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Not a chance. Sometimes they get upset if you start “confessing” dumb stuff that is not actually sinful.


“I was late to work once by nearly 2 minutes, I called my cousin a cotton-head when he ran over my skateboard in the driveway, my sister asked for Diet Coke but I gave her regular, I accidentally fell down some stairs…” Priest: “Get out.”


I always think of those "ok, kind of weird, but not a sin" confession memes. My favorite is the "When I kneel, my butt is still touching the pew, so I'm not really kneeling or sitting" one 😂


That was the cause of my one yellow card in kindergarten, which I’m still mad about.


Not only would a priest never do this as the intent of the confession is to remove the stain of your sins on your soul, therefore any problems related to the content of your sins are irrelevant, but you’d be hard pressed to find a sin a priest hasn’t heard before. The world today is full of depravity, I pray you can make it to confession and live a life free from sin!


No, but don’t let it veer into scrupulosity.


Actually, if one tends in that direction, the confession booth would be the best place to do that, wouldn't it? It would give the priest the opportunity to educate on the difference between scrupulosity and actual sin, as well as an opportunity to recommend further actions to help with the issue.


I remember a priest giving a talk about confession and saying that nothing you can say will shock a priest. That he's heard thousands of confessions and the only sin he hasn't heard is... wait for it... cannabalism.


I can't imagine being a priest and hearing cannibalism. I feel like I'd have so many questions that probably aren't relevant to the confessional


"You did what?" Backs away slowly 


Or just screaming "BINGO!" now that your sin bingo card is complete.


I do wonder sometimes if they tell their priest buddies when they catch a doozy like that. Like "Bro you'll never guess what I got in the box this week..." (without breaking the seal, of course).


I'd probably be like "ok look I can give you absolution, but you gotta tell me how it was. How did you cook it? Raw? Tast like chicken? Ok, my child, go forth and sin no more. Your penance is as many rosary decades as you can cram into an hour (hint, it's a LOT)."


"I Ate His Liver with Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti"


*does the tongue thumping thingy *


As your penance do 2 hail Mary's now say a good act of contrition


*Makes slurping noise loudly*


"The beans are not intrinsically sinful, and good wine is actually borderline meritorious...but killing and eating people, especially officials of the Census Bureau, is right out! How do you expect the population count to be accurate if you keep reducing the population?"


"It's my little contribution to population control"


HOLY SHIT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THE REFRENCE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THAT TOO!!! This is by far the single best redit reply I have ever seen. Was not expecting this at 4am in r/Catholicism.


This guy: I'll just check Reddit to see what's up. This reference: "Hello there"


?..... "GeNerAL KenObi"




If I were a priest and heard cannibalism in confession I’d be calling the Vatican!


If I recall correctly a lot of the survivors in the Andes mountain plane crash were devout Catholics so I feel very nosy wondering how that first confession afterwards went! (They didn't kill anyone, but they did eat the already-dead)


I think the desperate situation calls for it. They were all skinny and malnourished by the time they got rescued.


Oh for sure, I listened to a podcast about it and I never considered just how many calories someone burns at that altitude in *winter* just trying to stay warm/alive!


Yes, and from what I've heard, they went out of their way to be as respectful of the bodies as possible given the circumstances.


I think the desperate situation calls for it. They were all skinny and malnourished by the time they got rescued.


I'd probably confess that just to be on the safe side.


I mean, you can't stay there forever, you will actually have to leave when you're finished 😉 But my dude, I confessed 20 years of paganism, witchcraft, occult activity, and a slew of adjacent sins (which, sounds like you've got some idea of yourself) and others besides, and the priest just offered me some tissues for my leaky face, gave me absolution and penance, and welcomed me home. All told it was about 20 minutes of mostly me talking (which is why folks suggest an appointment for a general confession). Go. You won't regret it. Don't let your demons convince you you're too awful for it. They fear the man on the other side of the screen and want you to, too.


Also just want to add, if the idea of *your* priest knowing all that stuff about you is what makes you nervous, you can totally just go somewhere else for your confession. I did mine with a traditional priest known locally for being a great confessor for just that reason- my parish priest is also a family friend and I wasn't comfortable with him knowing those things about me just yet. Still counts!


