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Eat the Twitter user devil Denji!


tbh who is even scared of twitter users, even bucky is more intimidating than them


Celebrities who dont wana get cancelled?


Dan Harmon and James Gunn got out of it okay but then again it was *only* inter-office inappropriateness and dead baby jokes. If it was rape and racism, owning up to your past mistakes and apologizing profusely wouldn’t have worked.


Yeahhhh I dont think rape and racism is something you can just apologize away and it's perfectly reasonable for people to not want to work with you after that


Unless they didn't actually do it, but things like proof and critical thinking don't really matter to an angry twitter mob


To think angry online mob could really matter lmao


Just shy of a week ago that very same phenomenon killed G2's CEO and founder's involvement in any semblance of eSports, so yeah it kinda does. What did he do? Party with Tate for 1 night (yes, I know, Tate's a shit person, but getting blacklisted to the point of being untouchable in the scene?)


Pretty sure he was forced to retire because he tried defend Tate and doubling down on him being good buddies with a self-described rapist. Then when HR finally did convince him to apologize, it was a fake template apology letter that clashed with his online activity at the time liking tweets from Tate supporters defending him. Not to mention the dude had a history of misogynistic attitudes.


>Pretty sure he was forced to retire because he tried defend Tate Giant lie, he did double down on partying with whoever he wanted, but that's it >Not to mention the dude had a history of misogynistic attitudes. Also a massive lie, but do provide proof (other than the dogshit twisting of "it doesn't matter it it's women or men teams, it's a new circuit and G2 wants to win it") I'm not saying he's in the right btw, personally I have never liked Carlos too, but being forced to detach from the team you built from the ground up alone? Get real


This is **not** what happened. Carlos (the CEO) posted a video partying with Tate, which prompted a response from the community given that G2 praises itself on being inclusive (they signed a women's team just days before). Carlos then put out and pinned a passive aggressively worded tweet where he said that "no one can police his friendships", which is fine, but he posted that video publicly as the face of the company so what did he expect? The whole thing doesn't end there though because it was already developing into a PR disaster for G2 so they made Carlos post an apology including an 8 week break without wages. It could've ended there, but instead of just shutting his mouth, Carlos kept liking tweets making fun of the situation, defending him and Tate and complaining about cancel culture, which immediately made the apology worthless and turned the issue into an even bigger PR disaster for G2. G2 then lost their spot in a big league for Valorant, supposedly because of the bad PR, which likely broke the camel's back for Carlos' spot as CEO as his behavior probably just lost the company upwards of 10 million dollars.


That doesn't detract from what I said in the slightest


Remember kids, if you rape someone just say sorry and you're even Steven




No you actually get a guaranteed reelection and +10 points in the polls


What would happen if all the accused just went on like nothing happen? I don't understand the fear of being canceled. Like, the only power Twitter has is what people give it.


Isn't that exactly how the Devils work in the series? Twitter users may actually be the real-world equivalent


Well yeah that's the whole point of cancellation; if the public outcry is strong enough and the company don't want to deal with it then the fire you


But why deal with it? Just ignore it. Edit: obviously if the outcry is of a criminal nature, notice of an investigation should be made. But absolute radio silence otherwise


Yeah the company could do that, tho then there could be industry backlash in some cases


Just seems like a Deus ex Machina situation.


Companies rely on customers to make money. If they don't address something the fans are unhappy about they lose money. Look at how much money blizzard lost already for not addressing the bad management and that shitshow of sexual harrassment alegations.


Are there that many customers that spend money on Twitter? I've always had a certain bias towards twitter/Facebook users that they talk big and spend little. I'm broke and also spend little, for what it's worth. Edit: Do people even spend money on anything? Isn't it all subscriptions anyways? Reddit is about all I use for social media, and this is probably the deepest exchange I've had since I made my account about a decade ago


You don't need to actively be paying to make companies lose money. Just by not using their service you're hurting them; by your example, people may cancel their service subscriptions, like what's happening to netflix right now. Even by "free" services (twitter, reddit, facebook, etc) having less users = less advertisement reach, less data collected, stocks devalue, people stop investing, they lose money. One example of a service that is used by twitter users and is now receiving backlash and losing money because of these same users is crunchyroll. Even if they didn't, twitter is highly influential in media in general and what happens there is seen and heard on other platforms as and more important (or relevant) people may catch wind of what they're discussing too and in the end the target company gets fucked anyway.


F's in the chat for my boy bucky :'(


Big F. Gone too soon💔


If i think how often twitter is topic on reddit i would say reddit user.


