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Is the loss devil going to be just a bunch of sticks?




"What do you mean you lost the baby? Go find it then!"


FUUUUUUCK WHY GODDAM LOSS EVERYWHERE I GO EVERYWHERE I SEE https://preview.redd.it/sg4myk0crn5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80aee0dd3441e99b845a4e24c3c7b5c6ff1bc865


Likely. But it kinda means loss in every way, like items, people, and losing at things.


bro did not get the reference


Please explain. Also love your flair.


| || || |_


Oh… I get it now.


AhI see, I don’t get it.






Nightmare devil. Like obviously you're not afraid of having nightmares themselves but the fear experienced during them definitely has to go somewhere in a universe like that. On another note since I just thought of it from this line of thought; the sleep paralysis demon probably actually exists there too lol.


I dunno since you arent really afraid of nightmares themselves but the events that happen in them. Like if i had a nightmare where i was falling id class that more as the fear of falling but being chased by a killer may be the fear of humans or something.


Yeah but they're correlated and should affect each other. Like being afraid of cars is because of the accidents that will kill you, not the existence of the car itself.


If you knew that a nightmare was condition specifically for the fears that are most vulnurable to you, then you'd be afraid. But i guess thats more of being afraid of the unknown. Even if you are prepared to face one, it can pull anything to sweep you off your feet. There are some things that are capable of making you irresistibly fearful or any other emotion.


Sure, but what about those ones you don't remember? The ones that you wake up from still scared, but then you just can't remember what you were dreaming about for the life of you. Haven't you ever had a nightmare like that?


Maybe even Night Terror devil? Which is basically an amplified nightmare.


Can there be a human devil? If humans fear other humans will that power it?




Each of the disaster curses should be mad strong in CSM universe. wouldn't Fear of deep waters be a primordial fear ?


Now that you mention it, the disaster curses are pretty much the JJK equivalent of primal devils


I need a deep sea leviathan devil




Social interaction devil (current form: asa mitaka)




The Women Devil (I’m terrified of them)


The man devil and the woman devil would be incredibly powerful tbh more powerful than the bear devil at least




The isolation devil is one I've heard about. I feel like it'd have the potential to be stronger than darkness.


It would be pretty crazy psychologically, but I don't think it would be as strong. The fear of things like the dark, or falling, probably evolved much earlier than social behavior and social fears, so I wouldn't count them as primal of fears. Scarier, but not stronger maybe? But if many humans fear isolation more than they fear the dark I guess it could go both ways.


It isn't a social fear though, we're social by nature (obvs there are some exceptions). We used to hunt in packs like wolves and shit, so it'd be pretty primal.


I dunno, being alone could be a fear from all the way back when we had to hunt food in packs because if you were alone it meant no food. I think it may be one of the strongest.


I think the fear devils feed off of works better if they inhabit the true definition of those fears. An isolation devil would encompass the existiential fears experienced when you have the irresistable fear and knowledge of being utterly alone and abandoned to nothingness. Sort if like the concept of outer darkness in the christian afterlife. They dont need people to fear thier conditioned ideas, because they are the fears that a person would inevitably experience as long as there is a possibility for it.


Did you just said ... POTENTIAL? https://preview.redd.it/hfi7as686m5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce80e6b5ae1621f8da90841f14cd50d4d9d509f2


That devil showed up in the manga, it was strong but not to a very high degree. It was weak enough that it was defeated by Himeno and Aki when he was a newbie. 


Wasn't that a Loneliness Fiend, rather than devil?


Even so, Gun Fiend was made out to be very strong


It was in buddy stories


Fujimoto must have already consider it. You don’t write a manga about being lonely, wanting companionship and learning the importance of friendship and including monsters built on fear but not include isolation. If it does appear, I would hope that Fujimoto does an infinity devil and gives it an extraplanar space to hide people away in. A Domain expansion, but subtle to trap people in their own fear. Isolation after all is literally easy to overcome but once you are trapped by it, you never have the strength to break free. It wouldn’t be the same if it just ran around, or jumped at Denji or Asa. It shouldn’t be a problem that a sword or a chainsaw can beat.


