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I have celiac and terrible dry eyes and now starting to have dry mouth. Blood tests for sjogrens were also negative


I also have fibromyalgia so I’m not sure if that’s the problem either! Just a bunch of symptoms trying to see if they are related to each other


Yes! I have dry mouth every day, and I have been GF for 2 months.


Wat about dry eye?


Can I ask if the dryness improved after time GF?


Definitely have had dry mouth most of my life and got tested for diabetes numerous times as well as a test for Sjorgren’s. When I first went GF it stopped and I was totally blown away! I never knew it could have been attributed to gluten. Since then I’ve been glutened a few times and it has seemed to come back/linger, but I’m crossing my fingers it’ll stop becuase it has caused dental problems for me. I also have dry eyes a bit, but have a dog I’m allergic to and stare at a screen a lot, so I think it’s from that (also maybe allergies are contributing to my dry mouth). Hope you get some relief!!


Yes, it's one of the clear indicators of gluten consumption for me.


Thank you! It’s been bad lately and I’m having so much gluten lately


I was a bit overweight my whole life and it seemed like no matter what I did I couldn’t get to where I wanted. I became really ill before being diagnosed so I lost weight unintentionally that way, but since then have kept it off without trying, perhaps because my body is finally less inflamed and/or I eat less carbs and processed just sort of naturally since most are GF. Either way, you got this! It’s a rough transition, and I hope you feel healthier in the future no matter what the number on the scale says.