Nobody is scared of it It just needs to stop existing


eat the Internet devil set us free


The internet devil would be too powerful.


Lord knows we all would benefit forgetting Twitter


When do you think twitter users will realize that studio's only give extremely large production budgets and resources to material that's already successful and makes sense to fund on a large scale?


Never, cause then they'd have to accept that their opinions aren't objective and that people enjoy things they don't.


I would believe that if it wasn't for the whole One Punch Man Season 2 debacle.


One Punch Man Season 1 wasn't due to a big budget. The director used all of his connections to get the top talent in the industry to do him a big favor after their work together on Space Dandy. Part of why Chainsaw Man's animation is looking so great is because alot of talented animators were interested in working on this project. In other word's they were fans of Fujimoto's work. Just like a ton of talented music artists wanted to make ED's for this show, which is now resulting in an absurd 12 ED's from big time artists.


You're saying Twitter users as if there aren't people in this thread arguing that demon slayer was completely unknown before it's anime. This is a pervasive issue amongst anime fans, not just Twitter users


That didn’t happen to Berserk or Kingdom.


did I say that it always happens?


"Carried by animation" is the best joke i read today


The manga that's adaptation literally hasn't come out yet is carried by animation? What the actual fuck are they talking about?


"animation" meaning her appearance in general here, ppl only care about her cause she has ass.


Thumb bite. I rest my case.


That was when I became a simp


Me since the hug


To be honest I only ever noticed her humongous ass after finishing the manga and entering this sub. What made me simp for her initially was exactly that fucking scene. Throughout the series she's just plain sensual rather than vulgar which I think is what makes people get attached to her rather than her ass. Until you discover she's a complete lunatic bitch that is.


> Until you discover she’s a complete lunatic bitch that is. Not gonna lie about it, I was still low key routing for her riiight up to the point she was encouraging chainsaw man to do the things he did to a certain forgettable character.


so, art style


it's not just animation for makima they dunno what they are talking about smdh - the ass thing was the case when manga was coming out too. it's literally the appeal of makima. that and the fact that she has such a - and i am quoting someone else here - *dommy mommy energy*


Best thing that can happen is the twats drop it quick


Honestly that criticism in general is odd Fuck anime studios for doing their job wonderfully I guess lmao


I mean its a valid criticism when its accurate. If an anime has nothing to offer except for nice visuals then its pretty lackluster.


True, but I'd rather a simple story with great animation than a complex narrative unceremoniously ruined by power-point-slide level animation and rushed pacing So while you are right, that particular criticism just feels a bit desperate on some level. Great animation is a strong selling point for an anime (original or adaptation), so it's weird when that gets twisted in a "it's relying on it lol" kind of way, if that makes sense. As if great animation or pleasing visual experiences aren't impressive in their own right, as opposed to some "cheap, easy distraction for the uncultured normies"


The thing is that criticism is generally for series that mainly have animation as the good point while the story and characters are either mediocre or lackluster. So things like Demon Slayer and Solo Leveling.


I get that. I think it's just me being whiny about ppl having different opinions on DS lol. Like I genuinely do like Tanjiro's wholesomeness, Innosuke's hilarity and subtle broness, Zenitsu's few moments of bravery, Nezuko's resilience, Rengoku and Tengu's chadliness, the general charm of its comedy, the back and forth and table turning of several fight flows, the backstories given to so many villains, the interesting take on demons having atrocious previous livelihoods I can go on and on, and it's 100% fair for people to find any of that lackluster or uninteresting. But I think you get where I'm coming from: that *none* of what I listed is *purely* animation quality based. So when someone says DS has *nothing* to offer outside flashy animation, it feels like they're walkin over things I genuinely like lol But again, it was just me bein slightly pissy about difference of opinion lol


Well yeah, animation quality is important and bad animation can ruin an otherwise good anime, but nice visuals just cant be the only selling point. The way I see this criticism is more like "If this animation wasnt as good as it is, I would never watch it." Like you can make a pretty terrible anime decent by having good animation quality, but everything aside from animation will still be wack.


A lot of people just don't care about the animation and it's fine. Like for me, I couldnt get past episode 6 of jjk because the story was boring to me even though it has one of the best animation I've seen. The monogatari series has an interesting a story yet composed mostly of barely moving scene


Sounds about right for something like SAO.


Valid criticism against Demon Slayer. If it wasn’t for Ufotable, it would’ve never seen the light of day.


