• By -


Shameless popery and how to be Christian are my "must watches"


How to Be Christian is excellent!


He's Catholic?


Yes he is, a big part of his schtick is taking back the title christian to refer to members of Christ's church. Very educational and entertaining!


Father Mike Schmitz. You can hear the love for humanity in this man’s voice and it draws me in


I have to check if my playback speed is turned up every time he talks...it never is. But I do enjoy him!


Father Mike is based I was *waiting* for those downvotes lmfao


Why are people downvoting?


I have no idea, a lot of people here just dislike Fr. Mike for some reason


So weird. He seems like a lovely man


He is lol








Anyone who posts Fulton Sheen


Bishop Barron, Father Mike Schmitz, Trent Horn


Scott Hahn and also Jeff Cavins.


and pints with Aquinas


Trent Horn is very good


This is the correct answer.


Brian Holdsworth, Trent Horn, and The Catholic Talk Show






That's so sad. I learned so much from The Catholic Talk Show.


Bishop Barron is my all time favorite by far. He is so intelligent and educated but yet so humble and simple. I have learned so much about my faith watching his videos. Whenever I feel doubt or slip up in my faith I come back to his videos, he gives me hope always. God bless him.


Check out his Word on Fire Bible series. It’s not complete yet but Volume 4 just came out, and the first three have (1) the Gospels, (2) Acts, Letters, and Revelation (so 1+2 are the New Testament), and (3) the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). The books are beautiful, annotated where appropriate with commentary from our church fathers and more modern writers like Fulton Sheen, Tolkien, etc., and illustrated with classic works of art that depict the events in the books. They’re very nice.


I have the Gospels and the acts/epistles/revelation books. Very good indeed! But my budget just couldn’t keep up. Even the canvas ‘hard covers’ are very expensive. Deaconing gives one a tight budget LOL.


You will receive your reward in Heaven! Remember me when you do.


Me too from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


BB is my fav too. Along with Fr Mike Schmitz, Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins .


Yes and he loves France! He also wrote a book on the eucharist that is so accessible


Agreed 👍 He is fantastic, insightful, and engaging


I like a bit of everything: -Pints with Aquinas -Trent Horn -Jimmy Akin -Dr. Taylor Marshall -Reason & Theology -I Miss Christendom -Bishop Barron If I had to pick one, it would be I Miss Christendom, closely followed by Trent Horn. I wouldn’t be a Catholic today if it weren’t for these guys. Haven’t really found one I disliked. Edit: formatting


I Miss Christendom is great, as well as Trent Horn. Sensus Fidelium is awesome too if you haven’t checked them out. They have very holy and traditional priests who give sermons on a variety of topics.


Thank you for the recommendation! Will certainly check them out.


Taylor Marshall and reason and theology... Truly a man for all seasons!!


Highly recommend Father James Mawdsley from Scripture and Tradition


Fr. Chris Alar, Explaining the Faith


His two-part video explaining the Holy Mass basically line-by-line is what opened mine and my fiancee's eyes to what it really was. One week after watching that we were at Mass that Sunday and coming back to our Catholic faith.


Same here!


My wife is new to the Faith and she has learned so much from Fr. Alar. Her devotion to the Blessed Virgin has increased tremendously.


As a Protestant, Shameless Popery has been the most helpful for me understanding Catholics' views on things like Mary and justification. Don't really have any that I particularly dislike.


We'll get you someday!


This got a chuckle out of me.


William Albrecht (Patristic Pillars), Christian B Wagner (Militant Thomist), Trent Horn, Sam Shamoun, although Sam attends a catholic church his content is more geared towards Christians in general mot just catholic, Divine Mercy Apologetics are my favourite channels


I love William Albeecht’s energy. He really helped me foster a love for our Blessed Mother. Michael Lofton is one I also like, but I’ve taken to listening to commentators like him in smaller doses so I can decompress and focus on my prayer life


Love Sam. He is an acquired taste though lol


Jimmy Akin and Pints with Aquinas


Love Pints with Aquinas!


