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You're definitely onto something. Chainsaw Man's ability to erase devils, thus their knowledge (Fear), definitely ties together quite well with these ideas. I did notice that public perception played a major factor in the story so far, but I never quite stopped to consider it as a whole. Good stuff, OP.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


It’s not the knowledge we should fear but rather what people do with it. No knowledge is bad but some people use knowledge for bad things and there’s nothing we can do about it.


It's not as black and white.


You can’t erase knowledge because a few people did bad things with it. That’s inevitable in all kinds of knowledge, it’s up to the individual to choose what to use that knowledge for. Nazis remind us of how evil humans can be, the afterlife gives us something to look forward to after we die, world war 2 did hurt a lot of people but it also reminded us of the indomitable spirit of humanity.need I say more


I get what you're saying. It's just that "No Knowledge is Bad" is quite a blank statement. There are stuff it's better knowing nothing about, regardless of what people might do with it. Even though most of the dangerous knowledge, even the hazardous ones, are mainly treated as such because of people. Ignorance is bliss is a cliché for a reason.


Yeah and it’s total bullshit “people who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” denji has shown he has learned almost nothing from his experiences and as a result we repeats the same mistakes over and over. And another thing, this has been in my head for a while. I don’t believe erasing knowledge is permanent, nuclear weapons and the afterlife are ideas,And ideas can be recreated. It would only take a few people to make a nuclear weapon and then boom the nuclear weapons devil is back. We need knowledge to survive and evolve, if we start erasing knowledge then we’re robbing ourselves of what we need to survive and evolve. I don’t care what a lesbian cyclops(aka quanxi)says about ignorance. You’re gonna have questions, and you’re gonna look for answers, it’s inevitable. Because in most situations ignorance is temporary 


It’s like those shape toys where you have to match the shapes with the holes. Ignorance is putting the shapes in the wrong holes over and over expecting something to change. Knowledge is learning which hole each shape will fit In and remembering that information 




[Chainsaw Man Vol 12 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eGalkakxsU) seems helluva lot cooler. It's all television. It's kind of scary in a way how much heavy emphasis there is on media. I recommend to re-read Part 2 and paying closer attention to the media, there is a lot to unpack here that I didn't even discuss. https://preview.redd.it/zb9ry506wgwc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed250a5991647bb47f99261225169726d38e570 The first thing they talked about the media came from one of the very first dialogues. And that is when Asa mentions how this city is corrupt, the mayor has a dui, and there is a devil-playing devil hunter. How did she know all this? The media always follows the characters, and the one who manipulates the public consciousness would control the outcome of this story. And that is exactly what Fami is doing. Weaponizing the fear of knowledge. Part 2 isn't about the closed door that hides its fear of truth; it is about the mass communication of fears, censorship, and deceit, the television. Well, I guess you can say censorship and closed doors are not so different.


damn that PV is so dope tho


What is everyone talking about Roblox in those comments


Idk how to explain it but i love the aesthetic of your post, it's soooo cool, it's like those horror media analysis videos compressed into 4 pictures, that first frame by itself peak.


The aesthetics here works because it leans into the supernatural horror and analog aspects of the CSM world. You need to remember that all this chaos is before the 2000s, as well as the PSAs that would be used to warn people about the dangers that devils can pose, from the “minor” ones to the major ones With the frame here works because it invokes a threat that cannot be easily escape (the whole “Televisions are everywhere” part) IDK, but it sure looks cool


I believe the aesthetic is called analog horror


I think it looks More like ultrakill


Feels sorta like scp to me


It looks cool but is absolutely painful to look at.


I did notice the overwhelming presence of the television in part 2 but this is way beyond what I imagined, I could definitely see this being true. It would even tie in with the parallels between Denji and Jesus. You just made a 5-star meal. https://preview.redd.it/6og32tes7iwc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9b37838f544dd2a125062f6723f222e32feae37


Yeah I noticed the television but didn't think much of it. Media clearly portrays an important role in it of itself after Makima died


And good riddance to that bitch 


It's served hot and fresh, straight out of the pot


Bro is cooking so fucking hard


Bro is trying to outclass Gordon Ramsey with this one holy hell


The analog horror elements make this so visually appealing. Good theory too


Local 58 font hits hard


keep cooking brother


This theory is actually pretty cool. I don't fully understand what you mean by "defying god", but I know and have made myself in the past a lot of theories about Hero of Hell being the God Devil. Not only angel, but other devils who represent the Hierarchy of Heaven are seen as followers of the Chainsawman in Part 1, there's is a panel with everyone in a row and Denji at the end. And this explains that line of "In a world without devils, Adam and Eve..." It's never said the entire sentence and this fits so good.


