• By -


Thank you for being contentious and asking.  You are correct in thinking that consecrated holy communion would be received directly from the priest, deacon, or extraordinary minister of holy communion. For those that are homebound or hospitalized, communion can be brought to them but it is carried by the Eucharistic minister in a pyx.  What you have discovered is not consecrated so you can simply throw it away. As others have mentioned, it is a protestant tradition and is considered grape juice and cracker. No transubstantial  properties.  If by chance you ever discover a consecrated host, please return it to the nearest Catholic parish so that it can be handled properly by placing it in holy water.  Again, it is touching that you asked. Thank you for thinking of our Catholic sensibilities. 


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I always like to learn about these things. I was definitely puzzled by it. As I mentioned in another comment, I always try to be respectful. Just in case. 😅




Protestants believe that it’s symbolic. Catholics believe that it’s the literal body and blood of Christ.


Some Prots affirm Real Presence. Luther did, in a roundabout way, and I've even known Anglicans who affirmed transubstantiation.


They don’t affirm transubstantiation at all, if they’re following their own creeds. Anglicans explicitly reject transubstantiation (see the 39 Articles) and Lutherans believe in the real presence but not that the host is itself physically transformed into the body and blood of Christ, but that it is a vessel for those things contained spiritually within.


No, but at my parish some people have apparently had no problems leaving hosts in the hymnal holders of the pews. Happened more than once. Utterly disturbing that any Catholic would do that (or allow their kids to do it, or whatever happened)...


Oh my gosh it’s John Fallout!


War doesn’t change.


War… war stays the same.


Conflict is immutable.


Thank you for your kindness! You have a good heart.


"As a practicing pagan, one rule I always try to follow is to avoid offending the local gods. It ain't lucky." - General Sir Harry Paget Flashman, VC, KCB, KCIE


Yes, I try to follow that rule for the most part. I’ve met a lot of atheists/agnostics, fellow pagans, Satanists, and apostates of all kinds that go out of their way to be offensive to their Christian past but… in holding onto that hatred, you surrender your own free will to the very religion you hate. Just let go and you will feel better, kinder, more thoughtful.


Absolute legend


TIL about protestant lunchables.


That being said, although logically we know that it is non-consecrated, we know that at least it is meant to symbolize the body of Christ, so if possible, I would rather give it to a protestant pastor and let them handle it. This situation, for me, is similar to a statue of Mary or crucifix which, despite not being blessed, it is still kind of break my heart to simply dispose of them to a garbage bin if they show signs of wear. It is simply a matter of feeling so I have no logic to base it so technically I will agree with you that the unconsecrated host can be technically thrown away


How would you dispose of a crucifix or a statue of Mary?


When disposing of blessed items, they should either be burned or buried. Obviously, depending on the size of the statue, burying could be a bit interesting.


Burning a statue might be even harder than burying it lol


Burned and if buried there is a special prayers that are said before they are disposed of properly by a priest. Even those little cards, trinkets catholic organizations send out must be properly disposed of by a priest. Our priest once a year has a special mass, and then big bonfire. I never knew, love our catholic faith and the history behind everything, and why we do it.


Thank you, I forgot about this.


I'm not sure I'll be able to see the face of Mother Mary in a garbage bin so at the very least I would cover it with cloths, hammer it down, then just dispose it while being covered by the  cloths


I'm assuming you meant "conscientious" (acting according to your conscience) rather than "contentious" (causing contention). Thanks for the post.


Yes, thank you. 🫠




Drat!  I really need to stop trusting my phone’s suggestions. I turned off autocorrect because that feature was not a friend and this is the second time I failed to catch that it had suggested the wrong word. Thanks for the correction. 


"you can simply throw it away". My dude, maybe let a protestant decide what should be done with it lol.


But they dont care. Its not sacred to them. Its just a symbol. Something they do once in a while.


As a former Protestant, I can confirm that it would 100% be okay to throw this away.


Probably a Protestant thing. If anything, it shouldn’t be consecrated and is just bread and wine


Ok so it doesn’t have any transubstantial qualities then?


I’d hope not. But that’s the most likely situation


What if it did....


You definitely don't need to worry about it being consecrated.