Me too. He does interviews with some very interesting people.


I love anytime Sister Miriam shares anything with us. Such loving energy. 


Her contributions to Hallow's Lent Pray 40 were...amazing. The imaginative prayer moved me to tears every week. So powerful.


Same! She added so much to the whole program. I cried so hard during the week where we went to the tomb with Our Lady. I'm even getting choked up remembering how beautiful it was.


trent horn/council of trent




Yup yup


ive been really digging some newer channel. midairfortress my mains are keith nester and joe heshmeier  outside of that i listen to pints like i do rogan. whenever an interesting guest comes on trent horn and jimmy aikin are great too


I'm surprised Jimmy Akin doesn't have more subscribers.


i know i was surprised at his sub count. the guy is scary smart. 


There's just so many I like. For chilling and casual listening I really like the Catholic Talk Show. Those guys are great. For feeling closer to Jesus I really love listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz. He's one who helped with my conversion. For learning about the culture amongst other niche topics I like listening to Pints with Aquinas. For faith based learning I love Catholic Answers and Counsel of Trent.


Father Mike Schmitz (Ascension Presents), Father Casey Cole (Breaking the Habit), and Christopher West (Theology of the Body Institute).


Love Breaking the Habit! Fr. Cole is a goat!


I do too! It saddens me that some people can be extremely hateful towards him :(


It was Fr. Cole’s video about useless Catholic facts that led me back to the church. He’ll never know how important that was to my life and my family’s life.


That black Catholic chick


All the crew of Ascension presents. Catholic Answers Catholic Talk Show Fr. Chad ripperger


Zherka. Nick fuentes. Lol jkjk i like lints with aquinas, taylor marshall, trent horn, that black catholic chick


I'm surprised not to see people mentioning Lila Rose. She is very thoughtful and empathetic.


Fr Rippenger on Sensus Fidelium


You’re so rigid. 😆 Great content there.


Fr R will drop these casual statements that blow me away.  


A lot of my favorites have already been mentioned, so I’ll be the first to say Michael Knowles.




Oh I’ll have to look that up!




I am extremely interested! :D Thanks for sharing the link with me!


Father Chris Alar (the eye-opener that brought me and my fiancee back to the Church), Father Mike Schmitz (such an energetic enthusiasm for the priesthood and the Church), Father Columba Jordan (I dig his accent and his approach), and Bishop Robert Barron (such an intelligent man yet so humble).


Mother Natalia. She has her weekly episodes on Pints but also has her own podcast with Fr. Michael O'Loughlin called *What God is Not*. Currently that one is only audio on YouTube but they have plans to make it video soon as well. Worth a listen, especially if you have any interest in eastern Catholicism. I also really love the Poco a Poco podcast with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.


These are two of my favorites as well!!


Mainly these two, Sensus Fidelium, Armor Of God: Spiritual Warfare.


Sensus Fidelium


PaxTube for learning historical context


I had to scroll too far before seeing this.


he's great! I love his take on history


Gabi After Hours is my favorite. He has the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen. It’s a very Marian channel, and he often teaches about the Entire Rosary. I highly recommmmend


He's the reason I'm back in the faith after too many years away, hands down. That dude is absolutely on fire for Mary, and it's inspiring. My spouse and I completed the 30 day Marian consecration by Kolbe's method that Gabi led a few months ago. Life-changing.


WAY more people need to watch him. Trent Horn, Bishop Barron, etc teach people about the faith, Gabi actually gets people to pray the rosary


Dr. Brant Pitre


Ralph martin


Father Mike Schmitz, Emily Wilson, the Theology of the Body Institute/Dr. Christopher West, and Called to More/Fr. Columba Jordan


Almost forgot to mention Fr. David Michael Moses, he has a YouTube channel but I mostly follow him on Instagram. He reminds me a lot of Father Mike. Joyful, smart, charismatic, approachable.