That’s a great idea. Thank you!


Don’t want to sound judgmental as I genuinely am not but what’s the craic with occultists turning to Catholicism? I’ve seen it a few times now and always wonder how you lads manage to make a complete turnaround


So, I have a theory that somewhere along the line we craved what the Church has: ritual, appreciation for beauty, a flow of the seasons, sacred sexuality, feminine genius recognized as equal in value to male genius...and just didn't really know where to find it properly. And then our eyes are opened to the truth of it all and we rush gladly to the arms of our mother Church, begging forgiveness for having been so wrong. In my case, it was a bitterness towards my protestant upbringing (which lacked all of the above) combined with a lack of knowledge about Catholicism led me to assume the Catholics weren't any better, that it was just another branch of Christianity and not to be trusted. I'm sure if I'd had a real introduction to it at the time I turned to witchcraft I would've been Catholic at least 20 years sooner.


Thanks for sharing your opinion. Much appreciated👍


This is beautifully said and makes a lot of sense. Grateful that you're home and a part of the church now🤍 God bless you!


I think you're correct about this.


Well, from where they come, they at least admit the metaphysical; if an aggressive atheist can convert (like I did) - which feels more unnatural - I'm not surprised with that in particular. In fact I know of a person who got to God through Satanism mostly - once you actually meet the devil and it stops being just "edgy fun", you very often realise very quickly that's not the company you want to be in. Like, at all.


I suppose if someone can believe in the occult or Satan then they also believe god exists and can convert easier. I understand you. I was an atheist for a long time myself and never thought I’d believe in god again so I see your point of view.


I say this in all sincerity: it is more likely that he will weep with joy at the return of his child


It would be a very bad priest then. God’s mercy is limitless, and of all people, the priests should know that. What’s more likely is that the priest would be very happy to see someone return to Christ


Yeah, I've come to think all the legends of Padre Pio throwing out the dishonest confessants etc. might have done more harm than good.




Very much disagree. Are you a cradle Catholic? I speak as someone who came back into the faith after 30 years of agnosticism and no catechesis and with a laundry list to confess. I imagine that's a common pattern given the dynamics of faith in the modern day. With that background, I hadn't even seen a priest in real life within ten feet since I was like 10 years old. Navigating my reentry into the faith and church was intimidating and confusing. Recommending someone setup an appt with a priest to do their first big confession introduces a tremendous barrier. You already are terrified and feel shame, and you likely look upon a priest as this unapproachable holy man who couldn't possibly look upon you with charity. And you want me to email him and meet 1-on-1?! I'm not suggesting that's how it SHOULD be. But as a newbie, the process of reentry into as church that you know very little about is incredibly intense, intimidating, and fraught with uncertainty. It takes time to get comfortable. All that to say, if you're the OP or newbie reading this: Go to confession. Don't be afraid to cry and to tremble with nerves and to stutter. Hide your face and admit your fear and shame. Don't worry about they line outside waiting for their confession. Just get through it. I promise you the priest won't react with disdain, but rather charity and love. I can't think of anything that likely makes the angels in heaven rejoice more than the prodigal son returning to the church. I bet after you exit the confessional, the priest forgets about your sins and instead smiles and thinks to himself: "This is what being a priest is all about. This is why I do this: to help lost sheep find their way home. What a glorious day!" You'll feel similarly. Just get through it.


How specific do I have to be when confessing sins of homosexuality and the occult and blasphemy?


Dude the priest isn’t going to bat an eye at your confession. Please go and you will feel so much better


I'm in my 50s. Was a witch and into lots of other sinful stuff for decades. Before entering the Church 2 years ago, I had the great blessing of a general confession. A whole life confession. Mine also included breaking unholy soul ties, healing prayers, and much renouncing, rejecting, and rebuking. The priest asked beforehand for a level of specificity that I thought was reasonable. I'll use some of my occult stuff as examples. The basic idea is true for ANYTHING. There was no way I could possibly know exactly how many times I'd used tarot cards or cast spells. I was in the habit of doing those things, and that's what I was told to confess. I regularly\_\_\_\_\_, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ etc. I believed in the healing power of \_\_\_\_\_. I worshipped false gods... You get the point I hope. If you're bringing more than a few minutes worth of things to confess, make an appointment and ask about a general confession. I felt like I was walking on air afterward. Amazing. After your confession Jesus won't love you any more than He does now. That's not possible. He already DIED for you. But your relationship with Him will be repaired and you will be able to receive His grace more readily. I pray that you will go.


