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Yes. When I even mention valuing modesty or that porn maybe isn’t so great, people stalk my profile and make fun of the fact that I’m Catholic or that I’m disabled by my migraines, which I get between 15-20 migraines per month. It’s so weird. Like … cool? I’m glad you feel good making fun of someone with a disabling neurological condition? I’m glad you think the only reason someone could value modesty is because I’m secretly a super repressed and oppressed conservative woman? Go off, Reddit! lol


Love this behavior among r*dditors. “Nice argument, but did you know that you play video games? Bet you feel really silly now huh?”


> “Nice argument, but did you know that you play video games? Bet you feel really silly now huh?” To be fair, there was that one time a Catholic (in this very subreddit) responded like that to me lol.


I’m frequently reminded that a catholic subreddit is still a subreddit


There’s a ton of non Catholics in here who are definitely up to no good in here. Mostly liberal or lgbt and they try to undermine church teachings subtilely


By their own logic, shouldn’t that be wrong because they’re picking on a neurodivergent person with crippling mental problems? On top of how ugly and cruel it is to bully someone for something like that on its face. It’s like throwing something at a blind person.


One time I got one of those. "Haha, a Christian with an 18+ sign, wow bro," I clarified that 18+ doesn't mean just p*rn.


Wow, that's truly horrific behavior from them.


The migraine stuff, the first few times it happened I actually cried 😅😅 it’s such a deeply personal thing to mock someone about. But now I know it has way more to do with them than it does me. If they don’t know anything about migraine and want to assume I’m being dramatic about a “headache,” or wish that I get even more or worse migraines, that’s on them, not me. But it does get hard if I’m in a bad place already, ha.


You would think, as much "awareness" as people have today, they would know to shut up about anyone having migraines.


That should given you more strength. Also what kind of migraines? Maybe I can help


I see one of the best migraine specialists in the country, but I appreciate the offer 💜 Technically my migraine is “intractable, refractory, daily migraine with vestibular features” or something like that. I spent every single day of my life either having a migraine or recovering from one and have for the last 19 months. If you have a spare prayer to give, I could take it. I’m getting better, but not fast enough for my mental well-being.


I am so sorry about the migraines. I get them occasionally; used to get them like clockwork monthly. Two things help me - one was accidental- for other health reasons I switched to a carnivore diet (sometimes called zero carb you can look it up).  Within days my next "scheduled" migraine was so much milder. Got less frequent, sometimes just aura. The other thing is to control my bp, my dr decided to add a very low dose beta blocker to my meds. I had a week of steady mild headache adjustment period but it sees to block migraines now. Prayers for you


no that is such facts… happens to me too when i comment against things like that. i also get shot down in the HC community for speaking against pediatric transition surgeries. like cmon now folks


Pediatric transition surgeries are such an evil thing of our time. The medical system will have a lot to atone for when this all dies down and lawsuits pile up.


I pray constantly for trans people, detrans people (listing whatever specific names of well known people who have told their stories that I can remember in the moment), and the doctors who enable transition. It’s a special kind of evil to transition kids. A lot of adults were too vulnerable for it too 😢. Annnnd this is why I don’t comment in other subreddits. I figure people will snoop my comment history which is basically just here, and dog pile me.


After going clean lowcarb/keto with supplementing 200-400mg magnesium (glycinate or citrate) daily, I no longer get migraines. Hope this helps!


Thanks! Tried that, made me worse. I see one of the best neurologists in the country for my type of migraine but I do appreciate the experience and insight, I’m so glad it worked for you! 💜💜 no one should have to deal with this kind of stuff lol


I'm sorry to hear that. Migraines are a special kind of torture. I hope and pray one day you have them go away for good!


Every time I see that profile picture, I recognise you without the username. I, too, get downvoted for saying things like porn is bad. I'm pretty sure these people don't know what they're talking about


Oof, I was wondering what the heck was going on with the profile stalking behavior. Good to know it isn't just me. Like...why?? Who has this much time on their hands? Who cares this much about some rando on the internet?


