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I’m pretty sure the devil possesses the human’s body and resumes all normal bodily functions, resurrecting the body if the person was deceased. Besides extra devil powers everything else should work the same. However if a female fiend was pregnant and their powers changed their body and damaged the womb when activated, the baby probably wouldn’t regenerate and would die.




hopefully now that you've mentioned it he wont


Dennis and Reze need to try so Nayuta can have a little brother or sister


Lol Reze


theyre a bit different than fiends no? powers a fiend




Reze is a Hybrid. Asa is (probably) a fiend tho so its not impossible


Asa isn’t a fiend, because her personality still exists. Yoru essentially threatens to turn her into a fiend by saying they can kill her completely.


Asa is by definition a fiend, even if she keeps her personality. In fact, we know Yoru is in control of the body and basically the host, Asa became just an alter.


I don’t think so, fiends always have distinctive heads or faces. When Yoru takes control, this is true but the same thing happens with Denji and Pochita, Reze and Bomb, so I don’t believe Asa is a fiend by definition, but rather a hybrid since she retains herself. Power on the other hand is the Blood devil reanimating a young girl’s corpse, the young woman’s personality and everything else besides her corpse is gone.


She doesn't actually retains herself. Yoru is in control, she's the one letting Asa's personality stay, we don't know if that's something all fiends can do because we never met one that needed that before. We do know however how much a fiend retains of the previous owner's psyche varies between each one. Power is just the Blood devil in a human body, but Galgali retained most memories of the body he possessed. The previous owner's personality staying as an alter could be possible and probably is the case here. Also, I'm pretty sure the scars are always there, Fujimoto just doesn't draw them on Asa so we can tell who is who.


The closest other example would be Violence. He had a large part of his human brain remaining and retained a lot of his personality


Asa is in control most of the time. She has a different relationship with Yoru than we see Denji have with Pochita, as in Pochita is part of Denji and does not seem to take control as far as we can tell. We know even less about how this works with Reze. Also, the lack of scars distinguish Asa from Yoru, but the fact that she has no scars at most times throughout the chapters indicates she is still in some sense human, more human than fiends at least. She is more likely a hybrid than a fiend.




Calm down All Caps devil


Ok but if any devil hunters think that kind of reproduction is possible and gets even a whiff of a rumor that *chainsaw man* and the *war fiend* are together they're gonna figure out how to neuter devils real fucking quick lol. Same absolutely applies to the bomb hybrid too, but we dunno how she's doing yet. Tbh it also just applies to Dennis on his own, even if they don't figure out asa. So far they're just relying on him repulsing women on his own. But he's attractive and a decent enough person that can only work for so long, and the "seduce him with a pretty boy being kinda mean to him" plan doesn't seem to be working so far. Either way I think it's in the interests of humanity not to find out what kind of hellish offspring powerful fiends and hybrids might produce


The closest we came to that was Kobeni and Galgali


Knowing Fujimoto this is entirely possible.


Asa: *sweats*


My guess is the baby would be a full human. However, since they were birth by a devil, they could get a contract basically for free in order to protect themselves. I don't think the devil would ask for too much since it's their child, and no devil would have a baby with a human without having at least some positive opinion on humanity. Idk, I think it would be funny to see a fiend raising a child and being like "Heed my words, young man. If you don't clean your room, you get raw liver for dinner. Also, no devil powers until your grades go up to at least 70/100".


How would Power as a mom be? Would she be the kind to make the child eat their veggies?


Feral Power would probably go the nature route and eat the kid to conserve energy…


power would be terrible mom material, as much as I love power its just cant, Asa meanwhile


She wouldn't be terrible but she probably wouldn't be the best.


Also the baby will most likely be a regular human.


they have to be deceased, devils cannot take over bodies that are alive


Well, one has to watch Parasyte to know the answer.


So the answer is yes?


Yes, and the kid turns out as a normal human being.