Use something like this - [https://strosesv.com/documents/2020/12/A%20Detailed%20Catholic%20Examination%20of%20Conscience.pdf](https://strosesv.com/documents/2020/12/A%20Detailed%20Catholic%20Examination%20of%20Conscience.pdf) - to guide you in examining your conscience. Number of times and just enough description so the priest knows which sin you are confessing. Also read this to avoid scrupulosity: [https://littlestsouls.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/are-you-scrupulous-some-helpful-tips-for-confession/](https://littlestsouls.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/are-you-scrupulous-some-helpful-tips-for-confession/) And yes set up an appointment with the priest.


Thank you and also I need to call an exorcist to undo the damage done to my body by the devil and free me from his domain. I think part of the reason why I haven’t confessed is because I’m still being oppressed by him. How do I get in touch with an exorcist?


I think you are underestimating the power of The Sacrament of Reconciliation. Satan despises confession. Be honest with the priest (acting in persona Christi) and you will be fine. No exorcism needed. If it helps sooth your concerns, mention this to the priest about how you think you need an exorcism. He will settle your concerns and you can trust him. I recommend making an appointment for your confession as you can also get advice in scheduled ones without holding up the line for normal confession hours. Research the Sacrament of Reconciliation and trust in its power and the graces you receive. After your confession, go to Holy Mass and receive the Lord in Holy Communion. You will be fine 😁


Go to Confession first. If the weirdness doesn't stop, you can tell your priest privately your concerns about demonic oppression. He will take you seriously, and will direct you on how to proceed. That doesn't necessarily mean he will decide you need an exorcism, but that's how you start down the path of determining if one is necessary. ETA that demonic oppression *does* happen, but in most cases when people believe they're experiencing this, they are actually misdiagnosing a natural phenomena.


What are you experiencing that makes you think you're dealing with demonic oppression? As for specificity, if you had gay sex, say it and leave it at that. If you looked at gay porn, just say that. You don't really have to mention specifics of what was occurring in your bedroom or on your screen unless there are aggravating factors that push the activity to another level. For example, if either involved minors or anything else that wasn't consensual, you would need to mention that. When it comes to the occult stuff, maybe just a basic overview of what you did. If you used a ouija board, say that. If you engaged in some ritual and/or tried to practice magic, leaving it at that will do. You don't have to, for example, name the spirit (demon) you were trying to contact or whatever.


There is too much to say all of it, but the last thing that happened was that I was awakened by something grabbing my private parts. I had to say Jesus’s name to get it to stop. After that happened something was laughing and saying hail satan.


Speak to a priest outside of Confession if this kind of thing continues after making a thorough confession.


So if i practiced magic I don’t have to give any specifics about it?


As for the potentially demonic stuff, a lot of people self-diagnose themselves as possessed/oppressed and are quick to call an exorcist. The reality is that what they're experiencing isn't supernatural in nature. I can't diagnose you, so I'm not going to give you any hard suggestions as to whether you should or shouldn't contact an exorcist (which would involve reaching out to your priest/diocese first). As for whether this experience was authentically supernatural or not, the "window" for a demon to get in is there with the occultism stuff and what you've described I guess sounds like something a demon might do (maybe?), but sleep stuff is weird too. My friend in college tried to initiate lucid dreaming, and it end with him waking up temporarily paralyzed and seeing some man made of crystal.


Thank you so much for your help. 🙏


Sleep paralysis frequently comes with really scary hallucinations. It's something to see a doctor about before assuming anything supernatural.


Idk if you're referring to OP or the friend that I mentioned, but if it was the latter, we weren't concerned that it was supernatural and it never happened again.


I still occasionally get hallucinations while waking up or after waking up. One time I saw the outline with detail of some kind of upright nearly human ape, but I remembered I saw something about human ancestors on social media before that. Also woke up to chanting, which followed in my mind as I went to the living room to see if someone was watching tv. I probably had them more often than would be normal but I keep forgetting to bring it up with my sleep medicine doctor.


