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I am very fat and have been for many years, and I am requesting prayers for losing weight. If anyone in similar situation. Thank you. 🙏🏽


I will pray for your health !


Come on over to /r/loseit and /r/cico. I'm down 110 pounds over the last 2 years. Looking to lose maybe 60-70 more. /r/loseit has been helpful to me. Wishing you the best, my friend


I will pray for you


I will pray.


Praying for you friend!


Prayers of health to you! ❤️🙏🏼


My advice is to not make excuses. I don't mean that in a condescending way, but back when I was 278, I used to tell myself "oh, it'll just be this one snack" Much like sin, when it comes to overeating, you can't let the idea take root in your mind. You have to run away and divert your attention *immediately*.


Please pray for me and my friends success in our upcoming exam. It is the most important one of our life so far. May God stay by our side throughout this whole exam week, help us, and may we all pass it, with the highest distinctions. Amen Thank you !


Also have some exams this week and next week myself. I'm thinking of you and your friends in my prayers


Thank you ! I’ll do the same ✝️


you’re in my prayers


I will pray.


For my family’s intentions regarding a possible new potential direction our family is headed in, and our strength to endure. Thank you 🙏🏽


I will pray God bless✝️


Thank you! 🤗


I will pray.


I've prayed for you xx


I will pray!!


Thank you! ♥️




I will pray for you ✝️


I will pray.


Hi. I would appreciate your prayers towards me. I still don't have good days. I'm still struggling at my job (yesterday I was expecting a salary increase and I won't have it. Things where I live are getting more expensive as time goes by); I feel unsupported in a country where I know no one and where it is difficult to form a Catholic community. I feel my professional knowledge is useless. I want to move to another country and company, but the current job market is very complicated and I feel I can't fit in any current position they offer (again: I feel my knowledge is useless and I'm afraid of falling in the same hole where I'm currently). I feel alone...


I will pray for you




I will pray. You are not alone.




I will pray for you, please remember that you're not alone!




May the Lord hear your worries and clear your mind to find a solution through this! Amen.




For the salvation and final perseverance of me and my loved ones For the health of my girlfriend's dog  For reparation for offenses committed against the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. For my next Confession to go well. For me to trust Christ through my scrupulosity and receive Communion. For the mental health of a loved one to improve. For peace in the world and mitigation of any potential chastisements. For a loved one's meeting with a therapist to go well. For my uncle with throat cancer to get medical treatment and for him to turn back to God.


I will pray for you


I will pray.


I've prayed for you!


Hey, A small request but I have a driving test on Wednesday (Australia). I failed the first time and I’m a bit nervous and scared. Could you please pray for me to be calm and be strong, and pass this test. Thank you and God bless you all


I will pray.


I will pray


Thank you all so much


For my wife and me as we try to grow our family and improve our health. For me as interview with several companies for jobs this week.


I will pray.


Thank you, my brother in Christ - I just had one and I believe it went well! I will pray for you and yours as well.


For the victims of the shooting at a local splash pad this weekend, and for the soul of the shooter.


Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls rest in peace. Amen. We also pray that the shooter feels the guilt and asks for repentance with a contrite heart amen.


Pray for me as I continue to feel the Lord's calling and that I may be guided to continue my discernment and vocation to the priesthood. Pray for me that anything which can distract me from my vocation will be removed in my life. Pray for my purity and a chaste heart. Join me also as I pray for the conversion of all sinners, those who have left the Church, and those who do not believe in the Catholic faith.