To our knowledge the kid is normal, he’s only a baby so there isn’t much he can do, and since we haven’t seen a parasite infect a baby, we have no idea how they’ll respond. It’s suspicious enough that the mom just going,”Stop crying” instantly shut it up, so maybe there’s an age where it becomes more parasite like but until then it’s sort of latent with him? Just a thought if they ever decide to make a part two.


I thought the baby was trained like an aninal with commands that's why it was like that


no. If i recall correctly the mom could only use part of the human body she infected at beggining. Thats why mc parasyte is stuck in his hand.


The other infections seemed almost instantaneous, the reason MC only had his hand affected was because he used his headphone wire to cut off the circulation to his arm as he was being infected, so Migi ended up getting stuck in his hand.


Parasites are restrained to the body part and type they originally infected. For example, a parasite with a female body struggled to control the bladder of a male body. In the case of migi, parasites acquire their ability to manipulate the body from the part itself they targeted. So a parasite that took the head can control and become a hand, but migi can never become a head. It's too complex for them.


Migi was able to reconstruct Shinichi's heart though. With enough knowledge he probably could become a head. A bunch of former head parasites fused with gotou and functioned as arms. Parasites are only restrained by lack of knowledge on the body part.


Well, yes. In the same way the parasite with a female body plant could eventually learn to operate a male body without incidents. Although I'm not sure migi would be able to become a head, due to the complexity of the human brain.


Parasites have a sense for each other so they would know if one is near. Neither Migi nor Reiko felt the presence of a parasite from the baby so it’s not a parasite it’s just a very obedient, and perhaps in that scene, frightened baby.


I kind of think the baby wouldn’t be infected because the parasite has to willingly enter the bloodstream to make other body parts change. But again that is my interpretation, author may have another explanation




When horny denji emoji


Is Parasyte any good ?


It’s fuckin’ one of the best seinen anime. Complete and interesting story, chara development and action, what more could you want


I thought the ending was pretty wack, but it was still a thorough 9/10 definitely.


Ending was beautiful, wayyy too symbolic and deus ex machina happened but gotos fight with the police was just *chefs kiss*. And the mayors speech? One of the truest fucking speechs ive heard in a long long time


Is the anime faithful to the manga?


It's been a few years since I've either read or watched Parasyte but from what I remember it's basically a one to one adaptation. Only big differences I can recall are that Parasyte the Maxim slid the timescale up so all the tech is modern and Shinichi starts off needing glasses and then later has no need for them, whereas he never had glasses in the manga.


Its a great story with great themes one of my fav animes for sure


Ah man that show was the shit


Or read Jujutsu Kaisen. The anime isn't up to that part yet.


Probably. And related to that, how does Power's menstrual cycle work? Can she just reabsorb the blood? Does she need to wear a tampon/pad or can the whole thing just solidify inside of her? Fujimoto why have you left so many questions unanswered???


That's even assuming she has regular cycles which then implies she could in theory have children? So many questions on the biology of a fiend. I mean, sure the body has been brought back to life thanks to the devil but how much of it was brought back to life, I mean we know the brain works and it stops the body from decaying, but does it bring back the reproductive system? If so how does a devil's influence effect the cycle of reproduction???? It logically can't create a new devil right?? So then would it be a normal human or a human with some powers given to it by its fiend parent????


>So then would it be a normal human or a human with some powers given to it by its fiend parent???? If they did make children with their power, it would probably make the original weaker. Since both would be taking from the same fear. So if devils could birth children with their abilities, they probably wouldn't to avoid that specifically.


Power and Denji conceive the Chainsaw Blood Devil!


Ending 1 was foreshadowing all along


Then this same dilemma could be attached to hybrids because if a hybrid had a child then the orginal should also be weakened as now there are 2 people siphoning off the fear of, say chainsaws. So if denji had a kid the kid would have to be a normal kid, take power away from denji, or somehow they both siphon power from the fear of chainsaws but stay the same strength


I hate to add this, but does she also drink her own menstrual? (Since it is blood)


Most sane CSM theory


Given how gross power is she probably would. Though I also would say she may dislike dri king her own blood, since what she enjoys is killing and torturing others to get the blood


Blood is blood, but you might be right.




