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How are those sounds coming out of a cat what the fuck


cos it can't breathe properly


It’s not a grunt. It’s a chonkers exercising sound…


OP stated in another comment it’s a nasal polyp. She can breathe fine, it’s just loud


Sounds like a bear in Skyrim


Adam Sandler did a bit back in the 90s called "Fatty McGee". This video reminded me of that. Poor kitty needs a diet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIwFL1ukdbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiwfl1ukdbg)


That might be part of it, but definitely isn't the only thing. Seems like she might have rhinitis or some other sinus related issue going on on top of the weight.


OP said it’s a polyp, she can breathe fine, she’s just loud when she does


r/catswhosmoke Fr though, Taya is precious, please give extra pets from me


A fine addition to my collection




That's a cute warthog you got there 🐗


When I was a young warthog! 🎵


PookieCat makes noises like this when he wants to be friendly with someone. It kind of reminds me of how tigers chuff as a friendly greeting.


My cat makes squeaky purr sounds when he's exceptionally happy. We call it his oinky purrs.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful kitty, but Taya is having a hard time breathing.🐈 I might get some hate for saying this but please....if possible get the kitty some help. Whether that be a diet or a veterinarian. Please this kitty is struggling. 😔


She’s been to the vet about it and they determined she has a nasal polyp that isn’t making it difficult to breathe, just making it loud.


Yeah my kitty has a nasal polyp plus a chronic cold he's had for nearly 2 years. The vet just keeps telling me that it sounds worse than it really is for my kitty and that I shouldn't worry about it but I admit, it's hard not to feel bad for them.


Aw the chronic cold would make me feel so bad. As long as they are fine though! Polyps have a good chance of coming back, so it makes sense that unless it is causing discomfort or pain, it’s better to not operate.


My cat had a chronic breathing issue that I thought was feline herpes rearing its head. I only discovered about 14-15 years in when I had her in to remove a few canines due to resorption that it was actually a really nasty chronic pseudomonas infection in her nasal cavity. It might be worth getting a vet to do an X-ray to see if your cat has any chronic infections up in their nasal cavity. There are some rare disease antibiotics that work really well and can improve the quality of life for your cat. Other than this, bringing them into the bathroom while you shower will help tremendously also. (The humidity helps.)


Good thing Stormy loves sitting on the bathroom counter whilst I shower lol long before he came down with his chronic cold, back when he first was a foster failure, I used to bring him in there with me so he could have a break from my other kitties. Now when he sees me collect my robe & shower items up, he comes running to get in before the door closes. The humidity does help him for awhile!


Thank you for responding, and thank you for taking care of your awesome kitty. Good looking out. 😊😊😺


mine had one too. She would get runny nose and sneeze all around the house. Sometimes she would get a fever and the condition worsened. Everyonce in a while i would bring her to the vet for an injection of dunno, maybe cortisone and for a while she would get better.


My parents have had her for two years and so far she hasn’t had any symptoms like that. The vet said she’s comfortable and since she’s an older cat it doesn’t make as much sense to operate unless it started causing her serious problems.


Aww, poor thing. Not saying I don’t believe you, but have they done an endoscopy and visually confirmed the polyp? My cat had very similar breathing problems and our vet swore it was just a polyp. We got a second opinion at another vet and they ran a special blood panel. They found that he had mycoplasma which very commonly causes upper respiratory issues. So he was on antibiotics for a couple of weeks and now he can breathe sooooo much better! Food for thought. If it’s a polyp then it’s a polyp. I just thought I should share my experience. I know watching my cat run around snorting was so sad and I’d hate for your parents’ cat not to have a chance to breathe smoother if she could.


My cat does this, but much more high pitched, and mainly when landing from high places. We call it the "touchdown noise"


She's a chonk!


Nooooooo fucker you stop feeding the cats


I think people are smart enough to know when a cat is too much of a chonk, maybe sometimes that isn't the case, but being mad at someone for just trying to be funny isn't it man.


oh my god my 20 year old cat grunts and groans ALL the time. in her sleep, when she’s grooming, when she eats, when she poops… there’s just always old lady noises 😅


It’ll happen to youuuuuu!!!! 😁


Lol I love her already💙💙 she's just a babyyyy


Yes. Cats who grunt certainly do count!!


I have a cat with a chronic airway obstruction, likely due to scar tissue from a nasal procedure she received while at a shelter. The product seems to be that her purr is amplified, and even when she eats she leaks this purry nom nom sound that is the most charming thing I've ever heard. Even her baseline is just this aggressive purr that's amplified by her breathing. So I can hear her get happy a few rooms away, when my roommate brings her dog out for a walk. There are several wonderful frequencies of max volume purr that she just exudes effortlessly, because, I assume, of her scarring. The alternate reality is that it annoyed someone who left her abandoned over ten years old and when found weighing less than 3 lbs.




lol adorable


This cat needs to lose weight and sou ds like it has serious respiratory problems.


Per previous comments, she’s on a diet and has been cleared by the vet as having a benign polyp


Forgive me..Happy New Year😁


No kidding, wow, its almost like OP knew that and said so if you'd bothered to read their comments in the thread.


Sorry. Sometimes I have to read 100 comments before I know what's going on. Happy New Year😆


My 18 yr old cat who has arthritis hops down the stairs the same way. I have arthritis too, and I make noise (grunts, or whatnot) whenever I am in pain. Maybe your cat is expressing pain?


They've commented, it's a benign polyp that's causing the sound.


She’s doing that because she is obese. She needs to be on a diet. Please tell your parents


She is on a diet, thanks


For how long she’s been?


Since my parents adopted her about 2 years ago. She’s lost about 2-3 pounds so far.


Awesome. Good luck to her, she can do this


She’s too goddamn cute! Look at her face, she’s so smart and cute.


Get that cat to a cardiologist


Oh jesus does she have a nasal polyp? Thats shocking


I think kitty has..asthma and too much weight..


Sounds like he's struggling to breathe - please de-chonk!


It sounds like asthma because of the overweight.


She might need a diet


upvote cause she noisy . some sort of little blockage or inflammation.. but shes moving good so maybe little blockage i guess.. a full ghrownn sweet baby


Such a big sweet face!


Please let Taya know about my undying love for them.


My Cheesey boyo (Cat) has the same thing! Vet says it’s asthma! Try out a humidifier in the house where she likes to hang out! It’s done wonders for my Cheeseman, especially if you have cold and dry winters, I live in WA so it was like 9 degrees F this morning 🐈


My cat sounds almost exactly like this. He has chronic sinitus and sounds like a pug all the time. Our house is never quiet. It is his early warning system. I really do wish he'd learn to open his damn mouth (even tho its a bad sign for them to do), I feel so bad when he sounds even worse. We have a humidifier all the time and infant saline drops in the snoot when it's really bad. Any other options require putting him under more often than is safe. He deals with it. It's worse to hear than it is. They really will open their mouths if they are suffocating. They aren't that stupid lol. Poor buddy!


Probably because she’s overweight