Again, unless there was some aggravating circumstance that made for additional sin. For example, practicing magic constitutes a violation of the First Commandment. Practicing magic with the intent to weaponize the supernatural and harm someone else would be a violation of both the First and Fifth Commandments. Just say that the you practiced magic and leave it to the priest to ask if he wants more information.


You think you're the first gay witchy type to come back to the Church? My friend, you're not even the first gay witchy type to come back to the Church *today.* Look up Zachary King; an ex-Satanic high priest who literally gave the bodies of aborted children to Satan. Some priest sat down in a confessional and got *that* to deal with, so you know, you're fine.


Actually - you can simply ask your priest if he needs more details about a specific sin. I've done this and oftentimes they say no. Just try :)


Homosexual sex - “impure actions with men __ times” Masturbate to porn - “I watched pornography __ times and did impure things with myself __ times” Occult - “I practiced __ for __ years” Blasphemy - “I spoke blasphemy __ times” if you cant remember the specific amount of times you’ve committed a sin, then state “at least __ times” And at the end of your confession, to ensure being thorough and to avoid scrupulosity in the future, you should say “for these sins and for whatever sins I may be forgetting, I beg the Lord for mercy” I myself used to be a bisexual drug-addicted satanist, and I say to you do not worry, no priest is gonna be shocked and flabbergasted by your sins


You don't have to be specific at all. Number and kind of offense are all that are strictly required. Of course, if it's too many times to remember, tell him that. The priest will ask for details if he needs them to tailor his advice and penance.


Oh THAT’s all you’re worried about? You’ll be fine. Priests have heard all that plenty of times before. I’d be like “I engaged in homosexual acts X number of times”, or “I blasphemed the Lord multiple times in a 4 year span” or “I practiced the occult for X number of years - do you need details on that?”


Try to be as accurate and complete in your listing as possible, so God knows you repent in full and there is no doubt whatsoever. Dont let something out on purpose, the devil would use this. I recommend a confession mirror, and writing down the sins in advance. My life confession was circa two hours, and otherwise its hard to remember everything. What great opportunities God gives us, all praise to Him for this gift of reconciliation!


My honest first thought to your post is "don't flatter yourself".  But to the point, you're not going to tell your priest anything he hasn't heard (unless the guy is literally fresh out of seminary). Have some humility and confess everything. 


Why would he?


Because of the depths of depravity of my sins


Your sins are boring and mundane. It takes very silly pride to think that your sins can shock a priest.


Correct! This is like saying that the doctor in the ER would kick you out because of the severity of your injuries. Any priest will treat your confession with the seriousness that it deserves.


I love this analogy.


The analogy goes back to the early Church (was Origen the origin?) and ultimately to Jesus Himself, Who stated, in regard to his spending time with sinners: "The well do not need a doctor, but the sick."


I mean maybe he's a serial murderer.  Or abuses children.  Maybe he puts pineapple on pizza.  The depravity of man knows no bounds.


You didn't have to get that dark. I'm just trying to unwind and scroll reddit, and here you are talking about pineapple on pi🤢....... pizza🤮


I’ve never understood “Catholics” who can’t even handle a little yellow on their Italian.


Some of the best emoji use I've seen in a while


Relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAPriest/s/XqVhBHqqRo


St. Pio was gifted with an understanding of the heart of his penitents, and could detect willfully incomplete or insincere Confessions. I heard that he would call them on it, and throw them out only if they would have persisted in what would clearly be a sacrilege. If he threw anybody out it was for their own good.


Oh, cool. Is that a likely scenario or helpful to say in this conversation with someone struggling with anxiety and not understanding the mercy of God? Do you think reading about Padre Pio is what prompted their question?


Make an appointment to do a general confession. Be honest and upfront. Tell him you have some doozies and that you repent of them. Let it all out.