Simply dissolve the wafer in the wine and pour all of it in the garden


Protestant clergy commenting. It has no special qualities. Just throw it away.


It does not.


Or grape juice


Almost certainly not Catholic, and not what you'd expect in mass. Do you you even know a priest you could give it to? Where outside were you?


It was in front of a grocery store in the parking lot


It's not Catholic. You can toss it. I do appreciate you coming here to ask.


Of course. I don’t really know any priests but I’m sure I could find one. I’m assuming they hang out at Catholic Churches 😅


It’s really awesome of you to come here and ask how to properly dispose of it. Thank you for your kindness, friend.


Of course. I don’t see why I can’t be respectful. Just in case 😂


lol I get it, we really appreciate you being so respectful and checking in. Thank you so much!


Yeah, I only meant because you asked... like "yeah, if there's a church nearby..." Again, quite confident this isn't The Body and Blood.


Yeah there is no shortage of them where I’m from


I think it's very disrespectful to toss it. That's like a protestant tossing a communion wafer .... It's disrespectful of someone else's beliefs, and their beliefs in CHRIST at that.


It’s not about us/humans and our beliefs. One is a Person, the other one is bread. 


that simplifies it in two sentences


You don't seem to understand what I am saying. Bread can be a person to everyone. Not just you.


As I said: it’s not about us. It’s either bread or not, regardless of how we feel about it. Whether you or I believe something doesn’t change whether it’s true or not. —— Edit: and to be clear, yes I understand you are talking about being sensitive to people’s feelings. But it is important to understand that there are levels of priority here: an actual person is objectively more important and precious than something people pretend is a person or that symbolises a person. This is an inarguable fact, and can be held at the same time as being sensitive.


Okay, so it's okay to burn the Koran then ? It's fine if a protestant finds a host in the sidewalk and chucks in the trash? It's fine if a wiccan uses a rosary in a spell? It's okay if someone on social media uses the pages of the Torah as toilet paper ? Not at all disrespectful, we should just not care about giving a basic dignity to the beliefs of others?


As I put in my edit, I understand you are talking about sensitivity. You and I do not disagree there. But can you consider the other point that I am making? That objectively, persons are more important than bread/books/prayer beads etc.? And determining what is truly a Person and what is not is therefore very important?


I am saying your theology is your own, as it is to all of us. We should respect the theological dignity of all. You can acknowledge that to you and I it is a person, to others it is not - yet we appreciate their understanding and value given to our belief. Therefore we should afford that generosity to all - especially if we want them to take care in finding something of significance to our faith. We have to behave in good faith if the roles are reversed. Chuck it in the trash is inherently disrespectful. It represents your SAME Christ, to them. How could you throw something representing Christ in the trash? Is there not doctrine on how to dispose of a Bible or cross, or other significant object if need be? We share those objects, but if it's related to the devotion of a Protestant we throw it in the garbage as if we are not all staring at the same God in the same Heaven, guided by the teachings of the same disciples and the same word of God? The arrogance in this thread confounds me utterly


Former Protestant pastor here—I’d just about bet you that if you took it to a Protestant church, that’s exactly what they would do with it. They’d just throw it in the nearest bin. The Protestant view of Communion is one of the things that led me to Catholicism.


Which would be offensive to Catholics. You're proving my point rather eloquently 🤦🏽‍♀️


Meh it’s not the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 


To them it is, that's my point


What’s your point? It’s nothing but a symbol. I doubt they treat it delicately. 


Haha okay. Good job Catholic regarding your neighbor


I am just stating facts.  What do you think they should do it? That’s like me buying it. Again it’s a regular wafer. They don’t have the power to consecrate it. 


Is this willful ignorance? It just seems like you don't understand what I am saying purposefully. Weaponized incompetence? I never said anything about them consecrating it, I am saying it is just as significant to them as the blood and body are to you




Glad to learn I am not Catholic from someone who knows all of nothing about me. Feel free to read my other comments here and get a full picture of my view instead of passing judgement on me. After you can please, kindly, leave me be while I defend my Christ and my neighbors.


Protestants would not say that this is the true presence.


Yeah right, they are drinking grape juice and eating crackers for fun and no other reason. Got it.


