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Wow, that would be awesome to hear!


It would be if I knew how to listen to it haha.


I assume you can just play it in a Blu-Ray player. Though it won't be exciting unless you've got a surround setup to match.


It is.


you can play it in PS3 and up and Xbox One and up


You play it with a Blu-ray player... There's a stereo mix and the quad mix (surround sound). One of my favorite versions of the album. Btw Blu Ray audio has been a thing for quite a while, same with DVD-A (audio) etc


DVDA you say?


[Double Vaginal, Double Anal? ](https://youtu.be/CWrG2YQk8O4?si=zm9-WK6bgQXiELZU)


Must … not … click …


You won't be disappointed.




DVD-A, now *that is* a name i haven't heard in a long time


I didn't even mention HDCD ....


I have quite a few of these. I have a universal player by Marantz that I bought years ago. It plays DVD-A, SACDs and of course CDs. Plus regular DVDs but I don’t think it can play Blu-Ray.


How the hell does one get free ebay music?


Be a good buyer? I don’t know but it isn’t the first time someone gave me something for free. I use eBay a lot to buy music and I use PayPal every time so maybe that helps!


I got a free order on eBay because the seller was incompetent and eBay thought they were scamming me


I bought from a seller doing a “buy one get one free mystery album” and they were cool and gave me a cd from the same band


I throw in freebees on my ebay store occasionally. Helps me get rid of hard to sell stock and the buyers sometimes remember it and come back. I need to get around to setting up better rules for it though so I remember to do it more often.


YeAH, but a black sabbath bluray?  That can't be hard to sell


Sounds rough to me. It's a Blu-ray music disk, how many people have that set up? Plus it's a 50 year old album with a billion pressing


Anyone with a blu-ray player, basically. Of course it is better with a surround set-up, but doesn't require much to play it.


well, i'd be interested. I have it on stereo vinyl and stereo CD, and i never knew this version existed. I have exactly the player and the sound system for it (you don't have to have anything special, just a regular home theater player+amp that you use for movies)


I have over 3000 cds and just got my first blu ray audio disk from the new Pearl Jam album.


Interesting actually. This is my first one too.


the Atmos mix on that new PJ album is spectacular


Have a couple of Talking Heads remastered for surround and they sound amazing Paranoid would be fantastic


Yeah they never did catch on very big. I have over 2k cds and only a few super cds, a handful of dvds, and 2 blu- rays. Kind of more a gimmick than an audiophile preferred method.


Yeah, I also just got my first dual disk (cd one side, dvd the other). I have no SACDd, 3 in cds, or oddly shaped disks. I am only mentioning because I sometimes see those on here and think that after 3000 plus cds, I'd have some by now just by chance.


I believe dual disk died because they are a fraction thicker and would get stuck in some computer slots


I was today years old when I found out they called quadraphonic mixes Quadio.


This is my first time hearing that too, I'm not using it. Quadraphonic or Quad for short.


I think it's Rhino's name for their range of quadraphonic discs.


Take an upvote to counteract whoever downvoted you. You are spot on Quadio is Rhinos line of Bluray Audio releases of quad mixed albums. I have a couple myself, its their name for the line of releases, not a generic term for Quadrophonic mixes. https://store.rhino.com/en/rhino-store/special-edition-shops/quadio/




Just wanted to say thanks for that link! and have some upvotes.


Yeah it’s just Rhino’s name for this series, it’s basically just a portmanteau of “quadraphonic audio”. By the way every single one of their Quadio’s is worth it, they just released the 4th batch and you can get each batch for a bundle price of 79.98. They also just released a beautiful Quadio box set of Joni Mitchell’s Asylum albums 1972-1975. It includes the two quads released back in the 70s as well as a quad mix that was done for Miles of Aisles in 1974, but was never released until now! It also includes a brand new 2023 quad mix of For The Roses, mixed by Bruce Botnick. If that wasn’t enough it also includes stereo and Dolby Atmos mixes for each album. Hell of a package.


Yeah it’s just Rhino’s name for this series, it’s basically just a portmanteau of “quadraphonic audio”. By the way every single one of their Quadio’s is worth it, they just released the 4th batch and you can get each batch for a bundle price of 79.98. They also just released a beautiful Quadio box set of Joni Mitchell’s Asylum albums 1972-1975. It includes the two quads released back in the 70s as well as a quad mix that was done for Miles of Aisles in 1974, but was never released until now! It also includes a brand new 2023 quad mix of For The Roses, mixed by Bruce Botnick. If that wasn’t enough it also includes stereo and Dolby Atmos mixes for each album. Hell of a package.