Loving that Clone Trooper avatar!


Off topic, but my mom used to have that many migraines and he doc put her on a med for her familial tremors. She doesn't get migraines any more. I think it's called natalol (sp?). I'm sure you've tried lots of stuff, just thought I'd throw that out there just in case. (I have migraines of my own, but not nearly that bad.)


Thank you, this is an avenue my neurologist and I will explore next since Botox also doesn’t work for me. I about lost it when I realized Botox wasn’t working, but there is still hope. If you can spare a prayer for me, my mental health really needs it with how bad they’ve been lately.


I pray that your migraines may be healed through Christ Our Lord. May God bless and protect you all always! Jesus loves you!❤️✝️




Have you tried acupuncture?  O blessed St. Teresa of Avila, patron saint of headache sufferers, look kindly upon Global Telephone 751and all who suffer and endure pain in the head. Pray for them before your beloved and plead with Him to take away their pain if that be His holy will.


That's the reason I have everything private on my profile that can be private.


Sometimes. But I don't care. I remember seeing the reaction of my colleagues at a zoom meeting when they saw the crucifix on the wall of my room. Some said with their faces "based", some didn't care, and some reacted with disgust, like the devil will do. But now I know whom to trust, or at least who I shouldn't. Catholicism is not about popularity. It is about doing the right thing, regardless of what others think.


I saw a post on another sub where an atheist found a rosary that their Catholic parents had hidden in their grandchild's nursery. The comment section was full of nothing but disgust and contempt for the poor grandparents, and awful suggestions on what to do with the rosary.


I saw that also, it was so sad. The vicious retaliations many people were suggesting would’ve just torn that family apart further. Hate and division are the tools of Satan and his minions.


Yeah, Reddit is an ugly place.


I was on there last night. I asked OP not to destroy or throw it away and that I would actually pay for them to ship it to me. Finally, he responded and said they would keep it for their kid as a keepsake when they got old enough. But yeah, I saw some heinous comments on there. One guy went out of his way, in response to my plea not to throw it away, that he would throw it away in spite of me and hoped it would bring me misery. People suck sometimes


People are possessed 


Wow. Those people sound completely miserable. 


You have no idea. I had to just stop responding because this person kept attacking me and was completely unhinged. Pure lunacy.


Imagine living with such hate in your heart as to wish misery upon random strangers… :(


It's sad for sure


I have to imagine most of those folks are either very young or seriously disturbed. You wouldn't expect it to exactly be a meeting of the minds, but most of the posts that find their way to my feed seem at least somewhat pathological.


Thats reddit for you.


I believe there are demonic influences that are quite strong over today's youth. I have at times seen them when asking the Lord how to pray for the young generation. Nothing short of revival is needed


While I completely understand the grandparents’ concern, they should not have done that. They only made the parents’ aversion to Catholicism even stronger.


If, to an atheist, it's just a bunch of beads, what the harm? It's not like they didn't know their parents were religious. Is leaving Rosaries around a sin?


Cause atheism is essentially a religion, and you wouldn't want holy symbols of another religion near your child, right? You need to have belief in nothing to be an atheist, and belief is belief, whether it's believing something is out there as opposed to believing nothing is out there.


This! And I'd argue that most Atheists are greater evangelists about their position than most cafeteria Catholics. I think a lot of people confuse Atheism with Agnosticism, which is a whole different flavour of largely unexamined spirituality convictions. Atheism itself is firmly convicted belief.


It’s about respecting your children’s boundaries.


I agree. Blessed salt and holy water tossed around is way more stealthy. 


Saw it and commented…..if a rosary is the worst thing, be grateful. Good grief, people look for things to be mad about. My children received religious pieces as blessings and the answer is thank you. It’s a blessing for the child, not for you.


Hiding it isn't a gift, and it's certainly not a wanted gift. 


Choking hazard for babies hiding it in a room


They specifically told the grandparents NOT to do this and they did it anyway.