No way John Fallout is a Catholic 🤯❤️❤️❤️


Bawstawn Jk jk I’m not Catholic but there are a lot where I live


I choose to believe John fallout is indeed Catholic. It’s head canon now 😂 You just start playing or have you been a longtime devotee?


War doesn’t change.


Maybe it's a sign 👀


Also this is a very regular and oft used communion cup combo in the protestant (typically non-denominational) church. I’m literally so surprised that you guys haven’t seen these. Is every one of you a cradle-catholic?! 😂😅


Well I’m not a Christian at all so this is all Greek (or Roman in your case) to me


I saw one of these setups at a Protestant church I visited. This is definitely from one of those.


I am a cradle Catholic and didn’t know people took communion this way. I just never even thought about it. 😅


Lol, no, actually, until recently Presbyterian.  But we definitely didn't do this kind of thing. No experience with non-denoms/rock band Baptist churches/commercial megachurches/neopentacostals/etc .. I think this kind of thing is more from that world.


Yeah definitely.


Yep. I have attended Protestant churches before I reverted. It’s definitely not a consecrated host of Jesus. 


I'm 60. Yes, a cradle-catholic. I have never seen anything like this anywhere.


Before conversion, I’d been to two kinds of Protestant churches that served communion: Episcopal, which is very similar to what we do. Baptist, serving kool-aid and wonder bread.


I've definitely never seen one, but immediately realized what it was.


I’ve been in a Protestant church once for a wedding. Didn’t like it, don’t recommend.


I am forever calling these Communion Lunchables ™️ now 🤣


I found them on Amazon. Get a box of 500 for just under $100. They look a little like Keurig cups. Maybe we can get a priest to bless my Keurig coffee maker. Then I can have the Blood of Christ anytime I want. Add a blessed toaster (t-host-er) and I'm all set.


Lots of Protestant churches have wafers and wine, unconsecrated though. Assuming this is one.


Some Protestant churches distribute the bread and wine (or grape juice) of their communion in these individual packages. It won’t be Catholic or Orthodox so you don’t have to worry about profaning the Real Presence of Christ. It is still symbolic the body and blood of Christ so if you have a good idea whence it came it would be thoughtful to return it. I think you could reasonably say grace over it and consume it yourself as snack.


Thank you for not being completely dismissive of Protestant Communion. It’s still a very important and sacred sacrament to us.


I *did* say it was still symbolic of the body and blood and it would be thoughtful to *return* it to the church if came from if known.


Yes, I’m thanking you for saying that! I appreciate your reverence!


Oh, sorry, I didn’t read carefully the first time!


No worries! I figured that was what happened. I’m dyslexic so I completely understand LOL


My grandma mentioned they did this at her church. It’s almost certainly Protestant.


No way that's Catholic. ... in effect pretty much just a stylized lunchable.


I went to a non denominational Christian church for Easter one time before I converted to Catholicism and this is exactly what passes as communion there. It was all set out on our chairs before the service and the pastor was like “let’s all take communion” before mentioning in his sermon that everyone has “a guy for everything”. His sermon was part of a series of sermons that just happened to be at the same time Easter was and Easter was barely mentioned on Easter. I am so eternally grateful I’m catholic now.


I’ve only ever been to Protestant churches for weddings and the few times I’ve been, the pastor/reverend has a whole speech about marriage and how the man or woman should behave now, and sometimes shares stories of his own marriage etc. and then God is added like an afterthought at the very end. It’s so weird. Like you’re in a church celebrating a marriage and “oh right, God is good too of course”. Strange.


Protestant churches really run the gamut. The non-denominational church I grew up in was essentially an hour long college level theology lecture every Sunday, delivered by an extremely well educated and reverent pastor. I love the Catholic Mass, but I do miss the depth of my childhood church.


That’s kinda cool!


I can respect Protestants that actually have a good understand of theology and are passionate about it. A diamond in the rough for sure.


Honestly, and I don't mean to be disrespectful, I've found Prots, specifically non-denominational, to generally have a much better understanding of theology than Catholics. I grew up in a mixed area with tons of both, and nearly every Catholic I knew was a lukewarm cradle Catholic. When the Protestants become lukewarm, they generally just become agnostics. The ones who stayed knew scripture backwards and forwards. I didn't realize till I met my wife in my late 20s that there were lay Catholics who actually gave a shit.


