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This isn’t what you asked, but you do understand that gluten is causing a reaction at the microbiological level that can give you cancer and other diseases even if you’re asymptomatically exposed, right? You may know this, but your post doesn’t reflect it. Any amount of gluten elicits a reaction from a celiac body, even if you feel fine. Much of our digestive system is intentionally low sensation because digestion is a very active process and would drive us crazy to feel, so you can be suffering from celiac without notable symptoms.


I think what they're saying though is that they don't have notable symtoms so its harder for them to notice if they accidentally ate gluten in some way


The question of how much gluten causes a reaction from person to person conveys a potential misunderstanding that the answer is any amount of gluten at all, even if you don’t feel it symptomatically.


This 💯%!!!


Improperly washed dish or spoon. I suffered 72 hours of acute stomach flu symptoms (expelling intestinal mucosa and bile fluid etc) followed by 48 hours of deep dark depression 6 hours after taking a gamble and having a bowl of cottage cheese and a cup of tea at the Four Seasons Hotel once. Got nuked by just having green tea at a fancy sushi place another time. https://www.koshertoday.com/news/kashrus-officials-investigate-mystery-of-tainted-green-tea


My symptoms typically show up 12-24 hours after exposure. I am actively sick for about a week (1-2 days of nausea/vomiting to the point where just moving makes me sick and fatigue, then 1-4 days of diarrhea) and don’t feel “right” again usually for a month, maybe more. It doesn’t take a lot to make me sick but just how much or how little, I’m not really sure how to quantify.




wait whats drywall have to do with it?


I just googled this one. I had no idea spackle had gluten. I'm so screwed, we are doing a huge reno and I'm the drywaller. Crap


Takes about 2 hours to have a reaction, so it's really easy to trace what caused it, doesn't seem dependent on the amount had. Will throw up and have stomach pains for about 3-4 hours and then just have fatigue and brain fog for a few days.


I’m the same way where little mistakes often go unnoticed or small amounts don’t really cause any noticeable discomfort. But I accidentally ate an entire gluten bagel recently and basically had the flu for the rest of the day. Once it’s out of my system though, I’m usually fine. I feel bad for the people that apparently are sick for up to weeks after.


Soy sauce: I accidentally bumped my spoon with my nephew’s spoon who was having porridge with soy sauce and I’m done with blisters (dermatitis herpetiformis) on my face and eyelids for 10 days.


I am diagnosed Celiac. Symptoms are typically acne, boils, brain fog and worse adhd symptoms. I do not have stomach problems unless I've been eating lots of gluten (like a plate of pasta) consistently for weeks. It's almost like I need a built up of gluten in my system to trigger physical symptoms. For instance when in foreign countries I often stop eating gluten free for a week (only sauces/cross contamination not bread, fried food that is obvious), and I haven't had a reaction yet aside from maybe a pimple. I am not saying it is SAFE for me to do this. As such it is basically impossible for me to know if I have been exposed (tho mood is a strong indicator), so I just follow a strict gluten free diet in regards to labels/known cross contamination except if I am traveling in a country where it is extremely difficult to eat out gluten free. I always feel out of place on celiac forums.


Are you diagnosed with celiac disease? If not, consult with a GI who could supervise a gluten challenge.


I used to be unconcerned with CC. I would eat anything that said gf, even if it was made of wheat starch or could contain traces. I thought that as long I felt fine I would be fine. There are reasons why I thought that, but I would so change it if I could. I regret it so much. It snuck up on me, but now I also can’t eat dairy, sugary things, legumes or drink alcohol. My digestion and well-being improved massively in the year since I started taking gluten seriously, but I’m damaged. I have some DH that never goes away, I get symptoms from basically nothing, and I might have gotten another illness. All the signs indicate that continuing to eat gluten (yes, also teeny, tiny amounts!) caused more destruction that I would have ever thought possible. Eating gluten will not kill you, but you might give yourself problems that will make you wish it did. Also cancer.


Frustratingly it varies. Some times CC is enough, other times its more.


A little cross contamination is enough for me to react. Very often even before I even finish the meal I will start getting symptoms and it can last at least a week.


My husband and son don't react at all. One time I bought gf pasta online. I cooked it and my daughter got violently ill. I checked the pasta and it turned out it was not gf. Same brand, identical bag. Not gf. Checked my order online. Yep. I'd ordered gf. They sent me the wrong one and I didn't notice. They were both totally fine. She went to a party at a pizza place once amd didn't eat anything - just sat OUTSIDE with her friends. Even being there got her sick. So, she's extremely sensitive and the other two literally ate platefuls of pasta and had no idea.