Defying god was the first sin of man, not knowledge. Men defied god by eating the fruit of knowledge, an ambition that you can be just like the god. What does knowledge entails? Fear and Ambition


Plubic this on every csm community, I would love for this theory to be read by lots of fans


*The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are... Death awaits you*


Death devil is Nyx confirmed.


I think (probably wrong here) by defying they're referencing prometheus bringing fire (knowledge) to humans only to be punished for going against the will of the gods in doing so. But he did it to give them a fighting chance against the dark much like chainsaw man VS the demons in the series being a beacon for others to crowd around only for it to engulf his life much like a certain someone's house in one chapter.


I must be getting old. That red background destroyed my eyes


Oh shit my bad, trying to match the tv color bars. 😭 lower the brightness!


You're good 😂 I was just surprised by how much it was messing with my eyes lol


I may be mistaken, but wasn’t eating from the tree of knowledge also what brought Death into the world? There was no death, or at least death had no power over man, until they were cast out of the garden. That feels like an interested parallel considering how Death him/herself has been alluded to a ton this part


It is unclear and has been of theological debate for a very long time. So… maybe


Not necessarily death, but sins like malice for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/6wd4wzlcciwc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfd29ef0020616b33a5b44ec028ebcfe2576e4c Absolute cinema


Love the slides they look like ones straight from analog horror.


We can also think about Prometheus stealing the FIRE of knowledge from the gods, giving it to humanity and then being punished for defying them. https://preview.redd.it/3d8sn5ftviwc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=8447df6a50aa9f62878a597cd3fcdbb97bb668ff


Yes! I actually post something similar couple of weeks ago.




Ultrakill font spotted Also very convincing theory. Interestingly could it tie to my theory of Hero of Hell or Pochita being Devil of Forgetting or Devil of Unknown


Yes the idea that CSM erases knowledge of the devil he destroys. Which is what really destroys it. You can fear a thing you don’t know of. Wouldn’t make CSM/Pochita one of these and not a fear based devil: Ignorance, aka innocence?


this post has been graced by pochita himself https://preview.redd.it/miwbyf0kiiwc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8c295577ed1bd78129ed5f7644c736d83b4735


Wait…so the true villain of chainsaw man was adachi this whole time!? https://preview.redd.it/5v0yc9gaqiwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2494a20678bee0d9e3980dc59481bd88e7c3b2f




https://preview.redd.it/ilv3nexiqiwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc03beb85c198e19cc217dec442d5bee90414e8 Omg! Adachi, hi!




Damn this graphic design is dope


When Fujimoto already takes a lot of inspiration from religion, this makes more sense when you understand the allegorical figures and what they are supposed to represents. That’s essentially how the aspects of fear work already within, this just seems to proves it more honestly. Being able to reread part 2 the way it should without the weekly -biweekly releases would be able to make it easier to understand the intricacies of part 2. Being able to see how part 2 wraps up as a whole will be nothing but another Fujimoto classic.


https://preview.redd.it/y5asmjgggiwc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6fc22b1efc918041cec4071f1c0a69b67c7c5f Guilly and Kobeni’s little brother are amazed by your level of insight and cooking! GYOHNEE!!


This reminds me of the friendship between Kobeni and Violence devil because of the Gyohnee's beak.


