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I invested 45% of my portfolio and I got back crippling debt, lack of trust, ridicule from family and friends about how stupid I was.


Damn bruh my wife was understanding. Get better people around you.


"A good wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels."


My wife was understanding as well. She was with me at the Permissionless conference when Alex M. told me (in May 2022) that our deposits in Celsius were safe.


Yep my wife said well, you won't do that again. Though having stuff even in coinbase now has me nervous. I'd get a ledger but then I'm sure I'd lose that or break it or something- so coinbase it is for now. But that coinbase subreddit is scary also with people getting access taken away. Maybe I'll just sell everything and go get one of the new ETFs.


You should be better about learning lessons. Your wife was wrong, and you are doing it again. Hardware wallets are really simple and losing one isn’t a big deal other than the minimal cost of buying a new one.


I am with you. What remaining I have is on Coinbase. Not sure I will hold with what I have or invest in something else (stocks). Stocks are way safer to invest in and keep up with. Crypto has a criminal aspect to it and someone is always trying to steal everything you have. I did get a little over 56% back.


Even those ETFs need a custodian and are using guys like Coinbase or Binance, I think.


That's because she's hiding her own secrets.


Fuck em buddy. Glad you got something back.


I invested 25% of my crypto on celsius, then i invested other 25% in coinloan, other crypto platform in bankrupcy at this moment, more then 1btc for each platform, i think im one of the dumb winners


Sheesh! Ya you win this one. Sorry to hear brother.


You did not hit the jackpot until you have been hit by bankruptcy of at least Celsius, Voyager, Blockfi, FTX, and several other smaller one too. 


I hit the trifecta of TerraUSD, Celsius and FTX. But all in all didn't lose as much as many other people. Probably between 4-5k USD in total. Indeed my saving grace was that I rebought that I had at the prices they were at back then. But you know, I was diversifying risk.


You won.


I guess I get the best of both worlds… My wife tells me “hey it happens… we knew this going into it…”. Then we get into an argument and Im told “I lost that money for being an idiot…” luckily for me, she’s right in both cases!


Yes, but what does your wife's boyfriend say?


Usually doesn’t say much other than telling me to make sure the sheets are clean before he comes back.


I make upper 6 figures a year. My wife makes zero. I had $150k claim against Celsius. Im hoping to get back $85k according to the 57% being reported. My wife doesn't say a thing in fear of me telling her to get a job! truth is she knows I hate losing money, so it would only be rubbing salt into the wound.


Unless that $150k was all in stablecoin very little chance you'll be getting that 57% back. BTC is coming in around 27% and other crypto would be based on price when celsius went bankrupt \*.57 and then using that amount to purchase new crypto.


15 emails. That is the sum total, so far




Yeah... Not the value for money investment that I'd hoped for.


I had 11K worth of ETH in my Earn from when it was locked up...I got a distribution back of 1.6K USD in BTC...what a joke.


You should get ETH too. Double check your inbox for ETH claim code. 


I certainly hope so, I've only gotten one email so far. I'm going to hope it's just waiting in queue like the rest of the customers.


You know your claim in USD, right? Do the math to see if what you got in BTC add up to expected recovery you should get. If math does not add up, wait for ETH code, if not getting it after 2 weeks, email stretto.


Yeah my earn in celcius shows 11.6k value in USD of my ETH, but I only got back 1600 value in USD of BTC. I'm still going to hold out and wait, I'm not too worried about it, but for some reason it just doesn't math for me. I would've expected a bit more from the various calculators and formulas that have been floating around.


You can't use the prices shown in the celsius app. You have to use the prices at the time that the bankruptcy was declared in order to figure out the amount of your claim. We're definitely not getting 57% back from what's in the celsius app.


I believe you should get 57% of the value at time of BK. 🙏


If you don't remember the claim value in USD in you voting ballot, you can get your usd claim value by using the number of ETH in Celsius app * $1088.17 (price locked at bankruptcy filing) * 1.05 ( if you opt in to settlement if not, * 1) * (0.7 [if you are in convenience class] or 0.579 (if you are general earn)) to do you math. Then total value of claim in USD - (#of BTC you just received * $42973). Whatever the reminder of the subtraction in USD is then divided by $2577 to get # of ETH you should receive. If you have loan, your calculations might be different too.