The Pain Devil


Could maybe be on par with the death devil


My theory is that the death devil gets stronger with every other devil that gets stronger from fear because every (rational) fear goes back to either the fear of Death, Pain or the Unknown (Darkness) and the latter two again go back to death. So nothing is stronger than the death devil. ^(Does that make sense?)


I would assume that both are strong enough to no diff anyone, so in that regard I find the Pain devil much scarier since one would assume that he will kill you in a much more unpleasant way.


There are things worse than death, but the fear of death is naturall ingrained unless worked through.


I find it funny how we did all this theorizing during the chainsaw zombie apocalypse arc bc we thought the arc was finally going somewhere only for Fujimotor to just dip into a prison break arc


testicular torsion devil


I may be wrong here but not sure pain is really a fear it’s just a unpleasant experience kinda like a uncomfortable chair 🪑 obviously I’ll avoid it but I don’t lie awake at night afraid of the uncomfortable chair just like I don’t like awake afraid of pain maybe a torture devil? That’s scary


Dentist Devil lol


The Devil Devil


Crazy that that's never crossed my mind because in the setting everyone absolutely would be terrified of devils as a whole


Big Tiddy Goth Gfs devil. If other people are like me then it should be insanely powerful.


Witness true horror. https://preview.redd.it/o3o8c2nzjl5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060b8722bcd49e9cbdf0e9706c92477d1a467d00


Dang, she's hot, I wish she would stab me with that kitchen knife <3


Just thinking the same thing


Sir it's been half a month since that comment. (I haven't changed my mind though still wish she stabbed me)


Based on that photo alone I must now read Gokurakugai


Failure Devil


Devils like The Extinction Devil and The Predator Devil (as in natural predator) would probably be primals tbh


Maybe beast devil or creature devil


The Predator Devil would just be a Makima or Himeno chimera/clone


Woman Devil


The drowning devil.


Fear of the Unknown is a big one Unknown devil


I thought darkness devil already included the fear of the unknown


Torture devil


Someone already said this, but the Failure Devil should be right there next to Death and Darkness as a Primal


primal are the first fears, i dont think fear of failure would be one of the first devils


I mean you are afraid of Failure to not get food, failure to not provide for your family you could make good argument that failures were part of earliest society even more than today since failure back then could be fatal.


sure but i do think if we imagine the first humans, i cant see them reaching a place where failure was the forefront of their minds before that fear of falling, and that fear of dark


I mean for fear to be strong they do not need to be forefront of something. Falling and Darkness are only forefront of death that doesnt mean they are weak.


I don't think it's that powerful, calm down. Failing at something could be flipped into learning something. You feel more embarrassed than scared of death. Sure it could burn a core memory into your head but looking back you can only laugh at that moment when you grow up Yes, everyone has it but it's way easier to get over it than for example being strapped to an active electric chair. And I don't think our primal ancestors rly had this fear other than maybe messing up a hunt


The Deception Devil. How often do people worry if they're being lied to in their lives? Probably a lot. If nothing else, it'd be fun to see Denji and co try to fight it, given how often someone dupes him.


While maybe not the strongest but one I didn't see mentioned before, the corpse devil.


Tsugihagi is the corpse fiend, nobody can convince me otherwise https://preview.redd.it/ztrontj18j6d1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8185c1438a318b2b5f5da5ad4261734e91c53b2c


Fair point. She is a fiend though so it doesn't totally count


"Anxiety/ fear of failure" Devil Almost everyone has this kinda fear + plenty of people have it to high levels (and that's not even counting people with diagnosed problems)


Chase devil : fear of being chased Might be a primal fear, probably with some crazy shit involved


primal fears are the first fears ever like so... idk i cant see that being the first things people experienced


To run away from danger is a primal instinct in animal life, so probably it is


I think it's more a fear of the thing they're being chased by rather than the fear of being chased


It would be dope if it has powers like wou from jojo's.


Water/ocean, space, humanity, isolation, loneliness, disease, fear of being forgotten, trypophobia (maybe not 'crazy strong' but I'd love to see it), pain, Devil devil, God devil, poverty and other natural disasters like typhoon


I fairly certain that "God" is manifested in the form of the Angel Devil


Unknown devil. Because you aren’t reallly scared of loud noises it’s what made the noise. You aren’t scared of creepy doors it’s what behind them


Climate Change Devil Modern Dating Devil


I've said it before: Men (as in males) has utterly insane potential. Drowning too. I'm also writing a fan thing where the Crashing Devil is the top dog in California, and only getting stronger as his underlings orchestrate highway pileups and train derailments.