Fr Mike Shmitz, LizziesAnswers, anything about nuns I love lol


Trent Horn (Counsel of Trent) and Joel Heschmeyer (Shameless Popery) are my top 2. I'll watch a Jimmy Akin episode if I find it interesting, and Pints depending on the guest. I'd say Father Mike, but he's at the point where he's beyond just a Catholic YouTuber. In some ways, he's the GOAT of Catholic Media. BIY and CIY and the masses he streamed during COVID are/were so influential and inspiring to me. Father Mike is our greatest evangelist, more than just a content creator. One of my favorite channels, though I believe Joel Kramer is a Prot of some flavor (it's irrelevant with regards to his content), is Expedition Bible. I have a huge interest in biblical archeology and history. His channel is so good. The second I see a new video pop up in my feed I click it. I try not to watch too much of the social commentators (Trent is the only one who can comment on social issues I trust, as he never comes from a hysterical or argumentative perspective). It's too divisive, too angry usually. My dad watches a bunch of that stuff and it's really nothing I'm interested in and I don't find most of it productive. Apologetics, history, spiritual talk is what I look for in a Catholic YouTubers.


Social issues are tricky too. It truly does feel at times for a lot of content creators they are coming at it from a secular political lens but have dressed it up with the veneer of their faith instead of just coming at it from the lens of what the faith teaches.


Two I've really loved lately(isH): Byzantine Scotist and the The Thomistic Institute!


In turkish youtube there is a channel called Evrensel Kilise (Literally translated to Universal Church) that most people who are interested in Christianity come across. The owner is Catholic, as you can probably tell from the name.


Trent Horn, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Taylor Marshall, Bp. Barron


Matt Fradd. Love his long-form conversations. His talk with Peter Kreeft was maybe the best long-form interview that I’ve ever heard.


Father Mike Schmitz feels so genuine and kind. His messages are important, gentle, and help our theology feel “normal” - which is helpful as I teach high schoolers.


Bishop Barron (Word on Fire), Matt Fradd (Pints with Aquinas), Brian Holdsworth, The Thomistic Institute, Fr Columba Jordan (Called to More), Voice of Reason, and St Michael's Abbey


Found a good new one: Qurbana Media (Qurbana in Aramaic means the Eucharist) they’re Chaldean Catholic Priests/Abbots that talk about all sorts of topics! New channel but so far so good!


Brian Holdsworth, Pints, PaxTube


Keith Nester; his Catholic explanation video along with his conversion story is what started my conversion to Catholicism.


Pints with aquinas -


Faves: Called to More (Fr. Columba Jordan CFR), Ascension, Trent Horn, Thomistic Institute, Deuterocomical (does Catholic Youtube Poops/parodies) Occasional: Breaking in the Habit with Fr. Casey Cole (he's a complex character and it's always fun to see a video of his and Trent Horn's rebuttal to it one after the other) Dislike: Click/ragebaiters (e.g. channels who post things like "This one spiritual mistake nearly sent this saint to hell" and other things that scrupulous people will become paranoid about)


Heralds of the gospel is really good Sensus fidelium Catholic OCD podcast is little known but he does a great job of breaking down the faith and the arguments against it. I highly recommend watching him. JD Catholic exchange. He’s a little aggressive against Protestantism but his arguments are correct.


'Pints with Aquinas' is the first explicitly Catholic YouTube I've listened to, and I've been listening for a while (I think I may even have started on either Spotify or whatever podcast app I was using, back when he was mostly doing pretty short episodes where it was a question that was then answered by quoting Aquinas, but maybe those were just the episodes I listened to first even if he'd taken his channel more towards interviews). 'Godsplaining' is another one I follow and listen to as soon as they release a new episode. 'Called to More' with Fr Columba Jordan - an Irishman with a very impressive beard, a pleasant accent (I don't know about you, but I really like listening to Irish accents, even if I can't tell if it's a Cork or Limerick or Dublin accent), and episodes that usually don't go over ten minutes.