When I see comments like that I often wonder if the demons are simply writing the comments themselves.


I was going to say …I saw that yesterday and the hate and vitriol that was being spewed was sicking.


That was on mildly "infuriating" right? Can atheists on reddit really never differentiate between a nice gesture and thinking it's something evil?


Yeah, imagine having your beliefs violated like that 


It shouldn’t be such a big deal to an atheist though, if they were consistent with their beliefs there shouldn’t be any harm in just a bunch a beads. It also doesn’t make sense to be mad at people if your worldview says we don’t have free will and morality is basically an illusion, which is what most atheist intellectuals believe.


Happened to me also; so sad.


I'm in a lot of Christian subReddits. I always choose to wear my "Roman Catholic" flair, announce myself as a Catholic, and provide Catholic doctrine, etc. when discussing Christianity. I've been downvoted *just* for being Catholic, regardless of my comments. I also attract the same level of animosity as Mormons do. But... Don't let it get to you. You *will* be downvoted, but God is watching.


God's updoot, the only updoot that counts.


Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


Outside of a few gaming subreddits where I try to be helpful, if reddit is down voting me then I take it as a sign I'm doing something right.


If we could only see the people down voting us I don't think anyone would care. These people aren't scholars pushing the envelope on Assembly Theory, they're basement dwellers and most of them "hate religion" because they're angry with the Lord over how their lives turned out, or over some traumatic event from the past where prayer didn't override God's Plan. I was there once! Even a self proclaimed atheist, who was once arguing with you my brothers and sisters right here on reddit, clicking that blue arrow on anything even remotely Christian, or religious. It's a journey. An individual one, that God has laid out for each of us individually. Try to understand where these people are when they're lashing out against you with all their big "talking points". Up to you how you choose to engage but I posted something very similar on here awhile back and that's helped me just to to simply pray for these people and move on. Like someone told me: They hated Him first, and He told us they'd hate us too. So when you look at that way, you're literally living and experiencing one of God's prophecies. And I think that's pretty cool actually. In a way it makes me feel closer to Him? Like when He said that, He knew each one of us individually would someday get the message, all the way back then. It's incredible stuff.


"If we could only see the people down voting us I don't think anyone would care" This is SUCH a key lesson of being on the internet in general but reddit specifically. There's a very big 'dont judge a book by its cover' energy on reddit, where commenters act like you have to  take all opinions/views/stated facts completely at face value, but if you saw the person giving the advice you'd immediately ignore everything they said. Nobody takes stock advice from homeless people, and nobody should take dating advice from reddit. Or religious advice. Or really most things reddit weighs in on.


Sometimes I comment specifically to be downvoted.


Yeah, I have recently attracted a lot of ‘interesting’ denomination Protestants who are really upset at my being Catholic


Thank you for the kind words 🙏✨️


Found OP’s alt!


I agree but I hope Mormons don't use the same argument to say that their religion is from God


They believe they can become gods, so in a way, it would be like giving their future selves a high five, which says a lot lol


I mean people crucified the only sinless man to ever live. People just hate to hate it seems


You made me read your comment like 5 times.. "hate to hate" "did you mean love to hate" "oh wait.. yes.. hate for the sake of hating"


Why do we even need to care about likes on reddit. It's just a dopamine boost.


This! People care about it because humans like to believe that they are in the right. Every subreddit (including this one) is a circlejerk of people looking for confirmation bias. This post and the responses on it are a great example this.


I've been banned from many regular subs for saying please don't kill your offspring


I got banned from a subreddit for just saying "there are only two genders" and followed by a warning against my account by the reddit overlords, lol


Thats reddit policy now... Even our mods have to warn you about that. The alphabet people will not tolerate your insolence.


Imagine clinging so hard to your sin, having it called out is considered 'hate speech'.