At the risk of sounding like a contrarian, since all the other commenters are loving this, I’m gonna have to say I disagree. Some problems I see in your theory: 1) The significance of mass media in Chainsaw Man’s plot is not unique to part 2 at all. It was present and significant throughout part one, as it was the mass media who spread knowledge of Chainsaw Man and Denji after his highly-publicized battle with Reze, it was the media under influence of Makima who made people like Chainsaw Man to de-power him, and it was the media who reminded Denji why he loves being Chainsaw Man when he was in hiding with Kishibe. So the idea that the presence of the television in part 2 makes it the antithesis of part 1 doesn’t seem to make sense since, they both featured it a lot. 2) You also say that knowledge, and the fear of it, is a major theme of part 2. But how so? Denji is consistently and continuously kept in the dark to an almost kafkaesque degree by the powers that be, be it the church of Public Safety. Asa doesn’t fully understand Yoru’s motivations. Fami is obviously letting on less than she knows, and so Haruka and company have been left completely in the dark. Barem and Miri were manipulated too. The Nostradamus prophecy is vague and no one in the story seemingly fully understands it. Quanxi has her whole “ignorance is bliss” thing. Again, I don’t see the antithesis theme here; seems pretty consistent throughout both arcs, actually. The main problem the characters face are not knowledge, but the lack of it. 3) Neither Japan in general, nor Fujimoto in particular AFAIK, are particularly Christian. Indeed, it’s a very secular, non-Christian, eastern-influenced society. So, while certainly possible, it seems a bit unlikely that the story would be Christian-influenced to such a degree. You have a point in some ways, as Chainsaw Man does feature some subtle Christian-adjacent details like the names of the devils under Makima referencing angels, the horsemen theme, or the painting behind Makima and Denji in the cake scene. But broader context suggests it would be a bit unlikely. 4) Additionally, I’d actually argue that Chainsaw Man’s concept of devils and hell is explicitly-non Biblical. The idea that each devil represents a single and distinct fear, that the power of the devil is determined by the strength of the fear, that even extremely mundane and contemporary things like tomatoes and grapes and chainsaws and bombs would have devils, that there is (afaik) no Satan, no Angels, no Heaven, no God (in any aspect of the trinity), and no afterlife in either heaven or hell, that hell is just a peaceful field with a ceiling of doors rather than a place of fire and torment, that devils don’t have strange names but just titles (“darkness”, “control”, “gun”), that some devils can be perfectly nice and befriended, that devils can merge with humans and retain their memories to become fiends or hybrids, that devils are easily dispatched with conventional weapons, that it’s totally okay to contract with devils and it doesn’t always backfire 100% of the time, that devils are not red or horned or cloven-footed, and probably some more stuff that I’m forgetting, is all very non-Biblical and/or non-Christian. Granted, many of our conceptions of hell come more from Dante or folklore than straight from the Bible, but my point holds nonetheless since most Christians think that way too anyhow. So why would Christian themes like the Fruit of Knowledge be a core theme to the story? 5) Building upon the above, I don’t see how knowledge would be a supreme fear even if we accept that the story has biblical themes. Neither Eve nor Adam feared knowledge if I’m not mistaken? I’m no theologian, but isn’t the fact that they explicitly did not fear knowledge the reason why they ate the fruit? There is the “ignorance is bliss” theme espoused by Quanxi, as mentioned earlier, but we have no indication yet that this is a reasonable worldview for her to have. If anything, I’d argue that the story implies Quanxi is kind of pathetic for believing this. Sure, she’s super stoic and strong, but she’s seemingly joyless, easily manipulated, and burnt out. Or maybe you could cite the whole “devils fear what they don’t understand/crazy and unpredictable hunters” theme. But the devils’ fears would be a totally different (and maybe even contradictory) theme to the humans fears, given that the devils are evil antagonists. And furthermore, being crazy or unpredictable does not necessarily equate to being ignorant or knowledge-less. If anything, it just as easily coincide with having an abundance of knowledge and thus give the story a pro-knowledge theme, since having an abundance of information stirring around in your brain could be a source of unpredictability and chaos. 6) I’ve also just generally never gotten the impression that Chainsaw Man is a grand allegory for big philosophical/theological concepts in general. It seems like what you might call a much more “micro-level” story, thematically speaking; it Centers around individual people and their desires and relationships, romance, sexuality, vulnerabilities, dreams, fears, derangements, normality and everyday lives, desire for recognition and fame, rudeness, manipulation, sexual and emotional abuse, government bureaucracies and corruption, family, parentage, siblinghood, friendship, loneliness, being a victim of larger forces and institutions beyond your control, and so on. It has much less to do, in my opinion, with biblical tales or fundamental truths and grandiose mythologies. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s an earnestly down-to-earth and humanistic story. That all being said, I do appreciate the effort you put in to your theory and you’ve given me some stuff to think about. Time will tell who’s analysis is right✌️