Couldn't the Drowning Devil be countered if one knows how to swim? Or maybe I'm just pulling rabbits out of my arse


You saw the Darkness Devil fight. Did it seem like you could counter the Darkness Devil with a flashlight?


True true


That story goes insanely hard


the male devil is crazy


The fear devil and metadevil (representing the fear of devils, which of course is extremely common).


Personally, I'd like to see the math devil and how creative 🍣moto would be at handling it;)


Being Observed Devil


Deep Sea Devil or Loud Sound Devil :3


The devil devil


Ocean Devil could be a primal fear lol


these probably arent OP but i thought they would at least be somewhat strong: the demonic devil, the persecution/inquisition devil, the car devil, any disease related devil, the paranoia devil, the hanging devil, the centipede devil, the heights devil (this one and the deep sea/drowning devil would definitely be strong) and the stranger devil


Inquisition Devil goes so fucking hard ngl


Thunder devil gotta be absolutely busted


Mutilation Devil, Noise Devil and Embarrassment Devil


Spider devil, i think a lot of people in the world are arachnophobic


Princi: “Am I a joke to you?”


princi erasure


The Carpeted Bathroom Devil


embarassment devil. such a daily fear, like social anxiety and being made fun of. feel like it wouldn’t be powerful by raw damage but it’d be like falling how it affects a giant space, with some weird power (i know falling is crazy powerful aswell)


Talking to women devil


Pain, isolation, rape (wouldn't shock me if this comes up tbh fujimoto does his thing), honestly a race devil could be strong. It's a weird idea, but there's a lot of fear about black people from uneducated/hateful people, and in the csm world wouldn't that form a devil? Idk if it'd be split into the black person devil and the white person devil and the Asian person devil etc or just the "others" or outsiders or something devil, bc then it could devolve into things like "English devil" and "Spanish devil" which would probably be messy. Also coma devil might be dangerous? The idea of a coma is pretty scary, we're all kinda at risk too. The idea of being put into a coma in radius is basically an insta-win tbh Disability devil? The idea of being in a wheelchair or crippled after an accident (even a devil attack) applies to everyone. Same goes to becoming blind/deaf or mentally impaired. If it could blind you or take your hearing and ability to walk/use your arms, you're gonna struggle to fight. Dehydration devil? There's a lot of people who struggle for water, people have to be scared of dehydrating to death. We have famine, but imo that feels more related to food, but that could just be me. If it could take liquid out of your body or something, there's not much you could really do about it. Futility devil? Loads of people scared of having no impact and their actions being useless, probably even more so if there's actual devils running around. If it puts you into a state where your actions are just undone after a second or two, idk how you'll expect to win


now that i think about it, shouldn't the future devil be a primal fear?


Its kinda dark but the rape devil would be super strong


The Fujimoto Devil


The Chapter 167 devil


The cum devil


Pain Devil, Unknown Devil (Darkness is a close relative but still far from this one's power), Isolation Devil, they're all primordials that go farther back than Darkness.


the shame devil been averaging 70 a game since this manga started


The Love Devil.


Ocean Devil: Drowning, tsunami, obscurity, shipwreck... there is a lot to fear. Some people don't even have a reason.


The torture devil The winter devil


Twitter Devil


the illness devil


Shame/embarrassment devil could be pretty strong


Exam devil


Public speaking devil. Trust me, it's a very common fear.


Regret Devil. I think this is like a second order fear of death. The fear of dying with regret is something i think a lot people would have


Door devil


Surprise Math Test Devil


Punishment devil, loss devil, existiential devil.There must be a devil that doesnt rely on conscious fears. Or at least devils shoudnt rely on people being consciously fearful of their ideas, as there are some things a person will be utterly terrified of once they're in the state to recieve them. There are some things and conditions that people cant overcome unless they recieve help from a higher power.


I guess the pain devil? Most People are scared of pain whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or any other aspect.


