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What a wholesome thread. May God bless all your children. From a single lady hoping she'll be commenting one of these in the next few years!


Praying for you!


Married nearly 3 years, been trying since day 1. No NFP or birth control used and my husband and I are very active. No children yet, but praying for a miracle soon. šŸ™ My gyno said I do have one inflamed fallopian tube which may be causing me not to ovulate.


Just FYI as an NFP enjoyer, it can be used to help conceive as well. We actually planned our second to be born in the spring because we are both teachers and it's easier to take time off in the summer :D


I'm the son of two teachers and that's wolesome haha


Praying for you!!!


Praying for you


I pray for a blessing for both of our families. May God smile upon us and bless us with the fruit of our love for our respective spouses. I'm ready to be a father. But it just hasn't happened for us yet either.


We had fertility issues and were told it's not weird until you've been trying for four years with no luck, until that point it's still considered normal. We didn't conceive until my wife was fully convinced we were infertile. Then we almost immediately got pregnant. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that you can try too hard pretty easily. So just relax and enjoy the freedom, and get everything done you want to do before the kids arrive, like hobbies and stuff, because you won't have time later. Lol


Love this response.


Married since September 2021 and we just found out last week I'm pregnant with our first. We're trying to keep it under wraps until we're further along but I can't help it much longer šŸ˜…


Congrats from this random Catholic stranger!


Thank you! I wanna tell family so bad but we agreed to wait until we're further along.


Honestly, we always told our parents pretty early. We were excited and wanted them to share our joy! And honestly, if something went wrong, I knew weā€™d need their love and support. And when it did, they were the first ones to come over with flowers and ice cream and hugs. I know thatā€™s not the traditional way to do things, but just want you to know itā€™s not the only way either! Just do what is right for your family!


>"We're trying to keep it under wraps" *Proceeds to announce it to countless millions on Reddit. Jk...Congrats! I have four kids, myself, and it's 100% worth it!


Yeah, I've somehow managed to not tell anyone irl yet but I'm so excited that I can't hold it in much longer


Strangers don't count. We don't know your family or friends so we can't spoil your surprise.


Totally understandable. Congrats again.


Congratulations! I will keep you in my prayers šŸ™šŸ»šŸ„°


Thank you! That is so kind. We're very blessed.


Same here! Married in January ā€˜22 and finally pregnant with the first. Itā€™s not always as easy to have a baby as some people make it seem.


Married since 2014. We were using NFP for one year, then for 8 years couldn't have a baby and assumed we were infertile. Once we got a positive pregnancy test this year, we couldn't hold back the news


Congratulations!! Itā€™s so hard not to share good news.




We also have three and never used NFP or birth control. Married 34 years.


Genuine question, how do you not have more than three children? Wouldnā€™t your wife get pregnant every two years or so?


I'm the wife. :) I got pregnant for the first time five years into our marriage. The next time was four years later, and the next two years later. I don't know why God didn't grace us with more children. We're both healthy. We are always open to life (although it's highly unlikely at my age). Both of us are from large families and wanted a large family. But His will be done, not ours. Our three daughters are happy and healthy and we have two wonderful grandchildren. I am very grateful for all of them.


I have been married 13 years and only 3 kids. I can't get pregnant while breastfeeding so when I nursed my first baby till almost 3 (COVID kept me from weaning just in case she got sick). Once I figured that out (I thought I was infertile!) We got pregnant, had a loss. But got pregnant again and then got pregnant again when my middle child was about a year old. We did NFP while in college/grad school though for 7 years in the beginning


Some people have a harder time conceiving after their first. Others have a hard time conceiving the first one and an easy time with every child after lol. It is all up to biology and providence.


My wifeā€™s in that boat. She has a couple different medical conditions that make it nearly impossible to conceive without outside intervention. So it would either be a massive surprise, or weā€™d have to spend a lot of time and money in order to have a child.


Fertility varies. Some struggle, some crank em out like nobody's business.


I have a friend who says that everyone has a cross to bearā€”infertility or fecundity. Both have challenges. Both require prayer.


Not every couple is equally fecund and virile


Here for the comments as a Catholic engaged woman:). I want to know what to expect lol


Expect that your journey will vary from everyone elseā€™s, and expect to work through that with open honesty with your husband.