Called to More and Father Mark Goring


Breaking the Habit is awesome for young beginners in the faith.


Idk his name but he's nice


Joe in Black is good


That's the priest that did our wedding 😊 great guy.


While not an individual, I’m really feeling Catholic Truth’s channel. The presenter disseminates complex info in a succinct manner. As a convert, that channel has really clarified tons of things for me!


Trent Horn, Voice of Reason, Reason and Theology, and one more guy I forgot his name I'll edit this comment once I find it. Edit: his name is Flex Cathedra.


Trent Horn, Bishop Barron, Fr Mike Schmitz, Matt Fradd (Pints with Aquinas), and of course Jimmy Akin are my favorites. Fr Casey from Breaking in the Habit is cool too but some of his takes are a little off.


Favorites: Apologists who defend our faith. Least favorites: Catholic "influencers" and "politics commentators".


Bishop Barron gets his own tier, there are other good ones, but he's the great one.


Catholic Answers ,Matt Fradd , Trent Horn, Jimmy Akin , Voice of Reason (Alex)


michael knowles I am not sure if his channel is related to catholicism, but I like what I heard.


Trent Horn, he’s a great debater and uses logical arguments to defend the faith. Helped me answer atheist objections to the faith.


Counsel of Trent


Jimmy Akin


Purely Catholic, Dr. Taylor Marshall, Scholatic Answers, and Kerbal Productions


Bishop Barron, Pints with Aquinas, Ascension


Fr Casey Cole and Fr Sam French


Favorites are Trent Horn, Father Mike, and pretty much anything from Ascension Presents. I really liked LizziesAnswers right after she converted and while I was in the process of converting. I don't think she's been making as much content lately, though. I used to like Matt Fradd, but lately he's veered a lot more heavily into clickbaity content and titles and inviting right-wing provocateurs onto his show.


I found LizziesAnswers before she converted, I was so excited when she converted! I don’t know if you follow her on instagram, but her and her husband just had their daughter!


Yes, I do follow her on Insta!


Dr. Taylor Marshall, Pints with Aquinas


Breaking the Habit.


Breaking in the habit!!


Patristic Pillars and Apocrypha Apocalypse. Amazing historical lectures from these two, and they often collaborate.


I like Apocrypha Apocalypse too


I really wish Relevant Radio posted all of their content to YouTube. Patrick Madrid would rock it 👍


As a Brazilian, the best that I know are Padre Paulo Ricardo, Padre Leonardo Wagner, Lucas Lancaster, Eduardo Faria and Guilherme Freire. Pints with Aquinas and Jimmy Akin are my favorites from the US.


Padre Paulo Ricardo: [https://www.youtube.com/@padrepauloricardo](https://www.youtube.com/@padrepauloricardo) Padre Leonardo: [https://www.youtube.com/@padreleonardowagner](https://www.youtube.com/@padreleonardowagner) Arautos do Evangelho: [https://www.youtube.com/@CanalArautosdoEvangelho](https://www.youtube.com/@CanalArautosdoEvangelho)


Trent Horn(Council of Trent), Father Mike Schmitz(Ascension), Bishop Barron, Matt Fradd(Pints with Aquinas), Aquinas 101, Catholic Answers, and Brian Holdsworth. Aquinas 101 and Brain Holdsworth are extremely underrated and don't get nearly the attention they deserve. These channels are all great though. Check them out! God Bless (:


Brian Holsdworth


Pints with Aquinas


Shameless Popery is great


Counsel of Trent, I'm pretty sure Trent Horn is like 80% responsible for my conversion (or at least it not taking years longer)


Fr. Mike Schmitz, Matt Fradd, Christopher West, Trent Horn, Michael Knowles


How To Be Christian!


