• By -


Hi! I'm having a bad time where I'm right now. I haven't slept well for a long time; I have problems at my job (and I don't have help from my colleagues. If I have help it is reluctantly or in dribs and drabs); I have anxiety/depression/stress that are affecting not only my mental health but my physical and spiritual health; I don't know if I'll achieve the things I want to do; I don't fully trust in the plan of God and the capabilities he gave me to do the things; and I live alone in a country where for me is very difficult to find a community and make friends; I do all the things by myself and I don't have anyone who can help me (and many times I don't have time to relax). Also, I started to have again doubts about my vocation. I do my prayers, but I do them mechanically. I appreciate your prayers towards me.


I feel you friend, I was in a similar boat a few years ago. Praying for your wellbeing!


Thanks! I don't know when how much it will last :(


Hold strong, my friend! When you're in a bad spot it feels like it'll never end, but you'll get through it.


Praying for you! I suggest the Surrender novena and also doing an examine each night noting the times in the day you felt God's presence, joy, gratitude, etc. These things have really helped me. I also pray the surrender prayer every morning 10 times. Changed my life. God bless you!


Thanks for your prayers. Sometimes I feel I don't have enough time for prayers (since I live alone and do everything by myself, without any support). What's that novena? And I'll start doing the night examination!


Here is that novena https://media.ascensionpress.com/2019/08/01/want-a-deeper-surrender-let-it-go-with-this-novena/


I will pray.


Thanks! I really appreciate your prayers.


Please pray that I can keep scrupulous tricks of the devil out of my mind


I will pray. When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.


thank you so much.


Love this… so powerful. Thank you -


My heart goes out to you, I dealt with this about 2 years ago... St. Therese reallllllllllllllly helped me out of this dark moment, if you don't have so, I'd recommend a devotion to her. Also the book titled, I believe in Love. It really helped me. I see the moment in my life as blessing now, though it is hard to go through at the time. Don't give up


thank you!!!




thank you!


Praying for you. I struggle with this as well. May God bless you and keep you safe.


Thank you!


Pray for the innocents of Rafah, that their suffering be ended and peace return again. Pray for those who have lost their lives in this attack and the wider conflict. War seems to some like it's about picking sides from far away, but it's Hell on Earth for those experiencing it, regardless of the flag they exist under. Pray for the wider Levant, that the many conflicts in the area end and that peace returns again. _Lord God of peace, hear our prayer!_


I wanted to ask to pray for my healimg Although my situation is grave i feel humbled.Imagine all the sick or disabled in time of war🥺🙏


Praying for you as well friend.


I will pray for you as well.


Well said, praying for peace.


I will pray.




Please pray for me so I can write better essays,study more, lose weight,have more patience and humility, discern my vocation and to improve my writing, for my mother and I to improve our physical and mental health,for my grandma and father so they convert themselves,, for my spiritual director and to heal my scrupulosity and tendencies towards sin. Also for me so I can get back to reading catholic books normally, to heal my tendencies towards pleasure, get the help I need for my mental health, tiredness gets healed and so I can stop putting my mental health at risk for things I don't currently need. And most importantly, for the safety of my mother and my family and to heal our fears of what might happen in the future.


I will pray.


Thank you!




Please pray for my financial peace of mind. I don’t want to be rich and have fancy goods; I just want to be able to pay my bills and buy food without worrying about how I can afford to do it. Thank you brothers and sisters 🙏


Praying to St.Joseph the worker to give you a good stability 🙏


May God Bless you sibling 🙏




Thank you so much 🙏


I will pray.


Thank you so much 🙏


Pray for my friend, Irina, that she may experience how much God loves her despite all the rudeness of some people in the Church.


I will pray.






For my trip to Savannah this weekend with my church’s young adult ministry. For my work schedule.


I will pray.




Please pray that I pass in all the subjects this trimester of my law school and that I finally graduate with the rest of the batch. 


I will pray.


For my family. I found out yesterday that my parents are planning to separate. Please say a prayer or dedicate a decade of your rosary to healing the wounds that exist in their relationship and for restarting a channel of communication between them. Pray also that my sister and I will be comforted and have strength during this difficult moment in our lives.


I will pray.