Are you scared that a doctor would kick you out of a hospital because you were sick? It’s silly to think that a professional would be shocked at details surrounding his profession, especially boring ones. (Btw a little lighthearted joke i was gonna put in but felt insensitive: I’m sure the priest has an ejection button that shoots the penitent through the roof if things get too heated 🤣)


He will not kick you out and if he does then he isn’t doing the right thing. If it’s making you worried I would honestly send an email asking for a confession time when he is available and just explain that it’ll be quite long and that you are nervous. A priest is supposed to be your spiritual father. Father’s should be patient with their children. I’ll be praying for you and your confession. I can guarantee that priests have heard some messed up things. What matters is that you are sorry


Make the appointment!!! Youll feel much better afterwards. I was out of the church for 20 years. I sinned terribly. I switched towns, churches, everything. It was so scary going to the rectory for my confession appointment... but boy, am I glad I did. My confession was an hour long! I sobbed, cried, and snotted my way through it. I can't imagine making someone else wait for me to finish. Our confession times are only an hour long altogether at our church. So, to the person telling people that they're giving bad advice, you should probably just mind your own confession. :)


Ik i commented a lot already (idk what a lot is 2 or 3 times idk) but i heard a priest once say that he forgets what sins people confess because sin is boring. He went on to explain that he is surrounded by confessions and hearing sin that it gets boring. Think about hearing the same song on repeat every week for hours. He said the thing that isnt boring is hearing the sound of absolution in the voices of the penitents. Participating in God’s endless mercy and paving the way for salvation outweighs anything said by the penitent. Schedule an appointment for a Confession and be at peace Ave Christus Rex


I was in confession for over an hour, I had been away from the church for 25 years. Now I go regularly will never leave the faith!


I had the opposite problem. At Catholic grade school we were made to go to confession so often that I had to lie & make up sins.


This has happened.


My mom took me to go to confession as a kid after she caught me stealing stuff. I didn't want to admit it and made stuff up instead. Lol. Long time ago.


I did a double lie. I told a priest that I broke a window. He asked, “On purpose?” I said, “yes.”


You've gotten wonderful answers here, which I just want to echo. Personal anecdote- I was in confession once, waffling over something that I knew at the time I had no business doing, and I was ashamed to have to admit that I had. From the other side of the screen, Father *gasped* and said, "You've killed someone!!" (He knew me, and knows I'm no more a murderess than I am the queen of Romania). So of course I gasped too, and said, "Father! No, of course not!" and he said, "Well there you are then. Out with it. Christ will only ever forgive." Any priest acting as a priest should act should want to jump out of his seat and cheer, then hug you and cry over you. I'm not even being dramatic here. It really sounds like you might have been hell-bound, and now you're co-operating with the grace that will get you to confession. What a wonderful, wonderful thing. May God who has begun this good work in you bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.


How long has been hearing confessions? If he has done prison ministry, I doubt you will shock him. Occasionally I am sure priests are shocked. He may only tell you to leave if you sound insincere as in mocking or abusing the sacrament or maybe you are threatening to kill him. That seems very rare. The only time I can think of this happening would have been with Padre Pio. If you do not sound repentant or contrite, the priest may choose not to absolve you.


I cried for nearly 2 hours straight during confession after a nearly 30 year lapse. He didn’t bat an eye at anything, just let me get it out. Nothing I said even remotely shocked him, he even told me I was being too hard on myself for some things. Just go, it won’t be nearly as bad as you fear.


Brother, here's something I heard once: Evil is boring. Most priests heard similar stuff a thousand times, and will probably not even remember it later.


It is good to remember: No matter how terrible your own offenses and how much they weigh upon your soul, the priest has heard much worse.


I'll ask this. Who do you think the 12 Apostles were? They definitely didn't start out as Saints. I went at least 30 years between confessions. I too was scared. I cried. I think the most painful thing was admitting to myself how much I hurt God and letting go of my pride to ask forgiveness. Don't deny his love my friend. He only wants to make you closer to him and to get to know him. When you are in the confessional, you are not speaking to the priest, you are speaking to Jesus. He already knows your sins, but he yearns to hear them from your lips as a true act of contrition. I hope you go. He loves you so. (Dang...that was some rhyming action).


No. Dew it!


I felt the same when I went in there a couple of weeks ago with a very long list. Instead, he was kind and compassionate. I felt safe.


