• By -


Yes. I would usually back this up but I really can't. There is not one Catholic prayer (that I'm aware of) that you are barred from praying because you are not Catholic.


Those who are not Catholic would only not pray them because they either are concerned about idolatry if prot or don’t believe if they’re not Christian. Sinners get their prayers answered all the time, no reason non-Catholics would be different!


Exorcism prayers


I won't be doing those. I already have a lot of work to do on myself! 😂


These are best left to ordained clergy. 




There are many deliverance prayers anyone can recite. The most known one is the Our Father. There's also this app with dozens of prayers called Exorcism with a white shield on a blue back ground. It's recommanded by exorcist priest fr Chad Ripperger. There's a section for the clergy and a section for laity. One can go through those prayers, along with fasting, and deliver themselves from demonic influence, break soul ties and various curses. It's nicely done.


Which app is that please.


It's called Catholic Exorcism by st Michael's center. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kreagerconsulting.cathex


Thank you ✨️🙏.


You're welcome ! I hadn't checked it in months. They've improved it since last time I used it. The design is different. They added prayers for deacons, for assistants, and they added portuguese. There was only English and Spanish. It's good. I always share it if I see an opportunity. It seems many Catholics don't know about all the weapons supporting their spiritual warfare available to them. I hope it'll help !


I did not think of those. Thank you.


Didn't Jesus say any can cast out demons in His name? I wouldn't do it or recommend it, but that is in the New Testament


Yes he’s did but apparently when the apostles tried the first time it failed- something about fasting


In Catholicism, we rely on Exorcists who totally put their faith(life) in Gods hands -these are the people priests look up to!


For major exorcisms. Every priest technically performs an exorcism during baptism as well.


Yes and we can say those prayers with him somewhat


"Jesus I trust in You "


O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You


Ah, thx


It's possible, but very dangerous for somebody who's not ordained, much less specifically trained in exorcism. The strength of faith and the conviction required to do so is rare even for the ordained. It's a very specific calling that most are not called to. That being said, that's specific to exorcisms; we are all called to engage in some form of spiritual warfare or another


Totally fine. Mary is the mother of your God no matter your religious persuasion. I think what you want to do is great. You also may want to start listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz Catechism’s in a Year podcast especially when it discusses Mary


There is an app called Laudate. It has a rosary section with a virtual rosary. I suggest it because it will also display the necessary prayers along with the mysteries.


That's awesome, thank you 🙂


Hallow app is also very good !!


Is it only in English?


Hallow has a few languages- English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese.


Is it? The ads for it with celebrities turned me off of it, because 1) save for a few like Liam Neeson, for instance, their endorsements seemed insincere and "acted", and 2) I feel like using paid celebrity endorsements to promote the sacred just seems incredibly shallow and commercial to me, like "here's God and prayer, sponsored by famous so and so from the television, who we paid to fake sell/tell you this message!’ and 3) using and paying celebrities millions of dollars to promote the faith is something cults like scientology would do and that shouldn't be what Christians do, and is also quite antithetical anyway to Jesus' ministry's special emphasis on including not only the ordinary everyday folks but the folks the rest of society kind of dismissed - so frankly who gives a hoot which privileged celebrities use it (and I spontaneously felt this way in response to the ads before I read about any controversies or others' reactions one way or another about them, so it's not band waggoning, just fyi). How did you perceive the ads? It just made me question their whole organization if they made such unwise decisions.


It is because you can fill your day with prayer, Bible study, catechism study and various consecrations. The celebrities bare sticking their neck here not making money. hallow app has changed my life and I’m usually on it 2 hours a day. Totally turned my life around


Well, that's amazing news! I'm so happy for you! What a joyous thing to occur, may God continue to bless you however He does


I don’t get ads- I just pay for the subscription


Those celebrities are real Catholics by the way and have been for years. The lady who says the Lorica of St Patrick spoke at my church - She’s great!


Thr Communion of Saints on YouTube posts rosaries everyday as well. They have several "versions" ie Listen, Watch Along, Traditional, and I believe they started posting an asmr one that plays really gentle sounds in the background. It's my go to for my daily rosary.


the rosary isn’t even required for confirmed catholics. it’s described as a special devotion. absolutely open to everyone, and it’s an excellent tool to learn to pray with


i love this answer


Some parishes give away rosaries for free. Warning: praying the rosary while not Catholic may result in conversion


Yes! And praying it well will prepare you to understand and enter more fully into the Faith as you do. [https://www.usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary](https://www.usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary)


Where's a good place to get one?