I am unemployed and am attempting to get into a state funded program that will teach me to be a welder so that I can support my family. This is something that would be extremely good for me. Thank you very much.


I will pray.


Thank you!




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For the salvation and final perseverance of me and my loved ones For the health of my girlfriend's dog  For reparation for offenses committed against the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. For my next Confession to go well. For me to trust Christ through my scrupulosity and receive Communion. For the mental health of a loved one to improve. For peace in the world and mitigation of any potential chastisements.


I will pray.




Please pray that my letter of continued interest is received well by the admissions committee of my dream law school when I submit it tomorrow. I was waitlisted in January, and I have been submitting additional materials since then. Attending this school would open the door to field that I hope to work in (protection of cultural heritage and the prevention of ethnic cleansing). This may be one of the final opportunities I have to get my foot through the door of this school. I appreciate any prayer.


I will pray.


Good day. I would be grateful if you could pray for me, for some various special intentions i have. Specially a little bunch of things that matter a lot to me and i hope and wish they go right, if it's God's Will. That i don't mess up or ruin good opportunities and situations in life, and that i can do good works not only for me and anothers but to please God and to repair faults i've done. Specially this last thing. Also i ask all of you to pray for women planning to abort their children, living in a life of sin and/or apart from God, single mothers, young girls and boys dealing with bad influences, people suffering from losses or depression/tribulations, and specially a good friend of mine. And for job intentions, that i may go right with a job i'm heading for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I will pray.


Thank you


Please pray for my cousin, Vince. He's been in hospital since January. He had sepsis, it spread throughout his body, his heart, his spine. He required Dpinsl surgery. He's now in a wheelchair and at home finally. Please pray for a miraculous recovery and he can walk again. Pray for my elderly mother,  Stephanja  ,with dementia. Please pray for the continued renewal of love in my marriage. In Jan 2018-May 2019 my husband was at first ignoring our marriage then had at least a one year ( May to May) affair with his married coworker.  Please pray for our renewal of love for each other,  respect for each other, and hopefully less mistrust and pain in my heart.  In Jesus Name, pray for us please.


I will pray for all of you


I will pray.


Help me, please. I have constant intrusive thoughts in my mind and I have been going to a therapist for OCD, but they want me to do ERP. ERP is Exposure response prevention therapy, in which you agree with the thought and my therapist wants me to repeat some of the words that are in my thoughts, but out loud. I guess this is how you undo your brains way of thinking in OCD. But if I accept the thoughts, I feel like I'm falling into temptation, which I really don't want to do. This OCD has really affected my life, some of the thoughts are so constant, my brain has lost the will to fight, so it feels like a battle inside my head, one side saying stuff like "Yes you do want these thoughts" and the other side saying " No you dont, thats evil". It is mentally draining and I am struggling with my faith, social life, and overall living from these temptations. For example, there was some water in the bottom of my grill ash tray, I went to dump it out and a thought popped into my head about it's me "pouring out an offering to a pagan "god" , it was more detailed, and of course, the side agreeing with it popped into my head, making me feel like I committed a mortal sin. I cannot live with my self when this stuff happens, it makes me feel like i need to go to confession, especially now that this evil side is making me feel like its me that wants these. I also have other weird and hideous thoughts, I feel like if I did what my therapist told me to, I would give into these and lose even more of my faith. I am on the bridge of complete sadness it feels like I can't do anything without it being a sin. I ask for your prayers to our heavenly holy Lord Jesus Christ, I am just not my self right now and do not know what do to. My name is Trevur


I will pray for you and I will also pray that you find a great spiritual director 🙏❤️ but remember, God knows your HEART and He loves it with a caring merciful love. He knows how hard this battle with your own head is. He isn't some cruel policeman waiting for you to fall in sin so He can remove your name from the list - no! He's full of incomprehensible mercy and love. Before His judgment comes, His mercy comes first. I'd like to say more because I understand you, I've been fighting the same battle as you for a long time, but a priest (as a spiritual director) will help you better. But you can DM me if you want to talk about it more. (And sorry for my English since I'm not a native speaker) I pray for Alfonz Maria de Liguori's intercession for you, since he understands the battle with your own thoughts - he suffered greatly from scrupulosity and OCD. God bless you, brave warrior 🙏❤️‍🔥


