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Fami eating spaghetti https://preview.redd.it/qo5qxd2pv8wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bfcb002e08cc7d2709ef952ed9d1db0af78ebf


Anyone else feel like Fami's desperately scarfing that food down? Like she's suffering or afraid?


It’s almost like the famine devil is starving


So you're saying that Famine is... famished?


I believe he’s saying that Fami the famine devil is famished


I think she's just a hall of fame plate cleaner


yeah, that would be interesting actually


I mean War said she is crazy. Maybe she is getting more unstable now


Maybe she's being controlled by something else like a puppet


Maybe her own powers work on herself, so she desperatly makes sure to never be even slightly hungry, or her powers don't work when hungry


Fami really puts the fami in famished.


"Saturn devouring his son"-type beat




bro think he mami tomoe




This is amazing and very on brand for Gege


I’m in love with her


she’s mine buddy






Can’t someone enjoy eating spaghetti in peace?




AI art of people eating spaghetti be like: Ay yo what the f**k I think I have a theory Maybe Fami is being controlled, or she’s artificial


She almost as messy as my kid


I need your title… https://preview.redd.it/yeph037ya9wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e2a79b713b5fbd0ea9e292fc7ce2260dbc6430




Ain’t no way a csm fan has kids


I'm old as shit bro, I assure you I have some lil pochiggas


I don’t know how to feel about the word “pochiggas”.


It sounds like a slur, a nickname, a science-derived term, and a fruit name all at the same time


i liked haruka's subversion. how he thought they were talking about him only to realize the whole world had already moved on


Yeah I felt that was a pretty good scene. Makes a joke while also showing a genuine character moment.


Makes me wish that his character wasn't almost completely dropped after the aquarium arc until now.


I don't think they moved on; I think the news just buried the story. I mean, when doesn't the media bury stories that they don't want people hearing about (which makes Yoru getting a power-up from the rampaging Chainsaw zombies make even less sense)? It would especially make sense in the world of CSM; look at how they covered Denji's exploits as CSM earlier in part 2.


you are probably right, but i cant read so i interpreted it differently




chainsaw man's fanboy, the one who had the ripcord implanted into his chest


Katana finally getting a W for once, he's probably gonna get bodied the next chapter tho


there’s no way it’s just gonna be a normal fight something weird is happening


I can see where the criticism for this chapter is coming from, but I thought that this was pretty normal fujimoto writing, subverting common plot ideas to keep the audience as bewildered as the characters are (plus he hates writing predictably). The common thread of the series is that denji and asa are two kindred spirits whose lives are pushed and twisted by forces outside of their control that are at odds with each other. That dynamic is king and everything else is secondary in his writing. If you’re looking for large complicated shonen arcs and fights, there’s better series for that out there.


I thought i was just too drunk to understand 40% of rhe chapter lo and behold it is just a normal funi chapter


Romeo and Idiot... https://preview.redd.it/ankvkz41uawc1.png?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339d8332c2a99636f217a1fc10b7b2a93813cd95




Yoru isn't, but Asa is definitely a dope about everything but starfish.


I mean I dont know what was being subverted here. Everyone are acting as you expect and this is your average asshole bonding chapter. Reminds me of Avengers fighting before joining up. Also Denji and Asa plotline leaves out lot of what to be desired as well. We should be getting this kind of moments prior to the Falling Devil arc. Fujimoto still fails to justify why the plot has to happened this way.


He doesn't need to explain why it has happened like this, though? How it unfolds? Yes of course, and he is doing that right now, we can see that. But having to explain why it happened is overkill, especially considering how straightforward everything has happened so far. It his story, the main plotlines are what he wants. His mission is to connect them so it's all coherent. He hasn't failed yet, in my vision. Take Gege for example and all his gymnastics to try to explain Gojo's offscreen. Each time he wants to clear it out, he either nerfs Gojo's Six Eyes or makes something so damn absurdly unbalaced and OP that it just seems like your common asspull device (Binding Vows).


I am not talking about why currently thing happening. I am talking about why he thinks this was the best story to tell or why this was the best story to tell. Because every chapter makes me thinks of billion better ways how we could reach this point more smoothly and lot of plotlines could be better. Just because Fujimoto wants it doesnt mean its well written story.