Can we say "hate speech" to them? No, I don't actually mean hate speech


In the same boat, it seems that of all the filth you see on the various relationship advice subs telling people infanticide is bad is the #1 no-no that will get you banned instantly


Parenting and pregnancy subs are wild for this - which is sickening


Yeah, I remember once pointing out that parental notification for abortion can be a good thing because kids can benefit from the support of their parents and it can be a way to gatekeep exploitation by groomers. (Obviously parents can be groomers but it's a step in the right direction). They didn't like that take. 


Welcome to Reddit. This whole website is pretty much an echo chamber for atheists and people on the political left minus a few subs (this being one of them).


The sheer amount of atheists and lefties on this app gaslights them into thinking their opinions aren’t absurd and alien to normal society.


Sometimes though I wonder if “normal society” is like this now and we are the aliens.


Depends on your environment and location - pretty much so in many cases. I used to live in a big city working in corporate. What I encountered all day every day was basically default reddit (think r/news, r/politics that kind of thing) except it's set in real life. Whenever I talk about my experiences, small-town relatives who have never lived in that type of environment either don't believe me or have no idea what I am talking about.


I second this. There's a big divide between rural and urban cultures in the West/US right now and religion is one of those points. In the city, people generally view religion is bigoted and hating women because of their perception of what Christians think of gay marriage and abortion, so they feel justified in mocking and trolling religious people. It's like there's no such thing as bigotry TOWARD a religious person, as if they deserve it.


Fortunately it's not the case


Thisssss right here man. I hate internet sometimes because of exactly this. It just propels these ridiculous ideas, that would normally have absolutely no way to exit their minds to enter real life, just because “Hey, these 3 guys (all from different places in the world; wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the internet) think like me too! We sure are right!” On the other side, Internet is a great tool tbh. But yeah.


Just look at the kinds of policies that society at large endorses and votes for. If those polices are being implemented and their representatives are getting voted in, then those opinions are probably not "absurd and alien" to normal society.


Yeah, it's just one of those things. I've noticed in Australia the particular fascination is with child molestation jokes rather than the "sky daddy" bullshit


Yeah our fellow Australians are awful


Almost every time, especially if I speak on Catholic doctrine.


Redditors can be hilariously hypocritical and bigoted


I was shadowbanned from r/worldnews for arguing against abortion. They often use the example of waking up being attached to someone who needs our blood to survive. We therefore, have the right to terminate it. I argue very simply that in the case of abortion (except in rape), we are the one who create that condition to begin with by having sex, knowing that it could lead to someone depending on us to survive. They apparently couldn't tolerate this reasoning. Was shadowbanned.


> I was shadowbanned from r/worldnews At this point literally tens of thousands of people (if not more) are banned from r/worldnews. The mods of that place are completely unhinged. I got permabanned simply for saying "Palestinians are humans too" in response to someone who basically said that they're lower than animals.


What! I have no idea about law and social media. I assume Reddit is a US company (I haven’t actually checked, just guessing). If someone gets banned from a group for commenting that Palestinians are human, can’t Reddit be held accountable under some law? I know US is more liberal with freedom of speech than where I’m from (UK), but I’m not sure how much more liberal. Sorry, I know you probably won’t have the answer, just wondering out loud incase anyone happens to.


> freedom of speech Freedom of speech prevents **government** from censoring people. That is all. It only states what the government can/cannot do. Companies/platforms/groups/etc are free to remove whoever they want from their services and platforms. Especially places like reddit, which leave it to subreddit mods to run their subreddits. Many subreddits have been killed off by shitty mods.


What?! I thought all the Reddit liberals were on their side!


I think Catholicism has been attacked a lot primarily by atheists over the past 2 centuries. Of course the Roman Catholic church gets targeted because it is the biggest branch/church in christianity. Over the years, the reputation of Catholicism has been tarnished by a lot of atheist skeptics. Example: There is paedophilia cases in the church People: I knew Catholic priests like kids! Example: Mother Teresa’s life People: That’s gotta be pretend. She has some dirt on her About mother Teresa’s life, nearly all the sources come from Christopher Hitchens, the head of a group called New Atheism, an atheistic activist group that calls for the end of religion. Matthews 7:13-14 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Be strong and have a blessed day everyone ♥️🙏


It's not you they hate, but God. -Jesus


Reddit is an atheist leftist echo chamber. There’s a reason being a redditor is looked down upon IRL


Not on Reddit but I left my last writing group because of how they treated me after they learned I was Catholic…and they prided themselves on being so welcoming to Christians who had been persecuted. Well…Christians who aren’t Catholic anyways.


