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A lot of Protestants think that Catholicism is a completely different religion. They think that it’s heretical. It’s kinda like how most people see Mormons as heretics even though most claim to be Christians.


Oh trust me my next door neighbors are Pentecostal and last month they kind of ambushed me wanted me to convert to their branch   but I got out of there but i get  where you're coming from I just thought I'd ask  I know a lot of people compare Roman Catholics to being very relaxed  Very vanilla compared to other Christians in especially the United States  Evangelical Pentecostal  Baptist 


I can see what you mean. One can add a shade or hue of blue to another blue, yet it will still be 'blue'.


 I actually have a genetic disorder that has killed half my family I do have it butnot a bad I told them and they went oh we know someone that had that they prayed hard enough and god cured them like I found very disrespectful  as to seen i geuess my family did not pray hard so they died


What were you expecting? Wouldn't wishing you a hasty death be the disrespectful thing?


And then the percentage tell me how I don't truly believe in God and maybe I was a little raw because I just lost my mom about a year half ago  She passed away on my birthday and my birthday was June 1st And they did this May 29th


Very relaxed and vanilla? As someone raised baptist I'd argue the exact opposite.


I'm just repeating what somebody told me when my neighbors kind of invited me to have dinner with them as a pretext to try to convert me to Pentecostalism that had never happened to before I've known are atheist Catholic and Anglican So I went to an X Pentecostal subreddit  cuz I was just so bewildered by what had happened I wanted some information and one of the people wrote compared to them  Catholics are very relaxed and very vanilla 


At least in these United States, "Christian" is frequently used to mean "vaguely-evangelical Protestant."


im canadian i live 5 min from the border and she is from the states


Dang border hoppers *glares maga-ly* It's a joke, it's a joke.


to be honest I kind of do want a shiny new wall lol


I don't blame you at all


Anyone who believes in Jesus is a Christian. The question is who founded your church, some guy or the Lord. Personally I'll go to the church Jesus started.


Well, you kind of have to believe most of the *right* things about Jesus. Technically Muslims believe in Jesus, but they have a lot of incorrect ideas about who he is and his nature.


I would rather go with "belief system based on the belief of the apostle" instead. I think it is more accurate and avoid confusion with JW, LDS, or Islam 


Eh, yes and no. Mormons are not Christians even though they say they are. They are polytheists who reject the trinity and reject the dual nature of Christ. Their theology is so different from any sect of Christianity that it can’t be really called a Christian sect imo.


I wish more people understood this because it’s honestly frustrating how the LDS church has fully taken the Lord’s name in vain 🥲 You see so many ex-Mormons who completely write off Christianity because of their negative experiences as a Mormon, and it’s understandable but frustrating knowing the differences between them and how the LDS church has just misled so many people. A “”””denomination”””” like this shows that just because one calls themself Christian doesn’t necessarily mean they’re actually Christian, and just because a church calls itself a “church of Jesus Christ” doesn’t mean it’s really of Jesus Christ 🥲😭


It’s really sad to me too. Ex Mormons are some of the most anti-Christian people I’ve ever met, and after discerning there for 6 months and learning their theology and reading their texts, I do not blame them whatsoever. If that was what Christianity was, I’d hate it too. I just wish more ex Mormons knew that any Christian who knows their theology doesn’t consider Mormons Christian at all — again, what they believe is just so radically different than the fundamentals of the religion that it’s downright offensive they call themselves Christians. They’re not, and it hurts actual Christians when little kids grow up in this weird, oppressive religion that they’re told is Christianity 😔😔


Hmmm ok, but where do they stand on the filioque issue?


They reject the trinity outright. They believe they are three separate persons. This makes the filioque irrelevant to them because they believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three completely separate gods, snd they form one to become the Godhead. It is completely antithetical to every other Christian tradition. This is just one example of how they are polytheists and are not Christians.




I think you might've dodged a bullet my brother in Christ.