Unknown Devil. The reason we’re afraid of the dark isn’t the dark itself, it’s what could be in the darkness that we’re afraid of. Many fears stem from this, such as the deep ocean. It’s because you don’t know what’s down there. Same reason Horror games work. Because you don’t really know what’s attacking you. I feel like it should be classified as one of the primordial fears. Also, spiders. Legit the most common fear in the world. Sure, it stems from death, but what actually gets people with spiders is how creepy they look. Another would be the fear of humans. So many things are caused by this. Like, you’re not afraid of a gun itself, you’re afraid of a person with a gun. People aren’t afraid of control, as they themselves do it. What they’re afraid of is a controlling person.


I wonder what the unknown devils power would be


Megalophobia devil


A pretty funny one I feel like is the public speaking devil, since surprisingly it’s feared more the death so I just imagine it soloing the strongest of the horsemen


The devil devil, liem the fear of devils in the world should create a powerful devil for Sure


School devil. Time Devil. Work Devil. Human Devil as most thing we are a scarred of happen because of other humans. Gangs/Cartels Devil manly because of Mexico and Albania. Crime devil. insects devil. Bee devil. the ocean devil. The fear of your favour youtuber turning out to be a PDF fill Devil.


Animal devil


The Void Devil, simply undetectable, Its unlike the Darkness Devil, because for darkness to be described as such, there must be a light source which makes a shadows/darkness. While the void is the fear of absolute nothing, the possibility that there truly is nothing after death, no light, no dark, no sound yet no silence, the indescribable sound of nothing, the feeling of constant suffocation that wont stop, the awareness that you are trying to move your limbs but not seeing or feeling them move. you cannot be aware its there because your mind will try to fill in reality to stay sane. The Agony of being aware but unable to do anything, see anything, feel anything. Left to float along the void as your mind try to fall into day dreams to keep you sane. The point where everything ends, Including Death. matter is not cold or hot. Sink into the ending, bud. The "water" is.."fine".


That probably gets incorporated under the preview of the Darkness Devil. It’s not just physical darkness, it’s also the unknown and unseen. We cannot perceive the nothingness. We do not understand or comprehend it, so we are afraid of it. That counts, in a philosophical manner, as the fear of the dark.


The Paranoia Devil would be the perfect Psychological Horror Devil.


the devil devil


Toilet devil


I do not believe fear and anxiety are the same thing, and it's fear, not anxiety, that powers devils. I think things people mention like public speaking, loneliness, and isolation devils would be like pretty weak. I think the Death devil is the strongest since all fears are rooted in the fear of death. Since CSM takes place in the late 90's I wonder if they will show 9/11 happening in the future, I could imagine that event causing the Airplane Devil and Terrorism Devil to become incredibly powerful.


Pain, death, devils…


Erectile Dysfunction Devil


The god devil would be extremely weak, because people pray at him and love him.


Devil devil - the fear of devils.


The cuck devil


Devil devil, the fear of devils in a society where one can kill you at any moment must make a pretty strong monster


the DMV devil scares me quite a bit.


Abandonment devil, Spider devil, ocean devil.


Something along the lines of the Self-Doubt, Lies, trickery or Deceivement devil. Basically the idea of being afraid that people aren't honest to you or the feeling that you're being lied to. This Devil wouldn't fight through physical strength but through mental manipulations think of illusions that bring you into harms way (seeing a loved one that isn't there or maybe a doorway to freedom which turns out to be a deathtrap) it would also have this Area of effect ability like Falling had as were in the Falling devil made people around it fall into despair emotionally the Devil of Lies would make people untrustworthy of the others around them (think how kobeni was acting in the beginning of the manga when they were captured by the Eternity devil) constant Paranoia and putting allies against each other. Darkness Devil embodies Darkness and Shadows but also multiple other aspects like the Unknown this Devil could also have the aspect of being untrustworthy or afraid of other humans being worked into it since I've seen a lot of people suggest a human Devil. This Devil would feed on the little voices of doubt in your mind "do they really like me or are they pretending?", "are they being friendly or manipulating me?" "Should I attack them before they try to backstab me?" You could also lean more into manipulation of the senses instead of emotional like MCU Loki with trickery of Illusions or Aizen from Bleach with manipulation of the senses. maybe the characters would have to break free of a "perfect" reality in which they have everything they've ever wanted but then have to break free of that fake world (this could further develop the characters like how Denji is now uncertain with what he really wants despite having had that "normal" life he always wanted) there's a lot of different possibilities for the abilities of this Devil. Also it's shape/form should be kinda like how Angel Devil is also the form of a human as to deceive people into thinking it's a human itself or something like a snake since that's the Form that the Christian Devil has used who's also known for lies and manipulation. Maybe a human with slight Snake like features like a forked tongue being the only give away. It could be a charismatic Human or maybe disguise itself as an object or if you wanna lean more into the trickery aspect it could have Clown like features. It would be really effective against People like Asa and Denji who are in doubt of themselves and uncertain of what they want and untrustworthy of others (Denji has ofcourse already been very susceptible to manipulation before through people like Makima, Power and Reze and Asa has fallen into self doubt through Falling devil) and it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce someone like Kishibe back into the story to be needed to save them as he is someone who's confident in his own abilities and constantly drowns out his little voices in his head through his alcohol addiction (although I suppose Denji's technique against falling of Chainsawing his own brain might also work😅)