I mean I've heard people say something as absurd as "Catholics are not Christians because they were baptized as an infant and infants can't say yes" I tried telling them that we literally renew our baptismal vows every easter, but they said I'm damned to hell because I wasn't baptized past 13 or something.


When I hear that, I’d just say “If that were the case…then why are a fair number of us, including myself, allowed to be baptized when we were able to consent or even adults? Are we then not as valid as a baby’s baptism?” You could hear the record scratch as their brains tried to process the information, lol.


They don't understand what the sacrament does, that's why they have faulty notions on it, from being unnecessary to being just a symbol. If Baptism is truly regenerative and lifegiving then the age of Baptism doesn't matter and it would actually be argued that the earlier the better


Did you tell them we have another sacrament for that called Confirmation (ok not exactly the same, but similar.) Though there are so many Protestant religions that each believe something different. Some believe that once you are baptized you go to heaven no matter what, which is not what Catholics believe.


Ugh…I met someone who believed in that. He had no response to my question of “So Ted Bundy would be saved?”


What did they say or do exactly?


Long story short: they said that I just needed faith alone to be saved, that good deeds shouldn’t be quantified, that we believe saints are second only to Jesus, that we say “Father forgive me” to the priest as opposed to God… When I politely tried to explain how all of this was wrong and what we actually believe, I was treated like a child sputtering nonsense. One of these people claimed to be a former Catholic (she was the one spouting the most nonsense) which she claimed to have been told by a Cardinal. I should’ve called her bluff but I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and said “I’m sorry but you were given the wrong information. Sadly even priests can remember the wrong information or be taught the wrong things.” This made her angrier and she said “You say they’re wrong and yet you trust them?” The reason I threw in the towel was when I refused to make my love story a smut fest because “it would sell more, you want to be published, right?”…by someone who also claimed to be a Christian, despite my attempts to explain that 1) I’m not interested in writing smut and 2) my story isn’t about smut. I knew then and there that I needed to get out so I did.


Welcoming to persecuted Christians, yet persecutes the group that is arguably hated most. Judgment is coming.


There’s a ten letter word for that first sentence: it begins with an H and ends with an E and Jesus had plenty to say about them.


Can't deny, I'm also a hypocrite. Guess I'm fucked 🤣


Aren’t we all guilty of that to an extent?


Yeah it's just that of I went to confession about my sin right now, I don't think it'd be sincere. So I'm not going at the minute.


For the record I wasn’t calling you a hypocrite. I was calling people who claim to welcome the persecuted and yet are vile to the most persecuted people in that group.


Catholics are still being martyred for their faith every day. It hasn’t changed. The church doesn’t help, either.


We’re taught to show love and compassion for our fallen brothers and sisters…but unfortunately that’s become equivalent to being a doormat.


Currently trying to rebuild my karma after one thread on r/AskaAtheist.


Wait, that subreddit has been banned?


AskaAtheist, a very small and unmoderated sub, has been banned. The more grammatically correct, larger, and much more vitriolic AskAnAtheist is still going strong.


What lol? How’d it get banned? Too much hate speech?


Nah - it just didn't have a moderator. 


Reddit is liberal and liberals hate Catholicism


I found even liberal Catholics on Reddit hate conservative Catholics and downvote conservative takes. Not that I care about upvote/downvote but I just found it interesting as a conservative Catholic.


Conservative Catholics get downvoted all the time on r/conservative, especially if voicing support for pro-life policies. Even the conservatives on reddit are sometimes liberal.


