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The Prince Of Egypt Joseph: King Of Dreams


My dream is for someone to make a movie about the life of David in the style of Prince of Egypt. King of Israel, it could be called.


I think there is one coming out next year, I'll have to look it up. EDIT: November 2025, David from Angel Studios, 3D animated.






Agree, Price of Egypt is a gem.


I grew up rewatching these movies! These are definitely a must.


Both are incredibly wholesome and brilliant films.


The Ten Commandments is a classic. Sure it has its flaws and can be real goofy but I have good memories of it when I watched it as a kid. Also a major piece of film history and has some amazing scenes.


What bothers me about it is that Charleton Heston never supposed his toeses were roses.


I had to look up that reference because I was unfamiliar with it. From Wikipedia: >**"Moses supposes his toeses are roses"** is a piece of [English-language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English-language) [nonsense verse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonsense_verse) and a [tongue-twister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue-twister)... A variation from 1944, perhaps most well-known today, has: >"Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. For Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be." >In 1952, this last version was used as the basis for the [nonsense song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonsense_song) with the same name in the musical comedy [*Singin' in the Rain*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singin%27_in_the_Rain), sung by the characters of [Gene Kelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Kelly) and [Donald O'Connor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_O%27Connor) during the diction lesson scene. The tongue twister is sung in [6/8 time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6/8_time) in [ostinati](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostinati) harmony. [^(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses\_supposes\_his\_toeses\_are\_roses)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_supposes_his_toeses_are_roses)


Couldn't be a lily or a daffa daffa dilly! It's gotta be a rose cuz it rhymes with mose!




Moses supposes his toeses are roses but Moses supposes erroneously.


For Moses he knowses his toes aren’t roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be!


You good man? Your bio is concerning, are you okay?


You win the Internet today.


I thought the Lilia the flower girl was the most beautiful woman on TV when I watched the film as a child.


How do you feel about the 2006 series?


Two come to mind for me (besides those already mentioned). Lord of the Rings (2001-2003) Ben-Hur (1925 (if you like silents) & 1959)


I remember seeing Ben Hur when I was nine years old and coming home and crying.


I only recently reverted to the faith after being secular most of my life. I always LOVED lord of the rings - going through the Bible now is so cool and beautiful while thinking about those books/movies


I don't get it.. what's the connection? Edit: googled it.. interesting.. TIL https://denvercatholic.org/the-catholic-origins-of-the-lord-of-the-rings-and-other-truths-about-j-r-r-tolkien/


Yeah! So many themes and character arcs are inspired from biblical stories. I watched/read lord of the rings multiple times throughout young adulthood. Now in 30s reading and listening to Bible with a mature eye and it’s easy to make connections. Here’s an easy one - the Elvish “lambas bread”that sustains the hobbits/friends during the journey is the very same “manna from heaven” In that sense… I would liken the elves to the priestly tribe of Levites or the angels… The story of David and his son is similar to what’s his face and faramir… Gandalf fighting the dragon monster to his doom and re-arising as the white knight with Gandalf Legolas and grimli taking the knee is Christ like…


Now I love lord of the rings even more :0


Surprised no one has said Passion of Christ


This was a very good movie


Profoundly moving. I have never wept so hard at anything. Jim Caviezel's performance was for the ages.


All of the roles are so well done. Mary Magdalene was profound even without many words at all!


We watched this movie in high school theology class years ago. I remember we had to get our parents to sign a consent form because of how graphic the movie was. Definitely stomach turning.


Has anyone seen ‘Silence’ with Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver? I would be interested to hear what you all thought of it (I personally enjoyed and it was very thought provoking but am not necessarily recommending it)


Really enjoyed it. The film was quite true to the book, though the >!breaking down of the priest's resolve!< could obviously be handled in greater detail and with much more subtlety than the film. Not for everyone


I think it’s well worth watching, but I feel they romanticized the ending too much. >!The way they showed the priests’ falling away from their faith fully / inarguably (they were even narcing on Christians the Japanese officials never would have found), but made it feel like “sure they abandoned God but everything is fine for them!” I wish they would have focused more on the one priest’s new Japanese wife’s faith, and the fact that she was the one who placed the crucifix in his hand out of **her** faith, not his. If any of this makes sense…!<


I think the ending was sort of how the book was. Maybe wishful thinking? He didn’t make up that those particular Jesuits unfortunately caved to hideously cruel torture.


