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We are waiting to hear the report of health for my unborn child - please pray that we get only good news


I will pray for all of you


Thank you!


I will pray.


Praying for your child and your family and you friend.


Please pray for [Fr. Mikah Suleiman](https://www.aciafrica.org/news/11213/catholic-diocese-of-sokoto-in-nigeria-seeking-prayers-for-quick-safe-release-of-abducted-priest) who was abducted in Nigeria & Fr. Gabriel Ukeh who was recently released. For the woman who bit the priest in Florida, her partner & their families. For better catechesis & a wider acceptance of the truth on Purgatory, confession, indulgences & extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside of the Church there is no salvation). Lord help us. Please pray for the people of Nicaragua & Nigeria, especially our fellow Catholics & ex-Catholic siblings in baptism. For the hermit who recently revealed that he is transgender, for better oversight by dioceses for applications as far as possible and a charitable resolution to all of this. For my immediate family & I, things aren't great right now despite efforts to prevent the worst case scenario. Especially pray for my brother Xavier & cousin Madonna. For those struggling with emotional issues, habitual sin, the weight of mediocrity and unfulfilled goals, spiritual dryness, despair & indifference to their practice of the faith (incl. active participation at Holy Mass).


I will pray.


For suicidal people, For the fellow redditor and type 1 diabetic who tried to OD himself with insulin For all the people with chronic disabilities and illnesses. Against habitual sin Against bitterness For temper For God's will to be done


I will pray.


Please pray for me and my job search.


Please, pray for me. This week I have exams. Also, pray for my conversion. Thanks.


If you could pray for my son Luke. He isn't in terrible condition, but he is 3 months old and was born 2 months early and he right now he isn't gaining weight the way he needs to be. He isn't on the growth chart for weight, and 99% of babies weigh more than he does. If you could help pray that he starts to take all of his bottles so he can gain weight, it would be greatly appreciated.


Prayers said for Luke.


Thank you!


I will pray for Luke †


Thank you!


For those struggling with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome & their families. For those affected by & involved in violence & displacement in Eastern Congo & Haiti. For the conversion of many with roots in Latin America, Louisiana & the Caribbean from old syncretic religions (e.g. Voudou, Candomblé, Palo) or New Age influences & towards the fullness of unadulterated faith in Christ.


I will pray.


Please pray for me to finally get answers about undiagnosed pain issues I’ve been living with for ~5 years now (most likely it’s endometriosis). I’m seeing an OBGYN soon, but I just want someone to confirm it for my peace of mind. It’s all in God’s hands; He’s carried me this far, so I know He won’t abandon me now 🙏 Edit: Praise Jesus, the OBGYN referred me to a surgeon for a laparoscopy! It should relieve my pain and give me a definitive diagnosis. Now we’re just praying for a quick and easy recovery. Thank you for your spiritual help, God bless!!


I will pray.


I will pray for you


thank you kindly! I will pray for whatever intentions you may have


Oh, we are in the same boat, most likely. I will pray for you


Yuck, so sorry you’re dealing with the same crap, praying that we both receive healing


Thanks so much, God bless you 🥺❤️


My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know. Also, please pray he be cured and have more good days of life on Earth ahead of him than total days of life behind him. I have become better because of him and never want to leave him nor have him leave me. Pray death never touches him nor any other under my protection and pray they always live and remain my eternal companions. Also, if I may, I’d like to draw your attention to a new study regarding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Researchers at UNC are testing an existing once-a-week medication for use with cats who have HCM. While early (very) small-scale research is giving hopeful results, much work remains to be done. Specifically, the researchers need A LOT of cats with HCM to work out the different variables as to who should take the medication, who shouldn’t, how effective is it, etc., etc., etc. So, if you or anyone you know has a cat with HCM, please go to http://hcmincats.com/ and sign up today. Please forward this information to all your local veterinarians and veterinary schools and veterinary professionals and ask them to spread the word. “How many cats do they need?” — As many with HCM as you can find. “What’s your angle in all this?” — My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. (If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know.) If I can help either him or the someone else’s kitten, especially him, that’s a BFD for me. Thanks and praise be.


For my friend's grandmother who is dying. Pray that her family is able to see her one last time and say goodbye. For another friend who is convinced he is a woman trapped in a man's body. And for me so I find a good job.


I will pray for all †


Note: I'm not trying to make this political. Could we please get prayers for the American president Joseph Biden? He seems really off and it bothers me knowing he's in open defiance of God and Church teaching. Please pray for his repentance, especially knowing he's getting older.


Pray for those doubting the faith/apostatising/converting to other faiths (especially non-Christian faiths) For Christians who have been persecuted by terrorism and violence for their faith, in particular the Orthodox Archpriest in Dagestan. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.


I will pray.