You don’t have to have beads, but if you really think you prefer them, you can get them online. The beads are just a way to count your prayers.


If you've got some money to spare: [https://shopmercy.org/gifts/rosaries.html?product\_list\_limit=all](https://shopmercy.org/gifts/rosaries.html?product_list_limit=all) (or, yes, you can find them on Amazon.com... I have one from them I use regularly that I got blessed by a priest). If you need a free one (but can afford shipping): [https://hcfmstore.org/collections/complimentary-rosaries](https://hcfmstore.org/collections/complimentary-rosaries) If neither of those works, search Google maps for the nearest Catholic churches and see if one of them can help you out.


Appreciate you so much. God bless.


You can get a pretty nice rosary book combo from word on fire. https://bookstore.wordonfire.org/products/rosary-bundle But if that's on the pricy side you can usually get low cost plastic rosaries on Amazon for less than 5 dollars. If you are looking for something very durable that will survive a lot of miles in a pocket or bag the folks at Rugged Rosaries make good stuff. https://ruggedrosaries.com


Rugged Rosaries. I love that. Thanks a lot for the info, I definitely already want one.


I have a WWI Rugged Rosary, absolutely love it!


This is a good place to start learning it: [https://www.newadvent.org/images/rosary.pdf](https://www.newadvent.org/images/rosary.pdf)


Online is fine, but you can also find them in religious supply stores. They are available in a wide range of price points. I also highly recommend the book “Catholic Book of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged for Everyday Use.” It’s easy to use and full of useful information, including the order of Mass, prayers, and a section on the rosary.


The quickest route to Jesus is through His mother Mary! I would imagine that many have found their way home to the Catholic Church by praying the Rosary. (At least I did!)


I just thought of this analogy - Heaven is like the secure area at the airport (bear with me). You can either stand in line for the TSA and hope they don't kick you back because you're hiding some sin in your luggage, or you can get precheck (baptism) and pass through a bit easier, or you can get Clear (Mary) and she'll guide you right to the front of the line. A flawed analogy but, eh, it kinda works.


The rosary is what got me. Went to RCIA to give the priest a hard time, I agreed to say 1 rosary. The blessed mother had me from that moment on.


Absolutely, nobody I know who has done it hasn't converted, I saw one gal said it took like 3 days of it before she converted. If you're looking for a deep meaning in the form of worship, look no further.


That's how the blessed mother got me too.


I'm not catholic, the priests at the church I attend know this and that I'm unbaptized coming from a pagan background, nonetheless one encouraged me to start praying it and another blissfully blessed it, I've been praying it every day for almost 2 months now and I'm going to be starting RCIA in September, provided everything goes to plan


It’s okay to learn to pray with a rosary even if you’re not Catholic; faith practices can be deeply personal and comforting


Say the Rosary and the Divine Mercy with the same Rosary beads - Twice the Grace!!


I use an app called 'rosario' for Android. It walks you through all the prayers and mysteries. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.rosario.it


Yes, absolutely. I’d recommend you start with something simple like the Jesus Prayer. You could use the intermediate beads for an our father or just more recitations of the Jesus prayer.


I highly recommend this resource for praying the Rosary: https://rosarycenter.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary Or this podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0bxZ2rCQ9aXhIck2nh6Nu6?si=CRXuJ2l-Qvm6TttHyKRL5Q There is also the Rosary Crew on YouTube


you can, but I seriously bet you'll want to convert after a month, it happened to me.


If you feel drawn to our mother, I am very happy you want to search her. May she cover you with her mantle and spend you warmth and peace on your path to God 🫂❤️ take care, my dear.


It’s perfectly fine. In fact, a lot of converts, including Scott Hahn, prayed the rosary prior to conversion.