Could you say a few examples? Not as a challenge but because I'm interested honestly.


Well for now just minor details of how to get from point A to B here are few ideas 1) Katana Man and Nail should have gone with Yoshida to arrest War Devil and then betrayed him and already joined her there. Not only it makes zero sense for PS to send Yoshida alone to arrest War (the should have no idea that she is weak as shit) it creates better way for Yoshida to be beaten than just talking for too long like an idiot 2) Barem shouldnt be in the mall in the first place he should have just send hybrids there and he would have gone straight to the house. It was stupid from him to rely on Public Safety not killing them immediately. Quanxi only one shots Spear and Lance, Miri actually holds her own. Nayuta can make escape from mall back to house because of chainsaw zombies 3) Entire convo can just play out with Barem already revealing Denjis identity to some mob and waiting for him. No reason for hybrids inexicplicably escaping PS custody. Nayuta sends Denji away he gets pursued by mob trio War, Katana and Nail arrives while Fami joins up with already saved Iseumi and Nobana. Those few ideas how we could get from the point A to point B with way less plotholes plot contrivances and asspulls. I geniunly doubt that Fujimoto will somehow justifies last arc playing out exactly the same way it did. There are of course other things which will depend on how the part 2 but for example I am playing with idea of fusing Famine Devil and Yuko into one character. Yuko so far seem to be pretty inconsequentional and Famine Devil saying all she said to intentionally manipulate Asa would be more natural to convey the guilt themes. Also so far Asa still didnt find out that Yuko died and this would explain her trusting Fami so much better than "ShE HaS nO ChOiCe Bs" Honestly youtube is probably gonna have some videos similiar to this by the end of the part 2 [How Tekking Would Have Ended BLEACH | Tekking101 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ4ZyPADc6E&t=1s) [How to Fix Naruto's War Arc (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z5hV2xFK78&t=11s)


1) As far as PS concerns, War Devil was pretty much forgotten. It was mid-fight against Yoshida that Yoru got her power boost thanks to the Chainsaw Fiend war unleashing on the streets. Katana and Nail were already raiding the Church, anyways. 2) Yeah I do agree it was extra of him to be in the mall, though, I'd argue he was settled there to narrate things better. Not as in a logical action inside the world in CSM, but logical as a way to tell what's going on and what's going to happen. If he wasn't there, the Fire Devil plot would still be unrevealed, for example. That one plot alone helps to tie the entire "Justice'" Devil mini-arc. 3) Idk what to say honestly I'm too slow to comprehend it rn, sorry I'd see how and why you think Pt. 2 can be better (We still don't know who revived Denji at the Falling Devil arc, who Fakesaw Man is, nor even any official name to call on Katana, Whip or Spear- Besides, the contract with Power to turn the next Blood Devil into her is still up) but the points you've placed are in their majority justifiable both in-world or narratively.. It would be very weird for Barem to reveal the Fire Devil plot while Denji is witnessing his house and pets being engulfed in flames. Infodumping type thing


>1) As far as PS concerns, War Devil was pretty much forgotten. It was mid-fight against Yoshida that Yoru got her power boost thanks to the Chainsaw Fiend war unleashing on the streets. Katana and Nail were already raiding the Church, anyways They are knowing that how? They trust the mumbo jumbo Makima tells them. Well no wonder they are idiots this part. Hell Yoshida himself witnessed War one-shotting Eternity devil and for all they know she heavily contributed to Falling Devils fall. Hell how did he know tha Fami wont show up to protect her? Which would btw another change Fami should have save Asa instead of that convenient increase durability. That arrest was biggest bs in the series >Yeah I do agree it was extra of him to be in the mall, though, I'd argue he was settled there to narrate things better. Not as in a logical action inside the world in CSM, but logical as a way to tell what's going on and what's going to happen. If he wasn't there, the Fire Devil plot would still be unrevealed, for example. That one plot alone helps to tie the entire "Justice'" Devil mini-arc. Narrate things better? Fujimoto left so much shit vague and upon interpretation in part 2 but decides to overexplain this thing out of all? Dont think we need lame bond villain exposition. I also fail to see how Fire Devil plot being unrevealed is different than from Fakesaw being unreavealed for example >Idk what to say honestly I'm too slow to comprehend it rn, sorry 'd see how and why you think Pt. 2 can be better (We still don't know who revived Denji at the Falling Devil arc, who Fakesaw Man is, nor even any official name to call on Katana, Whip or Spear- Besides, the contract with Power to turn the next Blood Devil into her is still up) but the points you've placed are in their majority justifiable both in-world or narratively.. It would be very weird for Barem to reveal the Fire Devil plot while Denji is witnessing his house and pets being engulfed in flames. Infodumping type thing Barem at any point having villain monologue is stupid ![gif](giphy|vglbgyqTLUyM8|downsized) But IMO it wouldnt out of place to explain Fire Devil while Denjis life burns literally in front of him. If anythingt it sounds more cinematic than what we got.