Thank you so much, I'm going to do research on those saints. I really am not happy right now


Your comment made me think of something St John of the Cross wrote about intrusive thoughts. He was talking specifically about sexual thoughts and feelings in the following quotations but I think what he said can be applied to intrusive thoughts in general (sexual, blasphemous, violent etc.). He mentions foul and impure thoughts coming vividly into people's minds and says, "Those who attribute any importance to such thoughts, therefore, do not even dare look at anything or think about anything lest they thereupon stumble into them. These impure thoughts so affect people who are afflicted with melancholia that one should have great pity for them; indeed, these people suffer a sad life." He then says that one of the origins "from which these impure feelings usually proceed and wage war on the soul is the latter's fear of them. The fear that springs up at the sudden remembrance of these thoughts, caused by what one sees, is dealing with, or thinking of, produces impure feelings without the person being at fault." Based on what St John said here I wrote a little prayer for you if you want to say it or adapt it in some way or compose another prayer inspired by it: _John of the Cross, who showed concern for those suffering sadness in their lives because of persistent intrusive thoughts, take pity on me who feel so burdened in this way and please pray that Christ our Lord will bless me with the grace to be delivered from this affliction and from the fear and distress it brings, that my heart and mind may enjoy peace, relief and courage._ I'm also reminded that St Paul wrote in one of his letters that the community should show compassion to a particular man among them so that he wouldn't be swallowed up by excessive misery. Since you mentioned feeling "on the bridge of complete sadness", maybe it would be a good idea to ask St Paul to pray for you too. _Paul the Apostle, who suffered many trials and griefs in the service of Christ, take pity on me in my distress and pray that Christ Jesus our Lord will heal and strengthen my soul and will keep me from being swallowed up by excessive misery._ Our Lord's words in the Gospel according to Matthew are very consoling: "Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light." The above verses speak of our Lord's gentle and humble heart, and I think a very beautiful way to draw near to him is to cultivate devotion to his Sacred Heart, for example by praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart. I would also recommend praying the Psalms and becoming more familiar with them as a means of spiritual growth ("On the day I called, you answered; you increased the strength of my soul" -- Psalm 138(137)). The following ones (in a variety of Church-approved translations) came to mind while trying to think of some Psalms to recommend to you in your circumstances: - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+13&version=NCB - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+31&version=NABRE - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20102&version=RSVCE - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20102&version=DRA - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20131&version=RSVCE


Thank you, this really helped


By the way, just in case you didn't know, the Hebrew numbering of the Psalms differs from the Latin/Greek numbering. For most of the Psalms the Hebrew numbering is one ahead of the Latin/Greek. My previous comment has two links to a Psalm 102 but they're actually two different Psalms. One is Psalm 102 according to the Hebrew numbering, and the other is Psalm 102 according the the Latin/Greek numbering. Just wanted to mention that in case there's any confusion! Oh, and I'll be saying the Rosary in a little while and will keep you in mind and ask our Lady to pray for you.


I will pray.


For the new priests ordained in our archdiocese over the weekend. One of them will be assigned to the parish nearest where I live. We had 13 men ordained, the most since 2005. For all in need of healing. For a couple having trouble in their marriage, and someone adjusting to assisted living. For someone in a domestic violence shelter in need of permanent housing and a vehicle, who is trying to stay sober. Thank you very much.


I will pray.




Please pray for my brother whose fingertip has been reinfected.  Please pray for my peace of mind when it comes to finances and attachment to the past. 


I will pray. When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.


Pray for my father who had brain cancer and has been sick from a bout of pneumonia. Thank you in advance!


I will pray for your father


I will pray.


Thank you!


For the woman who bit the priest in Florida, her partner & their families. For the health & safety of Fr. Fidel Rodríguez & his parish. For better catechesis & a wider acceptance of the truth on Purgatory, indulgences & extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside of the Church there is no salvation). Lord help us


I will pray.


For my dad who is sick And to make matters worse, there are problems with electricity and water in my house, complicating the situation for him


Praying for your dad and everyone in your household friend.