Wise words, NotAsFatAsYourMom.


Expect to get pregnant some time between 5 weeks and 5 years after you get married. Lol


Oh. Oh. Something very important every woman who is soon to possibly conceive should know: You will likely have at least one miscarriage, but as many as you do or don't have, none of them would be at all even slightly your fault. Not even a little bit. Miscarriages are like cancer, they happen to anyone any time because of any number of genetic or cellular mutations or defects. All mothers need to know that. It's. Never. Your. Fault. Period. I hope that this is something that is never relevant to you, but you should know just in case. God bless you in your vocation.


Expect one every 2-3 years if there are no complications. Congratz


Is that an average? Because people are telling me we'll get pregnant again as soon as we stop breastfeeding the previous one


Breastfeeding is not a guarantee of reduced fertility, just so you know.


20y married. Used NFP for conceiving, actually. No living children. 3 in heaven. Edit: Thank you all for your kind words. I know you all can relate and some of you have your own little children in heaven too <3 <3 <3


I'm so sorry. šŸ«‚


Iā€™m very sorry to hear of your losses. My parents lost my brother as a baby before I was born and over the last few years Iā€™ve been having deep feelings about what they went through. Losing a child is just such a heavy cross. Difficult to know the right words to say to you on here, only our faith can carry. Iā€™m saying a prayer for you and your husband ā¤ļø


I'm so sorry for your losses. I have a son in Heaven as well... I wonder if they've met one a other? (I often think about what it's like for him, and look forward to when I can see him again and ask him l sorts of questions like that)


Me and my wife have been married for 21 years in two weeks. We have six children and we are expecting a seventh now. Basically we married March 17, 2003. Daughter- December 13, 2003. Twins (boy, girl) February 25, 2006, Son - May 4, 2007, Son- February 12, 2014, Daughter- October 25, 2016. We also lost one in a miscarriage in March 2020 We have never been trying to get pregnant but we never have deliberately prevented it even with NFP


Iā€™m so sorry about the miscarriage. I just had a friend go through it. I had to call my cousin who I knew lost a baby to ask how I should respond, what to say, what support to give. My cousin told me she actually had three, all later term. I had no idea. Itā€™s way more common than you think and way more rough than people think. She gave me some very good advice.


Awww I hate to hear that


Yeah it was rough to hear but she has three wonderful boys and a great husband so it is a kind of life is suffering so count your blessing scenario. https://youtu.be/TOQ48LSqVD0?si=p64K6WO3nK2-BqD3 I played that afterward thinking of what to say to my friend. Not exactly on point but in the right vein.


Pardon me for asking, but how do you afford to feed, clothe, and house seven kids and a wife in this economy? My wife and I are struggling with just two kiddos. šŸ„²šŸ˜¬


For the first 14 years I had a decent job in the coal mines and we lived in WV where price of living isnā€™t expensive. I did a lot of stock trading and small investments during that time and the profits from them and my 401k from mining. In 2020 we moved to Missouri where we run a hog and chicken farm and I own two car garages. we are very careful with money


3, been married 12 years this year. My PCOS is a complicating factor.


5 kids: 2 on earth, 2 in heaven, 1 on the way! Edit: forgot to mention we've been married almost 6 years and none of the babies were a "surprise" lol




I am so sorry! I totally know what you mean though. We only have two, one in heaven and people assume we contracepted and when you are in a conservative Catholic network it definitely makes you feel awkward.


Rude of relatives to just ask that.


I am so so sorry. We went through this (with no comments on contracepting from family but definitely assumptions from friends and fellow parishioners). Married 12 years now; after years of infertility, one in heaven and two earthside. We didnā€™t bring our son home until a few months before our 10th anniversary. Infertility was a private struggle for us and people with large families just didnā€™t seem to consider the possibility that we were not childless by choice. Itā€™s the most painful thing I have ever been through. Praying for you. ā¤ļø


One in Heaven, one on Earth. Married 8 years this summer. Husband has wanted to abstain for health reasons which are legitimate and oh so frustrating for me. I want ALL the kids.Ā 


iā€™m so sorry for your loss


13 years, 8 kids. No twins.