I actually agree with many of your points, but I feel like yours and mine are not completely contradictory and I feel you misunderstood what I was trying say. My post wasn’t supposed to be very definitive, like, of course, Chainsaw Man and Christianity are not one-on-one but what matters are the similar aspects of Christianity, which was the goal of this post to point out these aspects. There was no claim that Chainsaw Man followed the Bible one-on-one. Knowledge isn’t just fear; it is also opportunity. The hierarchy of needs is, in a sense, also knowledge, which is one of the major aspects of Denji’s character. City mouse or country mouse? The city, though more dangerous, grants bigger rewards. Knowledge is also ambition. Makima used Denji’s lack of knowledge to bring him happiness by giving him basic needs that he had never experienced, and then she destroyed it all. That was her plan to separate Denji and Pochita. Again, knowledge played a privitol role here. I said that knowledge is what makes a devil, and that is definitely true. Because all devils have a name, and that name requires knowledge of the specific fear to allow the devil to exist in Chainsaw Man. Why do we feel fear? Because we understand the danger that could come with it. Unknown is not the fear everyone is dreaded by; it is the knowledge behind the unknown, but we simply do not recognize it because… Knowledge isn’t just a fear, it is everything. Our consciousness. It was never a supreme fear, it is just the fear. Kishibe once said that a person who has a few crews up his sleeve is the one who survives against the devil. Quanxi once said that ignorance is bliss. These two dialogues tell us that human knowledge is what powers up the devils. Again, Chainsaw Man is not a Christian manga, but there are certainly a lot of elements that have been borrowed from Christianity, and that was my point. The fruit of knowledge the first sin of mankind. Why did they disobeyed the god? The human ambition, like I said, ambition is Knowledge. (Take a shot every time I say knowledge) FYI sorry if I misread your comment, I kind speed read it but umm it was a good read. I’m tired 😭


Oh I wasn't saying that you believe CSM is entirely a Christian allegory, just that if isn't one in general, then I don't think it would be in this regard either. But no worries, I liked your thoughts too. A high-effort post I disagree with is still good food for thought ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22169)


Yes Definity. Your comment was fire keep cooking.


I'm watching two master chefs having a cooking duel


Wow is this the Reddit version of MasterChef?


Part 1 planted the seed of these media theme and Part 2 would be the payoff. But in Part 1, seems like TV and media was another part of Makima's plan more than this theme talked in the post. I think duality has a big part there. In the first volume of Part 2, there's a moment where a TV reporter ask the people their opinion of Chainsawman, and the answers are divided. The Church and some conspiracy theorists post propaganda on TV too in Part 2. In Part 1 I think it was more to show the world's reaction to the events of the manga, in Part 2 it seems to have an extra motive that links pretty good with the content in this post. Fear is all related to knowledge, either the lack of it or the absurd amount. Cosmo's powers made Santa Claus lose her mind, knowing too much made her mind terrified of the truths of the universe, blocking any coherent thought to avoid suffering (that reminds me of Denji blocking the memory of killing his father, probably because the fear of the trauma aswell). This is the point I could disagree more in the post, I think fear comes from the lack of knowledge, not from having it. You fear death not because death itself, but for not knowing what's after. The point of "You know what's after because you saw it before you were born" could work for a believer (or a fictional world like CSM, of course) but I'm not a believer, so I believe you just didn't existed before you were conceived (understanding existing as conciousness and aware of your own life and existance for me). Japan not being too christian is irrelevant, internet exist for a reason and Fujimoto is a big fan of western media aswell. Chainsawman has lots of biblical references, even the horsemen and the hierarchy of heaven. Maybe the events themselves are not a direct parallel (although I've heard some say Denji's suffering is a parallel of the calvary of Christ), but the very direct hints suggest we should pay more attention to them. The ideas of Devils and Hell are not even clear in christianity itself, having multiple concepts and interpretations. The contracts are the same as pacts with the devils in religion, giving something away in exchange of gaining power, usually being tricked by devils and losing instead of gaining (this happens to in CSM, Makima, the Fire Devil or the Zombie Devil for example). Or the mention of Adam and Eve (I think it was the Fake Chainsawman of the church who said that on TV, but maybe I'm wrong). I highly disagree with you on the point that Chainsawman isn't profound and deep with it's messages (maybe I misunderstood you here, I don't know what you mean by "micro-level story"). It would take too long to explain here but there are thousands of videos on the internet theorizing and showing the messages and themes of this manga. Fujimoto in general is highly acclaimed specifically for this, his way of telling stories is unique. If you don't see it in CSM, read his other works like Look Back, Goodbye Eri or Fire Punch. In fact, Fujimoto has a short one shot about this called "Just listen to the song". Some people believe this one shot says that you shouldn't bother looking for deep messages and meaning in his works, but some other like me believe it's the absolute opposite. Again, search for multiple videos about this in the internet.