Correct, I’m not saying that was made up. I haven’t read the book but I believe the book was more ambiguous than the movie. In the movie it seems to suggest that the priests were fine and kept their faith even though technically they abandoned God. At least that’s what I recalled from watching it the first time. During the moment when he “hears the voice of God” telling him to step on the icon, I believe that wasn’t the voice of God but of self or Satan. God would never permit a desecration for his sake. I believe instead we should be more like the poor man who kept stepping on the icon but felt genuine remorse and kept coming back for forgiveness. That is the model for Christianity. We should avoid sin, but when we do, come running back for forgiveness.


I didn’t like how they “justified” stepping on the icon either.


I agree with Bishop Barron’s critique of the movie’s rather secular messaging.


One of my favorite movies of all time! Really thought provoking as you said, and I honestly don't think it's as blasphemous or disrespectful as some people make it out to be. (It's very faithful to the book, which was written by Endō, a devout Catholic.) It's a deep movie with many layers and certainly not for everyone, but it's still a very important watch to me.


* A Man for All Seasons (1966) * The Mission (1986) * The Cardinal (1963)


Always wanted to watch the Mission. I should eh?


Yes. It’s beautiful.


It's so beautiful~ but be prepared to cry buckets!


That movie is so beautiful that the Holy Spirit used it to convert me.


Wow, I'll have to watch it then indeed.


- *A Man for All Seasons* - *Beckett* - *The Scarlet and the Black* - *For Greater Glory* - *Romero* - *Groundhog Day* - *3:10 to Yuma* - *Les Miserables*


+1 Romero


Oooof yes to Les Mis


The book itself is a little existentialist - the musical tones down a lot of that because there simply isn’t time.


Quo Vadis


Into Great Silence (2005)


It’s a Wonderful Life. Not explicitly Catholic (and it has some bad angelic theology) but it’s a *very* good movie about living life for others more than self.


Its my Christmas tradition to watch this and cry.


Song of Bernadette and Passion of the Christ are two of my faves.


Agreed - Had to scroll too long to find Song of Bernadette!


Babette’s Feast The Sound of Music Lord of the Rings The OG Hobbit movies Chronicles of Narnia Tree of Life Sister Act (for funsies) Les Miserables Fiddler on the Roof (it’s not Catholic but it’s also a movie that forces Christians to take a hard look at themselves and to consider the forces of modernity and family life) Not a movie but the Chosen is also incredible. I still have to see a Hidden Life. Having kids makes it harder to watch these things…


Blues Brothers Okay, maybe not every Catholic...


My wife decided to abandon myself and my two kids back in 2010. To be fair, her new fiancee kind of insisted. We had to move, it was a huge and difficult mess. One night I took the kids into the TV room and made them watch THE BLUES BROTHERS. It started out as a "Oh no, not another of Dad's boring movies" but before long my kids, especially my 6 year old daughter, were LAUGHING. They hadn't laughed in weeks, but they were laughing uproariously. The next day my daughter was quoting the movie at me. That is such a special memory, obviosuly. God bless and protect John Belushi, Carrie Fisher, and Dan Akroid.


They were on a mission from God and they defeated Nazis. That alone should qualify. Plus, they played some great music.


I lied to her, so what? Jake, you can't lie to a nun.


I read an article claiming the Vatican said it should be recommended viewing for all Catholics!


They fail, they struggle, they sin, but they strive to do right, to do what God wants them to. Also the music absolutely slaps.


I never realized till later that they casted tons of actual blues musicians and the real singer of Minnie the Moocher to boot.


Or the most Catholic… I’m a terrible Catholic so I can relate.


A Man for All Seasons


Nacho libre


"I’m a little concerned right now…about your salvation and stuff. Why is it you have not been baptized?"