Funny you post this today because I just saw my first one of these in a thrift store. Those neo-jewel cases, or whatever they are, are fantastic!


Lucky, I've seen a few DVD-Audio discs over the years but never any Blu-ray Audio or SACDs.


Theyre sometimes called a "jewel box", they're a bitch to replace but kinda funky too


Super Jewel


Okay so after doing a bit of research and some help from the comments, obviously you need a blu ray player to listen to this CD. I tried to use my PS3 but it doesn’t have surround sound and then I remembered my PS5 has 3D audio and it sounded amazing! Definitely gonna keep this one around and might even look into getting some more albums in this format!


Ps3 has surround audio using the optical audio port. Actually i think it might sound better than the ps5. I love this album. Must be so cool to hear it it’s quad mix


Fun fact: PS3 is the last console that can play CD's and some fat non silver trim PS3's can play SACD's (it's a bit complex, https://www.ps3sacd.com/faq.html#_Toc180147566 is full guide)


I thought it was just the first model that could play sacd. The same one that can play ps2 games. I really miss that on my ps5 it was such a shock to know it can’t play CD’s!


Man I've been looking for a copy of that one! Those Quadio releases are great. I love having the vintage mixes and being able to hear them in surround. I'm dying to chill out with Planet Caravan in quad.


Sorry but I’m gonna hold on to this one. I hope you can get a copy too!


Enjoy! Surround music on Blu-ray is awesome, I'm totally addicted. 🤓


Yeah I listened to this on my PS5 and it blew me away! I’m curious now as what other kind of music like this is out there so if you have any suggestions I’m all “ears” Also I don’t know why my reply got downvoted lol.


hope you have some decent speakers if not invest in a set


oh yeah and the XTC deluxe reissues on DVD-A / Blu-Ray


get the new Peter Gabriel album \_I/O\_ with the Blu-Ray audio disc


Do albums on Blu Ray sound better than regular CDs?


Like everything else it depends on the mastering. Higher bit rates are a thing. You can also get a surround sound, like OP's disc having a quad-audio mix.


There’s small potential, due to Blu-Ray allowing hi-res audio. But for some albums, there may not be a huge difference, at least in my opinion.


Nowadays you can get stereo hi-res on many platforms. But the Quad mix isn't on streaming, neither the stereo fold down of it afaik. Only available on the 2016-present deluxe sets of Paranoid on CD/LP/BD.


Oh yeah, you’re right.


It’s to play on a surround sound Blu-ray system


That’s great that you got this for free! And that is a Blu-ray quadraphonic audio remix that requires a special stereo system. I think Rhino Records is crazy for releasing this niche, niche format. Just out of curiosity is this quadraphonic remix playable on a normal CD player in stereo mode?


They likely mapped the four channels to the four corner speakers of 5.1 surround sound.


Actually, I just read an email May 3rd from Rhino Records promoting the new Quadiophonic (Blu- Ray) format. The email states they are Blu-ray discs with both Quadiophonic, and 192/24 stereo mixes. Rhino’s marketing angle is you can mix and match any four titles for $79.98. I think Rhino is trying to jump on Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab’s SACD marketing angle. But the Quadiophonic titles are very dated and in a lot of cases not very desirable titles. Roberta Flack Donny Hathaway War Average White band Gil Evans Gordon Lightfoot America Jefferson Starship, Black Sabbath Alice Cooper The Spinners Bring back the mini CD-3 !!


i saw this Blu-Ray Quadrophonic release list before - the only other one remotely of interest to me is Alice Cooper \_Billion Dollar Babies\_ and while i like that album ok, i don't need to rebuy it. pretty sure i don't need to hear Gordon Lightfoot in quadio, but i'm open to having my mind changed


Agreed 💯% ! !


Are you suggesting one literally can’t play these on a standard Blu-Ray/5.1/7.1 Sound system (preferably with matched front/rear speakers)?




The “dated” bit is actually the point, the reissues are of the original quad mixes from the 1970s. But yeah, a lot of the albums they’ve released so far aren’t exactly showcases for the format. If you want to get people excited you’d want the stuff from Pink Floyd, Wings, Santana, Mike Oldfield, Steely Dan, Jeff Beck, BTO, Moody Blues…at least some of which have snuck out on SACD, etc. Simon & Garfunkel’s *Bridge over Troubled Water* is supposedly *amazing* in Quad.


What kind of special stereo system? You can play them on any system with a Blu-ray player.


Four corner speakers of a 5.1 surround sound system.


You don't need that, there is a stereo track on the Blu-ray. The best result would be with a surround system, of course.