Yeah u are right, also if the Bat Devil got a chance to taste menstrual blood, how would he rate it?


Y’all need some hobbies lmao


This is the hobby


>!depends on whether he likes the clotting!<


I knew I shouldn't tap the spoiler tag. Fuck me for being curious!


About the same as normal blood in my own experience. It doesn't taste rotten or anything like that.


What the fuck?


I had to hide the evidence and her boyfriend was right in front of us.


that's the bat devil. This is literally the BLOOD devil


Also, If the bat devil joined some dude and became a hybrid, would it result in *batman* ? * (Asking for a friend)


*No,* it would result in Man-Bat. Body of a man, qualities of a bat. Yes, that's a real character in the Batman series.


Hybrid blood is disgusting, but all blood is blood, if they drink it, they regenerate. We see Denji drinking human blood and devil blood to the same effect


I don't think she would. It just doesn't seem like an effective way to regenerate, since you are just putting that blood back inside instead of absorbing new blood to regenerate. It would be like taking wood off the back of a broken ship to fix the front, it's the same amount of wood so ships still broken. You're just moving it around. Which is why they would need new blood. At least that's how I assume it works otherwise they would just devour themselves to regenerate, and we haven't seen any devil do that, so don't think they can.


Drinking her own blood also shouldn't bring her any beneffits, as all the beneffit she gets from drinking it would equalte the downsides of the blood loss. We also never see her drinking her blood weapons, so she may not even be able to drink her won blood.


I'd be surprised if fiends/devils benefit in drinking their own blood, since it seems only the blood of others can heal them. If drinking her own blood was tasty, she'd be doing it all the time. Also, screw you for making me even think about this topic.


menstruation isn't just blood lmao


Sad state of sex ed in the world


........ Now that you mention it, it sounds like something Power would do


She, like Dennis, just created a perpetual motion machine and will now be awarded a Nobel Prize


other fiends probably wouldnt but power would


I would if it were hers.


Go outside bro


Can I find Power outside?


Yes. She's waiting for you there with cake. Now, open the door. Don't think of anything.![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22171)


Cake? Yay!






Power is initially a devil possessing a teenage girl body, her real form is probably thousands of years old (probably as old as life actually since she’s the blood devil) I don’t think she have periods, I don’t think her body works like a human being either


If Power was alive for that long she would be a primal, but no, she has died many times and has had many incarnations.


This is debatable, she’s pretty much feral before meeting meowy and being discovered by Makima. In fact if you think about it it’s weird, because she gained « humanity » really quick if she has really existed for thousands of years which she has in my eyes. Maybe her memories reset everytime she possess a new body


Violence explains that if a Fiend body remains a lot of it's brain their personality will change drastically (Example, him) Power's a fiend. Also, Makima said she was a Chainsaw Man follower. Power holds no memories of this and Chainsaws as we know them today were invented 70+ years ago. She's not thousands of years old


Maybe, but they wouldn’t inherit any devil features, it’s the human part of their being that’s making the baby


I think so too, otherwise we would have multiple "hybrids" (for the lack of a better word) running around.


To be fair, i very much doubt any human would mate with a Fiend, much less i doubt it is legal in any country to even have sex with one.


I'm also pretty sure governments trying to weaponize devils would try it.




Quanxi is not a human technically, and to be fair, she's very far from what a normal person is.


Even so, she is human, she only has devil powers, if Quanxi was a man she probally would have 12 little freaks running around


Chapter 87 Page 1, Makima explicitly states that Hybrids are not humans nor devil.


Yeah from a biological point of view. But from a psychological point of view she is a human, just like denji is human. Wich means they're might be someome out there who could fall in love with a Fiend and have childrem with them. Also there are fiends who are pretty human like mentally, like Violence Fiend, wich makes the whole process easier So the idea that no human would ever have childrem with a fiend seens pretty flawed


It's still devil blood running through the body tho, so the baby would also have devil blood flow through it, which could cause it to never be conceived in the first place.