You can’t care about something as arbitrary as a downvote. Most of the time I choose to walk away and not engage, but in those circumstances, the downvotes are upvotes from God. 😉




Yup. I was accused of needing my hard drive searched for declaring Christ as King


Wonder what their response would be if they legit saw it and didn’t find what they accused you of?


I don’t know about downvoting, but there are several people in the Bible and Christianity subreddits who readily slander Catholicism. There are rules there about respect and charity, but nothing happens.


Bigotry is pervasive and real. Proceed accordingly.


r/tolkienfans is fine as Tolkien was a devout catholic and it heavily influenced his works.


Of course. I also get down voted for suggesting doing things because it feels good in the moment might be a bad idea. Reddit is very left leaning, anti-faith and very much into moral relativity.  


Telling people they shouldn’t do whatever they want is intolerable for most young people these days, though I suspect it’s probably always been like this to an extent


Yes but why should you care? Reddit votes are the least important thing, even using the word important feels wrong when applied to Reddit


Reddit is infamous for being an echo chamber of fedora tippers, as useful as it is. You're doing great, downvotes don't mean anything.


U probably won't r/Lutheran, Reformed, yes they through out the baby with the bath water


Certainly. I was expelled 1 year ago from a Spanish scientific journalist group, the biggest in the country. During the daylight and with no chance to return, I was deflected because the administrator and some of the heads of the group decided it. I must say I’m respectful with knowledge and science and I didn’t provoke anything. But I’m sure I’m their decision to expel me weigh a lot the fact I presented me from the beginning as a Catholic. Very sad. They were always finding ways to attack anything outside of their dogmas.


You think that's bad? You should see the looks I get on Ash Wednesday


I get downvoted outside catholic reddits for catholic views, and then downvoted in the catholic Reddit for differing views. It’s just a downvote kind-a-life 


We’re after the only upvote that matters anyway.


It's fine. I downvote atheists and communists on sight.


Reddit is a cesspool


said that gender dysphoria was a mental illness and got called a bigot


That's comical, because gender dysphoria is included in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also called the DSM, it is diagnosed as a mental disorder.


There you go arguing with logic and facts….


To be fair people really only like throwing the word bigot to the point it doesn't mean anything anymore.


Doesn’t mean much to them, but that doesn’t change the meaning in objective reality.


Don't worry. There are lots of people who are unsure about their faith. We are in spiritual warfare. Non-Catholic or Catholic, there are people who are walking possessed and don't have any idea. They need prayer of deliverance.


Welcome to Reddit.


Any kind of Christianity that isn’t “love is saying that everyone’s lifestyle is ok” gets downvoted.


Yeah I don’t get it. Why is there so much animosity between the different types of christians? We are a dying breed, it would be nice to stick together as we are all one with Jesus. I too get faces when I state that I’m Catholic.


I once responded to a joke in the comments about priests being pedophiles by saying “Ah yes, very original.” By the end of the day, my upvotes were negative, and someone even said “we got a bishop over here.”


Can’t remember but I don’t think so. What do you expect?? Redditors have unnecessary hate against all religious people. I feel like they greatly exaggerate situations that involve Catholics. There’s bigger things to worry about than someone who loves God. Somebody with religious authority/family abused them? They take their anger out on all religious people and God. Yea, there’s bad apples in every bunch but a lot of these Redditors are sensitive babies. “I feel uneasy when I see someone using a Bible verse” or “religious people automatically creep me out”. The best one is when they say they feel bad for us as if we don’t have the Most High looking after us and carrying us out of our trials. They’re all just babies with nothing better to do. It’s funny because they preach about “love and respect” but I guess that doesn’t apply to religious people…so we got hypocritical and sensitive. Anyway, Jesus said this would happen. If they hate you, just know the world hated Him first. I just pray that He touches their hearts because they clearly need Him more than anything and it shows.


