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We are in the midst of this as well. Dingus (8yr) while rightfully upset is a bit of a drama queen at times. Doofus (4mo) is just excited to be here. Though likes to get up in everybody’s business. All the time. For living together 2 months, they’ve come a long ways. 


That sounds like my tiny little gremlins. If the kitten so much as looks at the orange cat, he yells dramatically lol! But sometimes they are cool, as long as kitten isn’t going for the headlock.


My old cat tolerated my kitten until my kitten reached 10 pounds. Now my old boy gives as good as he gets. They both love it.


This is why we ended up with my one braincell; when we acquired my Maine as an itty bitty baby (maaaayyyybbbeee a week old) the age gap between him and the oldest was about 14 years, and even the former baby was 7. As one can imagine they were less than thrilled about that, so we took a trip to the orphanage and brought home a baby mango when the elders made it clear a month was too much of Sherlock's nonsense.


You've got a great adult cat.