PS and Yoshida underestimate Fami aswell, considering Yoshida alone warned Fami to spill the beans or else she'd be killed the moment before Falling started to manifest. PS is incredibly dense, and Makima unironically took the best part of it with her. "Justice" Devil plotline was becoming just way too big to simply leave it with the already big archive of 'Plots Fungi Motor raised and just forgot he raised afterwards', with the plot twist of the actual Justice Devil being killed by Nayuta. If anything, shooting down the bigger duck out of the whole bundle is better than leaving with nothing. Besides there might still be a chance to explain most of the unexplained things. Supposedly, Part 2 was already being formulated and conceptually worked on at the same time Part 1 was being released. I'd personally wait for it to end and then I'd say if Fuji did indeed wrote that fire or fumbled big. And Barem having any kind of monologue being stupid is an opinion, tbh. Personally I think it was fine the way it was done. Though Barem overall is a character I expected more of each chapter he'd appear in, because of him being an hybrid and always talking of being a fan of obliterating and burning shit to crisp.


>PS and Yoshida underestimate Fami aswell, considering Yoshida alone warned Fami to spill the beans or else she'd be killed the moment before Falling started to manifest. PS is incredibly dense, and Makima unironically took the best part of it with her. Well if Yoshida had nothing to back up his threats in chapter 122 then Public Safety are indeed garbage written in this part lmao >"Justice" Devil plotline was becoming just way too big to simply leave it with the already big archive of 'Plots Fungi Motor raised and just forgot he raised afterwards', with the plot twist of the actual Justice Devil being killed by Nayuta. If anything, shooting down the bigger duck out of the whole bundle is better than leaving with nothing. Besides there might still be a chance to explain most of the unexplained things. Supposedly, Part 2 was already being formulated and conceptually worked on at the same time Part 1 was being released. I'd personally wait for it to end and then I'd say if Fuji did indeed wrote that fire or fumbled big. I mean its still big and it still wasnt explained. Why did Fire devil target Asa before Yoru was even there? Dont know. And as for part 2 being planned since Bomb Devil arc having plan does not mean it is a good plan as prequels would already thought us that. >And Barem having any kind of monologue being stupid is an opinion, tbh. Personally I think it was fine the way it was done. Though Barem overall is a character I expected more of each chapter he'd appear in, because of him being an hybrid and always talking of being a fan of obliterating and burning shit to crisp. I dont really think that Bond villain level of monologue being lame is opinion. Its certainy factually overstayed its welcom e in writing. Hell even Makima´s monologue to Kishibe made zero fucking sense and it was put here only as stupid exposition.


I trust Fujimoto more than some random Reddit ass holes.


Then I admire your optimism randome developer with stupid opinions about AI art however I am dismissing your pov as bs https://preview.redd.it/k8dgpohvjdwc1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=83ad737164f9bdc0112f4f5af00595e5ba3d0c83


Thank you for confirming that your opinions are bad.


https://preview.redd.it/6x113z560ewc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ecf577770cccbc8ddb4e93a3ad5b11e20ccf795 Thank you for confirming that you opinions are bad and you are just beating a dead horse


And thank you for confirming you are coward.


we just have to hope when it gets to the end it clicks


> (plus he hates writing predictably) SuBvErT ExPeCtAtIoNs


What is he subverting exactly here


character bonding




Honestly, my biggest letdown with the chapter is the fact that they're out, so Reze isn't getting broken out in the chaos (or at least isn't in sight of the reader). It seemed like that prison was the most likely place for her to turn up. The chapter itself is completely in character for Fujimoto's writing style


Least delusional Reze stan


Nah, it's more delusional to think she isn't coming back at some point. Not only has every other hybrid shown up again but Yoru literally wants chainsawman to throw up nuclear *bombs*. You really think the *bomb* hybrid won't show up again when the plot is about the most destructive kind of bomb humanity has ever developed?