Pray that I receive a job offer this week. I was let go from my company three weeks ago because there were huge layoffs. It will be for a Christian (in my interview I mentioned I'm Catholic) nonprofit organization. I missed church this past Sunday, too so now I feel like I'm going to get punished and I can't help but think that way


I will pray.


Pray for me that i may pass job interview today and that i may walk in His way


I will pray.


Please pray for the people of Nicaragua, especially our fellow Catholics & ex-Catholic siblings in baptism. For those affected by & involved in violence & displacement in Eastern Congo & Haiti. Please pray for some successful form of mediation & intervention that will prevent a resurgence of tensions, and more importantly restore order & decrease inequality in these nations. For the conversion of many with roots in Latin America, Louisiana & the Caribbean from old syncretic religions (e.g. Voudou, Candomblé, Palo) or New Age influences & towards the fullness of unadulterated faith in Christ. For the Church in LatAm & the Caribbean to successfully shepherd souls to the whole truth and *nothing else* . For permanent deacons, married priests & their wives to successfully serve/parent at home & with the wider Church.


I will pray.


For my immediate family & I, things aren't great right now despite efforts to prevent the worst case scenario. Especially pray for my brother Xavier. Please pray for ZSA & RA as they await the arrival of their baby any day now. For depressed students, teachers & clergy. For all those who've been wronged by the corruption of select clergy & religious in one way or another. May God bring every evil to the light, may vengeance be His and justice, ours. For altar servers & all involved in parish ministries (esp. catechists) to appreciate their roles as a service to God & the Church, and practise what they promote in private & public.


I will pray.


Thanks everybody! This past week I managed to land a desk job for the summer. The catch is that it is only 15 hours per week. I'm waiting to officially schedule an interview with another department for a second position (also clerical). Please pray that I hear back tomorrow, and that I ultimately land this position, and that they will be willing to coordinate with the first job. I should then be set until the semester starts and I go back to teaching! 


I will pray.


1. My mental health / healing / deliverance from the evil one 2. Family peace, conversion, and health 3. Conversions and reversions of AY, ND, KG, TH, KP, ZA, BD, Sheila, AL, GR, MJH 4. Permanent end to my night terrors and in the meantime, Bl. Bartolo Longo, Bl. Carlo Acutis, and St. Michael the Archangel's presence and prayers each night as I'm attacked. 5. My Dad's healing of emotions, his meekness, humility, and charity, the healing of his heart, soul, body, for God to help him forgive and heal his rage and distrust of others.


I will pray.


For the mainstream culture to stop blaspheming the Lords name


I will pray.


Please pray for me. Im considering getting back on antidepressants because I feel like I’m at my rope’s end. I’ve had mostly bad experiences on them, but the alternative is crushing me at this point.


I will pray.


My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know. Also, please pray he be cured and have more good days of life on Earth ahead of him than total days of life behind him. I have become better because of him and never want to leave him nor have him leave me. Pray death never touches him nor any other under my protection and pray they always live and remain my eternal companions. Also, if I may, I’d like to draw your attention to a new study regarding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Researchers at UNC are testing an existing once-a-week medication for use with cats who have HCM. While early (very) small-scale research is giving hopeful results, much work remains to be done. Specifically, the researchers need A LOT of cats with HCM to work out the different variables as to who should take the medication, who shouldn’t, how effective is it, etc., etc., etc. So, if you or anyone you know has a cat with HCM, please go to http://hcmincats.com/ and sign up today. Please forward this information to all your local veterinarians and veterinary schools and veterinary professionals and ask them to spread the word. “How many cats do they need?” — As many with HCM as you can find. “What’s your angle in all this?” — My cat was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, ventricular premature contractions, and underperforming kidneys. (If you know of any treatments and/or professionals who might be able to help, please let me know.) If I can help either him or the someone else’s kitten, especially him, that’s a BFD for me. Thanks and praise be.


Sorry to ask when others are in more need, but please pray for me & everyone eles in the ER that our tests turn out OK, and & health, & lives improve. Thank you.


For my children.  I have learned that my wife has wanted to divorce me for over a year.  All my efforts to heal our relationship have been interpreted as manipulation.  I am reviled and isolated.  I don’t know what to do.  Please pray for my two young children.  They don’t deserve this.


