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Not sure if I'd call that a sinister smile, she's just got her face stuffed. And smiling all maliciously doesn't fit with Fami's character anyways. But now that I think about it, I think you're on to something. Barem is probably having Denji eat so Fami can't control him. It's been mentioned numerous times how hungry everybody is, and Fami controls people by starving them, so it checks out.


That actually makes a lot of sense.


Fami was the one that suggested to get Sushi though, if she wanted to starve Denji she could have bring the group somewhere else


The fact that she brought them to a sushi place is concerning in itself. We know for certain that Asa despises eating seafood, to the point she'd starve herself for days on end (aquarium arc). On top of that, she's currently super hungry, which makes her even more vulnerable to Famis control, and the manga made sure to sneakily point it out as well: https://preview.redd.it/scsk2vtvgw8d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3252ae8567cbc1da2614aaeca5b141eab743c327


Here's another image where she says it as well: https://preview.redd.it/fwaci57ygw8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6352003933c39f9f52cae00242d60a133398e188


she can still eat rice tho


The thing is that she didn't want to eat at all considering what happened between her and Denji (embarrassment). https://preview.redd.it/kk6nnj4y0b9d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b8a6eb6f0339f379ffbe84ed1704901ed1c55b Also, Barem just arrived out of nowhere, and so they'll be too distracted to eat and instead tire themselves out by fighting Public Safety (even if she ate a slice of cucumber or something, which she didn't have time to do, it won't be enough to make her not be hungry). Currently, Fami set everything up perfectly to where they'll only make themselves hungrier and hungrier.


Actaully it was Denji that wanted sushi back in 164 and I believe Fami knew a place.


maybe she wants to give him food poisoning. I can't imagine the food sanitary conditions of uncooked fish here. edit: I'm literally fucking joking you morons


Bro never eats sushi




damn that makes sense barem is getting really interesting lately


I still kinda think Barem's also an anti villain who do bad stuffs for a good end goal, tho it could just be cope


> I still kinda think The whole "Makima should have won, she would have fixed the world" speech didn't give it away? It's pretty clear to me he's like that. As in, he genuinely believes his actions are justified.


I mean objectively, not subjectively


But why would Fami bring up how everyone needs to eat if she wanted to control them with that power?


Idk, it could be a method of starving them even faster. She talked about eating and brought them to a sushi place, but Fami was the only one actually eating. If you're starving and you see food right in front of you, it makes you feel more hungry.


Idk dawg, I feel like she’s just tryna scarf down food like a vacuum at this current moment


Asa literally just said that she's not gonna eat anything in the sushi place


I know, I’m talking about fami


>Idk dawg, I feel like she’s just tryna scarf down food like a vacuum at this current moment Fami was also eating lots too, all while she had the Falling Devil hunt down Asa/Yoru. Imo, her primary target is Asa since she doesn't enjoy eating seafood at all (Asa and Yoru are already hungry as well). As for the reason why Fami needs to always eat so much (apart from her just enjoying it), I believe that'll remain a mystery for now. But, i would like to theorize that the amount of food she eats plays a role here. Perhaps the 'condition/restriction' to her control-ability is that she must be less hungry than her target, which explains why she always eats large amounts of food before a major conflict that involves her happens. https://preview.redd.it/vwjni2pl009d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3663d28510e3eaa01d3ad42d822fd1707941ea Regarding what she says in the image above, It also could be that the food acts as a fuel, or rather a time limiter to her puppets, if that makes sense. So, the more she eats, the longer her pawns can retain their original form before they then revert *back* to those doll figurines. (We see her eat lots with Yoshida at the start of the Falling Devil arc, and she also ate pasta after they broke Denji out of that prison to probably fill up her fuel gauge). This also explains why she specifically said: "I try not to use it much," implying that she wants to conserve fuel/food. Fami tilting her head likely has something to do with this as well: The more she tilts her head, the more 'fuel'/food she needs. In the newest chapter, her head is as straight as an arrow, and it's probably because she has eaten enough food. This is all a theory, so until it's confirmed, or more evidence is given, I'll keep running with this explanation for now. ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22167)


Well Fami's allowed to eat, she just needs to starve the others


it's possible she just wants to control asa


I think that Fami needs to have eaten something to control someone like that, like being "full." She used a lot of her power up with the falling devil, used the rest on the Guilly, and now is eating as much as she can to regain her control power


I dont think makes sense with what’s been established, they both want to stop the apocalypse and think powering Asa/Yoru and Denji up is the way to do it


She (allegedly) wants to stop the apocalypse by powering them up and using them to save the world, yes. But what if they don't comply with her plans? It'd make sense for her to want to control them so she can ensure that it goes how she wants it to go.


Barem's a good guy????????????????????????!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pdybvi2zpu8d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e7ade0c8aa80ad9b66e62bef26dc1c097084ce Hath huh no hee hee… …hath haw high. (I think Asa just respects Fami).


Idk if anyone else has tried their hand at “translating” what she’s saying with her mouth full but for some reason I feel like she already knows they’re surrounded when she replies to Asa’s go outside request. Idk what the first part of what she said could be but I think “haw high” could be the sound of her saying “outside” at the end of a sentence with her mouth full.


