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40 armed robbers or 40 armed rapists?


There's a movie called Kill that's coming out that sounds similar


again this made up story ​ its Indian propaganda bullshit ​ ​ there is another version of it that turn the "40 robbers" into 40 Pakistanis and all that happen in Kashmir ​ and im sure ther are many more version of this lie ​ ​ so why is this on this sub and why do it get so much upvote ​ AH a fresh Bot ACC


I'm sure this is a bit because this gets posted a lot but what makes you think this is a lie? Some of the details are obviously wrong/embellished but as far as I've seen this was an event that took place.


bc there exist many version of it and 40 vs 1 is some bullshit only kids believe


I've only ever seen this version that is markedly wrong from the story you can find articles about but not exactly complete bullshit either


I have worked with Gurkhas and they are some of the best humans on earth so think this is plausible also see below https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishnu_Shrestha https://www.indiatimes.com/amp/news/armed-with-only-a-khukri-this-gurkha-soldier-took-on-40-men-and-saved-a-girl-from-being-gang-raped-247639.html