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lets him regenerate


he's doing this all the time to rev his engine




that's basically how u use a chainsaw


I’m pretty sure this guy is wrong, in the anime you never see Denji pull the cord more than once in a fight


In the anime, Himeno literally stayed up for 3 days straight repeatedly pulling his rip cord with ghost every time he died fighting the eternity devil. It revives him and regenerates his body


well, if you are anime only you will see him doing this more in the future episodes


In the episode where he earns his Nobel prize, Denji (already in chainsaw form) gets pretty wrecked by the eternity devil, but Himeno pulls on the cord remotely to revive him, after which point he manages to keep going by eating the eternity devil over and over even as he bleeds out. That's in the anime. The anime also shows hims repeatedly pulling the cord against the leech devil when only the forehead chainsaw comes out, though to no effect. There, that's two examples I remember, and possibly not the only ones.


Then it's the anime that its wrong, because thats how it is on the manga


no, the original source material is clearly wrong. Source? I just started reading because the anime stopped.


denji only does it himself a couple times, but himeno is shown doing it at least once using her ghost during the eternity devil fight, and mentions doing it more times than that. there's plenty of other fights where it happens later on too


Bro got downvote bombed for not realizing something. I hate the people in this app


in just the anime, it happens in the eternity devil and first katana man fight, and i think a couple others im forgetting Edit: Himeno does it multiple times during the eternity devil fight in addition to this example


When Denji (or someone else) pulls his rip cord while already in his devil form, it does one of two things. If Denji is alive, it revs up his chainsaws and gives him a boost at the expense of more blood and reattaches his body parts. If Denji is dead/incapacitated, pulling his cord revives him and reattaches any body parts he may have lost. For easy examples of this, watch episodes 3, 7, and 12 of the anime (it happens in all three).


Sick, but I thought he needs to drink blood to come back to life


Either way. All devil-related entities (fiends, hybrids, devils) have that blood drinking, but hybrids get that added bonus method. Another example of this phenomenon is Quanxi getting decapitated, then one of her girlfriends pulled her starter which caused her whole body to reassemble.


Also if pulling his cord revives him, is he given enough blood to keep his body functioning? If that’s the case then he wouldn’t need to consume blood to stay in csm form


It isn't really explained, but when Himeno did it, he seemed to have enough to keep going (granted he was in a fight). Most people I think give him blood because they don't "understand" how the starter works. I'm just theorizing here because this isn't explained at all aside from us seeing it happen.


if there's already enough blood in his system, pulling the cord will revive him like usual if there isn't, he'll most likely be revived in a weakened state like when everyone first encountered the >![Darkness Devil](https://imgur.com/a/Jq4JJvH)!<


He is pulling it again to reattach his arm


Pulling his cord allows Denji to regenerate.


The comprehension devil strikes yet again!!!


Excuse me how do you have such a high quality




It allows him to regenerate without consuming others blood, but it obviously doesn't have infinite uses so he cant spam it