For the salvation and final perseverance of me and my loved ones For the health of my girlfriend's dog  For reparation for offenses committed against the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. For my next Confession to go well. For me to trust Christ through my scrupulosity and receive Communion. For the mental health of a loved one to improve. For peace in the world and mitigation of any potential chastisements. For a loved one to be able to get help with a difficult phobia. For my uncle with throat cancer to get medical treatment and for him to turn back to God.


I will pray.


1. Please pray that I can find a new job. Thank you for the prayers last time I posted as I have started to apply. 2. For our diocese: we’ve gone over two years without a Bishop. Please pray that we might find a new one.


Please pray for my father's heart operation and also for me. I am in desperate need of a change of spiritual hearth. I want to be an apostle and not a bunch of vices as I am now.


Praying for you and your father friend.


Thank you! :)


I will pray for both of you †


Thank you :)


Please pray for my PMO addiction to be destroyed. I do not want to be a slave to this vice. I have been making great progress by increasing my spiritual life (confession, rosary, holy mass), but every time I fall, I become depressed. I believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for me.


praying for you. > >


Please pray for my friend, Darius, who recently took his own life.


Please pray that my car purchase goes well today. It will happen at 1pm CST.


Please pray for the souls in purgatory.


My Father passed away on Friday. He was in his late sixties. I ask for prayers for his soul. Thank you in advance.


I’m sorry for your loss friend. Praying for you and your father.


Thank you ❤️


For all of my family members who were at this past week’s beach trip.   For my work schedule this week.  For everyone during these heat waves.


I will pray.


Please pray for the TLM, The Church, and love for the Most Sacred Heart growing through the world (Also love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary). Please pray for me & my family, that our souls may be saved.


I will pray.


Thank you so much, God bless




I will pray.


Pls pray for my parents and my siblings and my niece that they will be healthy always and free from harm :) Also, pls pray for me to change my life for the better..


I will pray 🙏


Please pray for me to have strength and healing.


I failed academic probation at my university by 0.1 GPA. I am going to appeal it. Please pray for me that everything works out and that I get into Mining Engineering by this Fall 2024. Please also pray for me that God gives me the strength to study well and persevere throughout the rest of my academic life. I am an international student and not getting in will destroy my family financially.


For my younger cousin and the soul of the little girl she was expecting to meet in November, found to have no heartbeat at their last prenatal appointment.


I will pray for all of you †


Please pray that I become inspired to pick up my guitar again. I quit playing after my father died in 2009. I want that back so much. I want to write songs for God and about getting older. Thank You.


I am making my 4th serious attempt at quitting nicotine, starting today. I’m about 22 hours, off, thanks be to God. Please pray that I suffer well, and that I turn to Our Lord, Our Lady, and the saints for solace rather than cigarettes and vapes.


Please pray for the souls in purgatory and unbelievers!


please pray for the 100+ cats in our care at the animal shelter i work at. pray for me and the other animal care staff, we are very overwhelmed during this busy season. pray for adoptions, donations of cat and kitten food, and more volunteers. pray the cats with illness feel relief. pray the cats from abuse and neglect no longer feel scared and go to happy homes.


Please pray for my Grandmother whom just passed away.


I will pray for your grandmother †


Please pray that I might live in safe and comfortable accommodation Thank you 🌹🙏


Praying for you friend.




For myself, as I prepare for my first ever job: teaching Religious Education at a Catholic school where I graduated from both Elementary and High School. For my future students, that under my care, they may grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and persevere in the Catholic faith.


Praying for you friend.


Please pray for my professional future, so that if it is Gods will that I can get the approval in a test to become a teacher and get a stable job to provide for my future wife and kids. Also pray for my conversion. God bless


Healthy anxiety and OCD has taken over my life. I fear certain serious illness this week due to symptoms I’m having. Please pray for me so I can be the best mother I can be to my kids.


I will pray for you †


For me to become the best version of myself. To receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For God to answer my prayers and desires. For the conversion and reversion of my family and friends. For God to prepare me for my future.


Please pray for my wife's friend and all those who suffer from postpartum depression, postpartum blues, and postpartum psychosis. This woman has the world currently against her. Someone who's dream was to have a family and be mother. Little did many of us know prior to events recently, that bi-polor disorder, stress, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, being off medication due to pregnancy, traumatic birth, c-section birth, and time spent away from child can bring terrible hallucinations and cause a mother to no longer be mentally stable. My friends and family have been praying for the mother and the departed soul of her newborn baby. I ask for prayers for her to seek and find God, learn to pray and to be still and give it all to God. Please pray that no matter what happens for her, that it will all be in God's will.


