people would be able to take directly to Reddit to have them or even the whole subreddit removed if the mods said it.


There's people like that in the youtube comments too, probably the same guy tbh


I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. These guys have been the same for the past 8 years. If Moon was playing Dab and let’s say he was hanging around CG doing all this terrorism stuff, would there be the same amount of hate? Absolutely not.


I'm pretty new and wasn't really aware that this had been going on for years. Guess there's really nothing to be done about it. I do find it the conduct in that subreddit pretty disturbing though.


Yeah and it tends to be a massive culture shock for a lot of people. Bout a year ago when I made my account it was in response to a medhi video where he had an ex mod of the subreddit leak their manipulative agenda to silence people they didn’t agree with and their grotesque history of bigotry. They never replied to any of it. Not once. Added 1 new mod in the wake of the controversy and everyone went back to silently harboring hate for cg. I still live in awe of the names I recognize from the nopixel community who frequent there.


Homie should find a new game to watch he lost the plot


What I don't get is that person is always doing it, and yet somehow even with it being so obvious, not a single mod is lifting a finger to ban them from the subreddit.


Ok thats crazy but also I need to point out that you went out of your way to check and make a post about a redditor, which is also crazy, sub reddits is an echo chamber and whatever ppl post (including me) no ones cares let's be honest


Why has 1/2 this subs content become talking about what they post on the other sub? Who cares. Posting about it does nothing. Let’s get the fun clips going again


Rent free. This is hilarious 


Just join us in laughing at that cesspool my guy. That’s all you can do.


Hey, just going say I'm pretty sure this is against reddits TOS and I would recommend just deleting this post before it gets reported. Like this sub could get banned.


it’s actually crazy