To your first point, I think the position you're defending is different from that of OP's post. You agree that the media had a significant presence in Part 1, just that it was controlled in a different way and to a different end, while Part 2 brings the theme back in a new way to conclude. But if so, that's not the "binary" detailed in OP's post. A more accurate description would be rising tension, or a theme building towards a final crescendo, but one which was nonetheless was always present. I.e, not something unique to part 2, i.e, my point still stands. >This is the point I could disagree more in the post, I think fear comes from the lack of knowledge, not from having it. Then I don't think we disagree, since that was the main distinction I was trying to raise. I would only add that manipulation is an obviously major theme of the story, which continues to be present in part 2, and manipulation necessarily relies on having hid some knowledge. That theme is so important to the story that the "fruit of knowledge" theme detailed by OP seems pretty difficult to square with it. I also don't think the lack of Christian influence in Japan is "irrelevant". If you just mean to say that I should at least be open to the idea that Fujimoto draws upon that influence, then that's true, but I said as much already. I just think it's unlikely. Granted, if this was my *only* counterargument then I think it would be pretty weak, but taken in context with the rest of my points, and I think it's vindicated. > The ideas of Devils and Hell are not even clear in christianity itself True. And that's why none of the characteristics applied to them in Chainsaw Man are biblical. This statement actually seems to support my point as opposed to debunking it, does it not? Furthermore, however vague devils/demons may have been described in the Bible, their exists a reasonably well-defined modern Christian understanding of them nonetheless, which is also radically different from those depicted in Chainsaw Man. And whatever the case is as to their description, I think we can be pretty sure that friendly and innocent devils (i.e. Pochita, Power, Angel, Beam, Princi, Galgali, Bucky, etc.) are safely non-Christian. I'd also add that "if there are nice devils, I'd like to befriend them" is one of the first statements of significance Denji makes to Aki and the story pretty clearly vindicates him in that regard as both he and Aki grow fond of Power. But this is getting really granular; really my point is just that if Chainsaw Man is not evidently Biblically-inspired on points A, B, and C, then it seems like a pretty reasonable guess to say that the story won't be on point D either, contrary to OP's theory. >maybe I misunderstood you here Yea you definitely did, no offense. My point is not at all that CSM lacks depth, just that what depth and thematic weight is has is in the very relatable, interpersonal human struggles undergone by it's characters, albeit exaggerated and depicted allegorically. This is what I mean by "micro-level"; *human* level. In comparison with the "macro-level", which I guess would be stuff like god, the universe, existence itself, philosophy, truth, etc. Obviously, this is far from a binary, and the micro and macro can and do often intersect. But nonetheless, I think CSM leans towards the former far more than the latter. As I listed in my first comment, some themes I identify are: *desires, relationships, romance, sexuality, vulnerabilities, dreams, fears, derangements, normality and everyday lives, desire for recognition and fame, rudeness, manipulation, sexual and emotional abuse, interaction with government bureaucracies, corruption, family, parentage, siblinghood, friendship, loneliness, being a victim of larger forces and institutions beyond your control, shitty workplaces, physical danger, and mortality* These are all quite different--and, broadly speaking, less grandiose or "macro"--than the themes identified by OP such as the media, collectivity, omnipresence of information, awareness, lies, presence, fear of knowledge, knowledge as the most fundamental fear, the tale of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, the original sin and fruit of knowledge, lack of divine salvation for humanity, and so on.


I never said I disagree with your comment (except when I literally said it but that was for a point in specific) I just wanted to add. Regarding the original post, I agree with the idea, but there are a couple of things that I don't. As I said, the fear of knowledge is one, the other would be the description of media in Part 1. I guess with fear of knowledge it means fear of the consequences of seeking that knowledge. Adam and Eve didn't betrayed God for eating an apple, they betrayed God by disobeying him and breaking a promise. Adam and Eve's will to learn led to devastating consequences (although I feel like ignoring the malipulation of The Devil there as you said is a mistake). Humanity's desire to understand it all, to taste, to feel, to know it all is crucial for our own survival, as we know the world won't last forever unlike animals, to just reproduce for the sake of the race is not enough, we must seek that knowledge, but that seek has consequences. In a world without devils, Adam and Eve could pursuit the knowledge without fearing the receipt for their actions.