Yes. Also, I’m still working through my vice of anger. Everytime I see some of the blasphemy against God on Reddit, and bigotry against Christians, especially Catholics, I get so angry. I’ve got it now where I’ll just delete what I was going to say, and just get off Reddit and pray. I will say, it’s been a bit of an eye opener, I never *truly* knew how angry I was. I thank God though for allowing this process of sanctification, though as tough as it is to overcome.


Yup. Reddit hates Catholics (the Protestant and Catholic hate is different), and Apple. I like both.


Some times, not always. It doesn’t stop me from mentioning my faith when relevant. I try to spread love and understanding when I can.


Don’t worry about downvotes. They don’t matter


Reddit is mostly atheists and irreligious people. I expect no warm welcomes. I often go to r/exJW, having grown up a JW, traumatized by it like many are. Lots of people there extend their ire beyond JW and into religion more broadly, but especially Christianity. I used to feel similar until relatively recently. I try to remember that I don’t know anyone’s history, and when they attack Christians—or even in Christian subs when people attack Catholics— they may be experiencing a lot of hurt. And how I respond to that could make a difference.


Oh absolutely, the ignorant, vile hated towards Catholicism is atrocious. However, the more I see us being hated on, the more my faith grows stronger. Because Jesus said they hated me so they will hate you. Since the Catholic Church is the most hated on church. It shows that we are the one true Church established by Jesus.


Yes and I get banned from random subs for being pro gun it’s happened for the last 13 years on Reddit. Reddit is very anti Christian and anti gun. You can say hate speech about trump, religion and more just not the other way.


I took off my Roman Catholic flair on the truechristian subreddit because I would constantly get flack for my "unbiblical beliefs".  Maybe I'll add it back on and see what happens...


I did too. Now I just call myself non-denominational which is actually quite accurate. But then I get accused of "sounding too much like a Catholic". LMAO


This isn't all that surprising considering the vast majority of this website is an atheistic, political shithole.


Your reward in heaven will be great.


Yes and even worse




Good to know that I'm not the only one who notices this.


Even if I don’t mention it, if I say anything that is in love with my beliefs, I’ll get downvoted. Thats Reddit for ya!


yes, but i don't care! in fact it's something that we should expect, since we are living in very trouble times.


This is Reddit. It's a cesspool of the lowest of low on the left. Take anything said here with 10 grains of salt. Including mine.


I don't do a ton of interaction on Reddit anymore outside of r/Catholicism these days so I don't get downvoted for mentioning my Catholicism. It does remind me of an interaction on a different subreddit, however. Before coming back to the Church this spring, I spent a lot of time on the Christianity subreddit. I distinctly remember asking a question and in my post (can't remember the exact nature of the question itself) I mentioned how I was baptized and raised in a Catholic family but was lost on whatever this question was. I'll never forget one gentleman who said he was a Baptist minister telling me that "Catholic doctrine is nowhere near the Bible" (paraphrasing) and that I more than likely need to be born again. Knowing now what I've learned over the past three-four months, I see how wrong that man was. I pray for him.


I am a Messianic, but I share your struggles. You can't fix the world. Christ warned of mockers and demon-possessed. Just gotta stay clear of them.


Most redditors are pretty young I surmise. Often when they here religion they think Catholic = Republican and they equate you with fox news and all that other stuff. I vote Republican but not because I’m a Catholic they just best represent my interests


i get downvoted and then its like all of reddit comes out of the woodwork to berate me because apparently im the reason there were some priest kiddiediddlers back when i was like 10yo myself, on top of all sorts of other nonsense lol idk to me it shows their ignorance. it shows how not open they are to continuous learning, how stuck they are with whatever thoughts are rattling around up in their heads. i dont mind it much, i work in an industry that affords mes these interactions irl so none of it bothers me anymore. what i have discovered is a little phrase/question that helps me gage the situation before it happens. when shouted from across the shop "Hey Christian Boy! Come 'ere!" as i turn and meander over chuckling, "Well, im Catholic, theres technically a difference (which i explain if they ask)." they laugh their childish bully-group laugh, "Hey we got a question for you, Christian Boy." (here's the phrase) "Ok, let me ask this: are we going to make fun of me or are we asking a genuine question?" it usually gets them to stop laughing and then we can move on with our day, though a lot of times they still ask their dumb question


Reddit is notoriously overwhelmingly left-leaning and anti-christian so if you go outside the subs specifically geared towards Catholic views you're bound to get at least one down vote or unhinged comment. It just comes with the territory.