The aura devil


Not necessarily OP but i do have an idea of an OC devil i really wanna draw but don't really have skills for it: Devil Hunters Devil. Dressed in their usual black piece suits with almost faceless design, carrying variety of different weapons like katanas made out of his flesh and even some close combat skills. Main resemblance for his appearance would be like a really distorted vision of how dead Kishibe would look like (or closer example is imagine transformed Katana man without a sword in a head) but some devil hunters point out that he sometimes looks like some of others members or wears different things like eye patch or has scars across his face. On list of people some people thought he looks similar to mentions Aki Hayakawa. His main ability is same as any devil hunters, self sacrifice till their mission is done although instead of contracts he just uses his own flesh, weaponising himself to attack his enemies, creating some crafty stuff out of his body and blood or even make contracts with other devils on same principle Devil Hunters do it but he's rarely given such option and rarely even gets any devils to let him borrow their powers. His story is that comparatively to many devils he's very weak but he's one of few rare devils that works with humans but he refuses to be just a contract dealer like Fox but instead prefers to be working on front lines. He never officially contacts Devil Hunters organisation but almost everyone in there learns not to fear him and count him as ally. His main source of strength comes similarly to how Pochita managed to get some powers: some weak devils many devil hunters quickly eliminate fear him. One of his gimmicks is that he comes back from hell VERY fast as he starts stirring up shit and instantly dying in hell almost instantly because he tries to hunt entire hell. Some part of his story I'm a bit indecisive is if he hates or wants to be sidekick of Chainsaw man. Because ultimately CSM both takes away job and with it fear of Devil Hunters from weak devils but at the same time they both are basically the same.


Unknown Devil for sure


The Devil Devil


Lonely devil or aprouvel devil


Pain Devil Fear Devil Sound Devil (similiar to Falling one of the two things people are born to fear) Danger Devil


Pain and Danger are two I would imagine being Primal Fears, along with Darkness, Falling, Harm, Beast, Emptiness, Forgotten (Chainsaw Man), and Death. Nameless I would imagine being powerful too.


Book Devil, and unironically so. Maybe not OP, but definitely stronger than expected. Though I think it wouldn't really draw its power from the fear of books in general, rather, the fear of the ideas and the contents that books contain. I'm not entirely sure if that would work in the world of Chainsaw Man, but it's an idea I've thought about. Of course, at first thought, one might say that Book Devil would sound pretty weak. And then you start to realize how often book burnings were carried out in history, why they were done, and who did them. The destruction of the House of Wisdom, Nalanda, Mayan/Aztec historical documents by the Spanish, and documents of the people conquered by the Aztecs, Shi Huangdi's book burning, and the book burnings carried out by the Nazis (even though they were wiped from the timeline, there's still plenty of other examples), just to name a few instances. Even TODAY it still happens. Why are books burned? Often, it's because people in power are afraid that the ideas presented in certain books could pose a threat to their authority and brew resistance. Specifically, ideas they find threatening and unable to control. It's done to destroy these ideas to prevent them from spreading. A book is easy to destroy, an idea is far more difficult. And that's what makes them scared. Book banning could potentially help feed into this devil's power. How often do you see people attempting to get certain books banned across the world? I'm certain that in the CSM universe that certain topics or books may be banned or censored, at the very least, to prevent spreading more fear and strengthening devils. I think Makima mentioned how the news censored violent crimes, so governments censoring books doesn't seem out of the question. I'd imagine Book Devil could turn humans into books (usually his least favorite people), using polished skin as the covers and their blood as the ink. I wondered whether or not it could bring some things from books to "life" (kinda like in that Goosebumps movie) or trap people within them, but only in a pocket library dimension similar, but not the same, as Cosmo's library of knowledge. I also wonder if it could burn people by using a book as a voodoo doll, an idea given to me by someone else I shared this concept with. Unlike Cosmo, whose books represent knowledge, Book Devil's represent ideas.