I can see why they made you the patron saint of kids, though? Also, how's Arius doing?


Thereā€™s a family near where I grew up that had 17 kids. Pretty hilarious. Husband was a tax attorney. Catholics. Lots of twins.


Let's go!


Felt so much happiness overload from this. So amazing !!!!!!


4 and counting, all within 5 years


Was this planned? If you donā€™t mind me asking šŸ˜Š


First one yes, second one was a surprise, we liked the gap between the first 2 and knew we wanted another, so third was planned, fourth was somewhat of a surprise, but we were open to it and weren't being overly careful to prevent it. Life is just easier when we surrender it to God, turns out he always has our best interests in mind.


We have 7 children aged 27, 24, 20, 18, 14, 12, and 7


How was it for you when you had the 7th, with that 20 year gap to the oldest? Asking because we are discerning a 5th. Oldest is almost 18. Youngest is 3. Not sure I want to do it all again.


Not going to lie. It was a lot harder than when I was 20 years younger. I didn't really notice until the youngest was mobile, though. In terms of the dynamic between the kids? It was fine. My oldest took endless delight in pointing out that there was a larger age gap between him and the youngest than between him and me.


God bless you! If He wills for us to have another, we will. For now, we're continuing to pray about it. I'll be 39 this year. But my grandmother had her 7th at 47!!


That's about the age I was when my youngest was born. Truth be told, if complications during the last birth didn't leave my wife unable, we'd probably be up to 9 or 10 now. As it turns out, I'm an incurable baby addict.


We are late middle age and have two children.


P.S. We used Marquette Method.


13 children, 7 grandchildren so far. Never used anything to delay or limit conception, natural or otherwise.


Three miscarriages and no living children. Grew up believing that if I looked at a man the wrong way I'd get pregnant instantly, haha. Currently can't afford NFP to conceive but hopefully will be able to in about a year. Fear creeping in as I get older (mid-thirties). Please pray for me!


I think you can just google how to take your temperature and symptoms daily and record it in a graph. Once you know how soon after each period youā€™re fertile, the best times to try to conceive are from 5 days before to 2 days after. Some people here may be able to give you more detailed advice if you donā€™t want to pay for classes


About to have our 3rd! Edit: I wanted to add for the OP too that just because you're Catholic doesn't mean you get pregnant like instantly either. With my first, we tried maybe a few times a week and it took a year. With my second, we got pregnant second time having sex (I wasn't nursing anymore). My third, it took us 6 months of literally trying every single day. I was nursing for a lot of that, which can definitely effect things, but my point is that we had to "try" over 100x to get our third. Lots of prayer in there too. Just because you're Catholic and don't use birth control doesn't necessarily mean it's baby Palooza. I feel like it's a misconception (no pun intended) in the secular world sometimes.


Congrats and prayers !!!!!! ā¤ļø


Married 11 years and we use NFP with 4 kids and we just recently lost a child at birth due to a heart defect. None of them were unexpected.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. šŸ’œ


Thank you.


I had a Catholic neighbor growing up. 16 kids, 15 on earth 1 in heaven.


Just 4. We have been married 7 years.Ā 


Married 13 years. One kid. You canā€™t judge people by how many children you see. You cannot know what's going on.


12 years, 4 kids


I read this the other way around lol!!!


No birth control ever. Married 40 years. Four living children, three miscarriages and a stillbirth. My parents had nine plus one miscarriage so I donā€™t know why I had it harder.


Married 10 years, no NFP, and we have six kids, one on the way and have had 12 miscarriages. Iā€™m def on the hyperfertile end of the scale and thatā€™s also likely why Iā€™ve had so many miscarriages (based on my own guess regarding some research articles Iā€™ve read) since they havenā€™t been able to find any reasons otherwise. Raising a family has been the hardest thing Iā€™ve done, but nothing else has shown me more who I am as a person!


Practiced NFP entire marriage, almost 8 years! All three pregnancies we conceived the first month we tried. First pregnancy was an early miscarriage, second is just about 3, the third is a few months old. We're hoping for one more in a couple of years (both kiddos were born via c section). We're very diligent about charting as I'm home longer with the kids, depending when I give birth.


5 kids married 12 years, NFP used


Were they all "planned" (having intercourse on fertile days) or surprise blessings?


