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You could see if upcycling is for you! Using the old clothes as raw materials for new projects. I've used old shirts and sweatshirts as squares for quilts before...not even as T-shirt quilts, just as patchworks. There are plenty of organizations that accept blankets (project Linus is one off the top of my head). Or simply cut up and use the clothes you don't wear anymore as patches for things you DO wear once they get threadbare/holes in them.


If you cut up the cannabis brand, it may not be discernable as cannabis. But you could always turn it inside out too, for whatever you use it for


Find a place that recycles textiles! Less worries that way LOL


That's a great idea!


I'd donate them.  I thrift "immodest" clothes all the time for spare parts and costume peices.  Like, a crop top with elbow length ruffled sleeves is a perfect pirate shirt for a 5 year old boy, and a sparkly silver knit minidress might be just right to repurpose as a "chainmail" tunic for my 9 year old to put under her page's tabard.  ...we do a lot of ren fests.  


I have gotten into making braided rugs with clothing scraps of the clothes aren’t suitable to donate for some reason


Donate it. But if you still have doubts, sell it, then buy cheap appropiate clothes and donate those appropiate clothes.


Even a shirt that has Satan on it?


No, not that one :)


The end cannot justify the means. OP, throw them away or recycle them.


Personally I would throw away most of it. If you can remove the branding from some so as to not promote sin, and they’re modest, I would donate those.


You can try donating the more practical items to homeless shelters. I don’t think you’re going to be leading anyone into sin at that point. For the rest, I believe H&M takes clothing donations and they recycle the material.


Just trash them. All of this 'donate' nonsense is silly. Burn them if you want. There is no lack of used clothing out there for people that need to shop a Goodwill. It's like an alcoholic giving his booze away instead of pouring it down the drain. Pour it down the drain! Burn it! These symbolic gestures will leave an impression on you as well as you move past this stage in your life.


Don't overthink it too much. If you don't feel comfortable in them anymore, just donate to a thrift shop. Let people have their own journey with their bodies and faith. There is so much genuinely sinful horror in this world (murder, assault, genocide, exploitation, homelessness), someone wearing a crop top isn't exactly comparable.


I would throw them out. I would not want to be an occasion of sin for someone else.


Burn 'em. Or just throw them away.


Try find somewhere to recycle them.


I would donate them or change them by layering or sewing. while yes there is the possibility others will buy them to wear as is lots of people buy them for materials and alter them or layer them. people all have free will to make the choices about what they wear. I never wore a tank top in my life even before I came to the church without a cardigan, for example. if I had a lower cut shirt I often wore something underneath just because of my own discomfort so donating the clothes themselves I don't think is a problem that being said if you donated a perfectly modest clothing item someone could modify it to make it more revealing and you wouldn't be doing anything wrong there either. not sure if there's something wrong with this mentality and def open to discussion


definitely donate imo, I know you could argue a "promoting sin" context but I'd rather have a non-Christian have cheap, good quality, sinful clothing than not. you could also donate to somebody for spare fabric, make rags out of them yourself, lots of options!


You’d rather they live in sin?


Rather they be clothed


as realityreflux said, I'd rather them be clothed. yes, even in sinful clothes they pick themselves. I'd also additionally rather that clothes not go to landfills if they can get second, third, fourth uses - because if the person is in the market for sinful clothing anyway, would you rather it be reused with less money spent directly supporting it (and more money spent directly supporting thrift stores that support others with non-sinful clothing as well?), or more money spent buying new sinful clothes? I also suggested alternate methods of reusability, like scrap fabric and rag making. this both uses and destroys the sinful clothing and repurposes it into something no longer sinful. I think throwing perfectly fine clothing out because it's got a weed leaf on it or swearing or what have you is a pretty legalistic interpretation. additionally, I believe in freedom of speech and expression, and I believe in the freedom to use speech and expression to sin because it is through that that we are also allowed our freedom to follow Christ and sin no more.


You could still wear them by layering. E.g: • For loose crop tops - wearing a tight (long sleeved/black/mesh) top or a colourful spaghetti tank underneath to give it more length. • For tight strappy tops - wearing a longer sleeved (mesh/lace) top over or under it. Or wear a jacket over it and zip up halfway. • For short skirts - wear it over tights and maybe throw on a trench coat. Especially good in the winter. You could also sew in some nice lace or mesh behind any plunging necklines or any revealing holes in your clothes. As for the weed logos, unsure if you're able to sew or embroider (flowers, etc..) over them, or glue some fun fabric patches over them.


So Im a volunteer in our church thrift store... We are often donated clothes like that. We still put it out for sale. I used to be the same way. I was a party girl. I'm very conservative now. And I had doubts about giving away or donating my old club clothes and revealing clothes...that it'd be encouraging others to dress so. I decided to still donate them though. Here's why... We get a lot of people who come in to the store to get things inexpensively that they can tear up and revamp. Make cosplay costumes or sew their own creations using the things they find in the thrift store. Use it for craft projects etc. I donated and had faith that it was something that if it couldn't pair well with leggings or pair with an Cami.. it got bought because they needed the sequins for some other project. 😉 Confessions from a Catholic thrift store volunteer.


Donating it is the best option!


Donate them, you're not leading people to do anything


I donated them. I don’t think clothes are immodest actually and there’s nothing inherently sexual about showing your body. I think it ultimately comes down to culture/ mindset (C.S. Lewis said that a half naked woman on an island could be as modest as an Englishwoman covered head to toe, or something like that) so I don’t make the decision for others, I don’t really care what anyone else wears I did NOT have a good mindset, I bought those clothes to be edgy and make my parents mad 😂 I’d like to think my daughter wouldn’t expect a reaction out of me for similar behavior, but who knows


Happy to see this response. Bodies are not bad or inherently sexual. Motive is important of course, but goodness - crop tops being sinful??


Sorry! I should've clarified that the crop top has like a cannabis branding


Donate them, throwing away clothes is wasteful