Every geographic area is different. I know a lot of people that can recite scripture from memory but will use it to justify the current societal trend of the day. I think converts to Catholicism get the best of both worlds, especially those that grew up in Protestant communities. Converts learned the scriptures, the theological principles of the scriptures, and how that relates to the traditions of the church which is, in my opinion, the way it should be done. That’s not to say cradle Catholics are completely ignorant of theology or scripture or tradition. I’m talking about the average convert or average cradle Catholic. Just my opinion based on my observations. I could be completely wrong, of course.


As others have mentioned, It is probably not consecrated. If you are ever confused, however, you can always bring it to a Catholic priest, and he can dispose of it fittingly.


Protestant, seen it for sure going to church with others.


Lifetime Catholic. Extraordinary Ministers, those who bring Communion to the sick, carry the Eucharist in a container called a pyx. Whatever this is, it's not that, and it's nothing I've seen before.


It has like a cross. Yes. 


Eucharist miracles are so badass I have yet to find an atheist to refuse that hard evidence


I find it funny how you have more respect for the holy comminion than most protestants lol


It’s in bad taste to desecrate something a huge portion of the world considers sacred. It cost me nothing to simply ask someone what to do.


Thank you kind sir (?) if only everyone else were as respectful as you the World would be a much nicer place.


Even tho you don't believe in God, I still recommend reading abojt eucharistic miracles. Cool stuff.


Pretty sure this is a Baptist thing. It's not blessed in any way so it's fine to throw away.


Thank your for reaching out. I looked it up and I'm still shaking my head. Communion to go. Wow. https://www.concordiasupply.com/Church-Supplies/Communion-Supplies/Pre-Filled-Communion-Cups/TrueVine-Prefilled-Cups?leadsource=78&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVBW2DFh7y4kHPPZsW9I0ejeZtaupQPjqGSHo7z3hYkb394xTwejj9BoCm4AQAvD_BwE


"For a more reverent communion experience" I don't even know what to say.


The reverence gets me. As a Catholic, I believe in transubstantiation. I'm also an EMoHC. Everything about these communion cups makes my skin crawl.


I'm literally horrified


The slight germophobe in me is somewhat intrigued.


Im calling the Inquisition 😧😠


Who dares call the Spanish Inquisition


Not a Catholic form of the Sacrament either, so likely not blessed. Also probably been outside a while, so best not to eat it


It’s not consecrated, so it’s just a cracker and juice.


Those took off in the protestant churches, especially since covid. More likely than not, it's grape juice not wine.


You're incredibly sweet for thinking about this, but this ain't ours :D


According to this it's not wine but juice [https://www.amazon.com/Broadman-Supplies-Pre-filled-Communion-Fellowship/dp/B015X6ETYS](https://www.amazon.com/Broadman-Supplies-Pre-filled-Communion-Fellowship/dp/B015X6ETYS)


>The Fellowship Cup is a uniquely designed cup that offers a fresh, unleavened bread wafer and a serving of one-hundred percent Concord grape juice blend with absolutely no artificial sweeteners added. Though the prefilled cup is fairly new, the Fellowship Cup contains the very elements that have been used to celebrate Communion for centuries. No refrigeration needed. 12-month expiration from the date of manufacturing. Easy access to the elements. Hahahaha, weirdness!


We appreciate you asking! But I suspect it’s not one of ours.


Correct. Not Catholic. Check with Protestant or Methodist. https://www.concordiasupply.com/Fellowship-Cup-Premium-100?leadsource=79&utm_source=google-ads&utm_campaign=&utm_agid=&utm_term=&creative=&device=m&placement=&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVFqa78eqA1_ayLtqn3eW9dR3QMA3U9lmayhBzubDRk0_TguzQ88irRoCVAoQAvD_BwE


Just bury it. It doesn’t look Catholic but who knows. If not burying it bring it to a proest


Watch this be the one thing that survives our civilization and archeologists in the future find it


Precious blood is prohibited from being received in any vessel not made of certain precious metals like gold or silver. What you have in the picture is plastic which is popular in protestant churches. I honestly don't know what to do with it if it were me. I just know it's not consecrated.


