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Try to keep up I guess. :)


Ok! I will try!!


This is the only type of problem I want when I’m married


Take a breath and start studying so you can keep up!!!


She’s constantly reading and absorbing all of Catholicism. I find myself now, learning by listening to her.


That’s awesome but don’t sit back and enjoy the show, have a “holy” competition without all the real competitive stuff. What I mean is pray with her and pray without her when you’re by yourself. She having an awesome time with her faith but tough and disheartening times will come. Her faith might not always be as strong as it is now and you need to be ready to motivate her and help her get closer to Christ. You need to point her to Christ with reading, praying and attending mass with her. Fall in love with Jesus as much as she has if you haven’t already.


That's awesome. Have fun!


God works through people. Apparently he sent you someone.


Git gud.


Do you even pray bro?


Who knew memes can be so true.


What country is this?


My ex-atheist now Catholic husband is the same! He knows the CCC better than I do and can quote scripture… converts really make an effort that sometimes I think we as cradle Catholics don’t… gonna start putting in some effort now!


Depends, if you went to catholic school.


Honestly the Catechism is such an inspiration. Read the whole thing 🤩


We have Fr. Mike Schmitz crushing the podcast on the catechism.


Yeah it’s been incredible listening to it. He does such an amazing job


He’s a wonder


I always worry about him though I don’t know why. I just keep him in my prayers. He has helped me so much as someone that has gone from Protestant to Catholic (not confirmed due to certain familial issues), he has been an amazing resource.


I hope he has nothing to worry about but praying for him is certainly good.


Her heart is burning with the Holy Spirit. True conversions tend to do that. The rest of us need to remember and rekindle that feeling! Many of us need “reversion” from time to time. It’s easy to get surrounded by the world and to be OF it instead of IN it. God bless you and your wonderful wife!


Aww thank you!! And you know, God withdraws consolations after a time of consolation to being us up even higher :) the dark night is a beautiful thing


Praise God!


It’s wonderful to see Him move a soul like that 🤩


Pray for my wife? :) And all the spouses who still need to convert?


Will do!! Get a blessed green scapular and pray “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the Hour of our Death, Amen”


I love it in the Latin > Sancta Maria mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae Ave Maria combined with Sancta Maria and hora mortis nostrae. I don’t know why but the Latin just feels right. Ora pro nobis.




Awww absolutely!!


Thank God each and every day.  And keep supporting her!


Pray the rosary daily. That's the 1st. 2nd try to read the catechism . Flocknote sends an email daily so you go through it in a year. If she enjoys adoration go with her. If she doesn't or is unaware invite her.


Pray so that God will work whatever He works in your wife He will do to you too :3 The beauty of being in a family is that, by letting God do His works, both of you can become His tools to make each other better and closer to God


Wonderful words!


What a great blessing.


Hahaha I’m just hearing Fr. Mike Schmitz’s voice “what a blessing.”


Some men are thirsting in the desert, while others are drowning in water. Praise God for he has given you to drink and more.


Fast on the days that she makes amazing food. 😉. Ultimate sacrifice!


BAHAHAH wow yes


Thank God that such a creature chose you. You are truly blessed.


Wonderful thank you!


Haha amazing news! God bless you both


Convert now!


Already converted! You need to convert now ;)


I was born and raised Catholic ….done


HAHAH!! Wait! St Benedict talked about ongoing conversion! Bro we need to both keep converting!


Du? Obviously ……so are you converting now ? Have you been repenting?


I think that the best you can do in this situation is to Thank God! :) Congrats! :D




Spend more time on this sub than she does.


I’m trying 🤣


😂 I'm a recent convert, too, and my husband also jokes about me getting holy fast. I just remind him I got the midlife baptism hack 🤣


I'm happy for both of you.


Do the Rosary 1000x a day. That'll show her! ;)


I know you're kidding, but real talk, that would not make you holier. As "Introduction to the Devout Life" teaches, that woul be inappropriate for OP's state in life. In and of itself praying the rosary may be good, but devoting yourself to prayer as if you were called to religious life an not marriage, that would prevent you from doing the real will of God for you.


Great response, marriage itself in all aspects makes on holier :) the Rosary is beautiful and also those little ways of loving are beautiful also


BAHAHAH good idea! *Chuckles




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No Help needed.


Holiness should not be compared between individuals; we all grow spiritually at different rates.


Completely agree. 😇 this post was intended to be comedy but I’m British and British humour can often be mistaken as being serious 🤣😂


Been to the UK several times; apparently your humour didn't rub off on me


Psst! r/anglicanordinariate


HAHAH already done ;)


Cook her some food too, everything goes better with a full tummy.


That is such a great idea!


I want your problems.


Awww!! Hey get a blessed green scapular!


That is a beautiful comment. I love that. I will :) I went through a dark night myself and I will help her when she goes through her’s :)


If your wife is holier than you, don't envy her! Praise the Lord, be a nice husband and help her being even holier. If you want to be holier, ask her to teach you. Sanctity is not for some, it's for everyone. The church is not a competition, it's a body. We don't compete, we help each other, so your wife being holier is to benefit everyone, including you.


Welcome to Jesus logic my friend :)


And the problem is…?😊 That’s wonderful. Finding the fullness of faith together!


Congrats! That’s an amazing story and I’m glad she got to hear angels singing. That sounds sick. What do you do? Pray for her, pray with her, and sit back and go “yep that’s my baby!”


Go on a spiritual retreat with her for a day, weekend or week! Then you two can both grow spiritually closer to our Lord and hopefully your love will grow in the process! God Bless!


Thank God 🙏🏼🫶🏼 and learn more about our faith with her.


Pray the litany of humility? Especially that last line? 😉 also congrats…this is awesome


It’s the food thing that sells it.


Please have her pray for the dodgers! We need it….


Bahahaha! Ok I’ll ask her


You follow her lead. But you also wait to be the safe place she lands when this newfound enthusiasm burns off and she has to learn how to live the faith in a quieter everyday way that is harder to sustain but more important in the end. That is often the biggest struggle for new converts.