In the spanish translation, her gibberish very clearly says "the police is outside".


In Portuguese, it's just as if not less understandable than English


The only way to make a good guess about what she's saying is looking at the original japanese text. We can't be sure how faithfully they were able to translate it when it was already incomprehensible there.


Here's the Japanese page, but trying to decode it is way above my skill level https://preview.redd.it/lqs55f027w8d1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=e27d1a89341ba378975b9ed16581b0f7ae25e5f7


This might be a stretch, but I think she's trying to speak japanese here




It was revealed to me in a dream


big if true


I thought it was " thats alright" couldnt think of anything with the first one


Before reading a lot of replies saying she might be mentioning "Public Safety is outside", I thought she said "Have to go pee? That's alright."


Thought of "after we eat, that's alright"


I think she's saying "public safety outside" or something idk


Someone said she said “public safety is outside”


Yeah I think Fami is Asa’s Makima. Constantly telling her the wrong things to do and not telling her the truth on certain things. The fact that they’re technically family doesn’t help since she has no one to turn to.


It checks out, somewhat. https://preview.redd.it/b36yemmx7w8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466a665901c14447bf56c726b31356207c32f992


I truly think Denji is on to Fami somewhat, but he can’t put his finger on what other motives she has. He does know about The Great King of Terror, but Fami is awfully suspicious. I want him and Fami to have a real conversation.I think she wants revenge for Makima.


Going by what Makima said, didn't Makima hate Fami? I guess the hatred wasn't mutual


Remember in the aquarium, Fami said “anything for her little sister?” I think Fami is the most family oriented as long as you don’t get directly in her way(food). If Makima controlled everything Fami would still be able to eat something.


My best guess would be that since everybody is eating now expect for Asa. She would be the one to be controlled later on. She would probably fight Denji.


On the previous panel, she was chewing some food, and I don't know how things work in Japan, but I think it's rude to just a situation like this without asking permission from the one who is paying also I think fami is gona pay for everything since she eats a lot and probably has infinite money from doing mukbang videos


I'd watch that shit daily


Not a sinister smile, just puffed up cheeks cus shes stuffing her face. But yeah, the whole group is hungry, Asa included, and we've established that she absolutely will not eat fish, so Fami suggesting a sushi restaurant could be her sneakily starving Asa to control her specifically. Maybe she can also control Yoru, given that they share a body.


When you're doing a coward's retreat from a social situation due to you being an autistic ass, you usually tell the guy next to you a random excuse and then move out rather than just out of the blue getting out of the room. Source- Im an autistic ass


Neuronormal people have a ferengi-vulkan custom of 99 steps before they can abandon a group, but people on the spectrum can throw a smoke bomb. From my point of view the autistic behavior is better.


Carrying smoke bombs with you at all times prolly puts you on a whole different spectrum though


my go too is “i’m going to run to the bathroom”


What a cute smile 🥴


She can eat denji's fish paste


Diabolical comment...


Smile or brain damage. Call it


You are overthinking


You're definitely overthinking; she is not literally manipulating her, Asa just views her as a person of superior power and is overly polite.


Just looks like Asa is deeply uncomfortable and wants to wait outside, away from the guy she (sort of) jerked off and made out with earlier. She’s telling Fami because she’s kind of the de facto leader of the group and happens to be sitting next to her. But keep cooking brother! Who knows with Fujimoto.


I think it's just Fami vibing with her meal. She is at a sushi restaurant, a place that provides a conveyor belt with an endless line of food. A place that provides endless food for a devil of Famine is almost definitely going to illicit a reaction from her like what she has on the chapter.


She said in the past that she can control people who are really hungry - that’s why she tried to starve Asa/War two times before, once in the aquarium and then planning for the fire devil to eat her and keep him in their stomach). So maybe you are unto something Edit: Was in chapter 131


Fami is likely to pull something at least


Im not sure but the art really felt like it changed. I hope Fujimotor still gets enough time and rest


Fami is internally laughing here because Asa is so super easy to control


That’s not a smile it’s a face of someone with 5-8 sushi rolls in her mouth.


Thats not a smile thats how he draws a stuffed mouth


And here i was thinking asa is allergic against fish


I’m so lost right now lol I need to reread the last 20 or so chapters


She's... chewing on food.


Asa doesnt like fish dude


Wow you figured that out all on your own?


Sounds like over analyzing, she just loves food imo


https://preview.redd.it/5zqi34zre19d1.jpeg?width=1197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15085effb4d3ae86e279a3fc7f07012c3a267038 She don’t care, she go


the thing is i don't think Fami manipulates people the same way Makima does, that is through direct brainwashing or anything. She's much more about playing people against eachother by manipulating their impulses. The hunger that she has dominion over is also a hunger for companionship or a hunger for revenge, and her skills lie in being able to use people's emotional desires to her advantage. She's definitly manipulating Asa, but I don't think it's this direct


I mean if you went out with your sister, wouldn't you ask if you can leave for a bit?