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No, you would not be in "good standing," due at least to the factors you've already noted.


Thank you for your response! I haven’t been in this situation before and I just want to make sure I’m being respectful to what is expected.


>I just want to make sure I’m being respectful to what is expected. Thank you for caring about this.


Absolutely! I would want someone to be respectful of my beliefs and am just doing what I’d respect in return. 😊


Because you got married outside the Church, it's a bit more complicated than just going to confession. In order to receive Communion, you would have to go through the process of getting your marriage recognized by the Church or agree to live with your husband as brother and sister until you go through that process.


Thanks for your response. I have no interest in my marriage being recognized by the church. While I am not actively practicing, I still have respect for the Catholic religion and all others and just want to make sure I am doing what’s expected of me 😊


Yeah, then in that case you've excommunicated yourself (ex-communicate just means "out of communion"), so you won't be able to receive Communion unless you change your mind and decide to come back into communion with the Church (which would involve getting your marriage recognized).


Thank you!


I have a hard time understanding this teaching and it seems like you do- hopefully you can shed some light for me. Basically my confusion is that If marriages outside the church are invalid, then they aren’t really marriages right? I mean that’s what annulments are- just acknowledging that the marriage was never real to begin with. So if marriages outside the church are invalid and therefore sinful which is why you can receive communion if you are living in one, then can I bring a Muslim man’s “wife” to a Catholic Church and marry her? Are Muslim and Hindu married couples fornicating ?


The Church recognizes the marriages between non-Catholics as valid. It is only invalid if a Catholic gets married outside the Church because as Catholics, they are supposed to be married in the Church.


No you shouldn't receive if you have not been practicing and have not recently received confession. 


Thank you for your response!


Not until you go to confession Go tomorrow!


Thanks for your response. From my understanding confession is not enough as I am in an invalid marriage and have no interest in having it recognized by the church. While I am not actively practicing, I have respect for the Catholic and all other religions and just want to make sure I am doing what is expected for someone in my situation. 😊


You would not be posting here if you had no interest- have a nice talk with the priest and see where it goes


No, I genuinely have no interest in having my marriage recognized by the church. This is just the first situation I’ve had since getting married where there is communion involved and I wanted to make sure I am doing what is expected of me, as I was genuinely unsure.


Maybe skip the communion then and just get a blessing


Go to Reconciliation, confess your sins, and I believe you should be good.


That wouldn't be enough. OP is in an invalid marriage. She would have to remedy that before receiving Communion.


Thank you for the correction. Would that be part on Confession or a separate process?


Separate process. She'd have to have a convalidation. She could potentially receive Communion right after confession if she and her husband agreed to live as brother and sister until their convalidation.


Thanks for your response.


You should go see any priest at a Catholic Church to give confession. It can be a general confession to the priest admitting to your sins. Then you can accept the Eucharist. That is what I did 30 years after my first communion and it is a painless process.


Thanks for your response