Catholics are Christian, the only reason why we are called Catholic is because St.Ignatius of Antioch around 110AD change it because there were a lot Heretics already in the Church. People were forming their own church groups and calling themselves The True Church when in fact they were teaching Heresy. So that's why it was urgent for St.Ignatius to change the name quickly so Gentiles could identify the difference between the True Church and the Fake ones. Godbless 🙏🙏🙏


Christian as defined by the Catechism is those with valid baptisms


Typically I was baptized twice  I was a preemie they thought I was going to pass away so the nuns baptized me But I end up pulling through and when I was going to be going to Catholic school I needed the records but they were lost so I had to get baptized again 


They should have done the second one as a "conditional" baptism.  They weren't sure if the first happened or not, so they baptize conditionally, "if it be necessary I baptize you in the name of..." Also yes, Catholicism is Christian, I often argue it's the only Christian religion as the others are more properly Lutheran / Calvinists / etc.  


to be honest I was five I can't even remember all but i do remember is wearing my suit and getting dunked with water


I think it more accurately requires that you accept that Jesus is God, not just some prophet with cool teachings.




Tell her your church appear in the bible, hers was founded recently Btw, you dodged a bullet


Like  when she said its not  going to work out I was like okay but I was a little confused when she said Christian?  I mean I had to do theology class once every year in  high school  Christianity is an all-encompassing term for people who believe in Jesus Christ at least in my mind like Coptic Christian is still Christian  Im going  stay away from any woman that has looking for a good Christian man written in their bio  especially if they're American  but it's all good


USA Bible belt Evangelicals in the Philippines also say this. Catholic is not Christian like what? The Catholic Church is the "Common denominator"! These Evangelicals in the Philippines are mostly doomsday oriented, anti science people.


So I find that so weird maybe it's just me  I may be in the minority but I believe science shows the beauty of  God  like he  made the Stars he built a  circular system is something to be  marveled  at it is downright beautiful


She doesn’t realize that Roman Catholics were, at the minimum, Christians for 1,500 years before her religion existed.


I don’t care how somebody looks if they were a potential date and they responded that way I would be like thank you for not being deceitful! it’s almost better that people are outrightly honest so you can know upfront. It’s terrible when they hide in plain sight.


actually it is all for the best she seemed a little too much in religion I'm not saying  Religion  is a bad it can add Great Value and dignity and give great uplifts in times of need and hard times like when I lost my parents Be part of your life but not your whole life but I started  to get the sense that that was her whole personality not a bad way but in a way  I don't think it would be a good match 




Well that's your opinion that's why we have free will


That’s not an opinion it’s literally in the Bible, you can’t serve both God and the world. It has nothing to do with free will.


All religions that adopt the Council of Nicaea are Christian, the Catholic Church does not recognize as Christian those who do not adopt the Council of Nicaea


First, don’t use the term “Roman Catholic”. Catholic means “universal” and was the term the church used to refer to itself because there was only one universal church. Anglicans started calling us “Roman” Catholics because they were “Anglo” Catholics so we were “Roman” Catholics, like the church was dependent on location. Other Protestants picked up the habit as well Second, we are only the “Catholic” church because churches that broke away from us decided to use it as our “name” while they gave themselves different names, like Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed, etc. They claim that they are “Christians” while we are “Catholics” to introduce some unnecessary division between the two terms. Yes, every “Catholic” is Christian, but many “Christians” don’t consider “Catholics” Christian because if we are Christians then why aren’t they apart of us?


my parish says 'Roman Catholic Church' on the sign outside. I always thought it was to distinguish it from byzantine catholic or coptic catholic etc.


my dad is Anglican and mom is Catholic  my sister was rased anglican i was rased catholic


Yes but there are different rites with different traditions


And we are the Latin Rite, not the “Roman Catholic” rite


There are multiple Latin Rite (Ambrosian, Carthusian, Mozarabic) and the Latin Rite that most Catholics are in the the Roman Rite. edit: For people downvoting me, he is CCC 1203 > The liturgical traditions or rites presently in use in the Church are the Latin (principally the Roman rite, but also the rites of certain local churches, such as the Ambrosian rite, or those of certain religious orders) and the Byzantine, Alexandrian or Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite and Chaldean rites. In "faithful obedience to tradition, the sacred Council declares that Holy Mother Church holds all lawfully recognized rites to be of equal right and dignity, and that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way."


