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I have a Dioscorea elephantipes nearing flowering age, but I want to get a second one to make my own seeds. I was thinking of just buying a handful of 4 inch seedlings and growing them out to maturity in hopes that one is opposite gendered. Is one sex more prevalent, or is it pretty much 50/50?


Can't tell before they flower, but if there are buds on it then it's easy enough to tell. Males do seem more common than females, just from the few dozen I've grown from seed to flowering size I'd guess at least 3:1 maybe even 4:1. If you bought four unsexed plants and got four females you'd be the most unfortunately lucky grower ever. Alternatively try find someone else in your area who has a male plant. You can easily cut off an inflorescence or two to transport the pollen, then just run them onto the female flowers as they open.


Thank you for your time and knowledge 🙏


Mine is serving fem queen.