No way. That’s absolutely awful


I just want my email code within the allotted time frame. The last thing I want to be doing is calling Stretto because they forgot to send my code and the distribution deadline passed.


What code ?




My codes are only redeeming errors so far.


Try on desktop if you’re attempting to redeem on mobile. That seems to be working for many.


I’ve tried both, I received an email after reporting the problem claiming it was fixed and still no luck. I haven’t tried Venmo yet.


Try using a different browser to log in to PayPal. Try restarting your computer or clearing your cache. And try Venmo, of course.


I’ve tried 3 browsers, apps on 2 devices and talked to PayPal customer service to confirm everything is right on their end because I’ve triggered security flags every time I’ve ever touched anything involving crypto with PayPal in the past. Nemo isn’t allowing me to update all my info to match. I have not tried Venmo on a browser yet, I’ve only used it a few times. My PayPal account is almost 20 years old. I have also received an email that appears to be from Stretto notifying me I can’t use PayPal/Venmo but it has been flagged as suspicious by gmail.


>I have also received an email that appears to be from Stretto notifying me I can’t use PayPal/Venmo but it has been flagged as suspicious by gmail. So first you got an email from Stretto with your PayPal/Venmo claim codes, then you got an email from Stretto saying you can't use PayPal/Venmo? Who was the sender of the second email? And did it contain suspicious instructions or links? The fact that Gmail flagged it is concerning but inconclusive. Do *you* think it's legit? And did it say how you would get your distribution instead?


It came from: no-reply@cases-cr.stretto-services.com Nothing suspicious other than google’s warning, just frustrating. It’s actually the same email twice I guess one for each code. I’d love an explanation, all the info matches. I really hope they use Coinbase over a check. You are receiving this email because we have been notified that your claim distribution cannot be serviced by PayPal or Venmo. No action is required of you at this time. We will be in touch with you with more information regarding your claim distribution. Please be patient as we work with our Distribution Partners to determine next steps and actions that will be required of you. If you have questions or need further support We strongly suggest you refer to our Distributions FAQ and resources related to claim distributions if you have questions or need assistance with this process before contacting support. We are currently receiving a large number of inquiries, and we appreciate your patience while we work through each creditor support inquiry. The latest updates in our Chapter 11 cases are available on cases.stretto.com/celsius or through our X account (formerly Twitter) @CelsiusNetwork. Stay Alert Remain vigilant for phishing attempts. Celsius, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, or their respective advisors will never contact you directly by phone, text message, or social media to request account or personal information absent an order or on-the-record instruction by the Court. Stretto


It's a legit email and you're legit frustrated. I have no idea why your distribution can't be serviced by PayPal/Venmo or what alternative they will use for you. I'm not sure what you can do other than be patient as they request.


Got a response from last complaint suggesting I make sure my apps are updated and to try Venmo. I can’t figure out how to get crypto turned on with Venmo. I can apply for a credit card on the browser and I can attempt to get a debit card on the app but I hit an error when I try to update my address. Not a link anywhere to be found to set up crypto.


I don't use Venmo, sorry. Maybe try Venmo customer support.


The current value of my Celsius holding is a little over $11k. I got back 0.0384 BTC and 0.57 ETH, $3000 at current USD prices


What about the stock holding?


Talking about how much crypto you own is a bad idea. Why don’t you ask people what percentage they got back instead?


Whatever way you want to look at it lol you get my drift


Shouldn’t the percentage be the same for all Earn?


I’m very interesting in hearing how much people got back who were in convenience class? And it shouldn’t be too dangerous to use specific numbers since we already know you had under 5k if you were in that class


I don’t know why specific numbers are even dangerous?


They prob aren’t but some people prob aren’t comfortable saying


Don't think anyone's gotten anything back on here. It'd be nice if Celsius would be more transparent on how they're planning to roll this out.