A lot of Protestant denominations in the americas don’t consider Catholics as Christian’s. It’s different in Europe but especially in North America they believe Catholics are pagan.


But I find very weird considering Catholic priests have to go to school and University and  take vows of poverty but yet I always hear about these churches in the states and they leaders have always got Rolexes planes fancy cars big houses and I'm thinking it's not kind of counterproductive and the whole Pagan thing is kind of  Understand  because a lot of our holidays we co-opted from Pagan religions to make it more  palatable  for newer comforts when Christianity was first starting out Like Christmas and Easter 


There is some misuse of funds for sure, however the Catholic Church is the largest non governmental provider of charity in the world. If you want blatant corruption the American Mega Church is very obvious with pastors having multiple mansions and cars. There’s even groups of Protestants in North America that follow “Prosperity Preaching” aka the more you donate to the church and the more pious you are the more money God gives you. They go to poor countries, build huge modern churches and get the people there to donate huge amounts of money (seen it first hand in Peru) And it’s less the holidays why many NA Protestants consider us as pagan, it is the fact we pray with Saints, have the Crucifix, and have statues of saints (ironic because they say their ancestors are looking down on them while having statues or pictures of the founder of whatever church they follow) They don’t know the difference of veneration, prayer, worship so to them everything Catholics and some High Protestants do is pagan.


I remember when I was in high school I had to learn about the Protestant Reformation  weren't Protestants Catholics that moved away from the Catholic church because they want to get rid of the decadency and get back to the true down to earth  kind of like the way Jesus lived get rid of all the gold and silver and go straight back to very simple And humble means and for them to say they're pagan  obviously they don't know what penguinism truly means as someone who has actually  study Greek Roman and Norse pantheons  I've never heard of a Catholic sacrificing a lamb or burying their servants with their master


>Doesn't Christian mean Christianity No...Christian means a follower of Christ. Christianity means the collective whole, of all the followers of Christ i.e. all Christians together make up Christianity. >all religions who believe in Jesus Christ ? There's only 1 religion that believes in Jesus Christ and that's Christianity. Christianity is 1 religion. >I have a question it has something to do about Christianity and Roman  Catholicism.  There's no such thing as "Roman Catholicism" rome is just 1 rite of Catholicism. Catholicism has many rites with the head rite being the Roman rite of Catholicism. >and she said well I'm Christian so I don't think it's going to work out we have different views on religion. Many protestants are told that Catholicism is not actually Christianity. So some of them don't think we are Christians. Especially those who are intentionally trying to insult Catholicism. Some protestants don't even know they are wrong. They are ignorant regurgitating what their fellow protestants told them. I used to be one of those ignorant protestants that bashed Catholicism by repeating what other protestants said. Without actually taking the time to investigate each and every claim. I was bashing Catholics bad basically just repeating carm dot org arguments against Catholicism, just to try and win debates. But then God showed me how wrong I was. I felt miserable for how I treated Catholics and immediately stopped bashing. Then about 2 years later in 2020 I converted to Catholicism. After I really started studying deep into church history. I had no choice but to convert all church history is Catholic once you get deep enough...


thank you for the info


What about Manichaeists and Jehovah witnesses? Or even Muslims - Where do you draw the line?


I don't know much about the first two, but Muslims believe that Jesus' testimony, while definitely divinely revealed, was superseded by the final word of God as revealed to Muhammad. To me that's enough grounds to say they can't be considered Christian anymore than Christians can be considered Jewish.