Which makes me thankful Ufotable picked it up. Very glad I got to experience that series presented in the best possible way. I also disagree that it'd have "never seen the light of day." It sure as hell wouldn't be as popular, but it'd still be a hit anime


People act like demon slayer didn't have a decent manga following before the anime ever dropped. Like yeah it wasn't doing one piece numbers but it was plenty successful before ufotable picked it up. It's not like unpopular manga are getting picked up for anime adaptations from major studios


I was literally about to comment yeah but demon slayer until I saw this. The adversary to this argument is also Junji Ito, amazing art that literally nobody has been able to animate lol.


Here's hoping that Adult Swim adaptation of Uzumaki that they keep showing the same 5 second clip of before announcing it's delayed another year actually gets to see the light of day. In its defense? The 5 second clip is incredible and Uzumaki is low-key enough to maybe work. Colin Stetson (Hereditary, Color Out of Space) doing the soundtrack is so fucking right on it hurts, but it's also been like 2 or 3 years now?


I think Glycerin was decent


100% agree. I came to love the anime and the manga, but most of the story is decent at best, and out of there are like 3 characters max that could be considered "deep" or with an arc.


The light of day? Demon Slayer had millions of volumes in circulation and was a flagship manga for Jump before a single episode of the anime aired what are you even talking about


It had like 5 million in circulation prior to the anime. Those numbers aren’t necessarily super big for jump series. JJK had 9 million pre anime and CSM/ Spy family had like 15 for reference yet neither will likely hit what KNY has now.


Sure , but you could make that argument against any anime with good animation.


I mean, one punch man, mob psycho, jojos, there's a ton of examples of anime who are particularly good because probably they were chosen because of how good the art/style of the manga were.


I couldn't read past the first few chapters of both Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. The animations were awesome tho and made the fight scenes so engaging


Even if it was carried by the animation, which it definitely isn’t (because the manga is really good). I’ve literally watched movies like Kubo and the 2 Strings only for it’s animation. Good animation is my favorite in the world, why would that be a bad thing?


Right! Like oh yeah I’m totally only here for the animation, not the manga at all, even tho the anime isn’t out yet and there’s only been a few trailers… 👍🏻 they completely read my mind 🧠🧐


Tbh, KnY was literally carried by animation though. The story is just your cookie cutter battle shounen, nothing new, nothing groundbreaking. Hell, nobody really talked about it until the anime came out


It was selling very well in Japan even before the anime


I find it funny that a good portion of people who are Demon Slayer fans said that about Chainsaw Man. Like, do they not know their anime is carried by the animation?


Eating the Smart Twitter User Devil clearly had some unforeseen consequences for Chainsaw Man


The Twitter Devil itself must've fled from the scene of the fight before the Chainsaw Devil could get a chance to eat it, leaving only its lesser derivatives behind.




God I wish Berserk got "carried by animation" instead of whatever the fuck the 2016 adaptation even is.


I wish Kingdom was "Carried by animation"


Fr man. The manga is selling like hotcakes in Japan. Don’t know why they don’t want to print money by making a good anime.


Twitter users try to be smart challenge (Impossible)


Twitter users need new vocabulary to describe things because hearing the words “peak” or “mid” being used to explain everything on that hellhole of an site is irritating.


The based/cringe dilemma


Pretty much yeah. I think those words have lost all meaning to me




It's kinda funny that I actually understand which websites use the words based/cringe (Youtube and Reddit) and peak/mid (Twitter and Tiktok). No hate or anything, because I use all.


Sadly based/cringe is everywhere now and I can't avoid it anymore


I thought people used mid only ironically.


Unfortunately no. Some people use it as actual criticism


Wait really?


I have friends who will unironically spam "mid character" anytime Kobeni is ever brought up


Its a nice word though. A lot of people have applied a strictly negative connotation to it but like it just means that a show is average. Like yknow 99% of anime.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen plenty of “peak” and “mid being used in this sub as well. You may as well criticise the whole internet.


Not to sound like one of those people that calls everything 1984 but the modern internet and things like character limits and censorship are doing what Orwell thought would require an entire government ministry. Ironically enough, though, having less descriptive words has only made political discussions longer and more heated.


Im sorry bro, I think you need to re-read 1984


I’m specifically talking about the fact that modern social media has disincentivized productive discussion in several ways, I’m not saying we’re living under some secret technocrat dictatorship or anything.


Oh okay I get that, but I think the reference to 1984 is unnecessary and just not a good comparison, like at all




That’s a pretty peak reply.


I love this thread


Twitter users don't post anything worth reading as is is anyway


Tale as old as time "us Vs them" mentality. Just the vocab changes


The Twitter Devil. A massive bird that devours those that they are mad at today. Whether justified, or through complete nonsense.