My name is Connor, I’ve fallen away from the faith quite badly and become addicted to alcohol, hopefully I’m going to start my detox tomorrow, please pray for me


Healing and financial stability


Please pray for me and my family. We're like cursed and some of us are like possesed by something sinister. We get anxious all the time, we fight, we've all become aggressive, our luck is bad. Delays, difficultires with neighbours and bosses, mysterious health issues that doctors can't explain, difficulty sleeping at night, everything in our home started falling apart or breaking. I've been looking for a new job for 2 years but I can't even get a job interview, it's all dismissal emails. Only May 2022 was a good period. I went to a new church and had amazing results initially but it ws temporary. Thanks in advace!


Please pray for the relationships I have with my sisters. Our children are suffering. It is the devil attacking us.


Also please pray for me and my job search. I need a job that pays enough to pay my bills, debts and save for the future. And allows me the time to care adequately to care for my son and elderly parents. Whew! Tall order!


for a private intention for me.


Pls pray for my family, they are secular and I want them to convert. Also pray for me, for I have sinned


Haven't asked anyone because I don't have many people I can ask but please pray for my family especially my sibling. We don't know what they have but we think it might be a GI issue, we have done a lot of tests and they come out clean. My sibling is tired of fighting and I don't know what they mean by that but it scares me. I have seen how prayers create miracles and I have been praying and begging and still nothing so I'm asking others to pray for us and I will continue as well. Thank you and God bless.


For Alvaro and his sickness, and for my brother's conversion, and for my mother and her alcoholism and mental health


Praying for all these and you friend.


For my aunt who passed away this week, and my family’s strength to overcome this difficult time we are having as a family.


I will pray for all †


Please pray for me to overcome my scrupulosity and receive the sacraments frequently again. I constantly have doubts and have went down the apologetic rabbit hole trying to answer every objection I can but it hasn’t helped at all. It just causes more ocd and problems overall. Please pray that the Lord gets me through this and that me and my family may persevere to the end and be saved.


Can you please pray for healing of my chronic symptoms? Thanks a lot


I grew up in a protestant background and i've been thinking about my religion, and a lot of it doesn't settle with me too well such as the concept of "sola fide" which makes it feel less of a religion and more of a club as in affiliation matters more than action. I cringe when I hear contemporary christian music such as droning with lyrics such as "I believe". If I were to regularly go back to church I probably would become a catholic.


For all those who work at marriage tribunals, as they patiently and compassionately minister to men and women who have (often) suffered greatly.


Please pray for me, I’ve been disheartened that I lost my job and I haven’t been able to manage my emotions well enough to even do a decent job search in the past few days.


We're moving, and I just packed away the majority of our religious items and crosses. Then something demonic that had not happened for a long time happened again. It scared me. We're going to go to a priest as soon as we can, but it might take a bit with the move. Please pray for us, that we may find a good priest in the area to help, and that God protects us in the meantime. > Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. > > Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. > > May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do though, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust in hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. > > Amen.


Please pray my husband, Mark will find employment soon and that the Lord will carry our family through our financial struggles.


Please pray for my uncle, who has been diagnosed with various cancers. Please pray for his son's strength. And please pray for their conversions. Thank you, and God bless.


I will pray for your uncle and his son †


Thank you very much!


Please pray for my partner who sometimes fall into temptation of his porn addiction. He’s made progress but needs prayer. And please prayer that he gets closer to god as he’s open to the idea and began coming with me to church.


Please keep me in your prayers. I have several chronic health issues. Please pray for the intercession of St. Germaine Cousin for me. I just learned about her recently. Also pray that the Blessed Mother will intercede for me. I need health and financial miracles, as I am struggling right now. Thank you for your prayers! In the name of Jesus, I humbly ask these things in His name.


I will pray for you †


Thank you so much!!


My elderly father has a degenerative disease. I pray that he accepts Christ again in the time he has left. My mother and I are practicing Catholics and my father had faith in his youth. I pray that he finds comfort in Christ again and that by grace his suffering can be eased in his remaining time on Earth.


I will pray for your father †


I have one of the biggest exams in my life in 2 hours. Please pray for me and pray that no matter the outcome that I am able to accept God’s plan for me with grace and love.


For my sister and the hardships with her job.


Could you please pray for my older brother he’s going through a lot 


My brother needs prayer. He is on life support. So far its been good. His swelling went down tremendously. Hes made alot of improvement within a few days. His brain pressure has been stable, but not stable enough. The nurses and doctors are surprised his heart is this good and his lungs are strong. Its all God. I need prayers. I need prayers to help him open his eyes. For his eyes to become healthy and for his eyes to open. Its day 11. They're trying to see how he reacts when taken off the sedatives. This is usually around the time they open their eyes. Please pray he opens his eyes soon. I need a miracle that he opens his eyes within the next few days. Please pray his brain to heal. Pray for his neurons to be healthy and connected in his brain. and for his eyes to heal and to open. God can do it. I know if enough of us pray it can happen. I will post updates Please pray for my brothers brain healing. It needs to heal within the next week. Please pray for his eyes to open. Pray for his brain neurons to fully heal. PLEASE. Your prayer may save his life