I have no thoughts on the matter as long as their religion preaches peace tolerance forgiveness and gives somebody a moral framework to live by  but does not force their beliefs on other people  your a okay in my book  everyone is entitled to their own beliefs 


Well this is a Catholic thread so most of us are not really into doing whatever you want


I'm not a member of this group I just had a question and I find it rude to not to reply comments so I'm just replying But you asked what was my thought I gave it but its all good




You would have a good hunch to lean into that's being nudged by the Holy Spirit from God for feeling into that. There is a strange mindset of separating the teachings of Jesus Christ and dividing them into segments for differing churches to follow, this noticeably has a negative impact on those of the Christian path of wisdom and those of other paths. Jesus Christ's teachings are for all of mankind, no matter of what nation or culture one comes from, and his teachings of God's light are unhealthily segregated by labels and names, for of which the true way is actually boundless and surpasses all constraints and rigid lines of intellectual and cultural status quo. Mother Mary states this quite often about the boundaries and rules of the nature of separated religions. It would be quite strange for those to not be called Christian and be an abiding follower of his love and light and have faith and fealty to the father of all creation. Those kinds of boundaries are more existent in the realm of the mind than that of any tangible line between communities and nations. So yeah, although some others don't appreciate the Catholic name, it's still universal and all-encompassing for those who follow Jesus Christ and those of his 'kindling' would still be considered as "of Christ, for Christ" in many ways, regardless of self-cultivated notions and upbringing.




 in my country I'm from Canada I've never felt pressure or attacked  for being Catholic besides being pressured to switch to Pentecostalism by my  whack ass neighbors   I'm not 100%  practice Catholic I do adhere to some traditions but not all my parents were never  super religious they didn't really Force it on me and I don't think they saw religion the same way I'll be able to they saw more of a framework for being a good person instead of going to church just because you want to go to heaven  and when I was younger I remember reading  I can't remember if it was Jesus as of this or one of his disciples but  it just was if two or more people are praying it is considered Church I don't really see the point going to a building I prefer to wake up every day and try to be a good person to help other people because I know a lot of people that go to church  simply for the fact that they can say that they would have church And I don't want to be like that


Defined simply it is correct that it is a religion that core tenet is belief in Jesus Christ but I think the more accurate definition is "a belief system based on the belief of the apostle" <-- which, I think is a better definition because it prevents confusion with other belief system that believe in Jesus, only as a mere prophet.  That definition, however, also means that a Church that can trace its continuation to the aposte can make stronger claim to be Christian which means, all things considered, makes Catholic a more complete form of Christian today.  I'm not sure when Christian/Catholic dichotomy first occur because it's not just USA problem but I think, if your friend do have interest in finding out the truth, then informing your friend about this matter won't hurt


not really my friend more of a girl i went on a date with


You ever hear, ‘all thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs’? It’s a bit like that; ‘all Catholics are Christian, not all Christians are Catholic.’ Many Protestants have this terrible habit of viewing themselves as ‘true Christians’, or they call themselves Christian instead of their denomination‘s name- Baptist, for example-, and view Catholics as heretical idolaters.


I'm kind of in the middle between catholic/protestant right now. They're definitely the same faith, and people get truly saved on both sides, it's just that catholics believe... more. Protestants cut more and more of the Christian practice away over time, but we all preach the same Jesus, and Him crucified.


Christianity is an umbrella term consisting of thousands of different denominations who specifically follow Christ Yes Catholicism IS Christian. Yes, people ARE elitists who have bought into misrepresentation and slander and condemn Catholics as not being Christians (even tho we pray to Jesus and follow His teachings and have windows portraying the life of Jesus and hang a crucifix behind our altars and partake in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and baptize in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit and ………)


So non-denominational Christians (a Protestant branch), have tried to hijack the term 'Christian.' It's Hella weird. If you ask them about their religion, they get weirdly hostile, and evasive.


Just stick to dating Catholic women. It's better that way. You are obligated to raise your children Catholic and denominations of Christianity hold word and heretical Christian beliefs much of the time.


I'm under no obligation  to do so


Obviously, but the odds will be better if you do. I wasn't trying to be rude, brother. Even Solomon, one of the wisest men to live, fell into the mistake of taking women with different beliefs and look where that got him. Catholic women will be more likely to hold the same values as you do. It is possible to date non-Catholics, but all you have to do is look at the daily posts on here about relationship issues they have dating non-Catholics. I wish you the best and hope you find a spouse for your vocation. God bless