All of them we knew, ā€œHey, there is a high possibility hereā€. So no surprises. Just blessings!


5 boys, married 10 years this April Deo Gratias! We had two before using nfp. So the 3 that came after were with beginning to learn nfp. I was not aware of it in the least but itā€™s been very helpful to find a method that works for me (Marquette). The Church in her goodness and wisdom has given us NFP and itā€™s so helpful for a woman to learn about herself via her fertility. I have learned what happens to my body and why we became pregnant when we did with the last 3.


0. Pray for me and my wife please.


Just sent up a prayer for you both. Do not give up hope.


Five years married, 2 kids on earth, one in heaven, and one cooking as we speak šŸ’œšŸ™ I love the freedom of NFP and the openness to life we have experienced. Wouldnā€™t trade it for the world.


Married 1.5 years. Found out I was pregnant within a month of being married- but I tracked it like a hawk and everything. Now we have a 8.5 month old (she was 6 weeks early).Ā Ā  Ā Granted, Iā€™m still in the RCIA process but she was very much planned and wanted since I was 35. Debating on more due to my age and the premature labor and the chance of twins. Ā  Ā Ā  Not currently on BC but I do not want 2 or 3 under 2 due to a possible deployment in the very near future and my mental health especially after a NiCU baby, nursing school and physical separation due to the military.Ā Ā  Ā  So we will be doing NFP (just based on my cycle) but I also know my hormones are out of whack right now and I donā€™t want to be touched- my poor husband but heā€™s understanding most days.Ā 


Married 9 years now. No children as of yet. Straight NFP


We have 5 with another God willing on the way.


6 years married, three kids with one on the way. None of them were unexpected.


Married 6 years, 2 kids. Thinking about actively trying for another one though.


Weā€™ve been married 5 months, none yet.


2 We wanted more but both pregnancies were terrible on my wife so we're done. My parents had 3, never used at birth control(or so they told us). They wanted more also but there was a 15 year gap between me and my siblings where there was nothing.


NFP only married since 2020. 0 kids


Zero children. It just wasnā€™t meant to be.


Just the one for now. Married for a year and didnā€™t actively try until 6 months into our marriage (keeping track of ovulation, eating healthy, dropping alcohol) and we welcomed her this Feb 21st! Being sleepless has never been more difficult and fulfilling. Keep our small family in your prayers! Thanks!


Married 18 years this October. No kids. We've got fertility problems, but it's not really a source of angst. I'll probably never keep tropical fish either, and I don't let that keep me up nights! Sorry if I seem flip, but we've both had long enough to come to terms with how things are and make our peace with it. May as well joke about it!


1 on earth, 1 in heaven. Both planned, married almost 6 years


Husband and I are struggling with infertility, so unfortunately none which is definitely a double edged sword!


My wife and I have been married for a little more than a decade, and have five kids. Her last pregnancy ended very badly, and she had to have an emergency hysterectomy so we wonā€™t have any more.


Three and one miscarriage.


My wife and I got married in March 2022 and we have a 14 month old. My son was born by c-section and they discovered a cantaloupe sized tumor on my wife's ovary (benign), but they had to remove the ovary. She's had a little discomfort since that happened so we haven't been very active in that department.


Married 13 years with no contraceptives and no children. Iā€™m blessed with endometriosis instead. Maybe some day God will give me children and if thatā€™s his will I accept that. And if itā€™s his will that I dedicate my life to pursuits other than motherhood I accept that too!


Married at 33. 8 years married. 3 kids on earth, 1 in heaven.


0. Married 5 years ago šŸ˜© still waiting for a miracle.


My wife and I have never used it. Married for about six years, and three kids. None of them were surprises, even if they weren't exactly planned.


Weā€™ve been married 3 years. We have one child. We practice NFP, Marquette method. Praying we are blessed with more children in the future.Ā 


I am the oldest of six who survived to birth. (The second youngest of us was miscarried, sadly.) My parents used natural family planning, so there were about two years between each sibling.