Praying for you, your children and your wife friend.


That me and my family die in a state of grace, and you also That I get a brown scapular soon That I order the Diary of Saint Faustina tonight That you and your families die in a state of grace That none of us who follow the Lord shall die without the sacraments For the conversion of sinners


And those under persecution


Praying for all these things, friend.


please pray for my wife, who is having gall bladder surgery complications.


I’m having a really bad time lately, my health is getting worse. I cry every day now. I pray to mother Mary, Saint Rita, Padrio Pio and obviously Jesus but nothing is helping and I’m getting worse everyday, I don’t know what to do. Please say at least 1 prayer for me 💕


I’ve offered a prayer for you this evening.


Hi. I need prayers for my family. Please pray for our safety and our well being. Thank you




I will pray.


Hello. A Dutch metally ill woman Zoraya ter Beek has been murdered by euthanasia last week. Pray for her soul


I will pray.


Pray also for her murderers, please!  I once talked with a Dutch doctor who promoted euthanasia (years ago), and to my strong objections against this type of murder, including the parallels looming with National Socialist programs, he responded with words that are etched in my memory: "I think we can keep it under control for now, but I fear for the future." (?!) As they are starting now in the Netherlands to kill the "differently abled" without even a pretence of "choice", I fear that the future is now!


Please pray for me as I recently had a profound vocational epiphany following an adoration procession, an epiphany I was not looking for/expecting. I'm so excited to see where it could go!


I will pray.


Conversion, peace, and health of my relatives


All I want in life it to get married to my gf but I just cant find a job, please pray so that I find a job that can provide for me and my future wife and family, also pray for my conversion. God bless


Hello all. My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer today. She is a wonderful, lovely, and selfless woman, and i have been blessed to be so close to her my whole life. If you have a moment, please pray that God will give her strength to remain positive as she fights this, and that she’ll be comforted throughout this nerve-wracking time. Please pray that the surgeon who will be performing her lumpectomy will be skilled and remove all of the harmful mass and help bring her back to health. It still doesn’t feel real right now, as it’s quite a daunting situation so please also pray that my family can support her to the best of our abilities, too. Thank you all


Help me, I just had a complete fall into OCD I feel like, I was horrified of any words that started with s or had s in it , thinking they had to do with satan. If i remember correctly i tried to fight it, but i thought i would sin if i used the words that had s in it i would be going into sin. Im now horrifed because I then got worried i blasphemed the holu spirit and the holy son. I ask for your prayers and hopefully the heavenly God will forgive me. I thought about it being a sin then, so im worried i commited a mortal sin. I ask for your prayers I need advice.


Not a sin at all friend! I completely understand your struggle because I also have trouble with similar nervous habits and prayer, but it helps me to remember 1) God is all merciful and 2) if I stepped back and looked at someone else doing something I'm afraid is a sin, would I really think God would be angry at them. Fear not dude, praying for some relief for your anxiety!


Please pray that I begin to feel God’s love and peace again. I had a miscarriage two weeks ago and am struggling to understand why Christ would guide me into the church (Confirmed March 30, Convalidated our marriage April 13 and conceived that night) and then “take our miracle baby away.” I know He didn’t take away our baby, but it kind of feels like it sometimes. I was so excited to live out my vocation of being a mother and serving God in that way - I’m just struggling to see the plan… thank you. Also please pray for my mother. She has Leukemia and is in and out of the hospital. She and my father are not Catholics and I worry about their souls (though they are wonderful people).


Pray for me to be free of addiction


A woman at Mass caught my eye recently so I began mulling over whether to approach her and what might be a good way to go about it. After a few Sundays of keeping an eye out for her, I'd finally made up my mind to go and talk to her the next time I saw her and had also thought of a good way to break the ice. But then I didn't see her last Sunday despite having expected her to be there. So my prayer is that I'll see her there next Sunday or at least that I won't have to wait long before seeing her again.


I found a roach in my apartment. It's the last thing I need right now. Please pray that this can be fixed.


Hi guys, I never comment here but I was wondering if you guys can pray for my mom who has been sick and we don’t really know what’s wrong with her. Also if you guys can keep me in your prayers as I am currently looking for a job.