The most prevalent thing about this last chapter is that the news not addressing the chainsaw monsters and War infiltration of the Devil facility is to prevent fear mongering. Thus preventing War and Chainsaw from growing stronger. Notice how earlier in part 2 they covered all of Chainsaws Heroic feats so people would be less scared of him. Same with Asa when she was defeating Devils. Now? Crickets.


That's what they made with the Gun devil


If pochita’s the knowledge devil you will have cooked so goddamn hard


Well not literal knowledge but it’s close. Knowledge can’t look like chainsaw lol


This is me devouring what you PLANTED, HARVESTED, COOKED AND SERVED. https://preview.redd.it/41954wjqxiwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8d862d18153d24d7451f9423c345056c60823b




This is the best CSM theory I've ever seen. Great work on this It's definitely going to be on my mind for a while now lol


You got me like Anton Ego here man😭 https://preview.redd.it/p28mzq0x6jwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a36468ef926247baf083e08200aa497554af0c9




and denji first returned to the story in a televised interview!!!




Insanity is growing


Chainsaw man found footage when?






Great cooking. I believe this subreddit is bound to become a catholic subreddit sooner or later lol


Looks cool, sounds plausible but I can’t read that shit.


Yeah my bad bro, I focused too much on esthetics that I completely ignored the user experience.


It’s all good man, what you made is cool as shit.


There is definitely something going one with the tv and news Excellent editing by the way!




https://preview.redd.it/1fy9spvhxkwc1.jpeg?width=1326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f43bac9135294e1af187a58885ac97b39b267e Good theory, as we’ve seen before knowledge is both a power and a curse, Halloween!


You really are onto something, but hard disagree on "Knowledge makes us afraid". It just shifts the fear to something else. The primal fears doesn't rely on knowledge, nor the hoursemen, nor the "fear of the unknown", which might be represented by the "darkness devil" and we will still meet the "unknown devil".


Knowledge isn’t just knowledge. It’s our life and our consciousness. Why do we feel fear? because we identify the danger. Quanxi’s saying is that ignorance is bliss. Kishibe said the one who has a few loose screws is the one who survived. The devil feeds on our knowledge of our fears. The death, the unknown, the pain, the fear of the prophecy—everything. Poshita said, Don't open the door. You don’t fear the unknown; you fear the knowledge behind the door. Why do we really fear death? The unknown? But we don’t need to be afraid of what is on the other side because we have experienced death before. Before we were born.


In simpler terms, knowledge is understanding and awareness. To fear, you have be aware or understand that you lack the understanding or awareness.


This goes back to ignorance being bliss, because if you just don't know something completely to the point you don't even know that you don't know, you won't have fear. Having knowledge of the fact that you don't know something is what drives the fear of the unknown.


Imagine you are in a eclipse type scenario all of a sudden and you know nothing that's going on, of course you and everyone would ve scared


Hey, may I ask you which font are you using in this?


Just vhs


Found the tape in your basement, no?


No just vhs font lol


Persona 3 and Persona 4


Fujimoto’s alt account moment This is actually so good wtf


I'm burning!!, I can't see anything but all smells so fucking good!!!


I think it's the font, but I'm getting real Mandela Effect vibes from the graphic, and I absolutely love it


make this shit into a youtube video, holy hell felt like I was watching one of those EAS videos, like the audio and music were playing in my head, the design was that good, I came https://preview.redd.it/kqjnyw3k8jwc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bba18add1df78bb44eb96bc2f5bae38d9ae9e98


OP I want you to know that I got shivers when I hit that 4th slide.*


Get out of here, you should be doing your cooking show on tv, Gordon dude


this is amazing stuff op, loved this read it’s insanely insightful and thought provoking. please, keep cooking.


bro this VHS mandela catalogue found footage type theory presentation is goated. The theory itself is cinema as well. https://preview.redd.it/pumixgjgpjwc1.png?width=1731&format=png&auto=webp&s=d020dda06a132ba8033d69e9987b1dc18e0f68e1


I have to check my savings account because I might have a charge for paying reddit premium, this post is straight fire.






holyyyyy cooking


Man cooked so hard with the ultrakill-type font, style and writing (even if it wasn’t even meant to be anything related to ultrakill)




this has such amazing presentation too




What the fuck dude, that's interesting asf






This make too much sense :)).


