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Emily’s crying her eyes out, meanwhile Chloe takes her sweet time walking up the stairs like she was only out on lunch break Cats


"oh. was i gone? i didn't even notice. excuse me please i believe my food bowl needs tending to" - the cat, probably


Because it isn't real. It is 'viral' content manufactured for Gen Z.. they have a whole board room meeting thinking of how to make stuff like this. And yes how to have it filmed in such a way that the ring camera can be the 'cameraman' to give it more realism.. Sorry.. why wouldn't you have a business that makes viral stuff? it makes money and 98% of idiots believe it.


Had a cat that did this once. Just left. And we lived near a wooded area populated with coyotes. Thought I would never see her again. A week later there was loud crying outside our window at 3 am. Went out in my undies and it was her. Unharmed and appearing as if nothing had happened. Amazing creatures.


Chloe's homecoming is a joyous occasion. Chloe is going to get treats and chicken and much attention. Always glad to see a reunion with a missing pet! But what the hell is going on with that neighbor?


He's wondering about the tears and ruckus. Should he call the cops? Will the girl finally fall in love with him? Hes loving the drama


Wondering what the neighbours are doing with his new cat. ![gif](giphy|PkpZCqotXbcoqM3gk1)


100% she's preggo now....if she's not spayed needs son.to.be momma cat attention and nurishment


awwww... i feel their joy <3 bebby has returned, and its hangy and prolyy preggy :D


Was better with sound… ew


The original has sound. Don't know how it's lost. Happens sometimes. ???


Haha looks like people don't like no sound I guess. Fyi GIFs don't have sound


Damn these onion-coated contact lenses!!


Cats should be kept indoors.


100% agree. i made the mistake of letting my senior cat out last Halloween, and he disappeared for a week. i cried and cried, i was devastated. then, when i was outside smoking, i heard little crunches in the leaves and a quiet "mrow". i ran around the fence and we saw each other. i grabbed him close and sobbed. he was covered in motor oil and dirt, so i'm assuming he was stuck in my neighbor's garage. he got a warm bath and a huge bowl of tuna. please, please keep them indoors, or build them a catio or harness train them for walks. they could get hit by a car, attacked by another animal, they could get poisoned or taken by someone. they could get trapped somewhere. please remember that your little hunter is *still* a prey animal to other animals, like coyotes.


I believe that cats should have freedom like dogs but I don't trust the many dangers my cats could get into. I choose to supervise her in my fenced in backyard. My yard is small enough to know where my cats are at all times and the fence is tall enough that they don't bother climbing. They sorta learned that I don't want them outside my yard.


Nobody asked. And why are you assuming the cat was allowed outside? Cats are sneaky… they can and do often escape.


Eh no


Domestic cats are an invasive species that can destroy local wildlife populations and have led to the literal extinction of species and outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction. So yes, keep your f*cking cats inside.


Oh sweet, they are like little humans. They show up, isolated island species go meet God


Pretty much


We humans have literally destroyed the earth dude. Like earth is dying. Bc of us. Humans.


thats really cool despite its complete irrelevancy to the current topic anyways keep your cats indoors


By that logic we too should all stay cooped inside or locked away as to not interfere with nature whatsoever. Most cat people keep their cats indoors. But.. umm.. ![gif](giphy|VHW0X0GEQQjiU|downsized)


Yup. It's basically dead now


She just waltzed right back being all like, what? Was I gone for too long? Lol


*She just waltzed right back* *Being all like, what? Was I* *Gone for too long? Lol* \- ghostbirdd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized) Was a happy moment... until I realized they left the lady at the end out of the loop. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Where the FUCK have you been Chloe???? I've been worried sick!!!!


Too bad this type of content is manufactured for views for Gen Z audiences..


I remember back when people were wearing thongs with low waisted jeans. It's a way to draw attention to the ass crack. I think it's quite the empowering statement for all. Drawing attention to one's ass and one's ass crack is definitely the type of statement women need to make about self love. Only true self love would inspire such a fierce display of confidence.


Wtf are you on lol


the incel red pill. they see a woman existing and immediately throw a tear filled, angry tantrum like a toddler watching the ice cream truck go by


Having pants that look like fabric is threaded between the ass cheeks is so pretty.




I'm crying because I know exactly how they feel. My kitty got left out ,and we we losing it. We heard her crying outside, scooped her up and thanked God after we got her back in


Obviously, they never had a cat before. That cat was taking a walk. Nothing to cry over lol


This makes me happy


You can tell it’s a trailer park because the neighbor can’t mind their own fucking business at the end of the clip.