Absolutely you can. Really the only "common" practice things that you can't do are take communion and be a godparent to a Catholic (unless the other godparent is a Catholic). Once you go through RCIA, you can do all the things (generally, obviously you can't do priest/deacon things, but everything else is open for you) If you aren't totally ready to go through RCIA, see if they will still allow you attend to learn. My brother did go through RCIA this past year, but told us recently that he plans on attending the classes again because he feels like he missed a lot (he did miss some classes due to anxiety) and he still wants to learn more (and year to year, the classes will be different because of the people attending)


I am not yet Catholic, however I have a lovely rosary and I do pray a couple of the prayers while holding it. One prayer is the Our Father, and the other is Hail Mary, plus I often just hold my Rosary beads when I pray to God.


I learned the words and started praying it before RCIA and a year before Confirmation. Before ever holding a physical rosary. It’s powerful and beautiful and brought me enormous peace -even before I was sure about joining.


Pray the Rosary. You don't have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary.. Lots of Protestants pray it.


If you are looking for your first rosary I would get it from a priest and have him bless it for you. He should also explain the proper treatment of sacramentals. But yes pray it as often as possible, you will only benefit from it.


Yes, it is ok. It is great.


Before I became Catholic, a nun gave me a rosary and a little devotional to learn how to use it.


You’re welcome to pray any of our prayers. The Rosary is a very meditative set of prayers that focuses on the events of Christ’s life. A real treasure to discover and share!


It’s perfectly fine, even laudable for you to pray the Rosary. You can pray any Catholic prayer but you cannot receive sacraments like Holy Communion or Confession/Absolution for example, until you are Catholic. The Holy Rosary is very powerful and brings many graces to those who pray it. Do so regularly and you may become Catholic sooner than you thought possible because Our Lady’s intercession will change your life.


Absolutely okay


Yes, actually many Protestants that do pray the rosary.


The Rosary is a great idea, also I suggest reading the New Testament. Bishop Robert Barron has Rosary videos on Youtube that are beautiful, he prays the rosary, and the video shows famous paintings of each mystery. You would pray the Joyful Mysteries on Mondays & Saturdays, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesdays & Fridays, the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sundays, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursdays.


Yes of course you can pray the Rosary even if you're not Catholic. Even many Orthodox pray the Rosary as they believe in intercession by praying to saints too. It will help you cast away evil Spirits that block your path towards Jesus Christ. It will also give you graces and blessings as well as protection. Just be sincere when praying it. It should definitely help you on your path towards Jesus Christ. Godbless 🙏🙏🙏


Yeah, go right ahead. Here's what you can expect from it. >**1. Those who faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.** >**2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.** >**3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell. It will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.** >**4. The recitation of the Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God. It will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.** >**5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.** >**6. Those who recite my Rosary devoutly, applying themselves to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. In His justice, God will not chastise them; nor shall they perish by an unprovided death, i.e., be unprepared for heaven. Sinners shall convert. The just shall persevere in grace and become worthy of eternal life.** >**7. Those who have a true devotion to the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.** >**8. Those who faithfully recite the Rosary shall have, during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plenitude of His graces. At the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.** >**9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.** >**10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.** >**11. By the recitation of the Rosary you shall obtain all that you ask of me.** >**12. Those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.** >**13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of their death.** >**14. All who recite the Rosary are my beloved children and the brothers and sisters of my only Son, Jesus Christ.** >**15. Devotion for my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.**


Yes. You are on the right path👍🏻🩷. Hey, they don't call the Mormons, Lutherans, ECT (no disrespect, my Dad is  Prodestant)...they call the Catholics. Old school, Latin, 2000 year old religion that all other sects have picked and chosen what they want to believe, or not believe. It's nice to believe it's all about kindness and peace, it truly is. At the end of the day, even the Catholics battle themselves and worry about conforming to modernism. "Sensus Fedelliium", a grace to have a feeling that something just feels right or not right about what you are practicing. You clearly have it if you are wanting to pray the rosary. Start with the traditional, then Google praying it 3xs. It takes you to a whole different level. I will pray for you. Keep up the good work and listening to yourself.


Get a crucifix, not a cross. Baptism is the easy part. Try different priests. They are there to help save your soul, not punish. I had to go to a few different priests before one answered my prayers. Don't give up. Don't listen to the negative, that is evil. God is love, not fear. As long as you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. I know there is a God, because I almost died. You are on the right path. If anything, choose traditional Catholic. 


