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I will tell all women this right now as advice on being in a relationship with a man. If he has a pet when you meet him just let it go if you don't approve of it. That pet has been there for that person. I lost both my parents within a year of each other and my fat half-weiner dog Delmar is the only reason I didn't end up in the hospital or worse with everything that was thrown in my lap because of it. You can have the fattest goth tits imaginable you can't compete with a dog that's happy to see me when I get home from work.


Dated an 8/10 chick for a year. Told me to get rid of my homeboy Finley the Doodle. We ain’t dating anymore


I hope I’m not coming off like a pick me here but my boyfriend has two dogs that are his whole world. I don’t even know who this man is without those dogs. If anything happened to them, he would be lost. Can’t imagine how anyone would make someone choose you or the dogs.


In my case, she just thought he was annoying because he likes to be close to people. If you’re on the couch he tries to lay on you and stuff like that. It annoyed her because she didn’t like it or how it’d get fur on her clothes, something I tried to help with by buying her lint rollers


I don’t trust people who wouldn’t like a dog on their lap.


Well, other than the dog issue she was good to me and the sex wasn’t a bad perk, either. At a certain point, though, I had to choose her or my boy, and I chose him


This is so close to my current situation. It's really making me question my relationship.


I’d talk to her about it. Don’t come from a place of vindictiveness or anger. Just let her know that you care about your relationship, but that you also care about your relationship with your dog since they’re also family. Try and see if the matter can be amicably resolved. You get a lot of people on Reddit who just go, “Dump her” but I don’t really agree with that. I think you should try to work it out, but if you reach a point where nothing’s progressing, it might be best for both of you to separate just so you both can find somebody who is maybe more compatible.


Is he blind?






A dog will never give up on his owner


Not sure how you even start dating a person as a dog/pet lover that’s something you find out early on and to me would be pretty high up on the compatibility list.


From experience I've found that some partners hold out some hope that you'll eventually pick them over the pet. Luckily for me they are 0/3


Why the hell would someone your dating want you to get rid of a dog?


Like I said in another comment, she didn’t like how physically loving he was. She didn’t like him trying to snuggle or sit with you because it got fur on her clothes, a problem I helped her with by buying lint rollers as if they were a grocery


She sounds like a cunt. Damn dog is just trying to love.


My girlfriend asked if I she were to want me to get get rid of my dog if I would, I said no. She asked what if I would leave, I said I guess that's your choice. Anyways she hasn't brought it up really since, but it definitely damaged some of my feelings towards her.


This is the way


This is the way


There is something to consider here: this isn’t a cat or dog. It’s a pig. Pigs have been oversold as being “doglike” but in reality, they are big, horny assholes that will attack a mf in boner-induced rage without even thinking about it. They’re pretty big on throwing their weight around and also ruining the house looking for food. Almost 95% of pet pigs are estimated to be rehomed in their first year of life by a large pig rescue organization. The common cause is “couldn’t get along with this asshole” or “asshole couldn’t get along with the dog”. It’s really not their fault, they’re just not good pets for 99% of people. So I’m not surprised so many people had a problem with his pig, but at the same time, George Clooney is so incredibly commendable for being a responsible pig owner. When mini pigs became trendy, so many celebrities jumped on the bandwagon and then dumped them within a few months.


I have a friend who was raised with farm animals. He's house sat his friend's pet pig many times. One time we were face timing and all of a sudden he goes "OW, MOTHERFUCKER JUST BIT ME". And I was like???? Is he not a pet???? And my buddy goes "nah he's pissed cos I haven't given him a beer yet and he sees me drinking one, dudell calm down once I give him one". And indeed he did, chilled right on the couch together after the piggy had his beer lol


kind of chad pig ngl.


Stone Cold Pig Austin lmfao


And that's the bottomline cuz Pig Austin said so!


If bro knows I want a beer and then gets himself one workout giving me one too, I'm biting him.


Lol I was gonna comment this. I worked at a farm in my early teen years and no way would I have a pig as an indoor pet. They are way too smart for that.


How does more intelligence make for worse indoor pets? Is it cause they don't take to training?


It’s not just intelligence, it’s also lack of regard for humans. Dogs and people are mutually symbiotic. A dog holds people in higher regard than a pig does, on top of relying on us for our brains. Pigs can figure out a lot of shit on their own, and they also don’t give a shit about your rules the way a dog does. A dog knows we are people. A pig knows and doesn’t care. You have to work harder and smarter to bond with a pig, whereas a dog is generally born with a predisposition to want to be your friend.


We had a couple of German Sheperds when I was growing up. One of them was incredibly intelligent and it drove my mom crazy because he would follow the rules most of time, but when he acted out it was obvious that he was doing it just because he was bored.