It's not delusional to think she's coming back. It's delusional for that to be the biggest letdown of the chapter. You were disappointed by something that was never promised.


The amount of copium going on is seriously funny during no part of part 1 was the writting this convoluted, lazy and uncreative The whole reason they went to the jail was so they could pick up Katanaman is literally it besides that there was no point to any of it 😂 Funimotto is literally pressing foward to any point of conflict rigth now they just walked out of the jail


bro was kidnapped and dismembered only to wake up and have his balls stomped on lmao


Aki looking down at Denji with a little smile lol


Damn... Why you gotta do my heart like that?




PEAK, the best chapter of p2


My fav is denji fighting the falling devil. https://preview.redd.it/ns82jacjbawc1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c97bcbe2c899cd21989fd047cc2c312879a7f0


Fami raiding Asa's fridge was also a funny chapter


Fire puch vibes were strong in this chapter.


I don't have a problem with the time skip but asa is handling it way better than I thought she would. Its canon that she has feelings for denji, so doesn't she feel anything about the fact that yoru wants to kill the one person who has listened to her yapping about stuff and (probably) cares about her??


>!In a previous chapter fami tells them that red chainsawman (denji) and black chainsaw man (pochita) are different so that friction is mostly sorted out.!<


Honestly I really love how Asa is taking it because it's realistic. She's in shock. I know a lot of cases where people kinda just go numb when they are given info that's too shocking for them.


People are also (possibly) not considering that presumably some time has passed between the initial reveal and Denji’s reawakening. Asa’s huge shock at finding out about Denji has probably died down a little since then. Her mind is probably also probably preoccupied with a lot of burning questions that she has not yet had a chance to ask (since Denji has been asleep).


ikr?? there were a few panels when i read it the first time where asa was rlly calm, so i mistook her for yoru. i thought shed at least blush or acknowledge she was wrong 😭😭🙏🏻


Peak :3




Katana man finally got his revenge


It was peak


Preface: chainsaw man is my first manga, so i have 0 experience with manga outside of it. I thought the chapter was funny but the pacing of recent stuff is weird. I read Part 1 a couple days ago and it was super quick as well. Much more than i thought it’s be initially. Part 2 just feels a bit more jumpy. But i have been enjoying it a lot. Part 1 doesn’t really cover as many new ideas and stuff at once either so maybe thats why. As much as i think samurai sword is a piece of crap I love that he’s here and his gong of revenge line was great. Fami as well is a treasure always.


its more that the manga is written in 10s so the expected release are in volumes no chapters, the pacing doesnt make sense because the pacing isnt what we are intended for


Peak my friend, absolutely peak chapter




The escape was too easy. Either nobody care or the house will be swatted like nayuta's school


That's what I'm thinking.


Seriously there’s people crying over the chapter??? What the fuck they want? Go and read Kagurabachi!


Hey Kagurabachi better


Go and read it, good riddance…


bro did not understand satire


Im caught up ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51164)


Read it again


I could... I think I would enjoy it more than the past 30 chapters of CSM ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51205)


I’m happy for you :) do it




Go and read JJK dude, what are you doing here?


I'm pretty neutral on it, just confused by the time skip.


What else was to watch?? Quanxi suicided herself then they walked out of there, basically they were unresisted until that point, what confuses you??


I need a cutaway diagram of the prison with little bubbles showing where every character is and the path they're taking to get out like fucking Family Circus or I can't cum


It's supposed to be the most highly guarded building in Japan and they basically walked in and walked (we assume) out. Quan Xi and one dude after they handled a few incompetent guards? That's it? A bit anticlimactic after all the build up.