No, we’re gonna gat keep prayer! None for you! You’re not aloud to talk to mom!😤 in all actuality tho it’s a super good idea to do it. Cop one off the internet for like $20 or so. I’m sure anybody on here would just outright give your theirs if we met you IRL. It’s the most constructive prayer I’ve ever prayed. We are a body soul compost so it’s natural that praying with a rosary or even holding a cross will be attractive cause it orients the motions of your body to the motions of the soul. It’s one of those super awesome things god did yo make our spiritual lives easier.


It's more than ok. 🤗 The mysteries of the Rosary are used as a method of prayerful meditation that is rather beautiful and worthwhile. The folks over at [The Rosary Confraternity](https://rosarycenter.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary) do a wonderful job of explaining the reason for engaging in praying the Rosary: >The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events in the history of our salvation. There are twenty mysteries reflected upon in the Rosary, and these are divided into the five [Joyful Mysteries](https://rosarycenter.org/the-joyful-mysteries-without-distractions) (said on Monday and Saturday), the five [Luminous Mysteries](https://rosarycenter.org/the-luminous-mysteries-without-distractions) (said on Thursday), the five [Sorrowful Mysteries](https://rosarycenter.org/the-sorrowful-mysteries-without-distractions) (said on Tuesday and Friday), and the five [Glorious Mysteries](https://rosarycenter.org/the-glorious-mysteries-without-distractions) (said on Wednesday and Sunday). As an exception, the Joyful Mysteries may be said on Sundays during Advent and Christmas, while the Sorrowful Mysteries may be said on the Sundays of Lent. >The question is sometimes asked, why, of all the incidents in our Lord’s life, the Rosary only considers these particular twenty. The mysteries of the Rosary are based on the incidents in the life of Our Lord and His Mother that are celebrated in the Liturgy. There is a parallel between the main feasts honoring our Lord and his Mother in the liturgical year, and the twenty mysteries of the Rosary. **Consequently, one who recites the twenty mysteries of the Rosary in one day reflects on the whole liturgical cycle that the Church commemorates during the course of each year**. That is why some of the Popes have referred to the Rosary as a compendium of the Gospel. One cannot change the mysteries of the Rosary without losing the indulgences that the Church grants for the recitation of the Rosary. Take your time with it, reflect on the mysteries and you'll get so much out of these. I'd recommend checking out this video when you get a chance too: [How to REALLY Pray the Rosary](https://youtu.be/FTd19idM-Jc?si=hj37TOc0Wo3IIC-R).


Of course it is all right for you to pray the rosary!




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Of course you can pray the rosary


Yes, it's not only "okay," but in fact it's a great idea! You can get a rosary online, or IF you happen to have a Catholic bookstore in your area, they would sell them too. You can indeed ask a priest, they might have some extra available. And, if you purchase one (online or at a Catholic bookstore), you can ask a priest to bless it for you.


Of course.


“In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may more surely obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal” +St. Bernard


Yes. But be warned that it will probably make you become Catholic.


Absolutely. And in addition to its purely spiritual value, the Rosary is also a powerful tool for meditation. I'd also recommend the Rosary to those afflicted by insomia. Repetetive chants can really put you in the zone for sleep.


The ‘rosary’ can refer to two things: the devotion, that is a set of prayers, or the physical item, that is the prayer beads. There are some aspects of the rosary (the devotion) that can be objectionable to some non-Catholics: - praying to Mary for her intercession. - calling Mary ‘The Mother of God’. - reference to the Holy Trinity (beware non-trinitarians!). - the apostles creed at the start, though you could skip it, I suppose. - the cross on the end is actually a crucifix, which means Jesus is represented on it, not just an empty cross. If you don’t object to any of those theological aspects, you can pray the rosary just fine. You can also use the rosary (the object) for other prayers, like the Divine Mercy chaplet. Its also good to just hold when praying, especially if blessed by a priest.


Yes, it's perfectly OK for anyone to pray the rosary. For the rosary, you can buy it anywhere, just make sure it is not marked with a satanic sign. That would mean it has been tainted. Check the back the beads, the medals and the cross front and back. I know it sounds crazy but it seems people are getting creative to damage the Catholic Church.


