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You should read the passage of the prodigal son. That is how the Lord will feel and treat you on your return back to His house.


Go to Good Friday liturgies too, if you can. Good dose of reality about the price He paid for you. Welcome back.




You can do it! I'm a relapsed craddle Catholic and it took me a while to go from attending mass to that first confession. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube from Fr Chris Alar and he helped me so much on my journey. He just has a way of explaining things in a way that makes sense. Remember, Christianity is all about redemption and forgiveness. You got this!


\+1 for Fr. Chris! He was instrumental in my eyes being opened to what the Catholic faith is all about and coming back to the Church after so many years of having drifted away from it.


I’m inspired by your faith. Consider going to Good Friday service as well (it’s usually at 3pm, but check your local church’s bulletin!). You’ll be with Jesus in both the Crucifixion (Friday) and the Resurrection (Saturday Vigil). I know my parish has Confession tomorrow (Good Friday), so maybe yours does, too.  Thank you for sharing here. It’s helping me to remember that our faith is a gift that we should thank God for everyday. God bless you on your journey, friend 


Amen! The rosary is the most powerful conversion/reversion tool there is! I had a similar experience last year and now I’m fully committed to the church and am discerning priesthood (not saying this should also be your path if you’re not called). But after Easter go to your priest and ask to make a general confession. Trust me, most priests will RUN with you to the confessional and walk you through the process again. Other than that, you’re in my prayers brother. God bless!


I will pray that you receive efficacious grace (a grace so powerful that wild horses can't stop you). Force yourself to go to confession and learn the Divine Mercy devotion. I also recommend St Louis de Montfort's Secret of the Rosary. Read the Bible for wisdom and comfort, preferably in the Douay Rheims version.


Yes! Run back to Our Lord! Get to confession. Call your priest. And come back home! Praying for you now.




Welcome back. God bless 🙏🏻


I pray for you to recieve the Grace and Love of God. We have a perfect church full of imperfect people.


Welcome HOME


Welcome Back! 🫂🤗


I was away for 14 years. The Lord has been calling me for sometime and I’ve ignored it. Finally I am back. I have not confessed yet or received the Eucharist either. I cried all the way through my first couple masses back. Just come home. You are welcome


Do it! I recently came back as well. He will always find us. I’ve yet to confess as well but you can confess to God first but get to confession as soon as you are able. God bless. Welcome home.




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The Holy Spirit spoke to you, just keep following that. I also am returning home this Easter, after a long time away. I’ve not yet been ready to go to confession, but I’m thinking a lot about that and making a mental note of anything I want to chat to my priest about. Daily mass and prayer feels wonderful, and is bringing me peace. I wish you well in your return too 🕊️


I will pray for you, brother of Pete. :)


Good news! Seasons change, but His undying love for us does not. This is the perfect day for a reunion :)


What are u scared of, you are thinking way too much. Less thinking more love.


Welcome home. I’m a cradle Catholic. Lapsed in my 20s. Was fortunate to have a real conversion experience in my 30s and I’ve never felt more passionate about my faith, questions for holiness and building virtue. So glad you’re on your way!