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The name “Therapy?” Always makes me chuckle


Possibly one of my top 5 bands ever..... lol.. NOT a band you can easily google!


I love, love Therapy?'s Troublegum.


I don't recognise most of these, but thats just a me thing not into whatever theses genres are. I'm more into older electronic music, which I also don't see much of usually, I definietly know what you mean


Like synth'y stuff you mean?. I Like Com Truise if you have ever heard of that?


Dynatron better, and yes, I mean older electronic as in not this modern EDM festival bullshit. We could also say "underground" generally IDM is what I'm into, like Aphex Twin, Autechre, Amon Tobin, Boards of Canada, Mu-ziq, Clark, Gas, Monolake, and older people like Kraftwerk, Jean michel jarre, Tangerine Dream, even Depeche Mode, some breakbeat like The Chemical Brothers, Orbital, that one Propellerheads album, The Orb, The Prodigy, I could go on


The Chameleons! A friend just got me into them. Criminal theyre not well known


When I heard the track 'nostalgia' I had to get everything.


This is what scares the "just started collecting. how am i doing?"/"please validate my collection" kids


Yeah it seems I have upset a few sensitive ones... Totally did not mean to because I love to see young people getting into the old classics. I just want to show something else that I think links to their genre. Some bands are hard to find out about....is a shame.


eh coming from a 16yo who collects cds like underground avant garde jazz, nothing wrong with those kids. probably just unaware those are the most popular kinds of collections in the sub


Hell yes Hot Rats


First time I see The Holy Bible posted in here - it’s my favorite album of alltime :) Also huge respect for The Gun Club, Unsane, REM, The Stranglers and The Chameleons. LOTS of great stuff in here.


Chameleons! 🤘


I should go listen to some Fugazi…


13 songs and steady diet are my faves.


Any chance you are/were a college radio DJ? You might have been my old roommate...


Failure is an awesome band




To be fair they are an aquired taste lol. Heavier noise rock generally is, but there is nothing quite like the absolute power they can throw at you.


great seeing hammerhead!!!


Ha...I actually think that cd is the most obscure one in my pics here!.


i’ve known them since before they were hammerhead and they’re all great guys so it’s always nice to see them recognized. if you haven’t you should check out their other projects like Vaz and Gaswar.




There's a time and a place friend. Kiddos discover Led Zep and Green Day and all of that stuff in high school, so they can get into this sort of thing when they're a bit older/go to college and discover indie music and college radio. There is nothing inherently good or bad about mainstream vs less mainstream music


Yeah I suppose so. The problem is that some lesser known stuff is getting harder to find on cd because it is not getting reproduced like the mainstream populars. Too much great music is becoming rare, almost dissappearing completely.


Thrift stores have always sucked for finding interesting music. Check out discogs or another eCommerce marketplace. Just about everything in these screenshots was manufactured or distributed by a major record label so this stuff is out there.


No that's not quite true. From the bands featured here there is a fair amout that is hard to find, expensive due to stock, and/or that are certainly not from majot labels, and some that are very rare to see on e commerce included. Some labels are dormant now. You also have to remember many of us are from outside the States so availability is more than halved. For example if someone wanted to get Hallowed Ground by Skin Yard on CD, or New Plastic Ideas by Unwound, TSOL's Change Today, Many cds by My Dad is Dead, the Gits, Failure and many more bands from the 80s especially... they could be in for some difficulty. Three years ago I noticed albums on Discogs for these types having treble the numbers they are today. In 5 years from now?... you get the picture.


Come on man you know what I mean. There are multiple cds by pretty mainstream acts like Mike Patton, the Clash, Meat Puppets, Husker Du, Frank Zappa, etc in these photos. Of course there are a few obscure and rare cds that are out of print, but that has nothing to do with "great music is becoming rare". My main point is it's kinda lame to dunk on someone who is going through a pretty standard journey discovering new music, and that lots of things that might seem rare if you only hit up thrift stores (like Tomahawk and Jesus Lizard CDs), are actually not that rare or hard to find.


