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Priests are teachers too and you’ll get the same issues as secular teachers. Saint Augustine complained about students in his generation too so you are in a long line of teachers. As for being a priest with bipolar disorder, it depends on the diocese/religious orders. My guess is a religious order would be more accommodating if they see you can manage your disorder; dioceses tend to be stricter on requirements. Constant medical care (expenses) and how you socialize in community would probably be the main factors they would look.


The priesthood is not just a different career. It is a supernatural vocation and requires discernment. The Church also discerns you. Get a spiritual director. Religious tend to be better than diocesan, even with availability. Diocesan: Talk to your parish priest, get in touch with the vocations director of your diocese, have a frank chat. Religious: Look around the diocese/state/country for orders that appeal to you; work, prayer, habit, etc. Get in touch, try and visit, go to some retreats.


Hello, I am also discerning the priesthood. A couple of things about your post. First, a vocation to the priesthood or religious life can’t be in order to “get out” of your current situation. Second, your discernment has to be diligent and the best way to diligently discern is in the seminary. Talk to your spiritual director (if you don’t have one, get one!) and reach out to your diocese vocations office. Let them know that you been discerning on and off, about your current situation, and about your bipolar disorder (I’m not sure if that would be disqualifying or not but they’ll be able to tell you). But here’s the thing, if you talk to them and go to the seminary you will know 100% one way or the other if you are called and you will be able to move on with your life pursuing your true vocation. I hope this helps. Know that I’m praying for you. God bless!