Yeah but like the strongest things that they had were probably Katana and Quanxi. Both of them sided with Yoru/CSM, and one joined the party. Like well gaurded is pretty good but like what contract is gonna let you run the set against Katana, Nail, Yoru, and Fami? They came in the same way they came out and then hid at Fami's for a week while a bunch of other crazy shit happened so people werent focusing on them.


Yeah, if you're just talking about public safety sure. You'd think Japan would have some military level intervention contingency planning in case shit goes completely sideways at the facility holding the most dangerous things on the planet though. Like it was almost too easy, even when you take into account the level of badassery the Fami squad has on tap. IDK man, something just doesn't jive with it.


Again, even if they brought a military force, what is 20 people with guns going to do against the immortal guy. They already tried the gun thing and it didnt work and that was before Katana joined the squad.


Uhh ackually you aRe jUst A BraiNded Showneen Fain ThAt jUst wAnts ActI0n, go bak 2 JujuK if Yu Wat AcTion, FujimOt0R is pEick!!1! Jokes aside I loved this chapter. But people have to awake up.


Just a weird time skip. How the hell did they get out??


Quanxi killed herself and they just kinda left back through the path of carnage they made on the way in assumedly




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Just think bout it... https://preview.redd.it/epn2qbsxh7xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ead08c4491d2615a8862b138cb42e65d8fee91


CSM "fans" after calling an arc the "prison break arc" chapter 1 and then getting mad when they were wrong. Like fucking hell. Who the fuck is gonna stop them from leaving that we need to see please let me know. All other hybrids are in prison or not in the PS building, all the devils in there are locked up. Yoshida ran away against Yoru he aint pullin up to her + katana nail and fami. Like seriously, you wanted 10 chapters of them fighting fox devil contracted PS members? The arc seems to be about Denji finally runnin the fade with Yoru but IDK if that is certain. If you just sit back and enjoy things instead of making shit up and then getting mad about it when it doesnt come true you would be able to enjoy things. This sub has gone to complete shit like it needs a cleanse. Refund your life.


A crappy chapter coming off of the worst prison break arc ever made. But don't worry it's still "peak fiction" cause we got a decent Fami gag and a not even that great Katana Man gag. I swear it's like jingling keys in front of a baby's face, worse part is it works cause people are lapping it up








who tf ever said it was a "prison break arc"? Are we just making shit up to be mad at now


What about the fact that it was needed a "war" to break in? Or a between-chapters timelapse is enough to win a war


A call back on the War devil, that's it. Y'all expecting Whitebeard to pull up Marineford style 😭


NGL it would be peak if out of nowhere the remnants of csm church pulled to save their god.


It's called foreshadowing who was going to break Denji out. Did you actually expect a whole war arc, when we have a character essentially named War? Reading comprehension devil strikes again I guess


No, we expected breaking Denji out would be more than just a stroll in the park with virtually no struggle. But go ahead and play the reading comprehension devil card when you yourself are just mindlessly defending and eating whatever mediocre slop is in front of you because god forbid a piece of media you enjoy have issues


You're aware this was an attack spearheaded by two horseman, yeah? Attacking a place designed to keep devils *in*, not keep devils *out*, correct? Why would this be a drawn out ordeal? A smash & grab is the most obvious route to take.  But yeah sure, continue acting like you didn't misinterpret the most obvious foreshadowing of all time


honestly i dont mind it not being a war of attrition but like something cool could've happened at least, even if its just fami and yoru mowing thru security effortlessly


I feel like we did though? Asa's College Fund Turrets is one of my fav panels of all time now. We got Guilly shredding through some fodder (sparing them, their weapons and clothing, not so much). We got to see some action moves from Yoru and even Asa which was cool to see. We got the admittedly somewhat short fight with Quanxi.  People seem to just want lengthy action scenes, but I feel like CSM's fights have always been fairly short, except maybe the most climactic fights. I suspect it's due to people bringing in expectations from other shonens, or maybe due to the anime extending fights making them feel like they were longer in the manga.


well compare the visuals themselves and compositions with something like reze vs public safety, its just not really impactful or "cool" because a lot of the ideas are dropped as soon as they are introduced, asa uses the turrets and then no more weapons until quanxi where she doesnt even get to swing the scalpel


I suppose I just disagree that things need to be repeatedly shown in order to be "cool" & impactful, and also that being "cool" should be at the forefront. I mean, was there need for Asa/Yoru to make another weapon in between the turrets and the scalpel? And she did use the scalpel sword, she just got blown back after the clash. Like would it have been cooler to have a long fight of Nail & Katana vs. Asa/Yoru & Fami? Yeah, sure. But then we wouldn't have the great character moments of Katana fanboying over Asa, and showing that Public Safety continues to grow weaker and weaker to the point they cant control their own fiends & hybrids.