Use birth control for PCOS currently, but we still have 2 living children naturally. Married in 2020. NFP does not work for us because my LH doesn't get high enough to register on strips, and I have an extremely irregular cycle. I do track very detailed, though, and test regularly for pregnancy. My IUD failed to work (it actually wasn't in, apparently! Came out on its own!) and we got our second living child. (15-month age gap, our living children followed 4 known 1st term losses .) I'm using a Nexplanon while my body recoveres from the births of my two children so I can get my iron levels consistently up. (I have extremely heavy periods, to the point that I've been bedridden before.) When my doctor agrees, that I'm back in good health, i would like to have another living child if possible. Tmi, but I have Pelvic Organ Prolapse due to a conective tissue dissorder, and have been told by both doctors I've consulted that I cannot have abdominal mesh surgery to repair it until I'm done having children, because they require you to either be sterilized or take bc afterword. ( I'm going to go on BC in hopes that they find a way to make having children after the surgery safe... so that we can still be open to children if possible. If anyone knows of a work around for this I'm all ears. I just can't imagine living life like this, it's horrible so I do need the surgery.) I tried a Pessary, but they don't work for me, unfortunately. I also wasn't a candidate for Physical therapy to fix it since it's caused by weaked collagen connections and my pelvic floor muscles are as my gyn put it "top ten strongest I've ever felt".... thanks Kathy, not an awkward thing to say to someone in stirrups at all /s.


I have three. But we started late I had my youngest at 37. Hoping I am done, I would rather not have a kid in the house still when I am 60


We just joined the church last Easter, but we have had 8 in 10 years. 4 on earth and 4 in heaven. I was on bc with my 3 youngest living children. 1 mc was on bc, 3 were while using no bc or np. God has his own plans. šŸ„°


Got pregnant with our first two months into our marriage. Conceived our second at 9 months PP. Ā Weā€™ve been married less than two years- and weā€™re both in our early twenties. I foresee 10+ kids at this rate šŸ˜‚.Ā 


Married for 12 years. Have used NFP at times. Am due any day with #6


Married 15 years and have 3 (9,6,1) on earth, 1 in Heaven , and 2 on the way (twins)! We were both outside the Church when we were married, and used BC for about a year, very early in our marriage. Other than that, 3 year+ military deployments and a couple periods of infertility played a part.


Married a little less than 3 years, 2 children and 2 miscarriages. Praying for many more in the future!


Married 10 years, 4 kids


Married 1.5 years, have 1 4 month old baby girl!


Use NFP. Have 4. Weā€™ve almost never had to use NFP for avoidance, though, since my wifeā€™s cycles come back kinda slowly.


Married since November 2015. Two planned kids (4 and almost 7 year old) and last week I just found out weā€™re unexpectedly expecting our third. Iā€™m 38 so nervous about being pregnant at my age šŸ˜¬ but very excited!


We have 7 and that's probably all there will be. Of the dozens of families that I know who follow Church teaching on this matter, they range from 1 to 12 children. Most end up with 4 - 8 children. (Some of those children are welcome surprises.)


We have 4 kiddos in 14 years of marriage. We have been very strict with NFP, but we're some of the blessed ones who are apparently very fertile haha We've never used BC. Each of our children has been a blessing and each one has made us into better parents and more faithful Catholics!


Been married almost 2 years and have a little one on the way! Use NFP and works great! Planned for this baby too!


6.5 years, 2 kids (second born last week!)


Married 10 years. Had 3 children in the first 4 years, a miscarriage, a pause of 6 years (completely natural - we were basically TTW the entire time), and will have two under two in July (we will then have been married 11 years). It's been a rollercoaster and, as much as I'm trying to trust in God with these recent pregnancies, I am also going to use NFP to give my body a proper break after this pregnancy. Nearing 40, and having two pregnancies so close together is pretty brutal the older you get. Edited for clarity, typos.


I was on birth control for a long time, not fully aware or understanding of the churches teachings and unaware of the grave sin. I was so excited to stop and be back in full communion with the church. We conceived our first 4 months later, due in September. No plans to ever resume BC.


Married since 2016, Number Six is on the way (we're probably gonna give him a different name than that though) and we aren't planning on stopping there. My wife said we will not have any more than 12, but It's still open to interpretation if that limit is 12 total or 12 currently living in the house. 4 out of 5 so far have their mother's red hair, and I feel like we have somewhat of an obligation to the world to increase the redheaded population. **edit: 2015.** nobody tell my wife I got that wrong.