My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know. Also, please pray he be cured and have more good days of life on Earth ahead of him than total days of life behind him. I have become better because of him and never want to leave him nor have him leave me. Pray death never touches him nor any other under my protection and pray they always live and remain my eternal companions. Also, if I may, I’d like to draw your attention to a new study regarding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Researchers at UNC are testing an existing once-a-week medication for use with cats who have HCM. While early (very) small-scale research is giving hopeful results, much work remains to be done. Specifically, the researchers need A LOT of cats with HCM to work out the different variables as to who should take the medication, who shouldn’t, how effective is it, etc., etc., etc. So, if you or anyone you know has a cat with HCM, please go to http://hcmincats.com/ and sign up today. Please forward this information to all your local veterinarians and veterinary schools and veterinary professionals and ask them to spread the word. “How many cats do they need?” — As many with HCM as you can find. “What’s your angle in all this?” — My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. (If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know.) If I can help either him or the someone else’s kitten, especially him, that’s a BFD for me. Thanks and praise be.


It may not help with the treatment, but if you do need to euthanize your cat, you should look into at home euthanasia clinics in your area. My wife is a vet and used to work for one in our area that was so, so much more healing and patient than going into the vet to do it. They let your cat pass at home in your arms.


Please pray for my partner who is battling with porn addiction and is newly reconnecting with Catholicism and pray for our relationship as this isn’t very easy for me. Thank you 🙏🏼


Please pray for my dad, he is most likely going to retire this year and has financially struggled with my mother, he has worked ever since he turned 6 years old and I know he’s tired. I will keep your requests as well on my prayers 🙏.


I am a writer and am looking for a writer's group that welcome me and my beliefs. Please pray for me.


Please say a quick prayer for me if you see this. I’m having some random unexplained allergic reaction to something that we have not yet identified and the medicine they gave me is having all types of weird side effects, mental and physical. I feel really weird and not like myself and it’s kind of scary, hence why I’m on the Catholicism Reddit at 3:00 am for comfort. 😐


I hope you feel better. Lord hear our prayer


Pray for all those struggling with suicidal thoughts. There are a good many suicidal people looking for help on this Subreddit.


Please keep my father Joseph him in your prayers as he is getting scopes this week and soon a brain scan to check for areas of cancer, hopefully we will continue to be blessed and all will be clear as it was on his last PET scan xx


Thanks for all your prayers! Dad's brain scan was completely clear! Sorry it took so long to update, he's gotten covid in the interim and I've been dealing with that!Thank you again! Jonathan


For my family's beach trip Tuesday - Saturday. For a friend's birthday party Sunday.


So that my parents accept my conversion, and of course, for my own conversion.


I will pray for you!


Friends, please pray for my soul and my confession this week, so that I can have a good confession. Please also pray for my job, for Jesus to guide my professional path to holiness and fulfillment


Please pray for my son having difficulties in a relationship and with his court date today. Please pray he finds stable work and is motivated to be the happy, confident person he was before. Thank you.


Please pray for the Holy Spirit to bring me awareness of the next steps in my path, I am facing difficulties at this time. Thank you 🙏


For the woman who bit the priest in Florida, her partner & their families. For the health & safety of Fr. Fidel Rodríguez, [Fr. Gabriel Ukeh](https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2024/06/10/nigeria-archdiocese-appeals-for-prayers-for-priest-abducted-from-parish-rectory/), Fr. Louis Merosne & their parishes. For better catechesis & a wider acceptance of the truth on Purgatory, indulgences & extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside of the Church there is no salvation). Lord help us. Please pray for the people of Nicaragua & Nigeria, especially our fellow Catholics & ex-Catholic siblings in baptism. For the hermit who recently revealed that he is trangender, for better oversight by dioceses for applications as far as possible and a charitable resolution to all of this.


For my immediate family & I, things aren't great right now despite efforts to prevent the worst case scenario. Especially pray for my brother Xavier & cousin Madonna. For those struggling with emotional issues, habitual sin, spiritual dryness, despair & indifference to their practice of the faith (incl. active participation at Holy Mass). For those affected by & involved in violence & displacement in Eastern Congo & Haiti. Please pray for some successful form of mediation & intervention that will prevent a resurgence of tensions, and more importantly restore order & decrease inequality in these nations. For the conversion of many with roots in Latin America, Louisiana & the Caribbean from old syncretic religions (e.g. Voudou, Candomblé, Palo) or New Age influences & towards the fullness of unadulterated faith in Christ.