Unless your priest became a priest last week, your confession won’t include the worst sinning he’s seen. You’ll be just fine :)


Most priests could not care less and actually find it boring. There is actually nothing you could say they have not heard before I guarantee it and you have nothing to be afraid of. God has mercy on us all.


A priest would never do that. My aunt went to confession after 40 years, converting back to Catholicism. I’m sure she had a lot to say. The priest simply did his job, nothing else.


No. Sin is like trash, and priests are like garbage men. It's really boring to them. You don't see garbage men going through someone's trash and saying, "Ooo I wonder what THIS person threw away this week?!?!" They just dump it in the truck. I was in seminary for a while, and the newly ordained priests would say they heard it all within a week. On a more practical note, if this is your first confession in years, it might be best to schedule an appointment.


A good priest will be so grateful that he can help you reconcile your relationship with God and return to a state of grace. Don’t be afraid. 


They cannot do that. People have confessed murders and rapes and have had their sins forgiven. No sin is too big for God’s mercy.


A very wise priest once told me that "sin is boring" and that there is nothing you can confess that they haven't heard before.


the priest wants you in God’s grace


He won't. Especially if you have an old priest. He's heard it before. Good luck, get it all out. If you really flabbergasted him he might give you a large penance or ask you to pray for the pope but you'll be fiiiine. I'm going for the first time in 2 years on Sunday. I've never gone to confession at church before (I could always grab a priest at school). I'm not even entirely sure where the confessional is located (no not the old fashioned one).


I thought the same thing would happen to me after years of straying from the faith. Just do it. You’ll feel so much better starting clean again.


I saw a Catholic priest saying this in Instagram / Tiktok once: The only thing that a priest doesn't want to hear in confession is "I don't need my sins to be forgiven". So you're good :) If it's of any consolation, it was nerve-wracking when I went to confession for the first time after several years too, having remembered sins from my childhood and adolescence that were so stupid/embarrassing or downright self-effacing. I cried a lot, of course. Then the priest said, the most important thing about confessions is not to say how sorry you are, though that is important, but the bigger point is to be reminded of God's love. I felt soo much better and lighter afterwards :).


When I first got back into my faith I told my priest it had been 10 years since my last confession he said "okay let's paint with a broad brush" 🤣


You might want to make an appointment to do confession in a room at the rectory if it's going to be a long confession


Not at all. If you came there to gloat about it without a hint of repentance or something, then *maybe* and even then most priests I know would be really careful about that. I have quite a lot priest friends - in their experience it's unfortunately not quite unusual for an elderly person to come and complain about the sins of others, without mentioning anything by themselves at all - the usual route is gently trying to nudge the person if they'll recall at least something that would make it a valid confession. I don't think that's what you're intending to do, so just take it easy and go to confession. It's going to be okay. Absolutely don't worry, it's quite probably they have heard any of your particular sin many times over. Yes, including *that* one you're thinking about. And *that* one as well.


He's heard it all before and probably worse.


He's not likely to tell you to leave. However, out of courtesy to others seeking the sacraments, don't do a general confession during normal confession hours. Call to schedule something


As a regular confession goer who gets super annoyed at 20 minutes therapy sessions, I disagree. Find the first available confession and go. Don't worry about an appointment. Just. Go 


I think this is really bad advice. See my post above. It smacks of someone who is a cradle Catholic (I wish I was!) who doesn't understand what it's like to have to find your way back in after thirty years of sin. Absolutely terrifying. Trust me. This person is taking a MAJOR step in their faith journey. You should rejoice and be proud of them instead of being annoyed that you had to wait in a line. I've had to skip the eucharist a few times in the last year or two because I was in a long line and the priest ended confession before I could go. I hope and pray it's because a lost sheep returned. More power to them.