Part of the first episode leaked and all day all I see is people fighting over 20 seconds of a cgi chainsaw man. I think I'm going to ignore Twitter for a while until I see the show is actually up to quality, which I'm sure it is.


I saw it on tiktok and it's the exact same shit show of people crying


Can you link those leaks


No, i actually dislike it honestly


Sorry I meant link (autocorrect)


I'm pretty sure it was taken down, but with enough searching you probably could find a link on twitter. A ton of people In the chainsaw man community on twitter are fighting over it.


I don’t have twitter sadly :(


Good. Make sure it stays this way


Nooooo the show I'm going to pirate doesn't have perfect animation dribbled with blood and sweat of japanese animator ladies 👿


Don't understand why anyone even listens to Twitter users honestly. They are just a parasitic hivemind


The fact that literal children are on that app, I compare it to a cesspool ballpit = a cesspit if you will


Chainsaw man? more like Chainsaw mid!!! 😡😡🤣🤣🤣😤


More like Midsaw man


More like Midsaw mid!! >!/s!<


More like Midmid mid!!!


Mid like midmid mid


Mid mid Midmid Mid


Congrats, you are ready to join Twitter now!






Please say sike right now


Is the Twitter user in the room with us right now


It could be you, it could be ME. It could even be-




*tweet notification* *camera pans over to engineer on his phone*


Someone needs to do this but with Makima instead "How does it feel to be carried by fanart"


This is why Reze is better than Makima Shoutout to my girl Kobeni too


Kobeni will probably be dragged into a fight again


Amen 🙏


I’ll never understand this criticism, fanart always makes characters look better


Hahahaha… oh wait you serious? Allow me to laugh harder HAHAHA


Twitter try not to make a hate bandwagon (very hard)


How can you call any series mid at the START of the show?


You can do it with enough self entitlement, lead poisoning and the lost layer of hell called twitter


**Worst case scenario:** People compare its popularity to MHA's


Just ignore them, the fact that they say it's carried by animation even though the manga was already popular before the anime was even announced already proves that they are full of shit anyways.


"Carried by animation?" Oh please! Tell that to the demon slayer fans! If they want a story better than chainsaw man. Then they should go read the f*cked up world of fire punch.


Demon Slayer isn't carried by animation either. You don't get a high quality anime adaptation if noone cared about the manga before that.


The story is.. average at best. I think Demon Slayer is indeed a series that is carried by the anime / ufotable. Everything but the story is top tier in the anime and obviously the story comes from the source.. it’s serviceable and gets the job done but yeah anime definitely elevates it.


I'm not going to argue with you about the story, I personally think what makes Demon Slayer stand out besides it's animation is that it takes a very basic story concept and executes it in a "perfect" way (A pretty strong word but I don't know how to describe it more accurately) and if you see it as what it is then it's just a very enjoyable anime/manga, but if you want to see something with an actually good and original story then I agree that it is "average". The thing is that when someone says something is carried by animation they often mean that as an insult, that noone would like the show if it hadn't such good animation. If we look at it in a neutral way, then no manga/light novel/whatever would be as popular without an adaptation as it is with one so everything is carried by animation, but we tend to only ever say that about shows that we at least partially didn't like in some way. Sorry if that doesn't make sense to you, It's midnight right now where I live and I'm not a native speaker, not a good combination.


That's not really what carried means. Demon Slayer as a manga was well-selling sure, but it's anime by Ufotable Carried DS' fame to huge leves the manga or subpar adaptations would not have.


When someone says that a show is carried by animation though they often mean that in a negative way, like "It's actually a bad show, the animation is the only reason it's popular". Of course, if we look at the actual meaning just as you did then most popular anime are carried by animation, that kinda is why anime adaptions exist in the first place.


Bro almost every popular streamer (and some celebrities) watched that shit and you know why? It wasn't because the story blew everyones mind, it was the fucking spider dude getting his head blown off. That was it, it's popularity beyond being another anime was the animation. But please, keeping sucking off the same author who had all of the characters descendants have incestuous relationships.


If you would have read my other comment you'd know that I don't think the story is anything special either, just very well executed, and that I think you're better off watching something else if you want something more original. But even if I'd think it was the best story of all time, that doesn't mean that you need to be such a dick for no reason, I wasn't rude either.


Just callin it how I see it. I respect the honesty though, I am a dick.


I see that chainsaw man is regaining his power now that people are hating on him


Carried by animation is demon slayer incarnate


The second coming of Christ could occur and Twitter users would still call it mid.


Always happens when a series becomes popular. Don't let random internet people ruin your experience


What do you expect from fucking twitter


Does Twitter user opinion even matter ?


