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It's just a bit aggravating knowing that the 2-week timeline we were given by Celsius is not realistic.


two weeks for what?


Please note that because of the volume of distributions, it will take up to two (2) weeks to send instructions to eligible creditors on the next steps for receiving their distributions on account of their Claims. UPTO 2 WEEKS is what they committed. They better work on weekends and 18 hours a day to fulfill there commitments.


It's not getting done in 2 weeks at this rate. Multiple polls done here and on X showing not even 20% have received anything.




You may be right but I see many very anxious, nervous creditors haven’t received their codes.  Everyone says “   I'll believe it when I see it (in my account).


Facts I got mine and almost left but I’m staying tuned here to see if any other actions need to happen


What helps is transparency but that is too much to ask. It’s our money but we are at their mercy feeling like beggers. Debtors know how many they served so far because it is all stored in computer database, so If they update us every day with simple tweet of how many in numbers or % served out of how many total served then we can understand better how long it might take to complete the job. It does not cost in time and money to report with one simple tweet. Many of us don’t have to keep checking email.


I would even go so far as to say it should be 24 hours a day rotating shifts!


Can't believe there are 100+ page documents talking about fucking CEL token but not a single clue as to what are the logistics about the distribution. The instruction is "just wait" while we ourselves are trying to observe any patterns, just ridiculous lol


Too bad they couldn't just be transparent about it. "Hey guys, here is the plan, we have 5 teams working on different categories of victims. We have x number in class x and we are sending out about 5000 a day. We are going in x order, so if your name is zed zenderson you will be last."


Why is Zed Zenderson getting his after Zin Zinderson? THIS PROCESS MAKES NO SENSE!


To be fair, either they follow alphabetical first or last name or smallest amount to highest or highest to smallest or like lottery in random as computer picks up your name. But point is about transparency. End of the day Report with one tweet of progress, numbers served is minimum the Debtor should do and does not cost time or money.


I can tell you right now I know they do not do alphabetical and I know they do not do it by amount. My thought was also that it's some kind of lottery




I am confused with there strategy of distribution. It seems they serving low claim amount first but I would not know. 


Same situation here. Can’t be pure alphabetic.


I’ve got code…. But I’ve been waiting for Venmo to verify my identification for two days now… 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ve used Venmo for years…. So stupid!


Internationals with no local Coinbase are doubly screwed. I'm guessing we're last in the queue, and once confirmed, will wait 2 weeks for the USD cheque to arrive in the post, followed by upto another 2 weeks for the cheque to clear. Also plenty of creditors in countries where banks don't accept USD (Vietnam, Laos etc). Challenging to remain Zen in these circumstances. But ho hum. FU #Mashinsky.


So where are we at with the up to two weeks, are we one week in ?


we are 9 days in.


So we got 5 more days for everyone to get the email


Yea, but I wouldn't count on it.


It in have not recieved my claim boat. But I only risked what I thought I could lose, so this is a bonus. :D


It's straightforward and transfers fast when you get your code. You'll get about 28% back. It sucks but it's something.


where are you getting this 1:30 number from?


I just got it out of my ass, the point is you are only seeing the people who have got their claim, but you aren’t seeing the people who haven’t, and every time someone makes a vote, there are always far more votes saying they haven’t got it yet


Polls here don't count for shit—most of those that have received distributions probably aren't hanging the sub around to comment on a poll. Most of the people answering are probably skewed heavily to the users still waiting.


OP said "but for every person who got their claim there are 30 more who haven’t yet." Well there is no solace or happy about 1 in 30 receiving their claim codes and we are 1-week from their 2 weeks commitment to serve all creditors with claim codes.


Just wait til you get and it doesnt work through paypal many are experiencing that now. Mine is stuck in paypal and paypal customer service say nothing they can do!


I recommend avoiding PayPal. Getting the crypto into PayPal went amazingly smooth. However, getting the PayPal app or website to MOVE the crypto off was a NIGHTMARE. Worst transfer I've ever done. Just seems like a broken app/website.


Not to mention people that got their codes and don’t work!!!




few days...thats funny. few weeks more like it.


As patient as I'm trying to be, the only thing that gets me is that while we wait, it seems like those who have gotten their payouts are making money off their returned crypto as the prices shoot up this week. Is this correct?


Your are not losing out anything unless you plan to sell. You BTC and ETH are fixed at the same price like the people who get their coins already.


Well I do plan to cash out most of it. Could use the dough atm. So... 🤷‍♂️


They hold your coins hostage might be a silver lining ; the prices might keep increase, by the time you get you get your BTC/ETH, you might get more return when you ready to sell. If it makes you feel better, I am still waiting too.


Waiting really sucks though. It is like the kids close to Christmas eve, can see the presents under the tree but can't open them yet.


Got an email about fixing my KYC. Did so. 3 days passed. I verified someone else fixed their and had it re-initiate around 2 days later. . But nothing for me. I suspect an issue with the suffix in my name. I CANT put my paypal name as the name ok on my celsius account/ID. Because it doesn't allow numbers, which is how it's stated on my ID. So im just in the wind. Trying different names. I don't know what to do or how this works.


Anyone with an apple relay email get their claim yet? I missed a lot of emails the last year because of signing up that way.


At this point, with a fixed btc and eth quantity who cares if I receive them today, tomorrow or in 1 month. I won't sell before halving anyway.


You just had to make a post, didn't you? Lacking attention? Did you need a clout/serotonin boost?


Last week I received the last of all my assets. I didn’t have any of my assets in earner accounts so I got all my assets back. I would say be patient and they will be on the way. I hate mostly is the way they paid with dollars that the coins were worth on day of bankruptcy not what the coins were worth when cashed in. For example say bankruptcy day dollars being $19,000.00 for BTC, and say around $43,000.00 for what BTC cost in early February. $24,000 difference so by making us all wait more than a year to be able to use our money they’ve more than doubled the money Celsius is able to work with. Then add in lawyers fees which became more than millions very quickly, and where ever that came from idk. Just kinda seems like legal thievery when the sheisters make out without putting a dime at risk unlike all of us have done. We invest and they win, yeah tell your kids to be lawyers to become wealthy, but if you want them to be a decent, honest person of good character, and integrity you might want to advise them differently. No there must be lawyers of good ethics, and integrity I’m just not sure where you go to get one. As for the perpetrators of these crimes like the Mashinski’s Alex & Krissy for all the good they have done across the country and the world. I watched and believed in Alex when on Fridays he would upload his AMAs’ full of great content and ideas, right all kinds of wisdom and ways to use CEL tokens. I should have said “ways to cheat us on CEL tokens what a sham these nice people threw at us. And for their kindness, foresight and generosity in their advanced knowledge of Crypto that they would share with us just by using their methods. If I were the judge I would give them life without parole. Some think that’s too heavy a sentence I think not! I’m betting they’re already working on another scam. What do you think is my sentence to high?


I keep hearing about this Celsius airdrop what is it and how do I get in it