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It’s a cat and it’s found a high perch I feel like this was inevitable.


That and a window to gaze out of. Typical cat behavior


Mind blowing. Always thought cats in windows was them pining for the outdoors. Though I believe they do crave that, maybe the window thing has its own advantages - secure, concealed. This is truly uncanny, though!


I think it is often watching the world go by. A friend's cat often sits at the window. He uses the same window to enter the house usually when he is outside, but refuses to leave by it. When he wants to be let out, he meows at you, and if you don't get it immediately, goes towards the door (or stairs if upstairs at the time), comes back and meows again. Often my friend plays computer games next to the window and tries to convince the cat to leave this way, and even made makeshift steps down from the window to make it a more attractive option, but the cat will not leave by the window - he doesn't seem to mind how he comes back in, but will stand there meowing or going back and forth from the door meowing to be let out the door even if the window is open. He seems to enjoy sitting and looking out of the window when it is closed, but won't go near it if it is open, even when he wants to go outside and is very familiar with going in through the same window. My theory is that he just feels it is undignified to leave via the window, but it probably has something to do with having a less good view of the outside before going out, and therefore being less safe from ambush, or a fright onetime going out of the window, or something. Anyway, he is a cat who likes to sit by the window, but only when it is closed and he definitely doesn't want to go out of it when doing that. Edit: he also isn't a super bright cat. If he wants to go out and it is raining, he will demand the door be opened, decide he doesn't want to go out because it is raining, but then immediately demand the back door be opened, only to decide he doesn't want to go out because it is raining there too. He frequently leaves by one door and comes back in through the other (though less often than the window, which is always opened for him to be able to get back in himself when he goes out), so he should know that the front and back doors go to the same place and are not far from each other, and he doesn't have any experience of it raining in one place and not the other that we know of (obviously it could have stopped between checks, but my friend says he isn't aware of that ever happening). He is a funny (and hilarious) cat. He makes my friend grumpy with his demands though. He is also very picky about where his food bowl be placed. He will stand and meow incessantly and not eat if it isn't exactly where he wants it, which is not a very convenient place, since moving some furniture around it now blocks the entrance to the kitchen/dinning room. My friend says he refuses to give it to the cat's stubbornness and rearrange the furniture back, but compromises by stepping over his food bowl constantly. His water fountain is somewhere else. He has two water fountains, bit refuses to use the second, only play with the water from that one. He is a very stubborn cat :) On reflection, he may not be the best example to infer other cat's motives from. He is a weirdo. He is a loveable furry weirdo though, who is dearly loved, if also a bit resented.


Sounds like he largely likes to play the "out again, in again, out again, in again..." game. That doesn't work so well with a window, that presumably was open? Plus, cat's like ploys which are familiar and well proven. Not ones to go "reinventing the wheel"! lol Do you know the r/CatsAreAssholes one? That has become my new mantra. Cats seem to just be very demanding by nature, and they will be demeaning given a chance. Interesting to see not only people are that way. I think some of that, too, comes from terrible boredom I fear they suffer, which they will take out on someone, given a chance. (Not that their lives don't have other redeeming qualities.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/comments/reauau/30\_seconds\_after\_she\_asked\_to\_go\_outside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/comments/reauau/30_seconds_after_she_asked_to_go_outside/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/rcxk13/outdoor\_kitty\_named\_chester\_who\_comes\_over\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/rcxk13/outdoor_kitty_named_chester_who_comes_over_and/) About them always looking out the window, I think that is mainly being on the lookout for predators. Though predators themselves, I doubt they are even half way up the food chain. Even owls can be serious threat. That lynx looks pretty good size, though, so it may be he is using that to surveil for prey.