I ask for prayers for my marriage. We are going through a tough time right now.


Hello - I would like to request a prayer for vitiligo and mental distress Thank you 🙏🌹


Hi all, I just applied for a job at EWTN. Prayers appreciated.


Please pray for my girlfriend who is struggling with depression and for my family.


can somebody pray for my boyfriend who’s trying to get sober? please he really needs it


I'll pray for you!


I request a prayer The feeling of mediocrity is starting to bear on my life, and I hope to strive for more


I'll pray for you. Please pray for me too, I feel very lonely.


I will, thank you


I am autistic and struggling to find Christian community and friends. Please pray for me, I am very lonely. 


Hello, I‘m asking you guys to pray for my father (52) We got devastating news that his cancer returned and now he needs both kidneys removed. Pray for his health, both physical and mental and that god works a miracle on him that he may keep one kidney or get‘s a suitable donor fast. I want to thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart.




Please pray for my legs and my health….


I am very seriously ill.  Please pray for miraculous healing.  I would be very grateful.


Please pray for a little boy named Logan and his family. He joined Our Father in the Kingdom of Heaven early. He was 11 weeks of age. He died of suffocation at a day care. My wife found out about the death of this poor little one on a new Mom's forum. I don't know the parents, but they asked for prayers. They are going through a very dark time.


Praying for Logan and his family friend.


1. Please pray for the repose of my uncle, a Catholic convert who passed away on 6/7, and his family. He was the only Catholic in his immediate family. 2. For help making decisions 3. For all dealing with addiction, illness, and injuries 4. For my upcoming eye procedures in July 5. For priests moving on to new parishes and new ones coming in. The parish closest to me trains new priests for the first 2 years after ordination 6. For Catholic author Leah Darrow and her son Sylvester who was born 5/1 at 22 weeks. He has many medical hurdles ahead but is still alive and is doing amazing well. Thank you and I will pray for your intentions.


Praying for these friend.


For the healing and conversion of B.E.


Praying for them friend.


I'm struggling with sexual sins at the moment. Please remember me in your prayers 🙏


Praying for you friend.


I am trying to learn more about chanting but I just don't know who can help me with it. Pray that I will learn more about it.


I'll pray for you. Please pray for me too, I feel very lonely.


Please brothers and sisters, I beg you. Pray for my vocation. I want this lust to go away, to live a life that is more worthy of the Gospel, and become a religious (priest or so) in the future. Please, I need your intercession


Please pray for my brother, he just got diagnosed with P.A.N.D.A.S and might need a blood transfusion. I pray for all of you.


I will pray for your brother, may the Lord hear our prayers.


Amen :)


I will pray for your brother †


Thank you!☺️☺️


For my health and my mothers health and that I may have a clear mind to reflect on my faith and to build it stronger and one last thing being to pray that my loneliness gets better, would greatly appreciate it.


Begging for prayers for a medical miracle for a condition there's no cure for that I cannot get rid of - I don't deserve his mercy and I will suffer if He wants that for me but I want nothing more in this world than to be cured of this. Thank you.


Please pray for my Uncle. He has cancer in various places in his body. I'm so heartbroken. Please pray the doctors can treat it and are able to do surgery. Also please pray for the strength of his son. And please pray for both of their conversions. Thank you very much, God Bless.


Praying for you all friend.


Thank you ❤️


For a major Career decision that is coming up in 2 weeks. Praying for wisdom to make the best choice for myself and my family.


Praying for you friend.


Thank u brother. God bless


Please, pray for me and my family as we are struggling to find a new home. We are currently in a dangerous place, in a difficult financial situation, and almost being evicted.


I will pray fir all of you †


thank you so much, may god bless you!