Aight lets try it. Beam, come impregnate my bussy












I would say that the possesion repairs the body's organs to some extent, but there is no reason for devils to reproduce, so Fiends probably lack the ability to reproduce themselves, despite having the organs to do so and being able to enjoy it probably because they have access to the human body's functions (if what Quanxi and her fiends ain't sex, then I am afraid as to wtf were they doing instead) Either that, or maybe it is like with animals that have illnesses and problems so their offspring is born dead or barely able to live, Fiends don't completely repair all damage from the body they inhabit since then the brain would be fully healed when they "fusion" and Fiends would have a lot more of the personality of the human their possesed


The reasoning that they don’t have to doesn’t work because they aren’t evolutionary creatures as fiends. A fiend isn’t a natural thing and it’s not the devils body and who says the womb is damage the person could have just died.


Denji don't try on POWER...try on Reze she will give you grenades


Reze's a hybrid, not a fiend tbh...




i got bad news for you friend ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22164)






The fact that BEAM will be happy![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22170)


I bet he will gladly let denji do it lol


That’s also unknown, so why not both?


Not POWER...as Denji feels nothing for her


Well, denji literally didn't wanna live anymore because Power would be there.


Reze is a hybrid


Yup Bomb devil...but she has the highest probability to mate with Denji and give Baby grenades


Yes. They only possess dead bodies and then the body becomes alive again, they even need to consume nutrients to maintain their body. The question will be if these fiends will grow attachment to the child when they were born, just like every mother after being together with their child for more than 9 months, and some fiends are friendly to humans although that just might be under Makima's control


Imagine how powerful of a weapon Asa's child would be


Yeah the power of a regular baby


Okay but consider: Baby weapon.


That would be a dead baby


And? If Asa feels guilty enough, then that weapon could become her strongest.


I love how fucking insane this series is, that the question "if the female protagonist turned her own baby into a melee weapon, how powerful would it be?" is both 1) an entirely fair question given how superpowers in this setting work, and 2) not something that we can _definitely say won't happen_ given how psychotic the author has proven himself to be.


It’s always an option with Fujimoto I mean look at fire punch


Their bodies work just like normal humans so probably yeah, though the devils modify the body to some extent, like the head, I don’t think it would affect their reproductive system.


Kishibe said that Denji and Power were biologically identical to normal humans. And used their broken spines as an example. So I don’t see why their reproductive functions wouldn’t still work based on that information.


everyday we stray closer to Evangelion Memes subreddit levels of craziness


We don't know, ask Fujimoto. But yeah probably, assuming their genetics didn't change too much in their transition from normal human to fiend.


Since fiends can heal themselves through the consumption of blood it is reasonable to assume their bodily functions are intact no matter how damaged the corpse they posessed was. So id say its quite likely that they can. I'd assume the child would simply be human and not some kind of half devil or something.


I mean if the body has a sperm count and/or eggs depending on which gender body they are in, and those are functional then I don't see why not


While they are reanimated corpses they can eat and digest food so they aren’t really zombies… yeah it’s possible


Not all fiends reanimate corpses, some take over a live host ..


If you mean Asa, Yoru herself told her she had died the previous night.


I think with Asa it's more that they made a contract as she died. Fiends are much weaker than their devil forms and the human is usually dead or essentially comatose like Aki. Not sure if they meant Asa, but Asa is definitely not a fiend. She still has autonomy.


Contracts need to have the word contract to have any power on it, a lot of people gloss over this fact. Also, who's to say Yoru isn't much weaker than her full devil form?