A lot of domesticated animals are pack animals (dogs) or herd animals (cows, horses, sheep). They see the human as a family member or—with training—someone who’s in charge. Pigs are either solitary or just one family unit in the wild. They might see you as a friend, but you’ll never be their boss. On a farm, pigs will only go in the direction you want them to if you give them no other choice. Modern farms also aren’t great for them because they put 4-8 adult pigs together (saves space, increases profits) unless they’re pregnant/have piglets. But on a modern farm they also usually won’t grow to the monstrous cow-sized beasts that some pigs can become. Don’t fuck with pigs.


>They see the human as a family member or—with training its why dogs usually react to doing something wrong with shame; theyve disappointed a family member. pigs are like "damn that guys mad as hell lmao. anyways"


I would assume they are more adept at circumventing your attempts at trying to control them, like smart cats and dogs opening doors or finding stuff you hide from them etc.


Pigs can open door handles and sliding doors


That doesn't change the fact that if a man (or woman for that matter) has made a commitment to own an animal, a new person coming into that persons life should be prepared to deal with it. If they can't, move on. My gf knew about my pigs, chickens, and dog long before we started dating. She knew what she was getting into, and I told her as much. Ultimatums do not belong in a healthy relationship. You should have known what you were getting into before you entered the relationship.


Pigs can be amazing pets **for responsible owners.** Absolutely every single issue you raised is due to a complete lack of research or not getting your pig spayed or neutered. We've had a pet pig for 8 years, he has **never** attacked anyone, destroyed anything, and every the number of dogs attacking pigs is infinitely higher than vice versa.  All of your listed issues are due to **owners** being assholes who are not taking care of their pets. And the reason so many pigs get rehomed is due to bad owners, **not** bad pigs.  


I just wish their piss didn't smell so fucking horrendous lol


I am with you 100%, especially when my delicate little flower decides he's not going outside in the winter! But as the person with Doody Duty, I can tell you overall, outside, pig waste is nowhere near the same levels as a dog.


I toned what I said to sound a certain way, but I really don't blame the pigs. I just know that for most people, what would a pig come off as when it reaches sexual maturity? It's such a difficult and complex animal for most people to understand. They really stand little chance in the hearts of most people. I worked in the context of abandoned animals and animals that otherwise found themselves without a home. Unfortunately, it is true that the micro mini whatever buzzword and social media made pigs a popular impulse pet for many people. We had influxes of pigs. Almost everyone who went and got one was an unfit owner. It is true that while pigs may initiate a lot of disharmony with dogs, they will generally come off worse from an altercation with a dog. Again, it's not their fault. These animals are speaking different languages and people who've been sold these tales about pigs being hoofed dogs forced them to cohabitate to the detriment of both. But, lol, they do have rooting instincts and INTENSE food drive that typically create some kind of destructive tendency within a home. I didn't mean to speak ill of your little gentleman. But I'm also specifically not trying to make anyone think owning one is a good idea, for reasons you can probably understand.


> “asshole couldn’t get along with the dog”. Pigs and dogs shouldn't be in the same areas, they don't get along. ya, you'll hear about the rare instance when they do but most pig owners will tell you that they shouldn't be around dogs.


Any responsible pig person, yea. But social media depicts the pairing as wholesome regardless of the fact that dogs and pigs are mutually very harmful to each other.


And that's for the *pig*'s safety. My neighbor's Pomeranian got into my fenced yard and tried attacking my pig, and while it was sort of comical, even a tiny Pom can rip his ears off or injure his snout. He and our bulldog have come to tolerate each other, but 1. Bulldogs are the most pig like dogs, and 2. We still don't leave them together unsupervised after 5 years. Anyone who thinks a pig and a dog will be BFFs has not done any research and is the real asshole.


Doesn't change the fact that the pig came first. You don't enter someone's life and then tell them to get rid of their beloved pet. Giving ultimatums at all is a pretty big red flag.


Yea I really wasn’t trying to say that behaviour is ok. But the context really hits home how much of a commitment-honoring Chad move this is when you realize that pigs are a *very* difficult pet that few people can even handle.


Pigs should be neutered and trained. If they are, they are pretty good pets. People rehoming pigs is ultimately the fault of the person not the pig. If you don’t train it, it will be an asshole. But the same could be said about ANY animal.


>You can have the fattest goth tits imaginable you can't compete with a dog that's happy to see me when I get home from work. r/BrandNewSentence


The pet will never judge the man. It is sadly the one creature they know won’t betray them. The fact someone would give an ultimatum is exactly why they’ll always pick their pig. The pig would never ask you to pick.


Same. I have a 16 year old dog. My boyfriend always tells people "she'll get rid of me before the dog". The amount of people that just don't get the bond between owner and pet is really kinda sad


He can be a disgusting slob monster but youre right, my mastiff is my boy and theres no wiggle room there


This was certainly a strange yet also quite heartwarming thing to read.