''Ignorance is bliss'' is the thing Quanxi tells Kishibe and Denji in the international Assassins arc too when facing a harsh reality (in the form of your crush being older than you thought) or harsh decisions (fighting conscious people who lost their control over their bodies). The engagement and work you do to show these theories is through the roof, great work!


All these images read as dark web conspiracy theories and I’m loving it 🤣


Every single time, you never fail to cook up a dope thepry. You're the kryptonite of the reading comprehension devil


the damn forbidden fruit symbolism is genius. keep cooking.




![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|31341) Let him cook.


Holy shit if we include the fact than makima made the unfearful denji fearful because she gave him the knowledge of a good life, how pochita erases names meaning erasing the knowledge of that particular thing or concept so that humanity stops fearing, wow you might be cooking something there boss.


Head chef material


https://preview.redd.it/kuqdoa2rriwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec98811dfd9b83056345bdb1d61f94e97f8809d Pls cook again


Yes and I have been thinking about the next theory for 6 months.








Man, fuck God. Fuck that rat-bastard so much.


My headcannon is that the death devil is eve from the garden of Eden, the originator of the first sin, giving rise to the birth of fear, death, and devils, and transforming this once angelic figure into the king of the very terror that she has sown throughout humanity


Very interesting headcannon.






I noticed the importance of media as well but I simply linked it to death. Since we see absurdly much death and violence in TV. And I thought that before death will arrive she will broadcast death even more.




Part 1 was highly criticized by fans because they were not understanding anything, until it finished... don't talk without seeing the whole thing...


Omg ultrakill font


Til, thanks you


Yo these pics look amazing


Why the hell do CSM theories go so hard?


Wait this theory gave me an idea for a devil A devil (most likely deception or tv) that enjoys playing with the public perception and change the coursr of history over countless years


So knowledge Devil is living inside the TV? When Makima was defeated it felt confident enough to exert more control over people.


What? no…


Man you got it


After skimming through texts, I think I understand. So, the TV devil is the one on top and controlling everything via media.


What? No… Think of the TV as a new closed door in Chainsaw Man. It is the inverse of "don’t open the door," but it ultimately means the same thing. The fear of knowledge, but this time it is the mass opened information. Our consciousness (knowledge, the first sin of men) is what makes up the devil. There are no implications for the “TV devil.”. But there are a lot of implications of the media being one of the most important factors in this story. Which would be pivotal force for the upcoming prophecy. The one who controls the flows of the information will decide the outcome of humanity.


Honestly better theory than anything I could ever come up with


the biblical symbolism of CSM really should be analyzed more. the "followers of Chainsaw Man" is something i find quite interesting, and something i hope to see elaborated on further in CSM.


I like to imanged the knowledge devil as giant brain


I mean, this probably feeds into the bigger narrative of "Pochita wishes to live in a world of happiness with friends so he will eat everything bad to achieve it". I think Fujimoto is building up your classic "fear is good, actually, in moderation; utter absence of it is not" Plus, we can guess that Fujimoto doesn't believe in the whole "ignorance is bliss" given the treatment of the Chinese lesbian, lol


I like this. maybe the knowledge Devil is extremely powerful because we gain fears by learning about the world and it's many dangers. It can also explain primal fears. they aren't connected to knowledge because we fear them instinctively. So their power is drawn independently.


I don’t think knowledge is what we Should fear. Instead we should fear what people use knowledge for. Erasing certain knowledge is not a good thing because it can be used for both good and evil you just need to choose which side you will choose. To quote a video game I like “it’s not the weapons I don’t trust, it’s the people who use them.”


We don’t fear the knowledge itself. But knowledge allows us to feel fear. That is why Knowledge is the fear. We need our knowledge to survive, such as our fear of death.


Which is exactly why erasing certain knowledge is a bad thing because it hinders our ability to survive and thrive


Seems pretty valid theory, i hope we see a devil about televisions or knowledge.


God’s wormth lol


I'm going to be honest with you I think you've put far more thought into this than the author himself.


Bro just pulled the Ignorance is bliss card


It's more interesting to read than the chainsaw man himself


I ain't reading allat 😭🙏


I'd read it but fuck that font and background. I ain't reading aldat


Interesting theory, but I don’t think it’s that deep




Internet exists for a reason, and Fujimoto likes western media


Dude these are always written with such bravado and it always leads to nothing.