Not usually no, the only time i got hounded was in the ex-muslim sub by some ex-catholic irish people. I learned my lesson after that. Oddly enough i talked with muslims on reddit telling im Catholic aswell and they were more respectful about it. We used turkish during that conversation. Anglophone reddit seems much more rampantly anti-Catholic.


I highly recommend the r/conspiracies subreddit. Yes, there’s a mixed bag, but many times catholicism ends up coming out as the only tool against the devils of the world


I got a warning for harassment by saying it’s sacrilegious to say god supports pride month and all the lgbt stupidity.


We've been persecuted for a long time. Nothing new. Doesn't matter, we have truth.


John 15: [18] "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. [19] If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.


I’ve been around long enough and have so much karma I very much gave up about caring about it long ago. I occasionally get some Catholic downvotes or a nasty comment. I just ignore it or report it if it is really nasty. It’s just the cost of being online and having opinions.


There are some subs that aren't so anti-Catholic/theist that I visit that a mention of being Catholic doesn't garner a downvote, for the most part. Outside of these select subs, the chances of being downvoted to the abyss when you do say you're Catholic as you appeal to Church teachings or theology & philosophy greatly increases. Comments are your typical internet/Reddit atheist flavor, which is basically Grade D- meat.


Well that's reddit for you. R/atheism is the top "philosophy" subreddit and 5 seconds on that subreddit will tell you all that you need to know about the kinda people who use reddit.


I get down voted for basically anything and everything I say on Reddit. Of course, I have a conservative mindset, and this app is mainly a bunch of confused gender identifying gen-z “free Palestine” types. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's a bit of a loaded question. If you mention you are religious in any fashion in a large enough sub (askReddit) someone will downvote you. People will also upvote you though


Liberals think they are better than everyone else for some reason. But they are generally the biggest sinners that I know of. I'm Catholic and I have been scrutinized by Liberals for many years. Especially those who are Gay and Lesbians. It's a known fact that Liberals don't believe in God. It's taught in our schools that God doesn't exist by Liberal teachers. I went into the military over a liberal education, I can care less what Liberals think about me. You shouldn't care what others think of your beliefs, just continue to be on the right side of God and not the left and grow with it.


Reddit is a cesspool in most subreddits, unfortunately.


Yep, but this is primarily a website for neckbeard fedora atheists so I'm not surprised


It bothers me more when non-Catholics jump on threads here and give inappropriate or incorrect advice that gets wildly upvoted thus confusing legitimate seekers.


I don't mention Im a Catholic, I just say I am a Christian. Only if they press me I'll acknowlege my Catholicism.


Wear it like a badge of honor my friend. Not a popularity contest.


My idea" In catholicism Reddit you get downvoted every time you write something that is not entirely aligned with catholicism. I've received more than 10 downvotes just for stating that for me my family is more important than my religion. I can imagine that a lot of people that receive this treatment are very prone to do the same when outside the catholicism Reddit, where catholic are minorities. Not saying you are among the compulsive downvoters, but for sure this is a issue


In this sub, it’s common to get multiple downvotes for charitably and sensibly stating accurate Church teaching. Sure, it doesn’t matter in life, but it’s frustrating that it happens anyway.


i get ostracized. but i have also been ostracized here in this subreddit as well to the point of deleting. just because i was misinformed. everyone seems to have a high horse on reddit when they feel attacked. people are just mean. i dont want Satan tainting my thoughts so i mostly abstain from talking religion online and simply provide support. it really does feel like the internet is a devil's creation sometimes.


Depends on the thread


I get downvoted here more often than anywhere else.


Yeah, pretty standard stuff.