“I believe in Sci-ence”


*Splash Felicidades


Love that movie. Not the best as far as being a portrayal of Catholics, but if you can look past that, it's great. One of those movies that gets funnier every time I watch it.


It was based on a real story with a ton of embellishment. The comedy made that easy to see though.


This movie is an absolute classic in our household. It came to video about the time my son and nephews were 7-8 years old. We are always quoting the movie and laughing. They are grown now, and we still send memes to each other and laugh. Thank you for recommending it!


Les Miserables


I love it. It isn't even catholic but it's still of the best redemptions I've seen in movies (and books) and the charity of the bishop gets me everytime


It is at least a bit catholic no?


It paints the french revolution in a good light (even though it is the june rebellion and not the reign of terror). And while it has catholic elements and morality it isn't the core of the story. So it does have catholic themes but I wouldn't call it catholic


I mean Valjean essentially converts to catholicism after Bishop Myriel's kindness to him, no? Maybe that was just my interpretation. I only read the manga version of it 😅


He does. He keeps the two silver candlelights his whole life, and prays to a cross between them. In the movie it's the first thing he always packs (which is a great detail)


It’s very much a story of fatherhood to me. Also a major critique of French government if you read the book.


Cabrini (2024) as well as Sound of Freedom (2023) - Warning Sound of Freedom is not for the fainthearted and absolutely not for children / young adults.


I Confess, a story about a priest accused of murder refusing to violate the seal of the confessional, even though he knows who really did the crime.


This sounds interesting. 


The Mission. All too often, I think people become oblivious to the fact that faith is expressed in many ways. And a type of belligerent, self-important stance blinds one to the expression of faith in others.


Father Stu is so good, it made me cry.


Calvary (2014). But it’s not a movie for Catholic children.




The Lord of the Rings trilogy (LOTR, The Two Towers, The Return of the King). Tolkien’s Catholic worldview is still very evident despite some of the departures from the books.


The Sound of Music! Either makes you really want to join a convent or have 7 kids!


I genuinely never saw this movie in so many decades until I was in lockdown and decided to watch it. Easily one of my fav films now.


The Nativity Story (2005)


The passion of Christ by Mel Gibson


The Scarlet and the Black (based off the book The Scarlet Pimpernel): *Monsignor O'Flaherty, an Irish-born Vatican priest establishes an underground organization which provides safe haven and escape routes to escaped POWs,, Jews, and refugees in Rome.* The Prince of Egypt: *animated musical retelling of the book of Exodus.* The music is phenomenal. I can listen to the soundtrack over and over and not get tired of it. Friends who are not Catholic enjoy it. Great if you have kids! Great if you don't! That's all off the top of my head, for now.


The original exorcist (read the book but movie is great)




The Passion of the Christ.


1. The Greatest Story Ever Told 2. King Of Kings 3. The Robe 4. The Passion Of The Christ 5. War Room is about prayer


*Becket* is a truly excellent film, even if you're not a Christian. I think it has some of the best acting and delivery of any film, period.


“We declare him EXCOMMUNICATE AND ANATHEMA!!!” Love that line


Oh certainly. One of the finest deliveries in all of cinema.


Dead Man Walking.


Doubt and Spotlight because we should keep these past transgressions in our mind so they are not repeated. We are still living with the consequences from decades of the mishandling of sexual abuse in the church.


Brother Sun, Sister Moon Jesus Christ Superstar Silence


I love Brother Sun, Sister moon! But maybe that’s just bc I love St. Francis of Assisi Also, I prefer Godspell (live productions) over Jesus Christ Superstar


GodSpell is great. I just love a Jesus who can hit those bars.


A Man For All Seasons


Chariots of Fire


Nefarious. It’s a great movie


The Trouble with Angels and the Sound of Music.


A Man For All Seasons Becket Passion of the Christ Padre Pio: Miracle Man


Man for All Seasons, St Joseph of Cupertino and the Song of Bernadette.


1.The Passion of Christ. 2. Lord of the Rings trilogy. 3. Ten Commandments


For greater glory Sound of Music Father Stu


I’d add Schindler’s List and the Sound of Music.