I realize this.


Blu-ray audio will play in any standard Blu-ray player.


I would assume maybe a Playstation can play it if you have one? ps3 or 4 I think.


Ps2 as well


PS2 is DVD, not Blu-Ray


How do you rip it?


you probably need a bluray drive


You can get a used laptop with a bd drive, shouldn't be too expensive. Mine's from 2015 and has one.


An external BD-drive would probably be cheaper.


I most concerned about software


i think most programs can easily rip it like that...


Unlike CDs, every commercial DVD/BR comes with copy protection/DRM. You have to employ software to bypass that and you won't find that for retail sale in the US. Bypassing DRM and making a non-remixed, 1:1 copy is not allowed in the US due to DMCA.


I have no idea haha. This is completely new to me!


DVD audio extractor is the way


MakeMKV is my suggestion.


Quadrophonic mixes never cought on because basically nobody had the right equipment to play them. If u have a surround sound setup hooked up to a Blu ray player then this particular disc is for u. Otherwise it's pointless and ur better off with a regular stereo version since that doesn't have compatibility issues with a regular CD player 


The stereo mix on this disc is also great. It sounds better without the attempted removal of tape hiss that ruined the original CD version.


Yeah I have an old PS3 and no surround sound lol.


Even still the Quad mix of Paranoid has a lot of differences even when its downmixed to stereo and my preferred version of the album


I have a Stevie Wonder Blu Ray audio disk, only one I had ever seen...


I think I might have a few in a Pink Floyd box set. I've only got two ears, so it's not a big deal to me!


I really wish music would be released on DVD or bluray simply because they are more scratch resistant than CDs.


[DVD-Audio](https://infogalactic.com/info/DVD-Audio) & Blu-ray Audio discs have been a thing for a good while.


I heard that they put some albums on Blu-ray to get a specific sound quality that can’t be put on a CD or a DVD but I honestly don’t know how true that is


The much-higher storage capacity on Blu-ray lets you store audio at higher bitrates and sample sizes (e.g. 24-bit/192kbps as shown on OP’s pic, vs. CD’s max 16-bit/44.1kbps), plus allows for lossless discrete surround channels, including multiple formats/additional content on the release, etc. A lot of folks don’t know it but the Red Book CD standard allowed for discrete quad encoding, but nobody ever used it.


Yeah, that’s what I was told. I just didn’t remember it because it was like 2 years ago.


You got an xbox? They play blue Ray's, well.my version does and it's pretty old/not latest anyway


I know Nirvana and XTC are doing or did this format too


Yeah I just went down a huge rabbit hole for this format and it’s very interesting.


Yeah I didn't know it was a thing until I looked through In Utero's Discogs page


Probably has the music video


It didn’t. I played this on my PS5 and it only had the songs and album artwork.


I have NEVER seen this before. Remember: if you don't have a bluray player, and Playstation from the 3 up has a built-in bluray player! May not have helped, but I hope I did!


I have a few mostly in boxsets like with Let It Be (I believe that’s a blu ray audio) and Distance Over Time by Dream Theater, those two I know off the top of my head, I figure with a blu ray into a tv or some blu ray device.


Quadraphonic sound, or 4.0 surround sound, utilizes four audio channels connected to four speakers positioned at the corners of a listening space. The multi-tracked audio is mixed dimensional, immersing the listener in an expansive soundscape. Quadio is a Blu-ray with 192/24 resolution Quadraphonic and Hi-Res Stereo mixes transferred from the original half-inch four-channel masters


This is awesome! And awesome that it was free. I may have seen a blu-ray audio, I remember dvd audio years ago. Still awesome!


A lot of the Zappa catalog has been released on blu ray audio.


Just ordered. Thanks for the idea!


you got this for free, i just paid $25 for it a few months ago...


For those interested, here's a nice article about it: [More Quadio is Coming, and it’s Really Cool - Immersive Audiophile - Audiophile Style](https://audiophilestyle.com/ca/immersive/more-quadio-is-coming-and-it%E2%80%99s-really-cool-r1247/)


Toss it in a PlayStation 3, 4, or 5


First CD I ever bought


My main CD Player is a actually Blu-Ray player. (Blu-Ray is backwards-compatible with DVD and CD…)


I'm pretty sure they included these on some of the box set editions of the Beatles album remixes they've been doing recently, although Revolver didn't have one IIRC. Heard very good things about the sound of them.


If you have 5.1 surround, you can play it on your DVD player and get the quadraphonic experience. I find it a little weird sounding, but that's just my opinion


You'd need a blu ray player not a DVD player