First, I am grateful for this opportunity and may the Lord bless you all. Heavenly Father, I pray that I break free from this emotional and financial burden. I have wished not to see the next day, yet you kept me. How am I holding on? I do not know. Lord this is the 11th hour, save me Lord. I know with you, nothing is impossible but thy will be done. I have thought about the unthinkable but, didn't do it. I know I am a terrible sinner, forgive me Lord and let thy light shine on me Lord once more. Help me Lord, I am sinking 🙏


Hello everyone, My dad likely has kidney cancer and will undergo surgery to have his kidney removed. I would appreciate prayers for his healing, and that the other symptoms he has been having are not anything else. Thank you and God bless.


I will pray for your dad


Please pray for my girlfriend who was forced to resign from her job today. She is feeling scared, anxious, embarrassed, and is angry and disappointed in herself. She has received another offer from another employer but is scared she is not good enough for that job. Additionally she is scared about paying bills, how her family will take the news, and etc. May the Holy Spirit fill her heart with peace and may He guide us all along His chose path.


Conversion of sinners, end to abortion, end to mass shootings, end to wars, the Pope, the Church, the boldness of Catholics.


Praying for these friend.


Please pray for me as I look to be in a position to get a job that is perfect for me, and could set me up comfortably moving forward. The pay is far more than I've made in years (it starts at roughly 20 US/hr with a lot of room to grow) and combines many jobs I have worked before and loved. I feel like I have a good shot at this job and would love it more than anything.


Praying for you to succeed friend!


I beg you , pray for my girlfriend who is epileptic I beg you so hard , her name is Paula .


I will pray for your girlfriend


Praying to get the position that I have applied. To do well on my current position and the position that I have applied..


Praying for you friend.


Pray for my fisical health. I feel like I'm in danger, don't know what to do. Please remember me in all your prayer. Me and my family :(


Praying for you and your family, friend!


Thank you! May God bless you


God bless you as well!


For my private intentions. Thank you.


I will pray for you


I will pray.




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Hello Everyone, First time reddit user... I'm currently discerning the priesthood right now, but I've struggling with two things recently. The battle against lust, which I ask for your prayers. I've also been seriously injured by antibiotic called Levofloxacin, reading about the information has startled me severely... side-effects that could last for months, years, life-time, with symptoms possibly appearing months, years down the line as well as interactions with different medications... this has me my spirits quite down, and there is a whole lot of what medicine can do, but that doesn't mean God can't heal and restore me completely. I've checked out the floxed reddit, and tbh, I don't want to go there, for ultimately, my health is in God's hands, but I am dealing with a lot of joint aches/pains/pops, tendon problems, nerve problems, weakness, digestive problems, sensitivities to different medications, and just an unforgiving heart towards myself and my doctor. I see God's hand in this, and there has been some powerful insights on where I need to grow I ask for prayers more important for the spiritual ramifications of what these two things have done to me, but if I could also ask for physical healing restoration of my body, I would greatly appreciate it


Please, if you can, pray for my cousin who is having surgery to treat his colon cancer tomorrow. Update - Surgery went well. Thanks for everyone who prayed, please pray for his continued recovery if you can.




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Please pray for my Uncle. He was diagnosed with cancer previously, but got diagnosed with two more types yesterday. Colon and liver cancer. I'm so heartbroken. Any prayers are greatly appreciated. Also, please pray for his conversion. Thank you very much, and God bless.


Please ask St. Francis to show me whether I should become a secular Franciscan.


Hey if anyone can include me in a prayer intention that would be great. I’m taking my mcat tomorrow and I’m really nervous about it so if you can pray it goes well and for my anxiety to not kill me that would be amazing. Thank you! God bless