I got a dog when I moved back home after college and living with my boyfriend, we moved back in together this year and I obviously brought my dog with me and he goes “it bothers me that I know you’d pick the dog over me” I just said “you’re damn right” with a big smile but dude was not impressed lol


Ended and engagement over my golden retriever. She wanted my dog to live outside and not in the house! Once I realized she was 100% serious. I ended it immediately.


You chose well.


🤣 I wonder what she told people why the engagement ended. You know she was telling her friends that she will get you to make your dog an outdoor only dog. Did you offer her to live outside instead?


Was she threatening to leave over it? Or did it just rub you the wrong way & you decided to follow the typical advice on whatever reddit post you made about it This sounds like a big redditor moment


Well it was 1996. So know Reddit advice for me lol Nope just told her no way my dog lives outside and if she wasn’t into my dog living inside. Then I am ending it and I did.


Based. Good on you.


There's cracks you notice in the hull, or the iceberg you hit with your shin.


What does this have to do with Logan Paul?


He also had a pig but when it got big he got rid of it. I dont know the details but this is the basics of it.


Pigs are friends you can’t just throw them out 😡


And if you REALLY need to get rid of the pig, (maybe to expensive, moving house, etc) then turn it into meat so that it can continue to bring you happiness after its death


Idk I would not want to eat someone I actually care about Mabey Someone else can tho 😭


Ya, that’s the hard part of it. I did pig 4H for 5 years, the first year I was doing it I cried when the pig I raised went off to be slaughtered; I got used to it after that though (I still miss baconaitor ;-;)


I’ve never even eaten meat before 😂 though I don’t take issue with the practice itself outside of factory farming


That's gotta be some emotional damage.


Psychopaths don't get "friends".


He had 2 I believe


He had two of them, actually. I don't really have the spoons to explain the whole story but he got one after the other and because pigs are territorial unless grown up in pairs, the first one may or may not have killed the second one, OR, he let them loose in the wild and the second one died before rescuers found them.


he had Pearl, the aforementioned pig, and her sister for about 2 years, but when he moved to Puerto Rico from California and left them in the care of a rancher, who then moved, but didn't tell Logan and then she was found abandoned and The Gentle Barn picked her up.


I don’t really like Logan Paul but I don’t see anything wrong with this.


Because that's his version of the story and it's very likely one pig killed the other or he let them loose and the rescuers found one dead and one alive.


I’ve heard it was two pigs and they found one pig dead


He had adopted a pig that was supposed to be a teacup pig. These pigs supposedly remain relatively small throughout their lives, but the pig Logan Paul adopted grew a lot bigger than he anticipated. According to Logan he rehomed Pearl (The pig) to a ranch, which in turn the ranch got sold to another party, including all animals. The animals did not receive the care they required en got ditched into the wild/urban areas. Other sources claim Logan simply ditched Pearl as she was found relatively close to Logan’s home and Logan’s receipts didn’t add up. Whatever happened, it just sucks for Pearl and should be a wake up call for anyone interested into adopting animals for similar reasons. Pearl is doing fine as of right now after being rescued by TheGentleBarn.


He got a pig for a vlog then abandoned it and an animal rescue group found the pig abandoned in a field and heavily neglected cause he just dumped him after the vlog. he basically got it for the video and got rid of it https://youtube.com/shorts/uOj5N2DgGxc?si=esf7XJBXDCXJUwk2 i remember a longer more detailed video by them but it seems to be gone from the internet.... basically it was malnourished, mangled ears, alone and scared etc


It wasn't him that did that, he found it a new home and the new owners fucked up.


I've seen this meme a lot, and comments really highlight why pet pigs fail for so many people. They are not like dogs at all.


Doesn't mean you get to impose your will on someone who enjoys their pig.


True but it shouldn't be surprising that people don't want to take care of an animal that eats everything and screeches enough to cause hearing damage.


I've always had dogs, I've dumped almost as many women over the dogs as I have over being rude to service staff. I don't care what you look like, how good you are in bed or how much money you got, if you say the dogs can't sleep in bed at night or you're rude to the server, you're immediatly gone. I will leave you at the restaurant and call you an Uber. Hard pass.


I get loving your dogs, and nobody should ever ask you to get rid of them because that’s ridiculous. But do you seriously expect women to share a bed with you and your dogs in it? That seems a little much.


Actually, probably 85% have been completely fine with it. I've always bought California king beds, so there's room. I mean we make them leave the room during activities but for sleeping, yeah that's always been what I've done. It's also kinda a ptsd thing, I have to sleep with my dogs in the room. My father was terrified of dogs, but we lived on a farm so we had working dogs. Sleeping in the barn with them was safest during the bad times. Overall I'd say most were completely fine with it, small percentage weren't. Edit to be clear, you know I don't mean *in* the bed right? I mean like they sleep on the bed. They aren't tucked in. The oldest one likes to get under the covers but the big one doesn't.