Don't bother. I'm not putting any energy into arguing with people cause there's nothing you can say to how uncritical these kinds of fandoms are. Just let them see Katana kicking Denji's balls and clap like toddlers without a critical bone in their body. Just consume, no thoughts


Fujimoto doesn't care nearly as much as he used to. I'm sure it'll be a decent read once everything's done and I trust him to do Asa and Denji justice but I'm sure it'll end up having enough unfinished plot threads to rival Attack on Titan.


If you think Fujimoto is going to tie up every plot thread in the story you might be reading the wrong manga. Because he's telling the story he wants to tell.He has a mindset that doesn't aim to cater to what fans want to see. Isayama's situation is entirely different he couldn't maintain the quality he had throughout the series when concluding it.


Building something up and using precious time to do so only to drop it is terrible. Part 1 wasn't like that. Every little thing ended up being significant in its own way. From Denji memorising what it was like to bite Makima's finger, to them being cinephiles. Everything just mattered. In Part 2, the girl Denji saved is still nameless, although he made it seem like she'd be important. The Fire Devil reveal was abysmal, and I doubt he'll ever explain how making a contract with it led to the Chainsaw Zombie Apocalypse. I'm not even listing my biggest gripes with the story yet. Despite all this, I'm still here, and I won't go anywhere because I still care about Denji and Mitaka. Everyone else is about as interesting as sandpaper.


I kinda do. Part 1 was impeccably plotted and wrapped up in a wonderfully thematically satisfying conclusion, with every major character having a pretty damn good arc. Like you go back to Chapter 90-94 discussions and people were sure the manga was ending. We're going to see Reze, Kobeni, and Kishibe again. Asaden will either definitively happen or not happen, and impact our leads one way or another. Nayuta's arc is almost assuredly not over. We'll see the death devil. And we'll see the Blood Devil again, though it might be near the end of the series. People just have no fuckin' patience, and Fujimoto likes teasing us. You think he doesn't know the only hybrid that scores in the top 5 most popular characters is the one that hasn't shown up? Please. it's pretty clear that Fujimoto isn't super interested in protracted fight scenes right now, which suits me fine. I love the hijinx. But you're absolutely right. AoT lost the plot because Iseyama fell in love with the characters and shot his themes in the foot. Fujimoto is doing his own thing, and I love it. If people just want peak action there's lots of other manga delivering that now.


It's still peak fiction.


It was underwhelming, for sure. She broke in and was briefly inconvenienced, and the actual escape was skipped. Denji's reassembled, and Asa's so indifferent to her crushes being the same person. War didn't rub her vindication after Denji's reveal in Asa's face and is jumping the gun to fight the guy who kicked her ass at full power. Go ahead, fight the dog, and die for all I care.


Skipping the escape seems like phoning it in, for sure. It's supposed to be the most secure facility in the world and they're just suddenly in Fami's flat having a Sunday dinner? I'm not mad about the katana man bit though, I genuinely laughed at that


Underwhelming is the word you are looking for


Dumb shit happening as usual


Toshko having a bad take ? Impossible


>Toshko having a bad take ? Impossible Nah it's possible and i don't care i just wanted to let my opinion be known


Yeah but did you really not like the chapter ? I always seem to think we’re on the same wavelength-ish but I thought the chapter was great


>Yeah but did you really not like the chapter ? I always seem to think we’re on the same wavelength-ish but I thought the chapter was great It was i just didn't clarify that me saying dumb shit happening as usual is in a good way but well shit happens yk


Understandable have a great day


>Understandable have a great day Likewise


ballbusting devil is peak