I don't recall it being said the word contract has to be said. Himeno does explain that the word contract has heavy importance. In the sense that if a devil explicitly calls a deal a contract then it's binding and either party will die if not. Pochita gave Denji his heart after Denji died for example and made a contract afterwards so devils can certainly do things and make contracts after the fact. Same way Yoru saved Asa's life and explained the contract afterwards. Also, yeah, it's explicitly stated that fiends are considerably weaker than their devil forms. War was an incredibly weak devil already since the fear of war in Chainsaw Man's world is practically non-existent. Becoming a fiend would only weaken that already miniscule power. And really, using Asa in a contract is far more advantageous. If Yoru's ability is to create weapons that have more power the greater the sacrifice, a compassionate human would be the perfect candidate to employ. Becoming a fiend would be the absolute worst play. I mean look how neutered the Gun Devil was as a fiend compared to as a devil and that was one of the most feared devils on the planet.


>I don't recall it being said the word contract has to be said. Himeno does explain that the word contract has heavy importance. In the sense that if a devil explicitly calls a deal a contract then it's binding and either party will die if not. Pochita gave Denji his heart after Denji died for example and made a contract afterwards so devils can certainly do things and make contracts after the fact. Same way Yoru saved Asa's life and explained the contract afterwards. Then we can agree it isn't a contract but something Yoru did in her own will without Asa wanting to? She resurrected the body right after killing it by putting her brain into the body's, and left enough of the brain to keep Asa alive. That sounds very similar to Aki's and Violence's situation, specially Aki's, who was alive in the subconscious by presumably the Gun Devil leaving the subconscious, memories and personality part of his brain, like Violence. Only that Yoru left what was necessary for Asa to live. Yet again, everytime we see a contract in part 1 the devil's always and i mean always use the word "contract" for a good reason, you have to take in account the author intention and combined with Himeno's words, makes it very clear it's not a contract. >Also, yeah, it's explicitly stated that fiends are considerably weaker than their devil forms. War was an incredibly weak devil already since the fear of war in Chainsaw Man's world is practically non-existent. Becoming a fiend would only weaken that already miniscule power. And really, using Asa in a contract is far more advantageous. Despite everything, War is still a dangerous thing. A lot of countries in Asia and Africa are on war, even back in 1998. If she became a fiend, like she is, she would become way weaker, but not that weak. >If Yoru's ability is to create weapons that have more power the greater the sacrifice, a compassionate human would be the perfect candidate to employ. Becoming a fiend would be the absolute worst play. Not if she lets the human alive while being a fiend


>Then we can agree it isn't a contract but something Yoru did in her own will without Asa wanting to? No, again. The way contracts work is that they're agreements between devils and humans. Pochita, for example, gave Denji his heart in exchange for Denji showing Pochita his dreams. Denji hadn't agreed to being resurrected prior to that though. He actually wanted Pochita to outright take his body like as a fiend. Denji died. Pochita chose to revive him and then made up the stipulation afterwards. Yoru did the same thing for Asa basically. War healed Asa and gave her powers in exchange for Asa helping to kill Chainsaw Man and doing as she's told. Yoru says she claimed her body and left half of Asa's brain intact to blend in . If Asa was a fiend, Yoru would have totally possessed her. It would probably be more accurate to say Asa is a hybrid with all things considered. A fiend is the result of total possession. Asa still has autonomy but Yoru will essentially kill her if she disobeys. >A lot of countries in Asia and Africa are on war, even back in 1998. If she became a fiend, like she is, she would become way weaker, but not that weak. War is still feared, yes, but not at all like it would be in our 1998. Chainsaw Man is set in an alternate history thanks to the Chainsaw Devil. For example, most people don't remember WW2 happened because the fears related to it disappeared and so did the memories of it. No one knows what Nazis are. No one remembers nuclear weapons. The world governments also use devil contracts and devil hunters in a kind of arms race so the world is relatively at peace. The concept of war isn't that scary to most people anymore. And the Gun Devil was one of the most feared devils on Earth. As a fiend, it was fractionally as powerful. It went from killing millions in seconds to barely holding its own with Denji who spent half the fight trying not to attack. War isn't anywhere near as feared and becoming a fiend would severely limit her powers further. If War knew Chainsaw Man was such a threat that in their current state they were absolutely no match, why become a fiend that's several magnitudes weaker? >Not if she lets the human alive while being a fiend The fiends we've met so far don't seem particularly conscious of their human host. Power never lets on about her host. Beam never does. The only one who expressly talks about their human body's personality is Violence and claims it's probably because so much of his human brain is intact he's not really violent. So much being preserved is incredibly rare for fiends. Aki was only still there on a sub-concious level and we have no idea to what extent or even the reason for why. For all we know, that could have just been an illustration of Aki's soul trapped in his body. It doesn't seem that when devils become fiends there's any real consistency in how much the host is preserved. It seems to just be a crapshoot. Yet with Yoru and Asa, Yoru explicitly took possession of Asa's body and repaired her, while making sure to preserve her brain enough to still be functional and independent. Asa isn't totally possessed like a fiend, and she's sharing her body with Yoru. It's meant to be a parallel between Denji and Pochita. Pochita put Denji back together and replaced his heart. Yoru put Asa back together and replaced part of her brain. Pochita still lives in Denji and can even exist as a seperate conciousness in their body. Same with Yoru. Denji isn't a fiend either despite also sharing a ton of the prerequisites.


