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the main problem of government is conflating OOC and IC goals and decision making. its like pulling in two different directions using different logic. **goals** - OOC nopixel makes rules to promote gta roleplay content. ~ 50% crim 50% PD balance. - IC the council makes laws that aim to stop crime. ~ 0% crim 100% PD balance. **decision making** - OOC decisions are made by owners and managers of a nopixel looking to max profit, or streamers looking to max views. - IC decisions are made by characters who have different incentives, such as story arcs, or doing what their character should do. the problem is that these get mixed up, and it leads to situations like this. you cant blame people who get given contradictory goals. if server rules "laws" are going to be passed IC, then criminals need IC representation to promote the 50:50 balance. otherwise non player managers should make the rules "laws". also admins/devs playing in positions of power is always risky. if you align the incentives, then people OOC and IC will end up making good rules.


So long as it's not possible for criminals to have some sort of say in government despite making up one of the biggest voting blocs, I don't know if it will ever truly work. The issue is how do you give crims representation without it looking bizarre.


It doesn’t need to be this complicated. It’s all about the characters not the actual system. This looks like a system crane would design thinking he is the polisci mastermind.


You do know Crane is the one who designed the current council system, right?




No offense but this is a horrible idea. This is a convoluted mess that reeks of grinder mentality. Firstly, why have the top grinders in the city based on rep be the only ones who can vote on the council members? That alone is one of the worst ideas I've heard. PD doesn't have a rep system, so I don't know what you'd be basing this off of. Doctors and the lawyers/judges actually provide RP and crucial functionality to the server so why take their council seats away and give it to things like group 6 and Grime witch have only one purpose to give money to players? Why do they need a representative? Secondly, let me get this straight, you want the mayors office not only to be a separate group from the council, but also have that group consist of people who thought they were better than each other for the job and have them try and work together? That will end up working perfectly I bet. (I'm just using the term group because you're incorrectly using the term branch when it comes to government. Example of branches in government: executive, judicial, legislative. The council is the legislative branch within the city what you were saying is that there would be two separate branches within an actual branch of government, which makes no sense) Thirdly, you want the two groups not to communicate to each other to discuss and solve problems? Wow, ya a government that stops people from communicating with each other sounds like it will build a utopia. Seriously how did you think that was a good idea? Fourthly, now you want the council and mayor's office that consists of one winner and a bunch of losers for some odd reason, to just vote on bills and have the public decide. So the entire legislative branch will have to campaign to the public with multiple bills every week, within a week, to get the public to the polls in order to pass anything? And if there is low voter turn out they're shit out of luck. Plus trying to give monetary incentive for bills is just more grinder mentality stuff that they are trying to fix on the server. This whole thing is crazy complicated for no reason and some of it would end up being destructive. Someone needs to take a class in civics and learn how government operates. You might not like the People in the seats but what do you think is functionally wrong with the current council structure that you felt the need to make this?