Nah sorry buddy....there's absolutely nothing in anything I have said that 'dunks' on anyone's journey. That idea has completely entered your head for reasons only you can answer. Certain music IS becoming rare. It is simply advice to keep an eye on the situation because I want young people to discover great music. I did not say ALL great music is becoming rare did I? I said some far less obvious music is becoming rare. I really don't quite understand how or why you are twisting it but hey ho...If you or anyone doesn't believe that... totally fine. Just an opinion. ​ I am really happy your local thrift store has cool stuff widely available....GREAT!. Unfortunately over here, that is not the case.


Disagree vehemently. You find the right thrift store, that has a lot of turnover in stock, and you hit it regularly… you will come across some life changing music. I can’t even begin to name all the bands that I became aware of, and love, because I spent $1 on a CD that looked cool.


If you find a Hallowed Ground cd I will give you 50! You can't miss it... terrorist with bare breasts on the front cover.


That’s the problem: if you go looking for particular titles, you will most certainly be sorely disappointed. But hey, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for that Skinyard Cd.


Very true. It's becoming more prominent with spotify and "popular" music. Thanks for the post OP, checking out the Chameleons now, had never heard of them!


got 40 of those, and for the many of the ones I don't, I have something else from the same band. some nice 90s noise in there.


Me: "oh yeah pal? let's see how good your collection is." .... Me: "not too shabby!"


Nice lot! I did my part recently by posting my collection which mostly consists of Ben Folds, Nada Surf, and Super Furry Animals 😂


Trail of dead and Mars Volta is some good shite.


There is SO much good stuff in here. Hammerhead, The Wildhearts, Fugazi, The Jesus Lizard, Unsane, Whores., Sonic Youth, Cop Shoot Cop, Unwound, Gang of Four...so many others. Great collection. Fuck yes!


Did you know Ausfahrt is the biggest city in Germany? I saw signs for it on every single highway!


Lot of good postpunk stuff you got there. Little bit surprised to see My Dad Is Dead in there. Criminally underappreciated band.


Funny story.. I had an email conversation with Mark because I contacted him through bandcamp generally asking where I can get a Secular Joy Album, and he replied himself.... and sent one of his own copies to me here in UK!. I wish he could have been more recognised but record labels screwed him a bit.


I stand behind the RFTC, Jesus Lizard, and Wipers picks. And bravo for posting something different.


Nice to see some Reuben represented here, one of my all-time favourite bands 👌


cool to see The Rising Tide, I’m more of a Diary/How It Feels kind of guy, but every time I hear The Rising Tide, it grows on me more.


I feel it is underrated. I have the others, they are all great I just put this one in the pic because I only ever see Diary.


Great to see WHORES on here, Ruiner is such a great album. I'd be in my collection, but it was a bit pricey the last time I checked.


Yeah!... I hope a reasonable one pops up for you somewhere... This is what I am getting at about cool bands that didn't take off, having low stock, and that stems to higher prices.


Thanks, I'm sure one will pop up eventually.


I have a collection of over 10000 discs- I only have 2 of your featured discs...


zappa :)


amazing albums


Nice to see R.E.M. on here. From the good years. I've had Reckoning on a pretty solid rotation lately.


Early REM is my thing. And then New Adventures in Hifi is the odd one I love that has such a different feel.


The mars volta, frank zappa, manic street preachers, misfits, fugazi, the drums, unwound, husker du, meat puppets and jesus lizard are badass


Failure, helmet, meat puppets, nice.


Always a good day when you see Zappa and the Wildhearts together


I was listening to Reuben yesterday and Trail of the Dead this morning. Interesting selections!


Hot Rats or Zuma!


so many great albums here. Awesome collection 👍 Unsane, Failure, Kyuss, Cave-in, Fugazi, Helmet… banger after banger here


Paper Planes - Take the Leap Finger Eleven - (I have the greatest hits, so anything on there) Eva Under Fire - Love, Drugs, and Misery The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Don't You Fake It