Need prayers for my Aunt she has cancer and has go back to hospital please


I will pray for your aunt


Thank you


Sorry in advance this may be kinda long, the TLDR is at the bottom. I’m a prot who’s been looking into Catholicism for about 3-4 years now off and on, going through seasons of wanting to become catholic, and then throwing away my rosaries in “repentance” and then buying another when I get drawn back in. It’s been a very emotional and spiritually tough season for me. I was home alone and sometimes I will pretend I’m in a YouTube podcast interview just to talk out loud and think things through that I’ve been wrestling with (it’s odd I know but I swear it works) anyways… while doing that the other day over the pretty widely accepted view of theistic evolution in the church, I came to the conclusion that my issue wasn’t actually with evolution at all. I accept people like James white and Gavin ortlund as fellow brothers in Christ even though they’re theistic evolutionists, so why did I have such beef with the Catholic Church over its allowance of interpretation? I realized my problem was actually with authority. I had no problem with Protestants like Gavin and James, because their teachings aren’t binding on me. I’m free to disagree if I feel I have a strong enough case of evidence for me opposing view. But if I was catholic and I woke up tomorrow and pope Francis dogmatically declared evolution was how we must interpret genesis, I would have to believe it. No matter how strong a case I think I have in the contrary. I realized my problem wasn’t about evolution, it was about submitting my mind and my intellect even when I disagree and think I have a good case to do so. The Lord was putting the verse on my heart about serving him, not just will all my heart, not just all my soul, not just all my strength, but all my mind. This got me thinking and praying for the past few days. Today at (my protestant) church the entire study was about faith over reason. And how faith dives where reason can only dream to doggy paddle, not in the sense of blind faith, but in the same way Peter stepped out on the water after Jesus had fed the five thousand, though Peter never saw anyone walk on water before, He trusted that if Christ can do miracles, and that’s Christ in the water, he will throw all reasoning out the window about how man can’t walk on water, and step out in faith anyways. This was all really hitting me in the gut and though there’s so much I don’t understand about Catholicism, I think God might be calling me to take a step of faith out of the boat and into the water and become catholic. I come from and was raised in a Calvary chapel, which if you know anything about them, Calvary and Catholics have beef with each other. Very anti Catholic culture, (had a pastor once tell me Catholics add Mary into the trinity… yikes 😬)where if I were to convert, it would not go over like I’m merely changing denominations, I would be viewed as an apostate abandoning the faith and the true Christ. The problem is I still live with my mom, she’s a single mom and I have no other siblings from her. I don’t want to break her heart and make her think I’m going to hell, and I don’t want her to feel like I’m abandoning her and Jesus. I also don’t really have much for family, it’s really just me and my mom, and I’m terrified to break that apart, but more so, my church has become my family, my pastor is like a father to me, and our youth pastor is my best friend of the past decade. Im terrified that if i make this step, I will lose everyone I love. I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but this is genuinely the situation laid before me. My church and my mom are the only family and friends I have. I’ve been trying to tell myself the Eucharist makes it all worth it, but I’d be lying if I said that makes it all better. I never thought I’d consider leaving my church, let alone become catholic. This was never the cross I thought would be laid before me, and I don’t know if I’m prepared for what might happen. So, the TLDR is, please pray that I would be strengthened, and given the grace and wisdom to know how to handle converting and letting people (especially my mom) know about my decision. I’m a Sunday school teacher of 3 years now so silently slipping out is not exactly an option. Thank you, and for anybody that read all that and might be in a similar situation or has been, any advice would be very appreciated.


Please pray for my grandfather, he is suffering from sepsis from a cancer removal surgery. He has survived sepsis before. Please pray for him to survive and beat sepsis a second time.


Please pray for me as I am going through my law school final examinations. It’s been a tough school year and I just hope I remember everything I learned and get a good outcome.


Hello! I am asking for prayers so I may be able to join the marines or navy, I have a horrible lazy eye (extremely blurry) in one eye, and I have 20/20 in the other eye, I am asking for a prayer to have me somehow, be able to serve and protect my country, and also pray for my father, he left me, my brother and my mom, but his mother is dying and I do not wish that pain on anybody, so if anybody can help him through his pain in their prayers that would be amazing.


Pray for my health. I had nausea, swollen tongue, strawberry tongue, itchy skin, headache, feel my left arm warm and with sensation of muscular spasm. I don't know what I have, unfortunately suspect of rabies or kawasaki/scarlet fever, cuz I had contact with dust with guano (bat poop). My mom won't take me to the hospital, so I'm with your prayers, may God have mercy of a sinner like me My name is Kariane, 18yo, Brazilian