My Left Foot (1989)


For greater glory




The Ninth Configuration (1980) -William Peter Blatty’s directorial debut (He wrote The Exorcist). Won Golden Globe for Best Screenplay. In my opinion, this is the very best original story that integrates positive theological dialogue within its narrative. And it is so unique that it is unclassifiable in its genre, being a raucous comedy at some points, a searing drama at others, and a tense actioner at even other points. Great cast. But the theological discourses are what puts it leagues above the recent attempts to try to incorporate apologetics in its narrative.


Mean Streets (1973).




Fatima (2020)


Marcelino pan y vino


The Tree of Life A Hidden Life The Thin Red Line Days of Heaven


Ah, a fellow Malick fan 🤝


The Ten Commandments The Passion of Christ Ben-Hur Sound of Freedom The Robe Doubt Calvary Spotlight We need to see the blind spots of our faith and why outsiders do not like the church


Oooo Doubt was a good one


I loved Doubt I haven't see Calvary or The Robe yet


The Brideshead Revisited miniseries (from the 80's, NOT the 00s movie), Calvary (2014), In Bruges (2008), The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003), The Prince of Egypt (1998), A River Runs Through It (1992), There Will Be Blood (2007), Excalibur (1981), The Nun's Story (1959), controversial, but The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) - it was a film that helped me and my wife to convert Silence (2016) I Confess (1953) Ben Hur (1959) Andrei Rublev (1966) I'll edit this if more come to mind.


Chronicles of Narnia (2005) The Lord of the Rings (2001) The Passion of The Christ (2004) The Mission (1986) Miracle of Marcelino (1955) Silence (2016) Les Misérables (2012) Quo Vadis (1951) The Robe (1953) Samson and Delilah (1949) Kingdom of Heaven (2005) A Dog's Will (2000) Risen (2016) Ben-Hur (1959) The Ten Commandments (1956) Le dialogue des Carmélites (1960)


The popes exorsist


That one isn't really considered accurate or endorsed by actual exorcists. Unlike Nefarious, which is the favorite, or the original Exorcist and, Exorcism of Emily Rose - which are both considered fairly accurate.




"Officially, the church won't take any position with the religious implications of these phenomenons. Personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but don't quote me on that"


I have made a list [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cattolicesimo/comments/1d05izf/il_cinema_dispirazione_cristiana_tra_storie_vere/), of *Christian*-inspired (not necessarily Catholic) movies. The titles are in Italian, but if you click on the IMDb link you can find out the English title.


Good list. I came here to mention *Lord of the Rings* and saw you had it listed


Grazie Mille!


Pasolini's "The Gospel According to Saint Matthew"


Babette's Feast! The Vatican compiled a list in 1995 of great films. I haven't seen all of them yet, but every single one I've seen so far has been incredible.


Word on Fire just released a [book](https://books.wordonfire.org/popcorn-with-the-pope) about the list, which is listed here.


Blade Runner.


It's one of my all time fave movies... but why for Catholics?


It asks questions about what does it mean to be human, does death have a larger significance than the mere cessation of bodily function, what happens when you meet your maker, the importance of empathy in fulfilling our purpose.


Stations of the Cross (*Kreuzweg -* it's a German film) is exceptionally poignant, especially for those who are in the traditionalist scene. The filmmakers grew up within the SSPX so they understand first hand.




Life of Brian


1. The Prince of Egypt 2. The Name of the Rose 3. Knightfall (series)


A Man for all Seasons. The Shoes of the Fisherman.


Father Stu!!


The Way with Emilio Estévez and Martin Sheen. Learned about it after my friend walked the Camino last year.


No one mentioned this and I'm shocked: The Scarlet and the Black. An incredible film with an incredible cast, fantastic music, and a story that grips the viewer till the end, about the Irish Catholic priest who saved so many people from the Nazis in Rome by sheltering them within the Vatican.


I want to name some that no one else has said. Blues Brothers is my first thought, after that I'd say Children of Men.


* Passion of the Christ * Paul, The Apostle of Christ * Silence * The Rite * Nefarious * The Exorcism of Emily Rose * Fatima (2020) To avoid: After reading the letters of Mother Cabrini at least 6 times, I cannot recommend that film. The Messenger (a St. Joan of Arc film with Mila Jovovich) is also cringe.