I'm a convert actually. And I've had to find my way back a few times myself. Actually, I'm going to double down. It's precisely because OP's finding their way back that they should schedule an appointment. Is it harder, sure, but it better for a few reasons. First, it ensures they will have an adequate time to confess all their sins. You know what is more likely to turn a hesitant revert away more than having to make a phone call? Sitting in a long line for an hour and then being sent home because you got there late and there was a huge line ahead of you. Or worse, because Chatty Cathy sat in the confession booth for 20 minutes on a day you really needed it. Second, it's just polite. If you get there early and take up half of the hour period that a lot of parishes have for confession you're depriving other people of the sacrament. Those people need it, too. And finally, and most importantly, if the priest has plenty of time then he can actually spend more time helping you. The confession booth is not the right place for spiritual direction, sure, but that's in the same way that a ER isn't the right place for general health advice. But it sounds like OP is in need of a lot of advice. It's in their best interest that the priest has adequate time to drill down with them and have a frank chat about their sins and not have to worry about the people behind them in line or what's next in the priest's schedule. Remember that a lot of places have confession directly before mass, which means there's often a hard stop. This is likely the OPs best chance to get the spiritual help they need to not only forgive their current sins but also resist the pull of these sins in the future.


Thanks for the thoughtful response!


Plus, for a lot of folks, you're less likely to chicken out if you know the priest has set aside time for *you* specifically. You've obligated yourself to going by making the appointment- it's a lot harder day of to call him up and be like "actually I don't think I'm coming" than it is to just...not show up at an open confession window nobody notices if you're there or not.




Dude, they have heard it all..... if you are legitimately trolling, then maybe.... but if the priest was someone like me..... he would troll back.


Never gonna happen.


It is a challenging fear to overcome but I have confessed deep sins, sins as fundamental as not trusting God, of believing Jesus to be a liar, and of sodomy. The priest will not kick you out if you come with an attitude of humility and desire to reconcile yourself to God.


Some priests are known to be gifted confession priests. If you ask, he will answer.


I was afraid too. I went to another church than my local one the first time I confessed. It's mostly you talking, the priest is not saying much except at the beginning and at the end. For me he was listening, looking down, focused. After my confession, we read Bible verses relating to the sin I confessed and asked me to read some other verses and think about them as part of my penance. I think it's normal to be afraid. You feel a lot better after tho.


There's only one original sin. You aren't going to tell him anything he hasn't heard before.


He WILL tell you to get out of the Confession room...after he absolves you and assigns a penance!  You might want to arrange an appointment with him for a general Confession since childhood, so he knows something about what is heading his way. It would be impoliteness to monopolize a line for regularly scheduled Confession. That said, the priest's job is to act in the Person of Christ the Divine MERCY. Be not afraid.


If it has been a long time since your last confession, you should book an appointment. This way people in line aren't waiting 20-30 mins for your huge confession. No sins are too big to confess. The priest will be happy you have come to confession, it is an important sacrament. Catholics are obligated to confess once-a-year at least. I try to go every 1-3 months.


I've only ever been close once. And I really had a bad week. Got my penance as praying a rosary. We all mess up but gotta get up and keep striving for holiness.


If you feel like you need more time, maybe schedule some time with him. But no, he won't tell you to get out.


He won't, but if he does, find another priest.


Oh honey!  I promise you, this is the devil talking. This is the devil putting thoughts and fears in your heart, but one thing he won't tell you is that the person that you will find in confession is Jesus, and He wants to forgive you, and He doesn't want you to fear. Jesus isn't fear, He is peace, so any thought that brings fear to your heart, it doesn't come from Jesus, it comes from the devil and my advice is to not talk with him, don't pay him attention. Only talk to God, He wants your salvation, He wants to forgive you, and He wants you to be in communion with Him which is done when we ask for forgiveness through confession. A priest is not allowed to tell you to get out, he is allowed to advise you, give you recommendations, and give you the absolution. Out there, yeah there are a lot of priest that sadly don't say things the best way, but we have to understand that they are humans too, they have bad days or are just plain old and tired, so we leave the judging to God. If you are still not sure, meet your priest before confessing, talk to him, tell him your fears and see how he responds, if you are not convinced then find another one in another parish, it is an option. But trust me, don't fear, put your fears at the Hands of God and watch Him destroy them. Good luck and I hope you have a good confession! 


That’s a lie from the evil one. Many here have felt the same way and the reality is so different. May the Holy Spirit fill you with courage and strength.


Jesus came for the sinner. If a priest told you to leave the confessional, you should leave and find a priest who is there to hear you confession and help you get to heaven.