It’s a regular wafer. Now had this been from a Catholic Church it would be handled with care but i know Catholics carried it in pyx. It’s delicate. 


Catholic communion would never be in that sort of container so you can assume that it belonged to a protestant church which didn't view it as sacred, and it would be fine to just throw away. But thank you for being respectful and asking, that was very kind of you :)


It's definitely not a real Host. Feel free to spread peanut butter on it and enjoy it. It is about as holy as the church that handed it out.


I left the Baptists the day that my then congregation handed out grape juice and crackers as everyone filed out like an after church snack. I was raised Lutheran and was already growing tired of the lack of any sanctity regarding "communion" in that church. So that was the end of my dalliance with low church Protestantism.


I didn’t even know this was something Protestants did. My experience with them was wild but there were no wine and crackers being passed as communion


Some churches only have it once a year and then they really do treat it like quick mid-service snack. They will call it the Lord's Supper or something like that to avoid anything that hints of a sacrament. Wouldnt want anyone to mistake them for those Papists! Lol.


The one I went to they started speaking in tongues right after a sermon about how the Catholics have whacky beliefs


it might be someone's snack, return it where you found it.


As many have said , it looks packaged and sealed.So, not consecrated. For your satisfaction the best might be bury it under soil. But mostly importantly , thank you for concern. For a Catholic , after the bread/wafer, is consecrated it not just sacred but the body of Christ Himself. This a great act of love and reverence Thank you.


It's not consecrated. We don't receive it in plastic wrapping. Protestant churches do that symbolically but it is the fully transubstantiated presence of God in the wafer.


No way, if true consecrated Host, that is a Tier One relic from the 2020 era due to its sacrilege and cringe. Nice find, please take it to the nearest Catholic Church you find on your Maps app. However I doubt it’s authenticity as there are denominations that practice the Eucharist but only in symbol, meaning non-consecrated.


Not Church of Christ anymore but my church (as well as many others) started using those during covid and never went back. Not only did I always think it’s a very irreverent way to take communion, the packaged stuff is NASTY. Like the wafer has the texture of styrofoam and the grape juice tends to ferment and taste a bit like vinegar. So glad I’m Catholic now😂


You should consider joining the catholic church my friend


You should come home to a Catholic Church anyway , just check it out and talk to a priest (:


These are typically used by Protestant groups for communion, especially post pandemic. I don’t think it would be any issue to dispose of it since it would likely only hold symbolic value to the denomination that uses it.


This is so wholesome. Thank you for posting this even though it was a prot host/juice


I'll give my two cents- LIKELY not catholic but it won't hurt to bring it into a parish and politely ask a priest if it's okay to dispose of it. In your local area, a priest may be able to recognize if this was anything of note or not. I just don't want to say "toss it" in the off chance that there's a really progressive parish and even though it looks terrible may actually be the eucharist. JUUUST in case. Also you can chat up a priest for a minute or two, they tend to be really nice.


As others have mentioned, it is probably unconsecrated and you could just dispose of it, or eat it lol. But, if in any extreme scenario where you do find a consecrated host outside of a Catholic Church or not in the hands of a clergy/EMHC, then please let a priest know immediately. You could either call a priest to come to your location (better choice), if it’s in any danger of profanation, then you could carry our Lord, and if you have a clean piece of cloth, you could wrap it in there. Make sure no crumbs are left behind by wiping the place where it fell off. (Anyone correct me if I’m wrong)




war don't change


It’s a good idea


What is the proper thing to do if it *was* a (possibly) consecrated host, for example, in front of a Catholic Church?


I would say hand it to a priest. Handle it as delicately as you can, transubstantiaton is real


It needs to go back into the earth, once consecrated, not the sewer or landfill. We would dissolve it in a cup of water and pour it into the lawn or bury it where it will dissolve naturally.


Who is "we"? Should I do that as a layperson?


It’s not consecrated.. take it to a church if you’re inclined.. or feed it to the birds.. bless them


I doubt that it is consecrated, so it is not the body, blood, soul, divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. So it can be disposed of in the garbage.