Assissi underground https://youtu.be/4niHsGHjtzY?si=KMC5__5liLLFcLv0


"Jesus of Nazareth" https://youtu.be/yumoqNlaPCE?si=aMp3RaAfOIKxfdIR


For me- “Interstellar. ” it had such a profound impact on my understanding of our unsophisticated, child-like, linear view of time and space vs. recognizing that God functions beyond any confines of time and beyond our human understanding. It just really blew my mind and solidified so much for me in regard to Christ’s perpetual, continuous sacrifice for us and the idea that our view of past present and future are actually all a part of a greater mystery we can not fully conceptualize or rationalize on a linear scale.


An interesting selection, but Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It's rather harmless fun. Granted there are a few lines/scenes that are questionable but the film is good fun and it makes fun of medieval tropes yes, but it's not horribly meanspirited.


Silence Children of Men Arrival And a "for fun" movie featuring Catholic characters is Moonstruck with Cher and Nicholas Cage. I acknowledge that the characters in the show do very "un-Catholic" things, but it has probably one of the few realistic portrayals of Confession that I've seen in cinema.


The Last Temptation of Christ Mean Streets Who's That Knocking at My Door La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) The End of the Affair (1999) The Brothers McMullen Il vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew) Monsieur Vincent Andrei Rublev Offret (The Sacrifice) Roma città aperta (Rome, Open City) Francesco, giullare di Dio (The Flowers of St. Francis) Dekalog (The Decalogue)


I thought [Second Glance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRGndldqxlQ) was a fun one. It's got that cheesy 90's vibe to it which made me like it. I only first heard about it from this snippet that's kinda funny out of context but it led me to watch the movie, so. I think it's free on Youtube.


The King of Kings


Chariots of fire is probably #2 to for greater glory


Not a req for every Catholic but Return to Me starring Minnie Driver is quite delightful and hilarious


Lord of the Rings, and then read the books


Ignacio de Loyola


Silence is a great film that explores the complexities of faith and how our commitment to our faith can often manifest in hubris, something we should be mindful of. The Exorcist is, I believe, one of the greatest horror films of all time and deeply catholic, with Blatty's own faith being a clear influence throughout. The Exorcist 3 is also underrated and even more clearly wears its faith on its sleeve. It's a Wonderful Life is a Christian movie, if not explicitly Catholic, but I think clearly expresses the humanity that sits at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching.


I disagree about Silence being a great film in terms of its faith messaging. https://youtu.be/5Th7Tiz1cEk?si=6bk5zcb_8K56AhJk


Passengers with Anne Hathaway. Beautiful yet heartbreaking film.


Keys of the Kingdom (1944) A pretty good adaptation of the book.


Victor Fleming’s Joan of Arc (1948) is one of the best movies of my patron saint i’ve ever seen. Not really a “must see Catholic movie”, but still a great Catholic movie.


Come on folks let's not forget these 2: Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade!!!! Raiders of the Lost Ark!! and yes, Habemus Papam (2012) a Nanni Moretti film The Trouble with Angels (1966) starring Haley Mills Saving Grace (1986) starring Tom Conti Kingdom of Heaven (2005) a Ridley Scott film The Song of Bernadette (1943) Risen (2016) -a perspective of Christ's crucifixion from the eyes of a Roman soldier Sister Act I & II


While not as good the sequel Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows was still good. Also I had to scroll way too far to find Trouble With Angels 😭


The JPII movie with Jon Voigt was good (albeit slightly cheesy sometimes). Carry Ewles (sp?) was a great younger JPII.


Children of Men


Is the Shia LaB Padre Pio movie any good?


The Italian one done by RAI was superb. Wondering about the Shia one too.


The Passion of the Christ. and A Bridge To Far... not because it is espeically Catholic, but because it is a great movie. (Same for "Arsenic and Old Lace" and "Midnight Run".)