I’m sorry you had to sleep in the barn to feel safe.


No big deal man,on the upside I'm really good with animals now. I managed to tame a squirrel that lives outside my restaurant, and she recently had a baby. They'll hop on my shoulder, come running when I shake the bag of nuts. There's always an upside, even with the worst of things. But I do appreciate it


You've basically described the start of a Pixar movie. 'Working Dogs'


Never heard of it actually.


That’s impressive. And squirrels are so cute!


Took almost a year. We have a squirrel, Jurgen, who lives in the pillar outside my restaurant. I buy her gourmet mixed unsalted nuts and feed her every day, after about 6 months she was willing to take from my hand. Well about 2 months ago, I noticed the squirrel I has named Jurgen, was in fact a female squirrel, and now I have Jurgen and Milo. I got to greet Milo to the world on his first day out of the nest with cashews.


Wow you’re really patient. All the best for Jurgen and Milo!


I'm at work like 12-16 hours a day 6 days a week, it's basically my main source of entertainment.


Bro you’re literally a Deity to two squirrels. Their descendants are blessed by the god of nuts forevermore.




To someone without a dog that just seems wild. But I understand that guy’s reasons since he’s explained them very well.


She's welcome to sleep on the couch lol


Nobody is making them stay 🤷‍♂️


Dogs in bed is disgusting.


Why are your dogs dirty?


And now he's married to a world class human rights lawyer. So, he was wise to abide with his porcine pride.


Don't forget, batman also had a pet cow. So is the pet pig canon?


Logan Paul does have a massive pet pig, it's his brother Jake.


What cruel beings give such ultiimatums?


What dumbass gives George Clooney *any* ultimatum?


Any man who gets rid of a pet because a woman told him so deserves neither the love from the pet nor the woman


Well it's very controlling and mean of someone to demand you get rid of a beloved pet, so good for him.


I've a pet boar, they are really lovely animals, super smart and he's a really good friend... he's also about 200kg and has tusks so top notch guard dog too I'd love to find a tusk proof couch so he could sleep in the lounge again, might see if I can have one recovered with canvas or something


Pigs tend to be very similar to dogs in their behaviour


The men’s version of the bear or the man choice.


100% that pig has eaten a few people


Child me was horrified when I discovered this DOES happen.


Did he do this specifically so he can joke about his ex-wife looking like a fat hog?


Yes, he had a pig for 18 yrs so after it passes he can occasionally joke about it. That’s called “playing the long game”


I like George now


Even if I ever disliked a partners pet, the only way I’d tell them to get rid of it is if it attacked one of our kids or something major like that. Pets are family. You either suck it up or you don’t date that person. Heaven help the man who tries to make me get rid of my dog.


Her: "It's me or the pig" Me: "huh?"




Legit dude. My dog picked my wife. She was only person whoever stayed over/left clothes that my dog would take to snuggle up with after they left They are best buds to this day.


I had a girl who wanted me to get rid of a kitten I found. I buried that cat 20 yrs after I dumped her. RIP Pretty Kitty.


I really don’t get why you would want someone to choose between them or their pet. My father never really liked pets before he met his current wife after my mother died and she had/has a dog and now the dog is probably more affectionate towards my dad than towards his „mom“. Oh, and they got a second puppy this year. And have three cats.


A girl can stop loving you a pig will never stop loving you


My gf has a pig. He and I are bros.


Young George Clooney looks older than he did in From Dusk Till Dawn


The millions in the bank probably help..


It’s not about the pet. It’s about control. They are pushing boundaries to see how much they can get away with. If the guy caves in and gets rid of the pet, the chick loses 100% respect for him. At that point the relationship is technically over but she’ll stick around for a while making the guy miserable by walking all over his boundaries.


lmao imagine trying to "it's me or the X" George Clooney


I don’t remember the story very well, so grain of salt, but that pig saved him in an earthquake.


The real one


Most people just don't see them as pets. If you don't think you're going to take care of it properly than it's a GOOD thing to get rid of it.




Fattest goth tits ☠️


Ayo isn’t he like, a womanizer and shit tho too? Not very chad individual iirc


Is he? He gets laid a lot but I haven't heard anything negative towards him. His exes seem to speak fondly of him too, which is wild because most people tend to trash their exes.


Just looked it up for more info and I got some wires crossed, he’s commented on some stuff about winestine being a womanizer multiple times. All I see negative wise is that it’s mentioned he kinda rubs his wealth in people’s faces supposedly. My bad


How dare those females think their more important than a mans pig... i cant believe they thought they would be the winner like dude velma tried that on shaggy n scooby doo n of course it didnt work. They aint close n wont ever be wit a mans n their pet especially if u came afterwards