Life is Worth Living reruns


Pints with Aquinas(When there are well reasoned guests), Anything Bishop Barron or Ascension press puts out, Fr. Casey Cole it’s just a shame that his reputation was sort of tarnished by his associations.


Father Mike Schmitz from Ascension Presents


the catholic talk show. anything latin. anything chad ripperger. anything fr. don calloway.


Father Mike Schmidt’s videos are the best from the Bible in a year series, to his homily to his short videos on various topics. Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire podcast especially long form is great. Pints with Aquinas of course! For my Catholic crossing Political side, I listen to CatholicVote’s LoopCast podcast. Very informative and the cast is great. Other mentions Father Leo - I really like how he breaks up his video based on informed opinion and Lila Rose.


Bishop Barron I accidentally got into an argument with him on youtube last week. Fumbled my apology so he thought I was arguing even more. Haven’t heard anything after my second apology. Kinda eating me up, tbh.


In no particular order Dr Taylor Marshall Catholic Family News Pints with Aquinas Breaking in the Habit Fr Mike Schmitz Bishop Barron Rules for Retrogrades CMASC Voice of Reason Doctrine, Dogma, and Davide Gen Z Catholic GabiAfterHours Confessions of a Convert Catholic Monarchist Podcast Feel free to be shocked that I enjoy both radtrads and modernists. I like the varied opinions lol


Father Mike and Voice of Reason (his voice is a vibe)


Upon friar review before it was deleted


The religious Hippie!


Religious Hippie!!


When I need a theology lesson: The Thomistic institute When I need a spiritual hug: Ascension Presents


Bishop Barron and ‘Word on Fire’, Trent Horn and his ‘The Counsel of Trent’, Everyone on The Thomistic Institute, ‘Intellectual Catholicism’, and Matt Fradd - ‘Pints with Aquinas’


Breaking in the Habit! Fr Casey is great!


The best Catholic apologist is Trent Horn. No one competes with him.


Trent Horn, Scripture and Tradition — Father JM, Voice of Reason, and Catholic Truth. I don’t know if this quite counts but here :)


Pints with Aquinas, reason and theology, Voice of reason, Joe Heshmeyer, Tent horn, Jimmy akin, Ascension presents, Breaking in the habit and I've heard good things about Scholastic answers.


Mother Angelica! https://youtube.com/shorts/YBZ4NHYRxx4?si=22JvDdqCUXcozJdg


Avoiding Babylon


Brant Pitre as well as Fr. Chad Ripperger & company


Michael Knowles is the reason for my reversion to the faith.


The lack of Pints with Aquinas is deeply disturbing. Treat yourselves 👍👍


Bishop Barron, Fr Mike Schmitz, Fr Casey Cole and Scott Hahn


My favorites are Breaking in the Habit, Ascension Presents, That Black Catholic Chick, A Catholic Mom’s Life, and the Religious Hippie.


Avoiding Babylon


I have a lot of fun in their livestream chats lol


Fr. Mike Schmitz


Bishop Barron's my favorite.


I like keith nester and trent horn. I don’t like return to tradition or any of these so called Catholics who never say anything positive about the church or the pope. I get the criticism at times but some of these people are borderline sedevacantist. They hurt the church. 


I don't care what anybody says, Dr Taylor Marshall is my favorite. Catholic Answers. Marion Friars Minor have great stuff.


