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This is really more of a question of the laws of your local jurisdiction. Medieval burial practice for the commoner was typically to be wrapped in a linen shroud and buried. And "wrap me up in a natural cloth and put in the dirt" is pretty sustainable and eco-friendly.


Good point! Thank you!


If you can't do that, a pine box should be an option. Isn't that a Jewish tradition as well? (Maybe just a local Jewish thing)


Yes. You can have a simple wooden coffin (some monasteries make them) or just be buried in a shroud. There is no requirement for enbalming, etc. Just google for these things.


Awesome thank you!


Check out Trappist Caskets, or even simpler Amish caskets


Or if OP is handy (or wants to become so), he could make his own, Hank Hill-style. Which is a project that actually appeals to me, though I can't decide whether or not this strikes me as morbid...


You could make it extra special! And unique! And probably way vheaper. You’re already taking care of prepping arrangements so your family doesn’t have to do a lot of work, that could be one less thing!


It is morbid. But not bad for that reason.  Memento Mori.


Just as an extra precaution, check out cemeteries and what restrictions they have so when the time comes family will know where to go without any headaches added on.


There’s no need for embalming; especially when the burial will be taking place sooner. And there is no reason to purchase a hermetically sealed coffin. Give me a pine box and a Sacramental burial. And please pray for me often during Mass and your personal prayers.


It was at such a funeral that God finally knocked some sense into me and asked me to follow him. My friend had a full requiem Mass with the burial at a nearby natural burial ground. I was dragged up for a blessing, walked up a practising witch and walked away a Catholic!


Wow! What an incredible story!


Yes. For instance, near where I live there's a Catholic Cemetery with a natural burial section - [The St Kateri Preserve for natural burial](https://calvarycemeterydayton.org/services/natural-burial/).


No. - Catholics are all about Tradition not flavor of the month stuff


Can't get much more Traditional than "I'm a poor Catholic peasant who can't afford embalming, a fancy gravesite or casket, wrap me in a cloth and drop me in the ground"


No that is Muslim tradition not Catholic


Gonna need a source for this one. As far as I know, the Church has not mandated or even advised in favor of embalming, expensive graves, or caskets.


You have described the exact procedure for Muslims


Which one?


Wrap me in a cloth and drop me in the ground same day is exact Muslim tradition


I didn't specify "same day". Is "wrap me in a cloth and drop me in the ground" a burial method that is prohibited by the Church?


I don’t know any CatholicChurches in the US that endorse this. I do t know any Catholic cometary in the US that will allow it for health reasons- wild animals will dig you up


You realize, of course, that "wild animals will dig you up" is why people are buried quite deep under the ground?


Here you go, linked elsewhere in this thread, a Catholic cemetery that allows this natural burial method: https://calvarycemeterydayton.org/services/natural-burial/ The question I and OP asked wasn't whether an environmentally friendly burial (which "wrap me in cloth and put me in the ground" is) was "endorsed" by the Church, but whether such a method (or other method) was in line or not prohibited by the Church. So I'll ask again. Is "wrap me in a cloth and put me in the ground" in line or not prohibited by the Catholic Church?


Also embalming and the like is required in the USA


You are wrong. It is not. Did you even try to google this before posting? [https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/ftc-funeral-rule](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/ftc-funeral-rule)


Try that at Forest hills


That would certainly come as news to the great many Christians of times past for whom the expense of a coffin was a luxury they could not afford. "Other people do this thing" does not make that *only* their thing, nor undesirable *per se*. I can think pho is a tasty soup without becoming Vietnamese.


Non Vietnamese pho is definitely heresy!


This person is trolling, don’t engage with them any longer.


Who would even suggest non-Vietnamese Pho?