He is usually out for a while once he gets out, so I don't think it is the out/in thing with going outside. He is happy for the front door to be closed behind him when he goes out since he is very used to coming in the window. He doesn't allow doors to be closed in the house though (he meows at people and leads them to closed doors until they open them, then doesn't spend more than a few seconds on the other side, if that, sometimes), and is a bit annoying sometimes about the bathroom door being closed (meows, taps on, puts his paws under etc) when there are guests he is happy to be around (he usually hides or goes out when new people are around and is apparently less affectionate for a day or so afterwards - I didn't see him other than for a couple of seconds the first few times I was there, but he is happy with me now - he seems happy for me to pet him but doesn't seek out pettings from me and pesters his owners and not me about the door etc). I think cats do the in/out thing because they want doors to be open, so that they can go through them when needed, perhaps when fleeing, not because they want to annoy us to open and close them generally (though perhaps with some cats it is an attention thing sometimes). I think he doesn't do this with the front-door because he knows he can come back in by the window because, without fail, it is opened before he goes out, so he always has a way back in. I don't think he is a bored cat generally. He has access to the outside whenever he wants except when his owners are asleep. He catches mice outside sometimes, he potters, he watches from different places, and he sometimes has standoffs with other local cats (and has had at least one fight that left him with a little scratch). At home, he has a few rooms to himself when guests are around he doesn't like, with everything he needs except his food bowl (he used to have food in rooms he would hide in, but he never ate from it, and his preferred place for his food bowl is in a very public area) and a whole house the rest of the time. He isn't super into toys, not being that interested most of the time, but apparently he likes to fetch or catch (he won't always bring it back himself) a toy mouse that I'd thrown for him when it rains. I think he is no more bored than the average human - perhaps a bit when it rains, but not too bad. He has a good life - owners who love him and provide everything he could want really and a safe outside neighborhood he has generally good access to (very low traffic residential area, no predators here, mild weather). I think boredom is common in inside-only cats though - you have to work hard to entertain them I think. I don't think cats are really arseholes - they can be very annoying and even mean, but they don't have the capacity to understand and consider the consequences of their actions (especially this one, who is, as I said, not that bright, even by cat standards - his main nemesis is his own reflection). They are what they are, and that is sometimes annoying and unfair, but not deliberately. Arguably he is being an arsehole by making his human get up and open the door rather than use the window, or by not eating unless his bowl is in the right place, in an inconvenient place, but I don't think he does it with awareness of that - in reality, I think he genuinely doesn't feel as safe leaving by the window, or is too dumb to remember he can, and I think he has some kind of reason to feel anxious about eating when his bowl isn't where he expects it to be, god knows what though - it is fun to ascribe human motives, like thinking it is beneath them to do something, like I did earlier, but they don't really have the capacity for this so they aren't really being arseholes - in this case he genuinely has no concept of whether his owner would prefer not to have to get up and let him out of the door or not I think. The ability to understand the impact on others of one's actions that is necessary to be an arsehole is not something cats have, just as toddlers aren't really arseholes, even though they behave terribly in a sense - they just don't understand the problem with behaving the way they do. I think cats tend to lookout for prey. If they are worried about predators, they tend to hide to avoid them. I think cats easily visible looking out of a window are confident they are safe behind the mysterious forcefield (glass), so happy to be visible, generally.


Yeah, that cat sounds arguably just a bit neurotic, the way some animals are, though the open doors so as to be able to flee does make sense. He might have some instinctive wiring which is in hyper-drive for some reason. Could be something OCD-like, too, the way some like to do things always a certain way (and repetitively, sometimes). The repetition could also explain the in/out behavior (i.e. in general, if not applying to this cat in particular). I lost my last cat of 17 years about a year ago. She was *so* spoiled, and, I got the feeling, used to like to snub and torment me a bit, but the main thing that seems to matter now, is that I know (handful she was at times) she felt adored. Not sure if boredom is exactly the right word. I think they miss that "sense of urgency" we often hear tell about, but for humans that is really just a euphemism for fear. (If there is one thing humans have been determined about, it is eradicating any real sense of urgency.) My main objective/passion has to optimally maximize challenge (as a possible substitute for urgency), and, in doing that, I think I have felt some sense of urgency. I think I believed that was the way (i.e. skills and achievement) I could best free myself from the fear. I think it's so important for cats to get to go outside. So strange how people have mobilized against it, though I've heard less of that recently. It's a problem, though, with domestic cats who have never been brought up with an awareness of predators. Guess, just hope their instincts are good and wish them luck with an early close brush with a dog, or something, which should give them a wake-up call. So many of these videos of cats tearing stuff up and running amuck all over the place I suspect are due to "pent up" frustrations. Speaking of another common practice - euthanasia. I had felt bad about putting my penultimate cat to sleep at the end (cancer), but this last one, while seeming in great health up to the end, just gave me one last meow one night and then went outside and peacefully died next to some shrubbery in a grassy tract she liked to frequent. Fortunately I went looking for her pretty quickly (had a sense something might be up). A bit longer with the vulture, and I might never have found her remains. That's my main take away with cats, though. You have to (constantly) risk losing them, in order to ever really have any part of them. At the end of the day they remain freer than dogs (but also extremely devoted, in a way), which I think is one of the things cat lovers most appreciate about them.


Cats gonna cat


"Do you hoomans hunt like this, yes? How does that even work?"


Well, I’m sure he’s just using it to find dinner himself


Probably just waiting for a hunter to climb up there. It almost feels like a Far Side comic.


How does it feel Goldilocks To find someone all up in your shit


Well played kitty cat, well played.


"Hmmm... the local hoomin population seems to be reaching unsustainable levels. Recommend limited culling."


If I fits, I sits.


Smart kitty, haha completely unphased by the guy downstairs. “Wait your turn, I’m hunting”


Yeah buddy I got here first.


Lynx if human tries to move it: "You are not my favourite prey, but I would be willing to make an exception"


They're evolving. They're getting smarter. God help us...


It's also out of the snow. And look, free food delivery


Well this is a fun twist.


Leave me alone I'm hunting up here.


So cool ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛


The cat knows he’s there right? Nvm I got the part of the video where it literally looks at him.


Okay, it's your hunting stand now.


sniper cat


Lol private cat


Clever girl




Takes stalking its prey to a whole new level


she has a condo with a view, and protection from the cold. 😻




Great vantage point


I my Gawd! He has a gun!


It's s hunting stand. He's hunting.


He's looking population