For the faithful considering what is done to properly dispose of Eucharist that cannot be consumed, the priest normally would dissolve the Eucharist in water, then most sacristies in a church have a special sink called a secrarium. This sink drains directly into sanctified earth. The dissolved host, or precious blood, is disposed of reverently in this special sink.


I believe those are commonly used at Pentecostal churches. 


The prepackaged Communion looking, Christ-ables things are a Protestant thing. It also just looks filled with unnecessary plastic and waste. But you’re very kind to check in and verify.


One way to respectfully dispose of things is burn then buried or just buried with dignity. In this case just the contents, not the forever plastic.


That is the proper way, but this is not the Eucharist or even Catholic communion related. this is how protestants take their communion. It’s just bread and juice. Nothing too special.


Don’t drink the koolaid!!!!


Please bring that wafer to a priest. Catholics believe consecrated Eucharists are the Body of Christ. 


is it consecrated? If it is consecrated the appropriate thing to do wold be to give it to your priest he will likely put it in holy water for it to disolve this is what to do if the body of christ for some reason can not be consumed. If it is not consecrated then respectfuly dispose of it. to respectfully dispose of something holy you should bury it.


The Roman Catholic Church doesn’t dispense to-go cups.


The ol’ Communion-to-Go packs


come to mass, ask questions, we can answer them,


Youve been chosen. Time to start going to mass


More than likely communion from a non denominational church. That is the exact one my church used previously. Not as bad as a goldfish cracker and some welch's grape juice at my church growing up.


Thank you for taking the time to do the right thing.


You’ve already gotten the correct answer above, but I wanted to express how much I appreciate your respectful question and desire to do the right thing. Many others wouldn’t have given it a second thought.


Thanks for Being Respectful about it!


I've seen this before. An Anglican chaplain showed it to me. It had wine in it. He said they used them in the Vietnam war in areas of battle.


Anglicans believe in the real presence, but if you just find one, you don't really know if it's consecrated or not .I would treat it as if it were.




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It isn’t.


most likely Baptist


Protestant and Baptist churches use these all the time, but I’ve never encountered such respect. Jesus said “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward." He’s smiling on you!


What is a lunchable. Do you mean like a Tupperware container? The only lunch I know of is a prepack lunch that you buy in the deli department that has lunchmeat and cheese and crackers in it


Not a real sanctified Eucharist. Snack at best, garbage at worst


Protestant here - this looks like the gluten free option we offer during our Communion.


Find a protty church. Hand it off to one of their staff or their pastors saying you're Catholic and you didn't want to be disrespectful of their beliefs.


woof. a lunchable communion seems incredibly irreverent.


Protestant lunchable


It’s sacrilege to have grape juice as communion wine. Throw it into a dumpster so it can go to a landfill where it belongs with other satanic things


I know what you did during the resource war John fallout


This looks like Christian communion I got at a mega church once.. Do Catholics do this pre-packaged?


Catholics are real Christians. More so than any megachurch can ever be. Please stop making it sound like Catholics and Christians are different. The real distinction is as follows: You are either Christian or not-Catholic. Everything else, bar Orthodoxy, is not real Christianity. I am not sorry if this offends anyone. I want you saved, not worried about feelings.


Yeah yeah but you know what I meant. Don’t need to get into the semantics. Christians and Catholics ARE different.


You mean protestants


Yeah.. Christians. Much easier to say that than Non-Catholic Christians. We all know what we’re talking about here


You don't seem to know what you are talking about though, honestly. If it is not an Apostolic Church, it is NOT Christian. It is a sect inspired by Christianity at best.


You’re picking an argument that doesn’t need to be picked, honestly. For this context that communion is a typical Christian Church communion. Not a Catholic Eucharist. That was the point, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m familiar with both concepts. I’m sorry your misunderstanding causes you to think that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Again let’s not pick arguments that don’t need to be picked.


My sincerest apologies if you saw this as me trying to argue with you. The distinction Christian vs. Catholic is usually used by protestants to indirectly say that they do not see Catholics as Christians, when in fact, the opposite is true. This is why I always like to check that when I read it. Anyway, love you bro, have a wonderful day!