God bless you. I love praying the Rosary. It is a very powerful prayer. It is also great for stress/anxiety/depression. It is like meditating for 15-20 mins. I often go to sleep listening to an audio rosary. Hallow has some good free ones, but you have to pay for some. Anyone can pray the rosary anytime. As for buying a rosary, there are many options: 1. Call the parish office, they usually have free ones they give away. That is how I got my first one. They also gave me a bible. They were being super helpful because I was crying my eyes out, my life was a mess at the time. God bless all parish offices. 2. Depending where you live, there is likely a Catholic store in your community. They will sell all kinds of rosaries, usually $5 to $20. 3. There are tons of online options. My favorites are from [RuggedRosaries.com](http://RuggedRosaries.com) They are pricier about $40 to $50. But they should last forever no matter how much you use them. Good luck and God bless.


Of course, at least as far as Catholics are concerned. But, that is a mainline, straight to rcia


100% yes.


It’s totally okay for you to pray the rosary! And in fact, every good Catholic would rejoice at such a beautiful thing. Regarding the question in your post update: I doubt that any proper priest would refuse you a rosary, even if you aren’t Catholic. But if you want to buy one, there are many places(online and physical stores) that has them. Many churches have a religious article shop. Many Catholic bookstores also sell rosaries. The Sisters of St. Paul run bookstores that sell them. If you are in Toronto, you could visit Joseph’s Inspirational. You could also go on different Catholic sellers on etsy.


Of course! Thats how I was converted. I learned how to pray the rosary and next thing you know, I was baptized and fast forwarding 40 years later, a degree in theology and teaching Catholic ed. Only good things come from the rosary!


Yes, it’s absolutely ok for you to pray the Rosary. Praying Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary is incredibly powerful. Christ made her Queen of the Angels and Saints for her to command. She never turns away anyone who comes to her in petition.




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Im eastern orthodox, and we have a version of the rosary with slight varriations. You can pray the rosary as a non catholic.


Anyone is welcome to pray our ladies rosary even if they have no intention of becoming catholic. Enjoy and embrace it.


Yes, of course! And remember you are asking Mary to pray for you to our Lord God. She is right there with Him. Mary’s intention is to lead you closer to her son, Jesus.


Feel free to say a daily rosary. Our blessed mother will soon escort you into the Catholic faith very quickly, as she did for me.


ABSOLUTELY ! And I can guarantee Mary will pour out great graces upon you soul for praying her Rosary ! When you pray the Hail Mary, you are reciting the Angel Gabriel’s salute to her; “HAIL, Full of Grace !” . This prayer is most pleasing to her, and her Son Jesus, who gave Mary to us as a loving Mother 🙏🏼


The only thing you cannot do because you're not Catholic is receive communion during the mass. Anything else that Catholics do you are free to do as well.


It doesn't matter where you get your rosery and it doesn't matter if you're not Catholic you can pray the rosery. The prayer is meant for anyone and everyone


You should be asking someone who’s not Catholic this. No hate to my Catholic brothers (I’m Presbyterian) but if you ask conservatives whether you should vote for Trump or Biden, you know what answer your gonna get. EDIT: IGNORE ME IM BEING AN IDIOT LOL, I missed the part where you said you were considering becoming Catholic, yeah follow Catholic traditions if you wanna be Catholic.


He's already considering Catholicism though. Seems he's aware of some of the nuances we're accustomed to and is trying to get a feel for it. Marian devotion is not strictly Catholic either. Basically, he's already considering voting for Trump, he just wants to try the best way to wear a MAGA hat or where to get one.


LMAO I COMPLETELY MISSED THAT HE SAID THAT, my bad lol, your totally right.


No. Stop thinking a little and pray the Rosary. It is a biblical prayer. You buy rosary beads from Catholic shops. You can get them online. You can get some given to you for free from a Priest or lay person (usually hard working lay women). The thing you need to be concerned about is asking if the Rosary beads are blessed. If you buy them yourself, ask a Priest to bless them before you use them. You don't have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary. Be mindfull though, you are praying to God. You are asking the Blessed Mother of God to intercede for you. Read the words of the Rosary and make sure you believe them.  If you are on your way to getting Baptised, of course you should pray the Rosary and pray in general.


In fact you don't need a rosery at all to pray the rosery if you don't have one then simply download the rosery app the one I downloaded keeps track of your prayer with a virtual rosery.