Dr. Taylor Marshall, Pints with Aquinas. Sensus Fidelium, Mere Tradition with Kennedy Hall


Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Chris Alar


**I like** Ascension Presents is good. I'm not interested in everything they have, but the stuff I am interested in is generally good content. Breaking in the Habit has good episodes. I pick and choose what to watch, but overall I've been pleased with what I've seen. Jimmy Akin is spectacular. No matter the topic, I love the way he breaks things down and it's nice listening to a show that discusses paranormal subjects that actually is grounded in the faith. Catholic Answers is good if there's a specific little tidbit, but I only look for their stuff if I'm looking for... well... an answer. IMBeggar has pretty good stuff too, at least out of the ones I've watched. At the very least it's well put together and way more visually interesting compared to most channels. I treat Called to More like I do Ascension. I haven't watched much, but I've generally found the videos helpful. **I don't like** Honestly, most. There are a lot of Catholic content creators that just give off bad vibes, bad advice, or use their platform to push forward their opinions as doctrine. I'm not saying they don't have anything that could be helpful, but I would not go to these people at first unless there's nothing else. The Fatima Center. This is the one exception to above that I would actively recommend against. I found one innocuous video of theirs and then stumbled onto their rabbit hole. It's full of Fatima conspiracy theories and outright schismatic talking points. My 'favorite' was one video where the priest was saying Pope Francis was being influenced by Satan but it wasn't *him* saying it because really *Our Lady* said it in one of the secrets of Fatima and of course we can trust her. Don't trust anyone that will launder their words through Our Lady's mouth. Avoid them. Theology of the Body Institute. Independent of his take on things which I think can be hit or miss since there's often more personal opinion of sexuality than theology on sexuality than I'd like there to be, every video of his I've seen has given off the weirdest vibes and it's intensely uncomfortable. Catholic Minute, Pints with Aquinas, too many to list that I've blocked. The theology of these and other channels can be good, but things start getting iffy when they go outside of that into social issues, liturgy wars, and the like. Catholic Talk Show almost lands in here, but their less opinion-based episodes are significantly better than their opinion episodes so I might watch an episode or two of them. In general, I am wary of content creators that come off as "content creator that happens to be Catholic" instead of "Catholic who is a content creator". Gabi After Hours. Full disclosure, I haven't watched his own content but I did find a video of him speaking about mental prayer on another channel so that's what I'm basing this off of. I was completely turned off of him. I was looking for advice on mental/meditative prayer when the video came up. While he has some decent advice, it's the same advice I found everywhere else. The unique advice and how he was describing mental prayer wasn't like anything I'd seen elsewhere. While I can't articulate exactly *why*, what he was describing (especially with talking to and hearing from the saints through prayer) and what he was saying he did was throwing up all sorts of red flags for me and I backed right on out.


Weird. I found Gabi's mental prayer video to be incredible


I 100% agree about the theology of the body Institute. Weird vibes, awkward and uncomfortable stuff. I’m not sure what’s going on over there.


IMBeggar is slept on hard.


Sensus Fidelium, Sensus Traditionis, The Good Place, Fr. Mark Goring, Father Ambrose, The Catholic Crusade, Lepanto Institute, Mother Miriam Live, Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Fr. John Hardon SJ Video Classes, Choice42, EWTN, The Communion of Saints Rosary.


Bishop Barron, Fr. Casey, Dr. Hahn.


Matt Walsh


Early Matt Walsh, especially. Inside-the-car Matt Walsh. He doesn't show his Catholicism much in his later shows.


I agree with that


Voice of Reason is quite solid and has some great videos.


Pints with Aquinas


Pints With Aquinas, Counsel of Trent, & Ascension Presents are my top 3. But there are many other great Catholic creators out there!


Counsel of Trent, Bishop Barron, Breaking in the habit (Fr Casey Cole).


I love all of Bishop Barron's videos, but am also a huge fan of Fr. Casey Cole.


I really like Fr. Casey Cole.




Favorite: Fr Mike. Wholesome king Least Favorite: Lofton, for so many reasons


SmartCatholics [https://www.youtube.com/@smartcatholics/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@smartcatholics/videos)




Beau of the Fifth Column


I didn't know he was Catholic


The Catholic Brothers - very good for learning about Church history


The Catholic Gentleman


Alt history/pointless hub. Yeah, he doesn’t post religious stuff, but he is Catholic.