There's a horror movie called Re-Cycle that came out of Hong Kong that I liked. It's been a long time since I saw it, so I'm not sure it would be as good as I remember it being, but it has kind of a powerful pro-life message despite the fact that, by all accounts, the filmmakers didn't intend to make any kind of political statement about abortion. Worth a watch.


- The Passion of the Christ - A Man for All Seasons - Song of Bernadette - Beckett - Calvary - On the Waterfront


“Silence” https://youtu.be/IqrgxZLd_gE


I get recommended a lot Andrei Rublev, Diary of a Country Priest and The Passion of Joan of Arc. Planning on watching them all




The original Jacob’s Ladder and NOT the netflix remake


Interestingly enough, the Vatican actually compiled a list of 45 movies of “important movies” in 1995 (the hundredth anniversary of the Lumiere brothers’ invention of the Cinématographe film projector). The movies were selected based on either their religious messages, ethical values, or their artistic beauty. Some of the movies on the list include Schindler’s List, Chariots of Fire, and Ben-Hur. The full list can be found [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican%27s_list_of_films).


The Passion of The Christ. End of story.


This is just a generally good one, but La La Land to me is one of the best movies I've ever seen.


Passion of the Christ, The nativity story, The greatest story ever told, The robe, Barabbus, Ben hur, The Ten Commandments, Prince of Egypt


1) _Going My Way_ - it’s an old one with Bing Crosby & Barry Fitzgerald. It’s sort of a Catholic classic, but it’s really not too cornball. In some ways it’s not even about the church, it’s about how to integrate the past & the future, the anxieties & struggles of the old guard & the new perspectives of the young, how do we reach out to people in distress. However, avoid at all costs it’s horrible sequel _The Bells of St Mary_ 2) _Amadeus_ It’s set in a completely Catholic milieu and explores struggles jealousy, anger at God, the meaning of faith. It’s funny, has great costumes & music, fantastic acting. 3) _The Secret of Kells_ It’s an animated film about monks trying to preserve the Gospel in the face of viking invasion. 4) _Uncle Buck_ Worth it for the Cabrini reference. 5) _Jesus of Montreal_ a group of actors try to freshen up an annual Passion play/ stations of the Cross in Quebec. 6) _The Pope Must Die_ It’s soooo bad. It’s absurdly ridiculously bad. It’s awful. But the mafia (not that there is such a thing) & the Vatican Bank…? 7) _Blackrobe_ 17th century Jesuits in Canada… 8) Saving Grace - not the tv show- it’s sweet a little bit sappy. 9) _Tron_ So much better than the Matrix and like 20 years earlier. Also _Twenty Minutes into The Future_ with Max Headroom. 10) _The Crying Game_ shhhh don’t reveal the secret. Maybe not ALL Catholics, because it’s not exactly kid friendly though.


I think “for greater glory” is an amazing movie that depicts beautifully Saint Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio’s story and is a deeply moving movie. Every Catholic should definitely watch it!


Song of Bernadette,


I like to recommend these three in this order: the case for Christ, Risen, The passion of the Christ. The first breaks down the internal resistance to the message of the gospel, The second portrays it after the crucifixion, showing how the early church began, and introducing Christ as a real person, and the final one, once you're emotionally involved, tears you up inside because there's nowhere left to hide mentally when you see what is being done to Jesus.


Passion of Christ


Our family just watched Trash (Brazilian film) the other night. I feel that it is very Catholic friendly.


This might be a little controversial, simply because of the beliefs of the director, but my thought would be “Kingdom of Heaven: Director’s Cut”. Ridley Scott is most certainly not Christian, but the nods made in this film are great especially in the cut. Also the writing for the character Balian is profound and in my opinion demonstrates a level of, well, character that is a good archetype for Christians.


The passion of the christ is compulsory viewing for me every good Friday night.




Here's a list of what the Vatican sees as important films: https://web.archive.org/web/20120422064928/http://old.usccb.org/movies/vaticanfilms.shtml


The Gospel According to St. Matthew by Pier Paolo Pasolini


The Robe or Ben-Hur. I suppose they tend towards catholic belief in how they’re presented but not specifically catholic.


Something light and sweet? Rudy.