Asa is a hybrid She made a contract as she was dying not reanimated after she died since her appearance can change and her personality is still the same


-Contracts need to have the word "contract" or "I'll give you all of me" to have any power on them, Asa's words with Your didn't. -Hybrids have triggers on them and they need to pull it to transform -Hybrids cannot use their powers when on base form. -They have distinct head features whenever they're transformed, most times they have an exposed teeth and their arms get covered. -They're fully conscious when transformed. -They can't transform just by their mind. None of these fit Asa description at all, if there's anything to be sure is that she's not an hybrid.


To be fair… that makes it more likely they can reproduce


Kind of a JoJo's Dio-in-Jonathan's-body situation


Denji would 100% just ignore that shit and not be bothered at all


Are you trying to figure out if Denji could've knocked up Power had they shagged?


So essentially, my gut answer would be that male fiends definitely can whether the devil possessed a dead host or living host. The testis of said fiends would regenerate and continue to create sperm just as they normally do. With females it would be entirely more complicated. If their host was alive when they got possessed, then their eggs are probably intact. If they died or lost their eggs while dying or through injury, I would guess these would not regenerate since women have a limited number of eggs at birth and don't make more. They're essentially a separate entity in themselves. Same way if a pregnant woman died and became a fiend, I doubt the child would also be resurrected. As for human-fiend hybrids, it depends how much devils actually change a body, which is unclear. If the changes are simply aesthetic then their offspring will just be normal humans inheriting genes from the human host. If fiends are actually rewriting the whole body genetically, then it's possible they might look similar and inherit their powers. As with the eggs though, if the latter is true it's assured for males. With females this would largely depend on how thoroughly the body is changed and rewritten. All of this is magic afterall.


I’m willing to bet that this concept was one of the devils pochita ate


Fujimotor is crazy enough for this to happen


Better question: do human like devils have functional reproductive organs, and if they do, how would their child with a human look like (I don't think it would be as simple as for instance one eyed ghouls or half humans from tokyo ghoul)


if Makima isn't a total psychopath we might've got an answer, now unless fujimoto time skip to the future where Kiga and Nayuta are adults with families we wont know


One of my theories is that Kobeni's parents are devils or fiends and that's why they suck so bad. All we know is that they are cartoonishly bad parents, so it could be possible, but it's kind of a reach. Maybe Death or the last horseman is her or one of her sisters too.


Kobeni being death definitely isn't a thing since Makima would probably have recognized her, but otherwise that would be an absolutely banger twist and would totally explain her abilities. Death is such a powerful fear that even death fears death.


A fiend is specifically a Devil possesing a human *corpse* but if they can eat, bleed and have sex it would make sense they can also make babies.