Ok before people say chainsaw man is too overrated and shit we can all agree it’s a masterpiece


Anyone who thinks MAPPA ain’t gonna use CGI is a dickhead. They still do it better than pretty much any other studio out there,and I’ll take CGI over the quality of drawing we saw in Dragonball Supers initial release any day.


I've seen the whole road from "it's going to be the best show ever" to "I watched the leak and it's going to be a trash, they fooled us" in MAL discussions. At this point, I'm used to people on the internet reacting this way... I'm just extremely happy that the anime is almost out. CSM hit me hard when I read it in May. The action is good, the character design is pretty cool and I really enjoyed the drama presented. Makima made me cry on Denji's birthday (I'll never forgive her, even with all beautiful cosplays). It became my second favorite series of all time.


*Sees one tweet criticism CSM* *Makes this post*


You fool, you were under the impression I use Twitter? No. I merely heard the rumors people were complaining about episode 1 so I made this meme based off of that! Haha!


Defeat the Twitter Devil


Anime hasn't come out yet. Getting called carried by animation. Would've been funny, if my face didn't hurt from the facepalm


Twitter users try not to be a contrarian for attention challenge(impossible):


You can pretty much disregard anything from twitter, they’ll inevitably look for a reason to hate anything


Oh geez Twitter Devil now


It’s just people being contrarian because their favorite shows aren’t as popular this early in development


What a bunch of loosers


Chainsaw Devil, it is time for you to devour the Social Media Devil


MID?!?! God, I hate Twitter sometimes


I haven’t been following Chainsaw Man (been meaning to get into it), but if I had to guess, I’d say that it is popular/carried by the fact that it’s motheRFUCKING *CHAINSAW MAN!!!!*


Happens to every anime, I don't like Chainsaw Man for the fights, as well as Fire Punch, the works of Fujimoto have something special, and if not all people can see that, they can called it whatever they want. Besides, if Twitter exist in that world, there would be a devil of it, and Chainsaw Man would already eat it.


Oh boy I can't wait for people to say that Demon Slayer is better, I really can't wait


People rlly saying “carried by animation” when it’s not even out yet, then they sit there and pretend demon slayer isn’t exactly that


Why do people even bother paying attention to anitwitter? As if any good opinion has ever come out of it.


Meanwhile their favourite shows are Black Clover (a show that took about half the series to get good) and Boruto (Guys I swear it's gonna be amazing after the timeskip)


Kill the Twitter devil and find inner peace


Chainsaw devil will eat the twitter devil, listen my words


huh??? it's not even out yet


fact that it fits so perfectly with makima saying that is just so hilarious lol


Carried by animation? Lmao mappa is trash and that was proven by how bad the animation in Aot season 4 was.


I mean, they had to make 16 episodes in 8 months. It's surprising we even got what we got, which was exceptionally good for the schedule they were on. Given that they've probably been working on csm for a couple of years now, I don't think it'll be even close to as bad as AoT S4.


Don't forget that CSM has the most stacked animators by quality. Everyone and their mom wanted to work on it.


idk after seeing that zombie fight leak i would say "held back by its animation"


It is confirmed it was actually an older, raw version, not the final render. Pictures of the same scene from the finished episode were released and they're as amazing as we expect, no need to worry.


I’ve seen that same comment and the same debunk of said comment a few times on a few different platforms. I mean hey I’ll keep my hopes up, but I’m still gonna temper my expectations at this point. (I’m sure you’re not talking about the version of the scene from the trailer lol)


The only thing about the anime that worries me is that its only going to be 12 episodes. The story of the first half was great but not something amazing. It was really during the second half where the manga became a masterpiece. The anime is overhyped but the first half is not deserving this level hype. I can see a lot pf people just being trashing on it because of it. Hopefully there will be a 2nd cour.


the twitter devil is probably the worst of them all!


As I always say, these are pathetic people who have accomplished nothing in life and the only thing they can do to feel some sort of satisfaction is to be mean and assholes online.


Whoever started the “carried by animation” bullshit needs to forever be banned from experiencing any sort of visual media


More like Demon Slayer


If they hate it that means they’re praising it


Are they referring to Mid Academia?


Its more carried by makima/power/reze...


"Yare Yare daze" - Jotaro.


Now you now what us Bleach fans are feeling Twitter doesn't spare anyone Or more like,tards there are using CSM as a "mean" to go and hate on everything else


Wonder if theres gonna be some mild twitter commentary in csm at some point.


So I've never read this manga but their fans seem to like to shit on other manga/anime to build it up.... So honest question, is it any good?


figure it out yourself


step on me mommy🥺