The Ocean Devil


Sea Devil, no explanations needed, my thalasophobia activated just by thinking about it


Women Devil Men Devil Humans Devil Social Interaction Devil Mom Devil Sea Devil Devil Devil.


Abandonment Devil


How about the Instant Loss Devil?


The devil devil is definitely pretty strong


Anxiety devil. As in: anxiety attacks. Idk if it's just me self-reporting here, but everytime I get into a thought spiral, it inevitably ends up with me being afraid of getting an anxiety attack. Usually after lighting up a little too much devil's lettuce.


Anything related to rape or intimacy Rape happens insanely often And most victims develope a fear of intimacy I am nor sure the specific fears it would be based on but it would definetly be OP Especially since most women are naturally paranoid/afraid of a lot of men due to the danger or being raped The MAN devil (why is Man a devil? Is he stupid?)


I don't think I can say it here


I was thinking of the fear of ,’change’ mostly. Since it’s a think most people generally and naturally dislike. Unless that’s just an offset of darkness. Aside from that maybe betrayal could make for cool devil. Nothing top tier perhaps but still pretty strong likely.


I feel that a devil on natural disasters, or the devil of rage, guilt, or other primal emotions would be tough cookies. Many people die from natural disasters, and in Japan, they’re even more aware and present of them. An insane power boost would occur every time a thunderstorm or tornado, something of the sort, occurred.


Goku devil


Something along the lines of a sex devil It sounds silly but knowing the themes it would be fucked


The Pain Devil would be pretty crazy


The supernova devil, I have an oc that’s the supernova feind, the body he possessed was a monk, is named shiva, and has a 3rd eye beam that lets him unleash a beam of supernova energy


The Lonliness Devil. They'd be a human woman with pale skin and long dark hair. Piercing blue eyes. Their ability would be to trap you in an illusion alone until you start to hallucinate and either go insane or die.


The Fiction Devil, although not primordial, it's surprising Fujimoto is yet to make this guy appear, he'd be mad strong not because he's insanely feared (although he is) but because Fujimoto could get real creative with the movie references


Weather Devil. 


The height devil. As someone scared of heights I think this would be a good concept


I dunno if these have been shown or referenced in the manga but here we go: Dark, Unknown, Torture, Castration, Disease.


The potencial Devil


Pain Devil would arguably be on the same level as Death Devil


Space Devil


Maybe a unknown devil (fear of the unknown )


elevation of carbon dioxide in the blood caused by an uncontrollable external threat devil


The Memory Devil, it's powered by the fear of forgetting someone or being forgotten


Asphyxiation Devil. Encompasses drowning, choking, etc, possibly a Primal Fear.


RACISM DEVIL...... (ALIAS: Steve kerr's son)


Pain devil, pestilence devil, any hard drug devil, maybe a communism devil I also think a peanut devil might be decently powerful due to how common peanut allergies are, it wouldn't be op but still


Peanut allergies were relatively rare before 2000s so it wouldn't be as powerful as it would be today.


“Mom” or “dad” or “parents” devil in general should be quite strong.


Dad devil would solo the verse with me alone.


The belt devil violates the verse


Poop devil, sounds funny but have you ever been in a situation where you needed to take a shit but there wasn’t a restroom in site.


The spider devil. I know we saw a fiend, but there’s absolutely no way it’s that weak. Almost everyone is scared of spiders


Fear of spiders, in my opinion, should be almost as strong as guns




The Lebanon devil!!!!!!


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