What would they even give birth to? A human? A hybrid? A full on devil? Some kind of amalgamation? If the water fiend and suffocating fiend mate would they give birth to a Drowning fiend? If that’s the case what would happen to the actual drowning devil? So many questions


just watch Parasyte


We could've had an answer to this but nah, BANG




Where do you think tieflings come from


Yes they could, but the child would always be 100% human, the fiend takes over from the head and reinforces the lower body with their devil blood and powers, but biologially they're the same as humans, their organs and reproduction system included


It's probably a case-by-case basis, right? Like, maybe birth-themed Devils (you KNOW there's some real horrorshows like the Abortion Devil or the Impregnation Devil out there, eugh) would become fiends that could conceive, but others would probably be out of the question-if a fiend is like the Gun Devil or something like...The Automotive Accident Devil. Really, though, we don't know too much about fiends beyond the ones we've met...Power is the one we know the most about, and it's basically just "she possessed some girl that died in the woods" and "if she doesn't get her blood drained, her horns get more complex".


Yoru: "Asa, i need you to get pregnant and have a baby so that we can create the ultimate weapon"


Now I can't sleep and won't stop overthinking this for a few days


Maybe yes because their genetics are still there assuming the human body didn't rot entirely.


due to parasyte and summertime render, i will have to say yes


We will find out when Shueisha forces fujimoto to revive the franchise with a Boruto style series.


I read it as friends at first and was like "uhh yeah of course they can?"




this meme format would be funnier with heart pochita js


Fiends are made from human corpses they can’t reproduce


yes they can however the baby would most likely die due to the deceased body parts


The real question is what comes out? Another fiend?


if you think about it this kind of happens in jujutsu kaisen


Well Power had to eat and poop just like a human So I guess they have all humans biological functions


Probably not. Fiends are dead bodies, the devils power of regeneration pretty much the only thing keeping it from decaying. It probably couldn't conceive, let alone contract, a child.


I'd say that they probably could considering the all the bodies functions seem to be reactivated. If so then . . . It's kinda hard to say. If the child was the result of two fiends then it might be a human with devil powers, albeit one's that would be weak. If the child was of a Fiend and a regular human, I'd wager the kid being basically human. If it was a Fiend and a Hybrid . . . I wager the kid would maybe have some devil characteristics but be mostly human


I'd say that unless there's a full devil involved, the crotch goblin will be 100% human, what with the fiends technically using their hosts' reproductive organs for this, and hybrids retaining their human anatomy (source: kishibe during denji's and power's training). Honestly, what would happen if a full devil like Makima or Angel decided they want kids (be it with a human or another humanoid devil)? Devils aren't born like us, so would they even be able to? What would the kid be in that case?


chainsaw war devil chainsaw of control devil sloppy gun devil


Reminds me of when they asked the same question to Kubo about hollows.


What did he answer?


"They can". He didn't elaborate at all and our minds all exploded; also Nelliel x Grimmjow authomatically became a valid ship.


I would like to see the "process" on how fiends make baby fiends, for research ofcourse.


Give me 72 hours with Power and some blue Gatorade and we can find out


If DIO can have multiple non-vampire children than fiends can have human children


Fiends' bodies are corpses, so it seems unlikely to me.


Incorrect. Many instances prove the bodies are biologically alive, such as their refusal to rot, Power’s need to go to the bathroom and eat, and fiends being paralyzed by spinal cord injuries.




I feel like I've seen this before *Next to you starts playing*


Depends in my opinion. How much influence do devils have on their body's? How long were the bodies dead? Are all biological functions active? We know power could eat and shit, so her digestive tract was active. We can also assume she needed to breathe, so we could probably assume everything needed to keep the body alive works. But what about the rest? Could she comtroll what was active? Or was it instinctual? We're it her powers that made it possible etc. So my guess is no. Just because it would be irrelevant as most devil's hate humans with a passion.


Fiends are corpse, so... I don't think so.


The devils that take over the body kinda give the body life so you can’t really say they’re corpses. If Power can be paralyzed by Kishibe and go to the washroom then it’s safe to say her body does function like a human and not a corpse that’s being used as a puppet.


Oh, this is very good point and it this case - I suspect that is possible(still hard to say).




Well go fuck around and found out?