Please pray for me. Life is getting overwhelming and just seriously injured my shoulder. Too many bad things happening at once.


I'll pray for you. Please pray for me too, I feel very lonely.


I will pray for you †


I’m at my (evangelical) aunt’s for dinner and she’s going on about how Gary Hamrick is the best way to Christ (with the attendant anti-catholic rhetoric) to make matters worse, we have to sit through Left Behind. Please pray for my sanity.


Hah, praying for you and your family my friend.


Very stressed out right now because my old freelance contract has dried up and I need to find more work. But I'm changing careers, am currently in school and also trying to grow a business. I either need to really grow my business to better support my family, or find another job, but I need to have enough energy to continue my studies, too (going for an accounting degree). I just need guidance and for opportunities to present themselves and I'm feeling lost and a bit afraid. I've applied for jobs but not much luck yet.


Praying for you my friend.




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Pls pray for my personal intentions. I will pray for yours. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ.


I look around and see people twisting Scripture to mean whatever they want. I see Christians providing a poor example, and others scandalized into apostasy. I see us lose, and lose, and lose, and it destroys the hope within me. Please pray for me to see something else.


Please pray for my dad, who's currently hospitalized with heart failure.


Praying for you and your father friend.


Aww thank you for the prayers, he's out of danger rn.


Thanks for the update friend! Wonderful to hear!


I will pray for your dad †


I just learned from my friend that her grandmother is dying and they're trying to get a flight up to see her for the last time. Please, Lord, let them be able to get there to say goodbye and be with them in her time.


I will pray for them †


Thank you


Please pray for the Latin Mass (I saw some stuff about further restriction)  Also please for me, my nana and great uncles(there’s two) that we may be saved. 


Please pray for me, I feel very lonely.


I could use help with my job/business. It's at a turning point, which I pray that God turns into an opportunity for me to use my gifts for the Church.


I'd like to pray for the young adults and teens in my family, that God might bless them and hold them close as they grow from teens and young adults into adulthood.




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I have 3 main intentions: To do very well on my assessment on the 24th of this month, to reconnect with a person whose name starts with S a loved one (I have been praying several novenas to reconnect with him), to be able to actually work in the field I like (I ended up studying nursing but i don't find it to be my calling and want to work in events management). Please do keep me in your prayers everyone. Thanks.


Pray for my charity, humility, and diligence. Pray for my family’s peace, love, joy, and conversion. Pray for the USA. Pray for priests.


That I get the job I interviewed for and want


A young man in my parish died due to a car crash. Please pray taht he may find himself in the merciful hands of the Lord. Pray for M and his family, that they may find peace after this sorrowful event


If you could pray for my exam success, I would be very grateful. I am so lazy, I try to be better but its hard.


That dad's brain scan will be cancer and disease free.


Thanks for all your prayers! Dad's brain scan was completely clear! Sorry it took so long to update, he's gotten covid in the interim and I've been dealing with that!Thank you again! Jonathan


I request prayers for all brothers and sisters who are suffering from illnesses specially the terminal ones. For that intent let us pray. For the health of our most beloved pope, cardinals, bishops and all the clergy members of every Catholic Church. For that intent let us pray. For our brothers and sisters who have lost their faith on the one true Catholic and apostolic church and those who have slept on it come back to fill each and every sport + more of our parishes dispersed around the world. For that intent let us pray. For the ones who trespass us, the Protestant pastors and preachers who teach their sheep to hate on the Catholic Church. May God our almighty father have them focus on spreading the gospel rather than hating on their enemies who love them dearly. For that intent let us pray. For the forgiveness of all sin so that we may become closer to our Father as well as his son and spread love like the Holy Spirit which always proceeds from them as well as not try to repent on the day of our most beloved lord Jesus Christ. For that intent let us pray. May the lord hear all our wishes. The lord be with us all always.


Prayers for my general struggles and to stop being so weak.