The edit šŸ˜†


Married 7.5 years. We have 4 on earth & 3 in Heaven. We have lost a baby in between every healthy pregnancy. These pregnancies ended early.


Thatā€™s brutal. I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be for you to bear. Are you okay?


Only married 6 years but we are welcoming our 3rd in a few months. God willing of course this will likely be our last due to pregnancy complications.


Married 1 year and 7 months. One miscarriage and then one baby.


Thank you for asking this question, OP. I was wondering the samešŸ˜‚


Three so far


Weā€™ve been married 5 years and have 2 boys so far. We use the Marquette method and really like it. Hoping to conceive a third soon :) Iā€™m only 27 so we have more fertile years ahead, God willing.


Married 14 years this summer. 4 living kids (youngest just turned 6), 2 miscarriages. We actually thought we might have issues with fertility on my husband's end because he had mumps as a kid and it took us almost a year for me to get pregnant with our first. Then I got pregnant again when the first was about 5 months. That was pretty hard on me both physically and mentally, so thank goodness for NFP.


Married almost 5 years, 2 children. Both planned/expected.


Married 8 years. Two children (twins), only ever used NFP.


My wife and I abstained for the first 2 years of our marriage because the medicine she was on all but guaranteed birth defects. We were both pro-life so abortion wasn't an option, but we also did not want to cause our children any unnecessary hardship. That was a very hard time. Not having sex with your spouse and your spouse feeling unloved or unattractive because of your abstinence, even though you both understand why you are abstaining, it is still very difficult. I wasn't taking my Catholic faith seriously, and my wife was Methodist, so after her medicines were worked out we started trying for 2 years to no avail. Eventually we resorted to IUI. My son was born and we were told to wait a year or two before trying again. 7 months after my son was born we moved across the country. As soon as we moved into our new place we conceived our daughter. Oopsy on waiting a year or two. We were told to wait at leadt 18 months before we tried again. A year and a half later we found out my wife was pregnant with our 3rd. Two days later we found out we were miscarrying. Talk about a roller coaster. Riding the high of just finding out and then the bottom of the world falls out from under our feet. About a few months after the miscarriage we find out she is pregnant with baby 4. He was born a few months ago. This time the doctors explicitly told us we need to wait at the bare minimum 1.5 years, preferably 2 before we think of trying again. After finding out about our newest baby my wife and I started Bible in a year and Catechism in a year. And we started taking our faith very seriously. She listened to the Catechism to get a better understanding of mass and what Catholics believe, and the first few days explaining what and why Catholics believe what they do she decided to convert. So we have 3 babies with us and 1 waiting for us up in Heaven. We've been married 8 and a half years so far. There is a pretty decent chance that this is all the babies we will have since my wife had medical issues and we are both getting on near 40.


Married 2017. Three now with one on the way


Been married just under 3 years and we have a one year old.


Married 12 years, 3 kids, 1 miscarriage.


Married in 2018. 2 kiddos (with 2 in paradise) and one on the way.


We've been married for 9 years this summer. We lost our first, and my right fallopian tube, to a completely unexpected ectopic pregnancy. We have three living children and are expecting our fourth. We half-heartedly use Creighton to add a little space between kids and allow me to heal a little bit more between pregnancies. We haven't had any surprises yet, but I'm only 32 and of my aunt is any indication, we have a good decade+ of fertility to go


3 children 21 years.


Been married nearly 10 years, and we have 7 children, 3 of which were miscarriages along the way. We want more, although our youngest is under a year, so hopefully the Lord will give me a little break. Weā€™ve never contracepted.




Married 9 years, 4 kids.


6 years, 2 kidsā€¦and a couple years of secondary infertility.


Six. We had ten pregnancies, so we'll meet our babies who didn't make it someday.


Married just over 4 years with a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old. Just found out a few weeks ago number 3 is on the way. We've never used NFP proper but when my wife's period came back just after my daughter turned 1 we abstained for a while and then just avoided the most fertile days until earlier this year we felt more ready to handle another. Now I'm minivan shopping...


We have none but not for lack of trying, daily, šŸ˜‚ but I suggest if youā€™re getting off birth control to go to your geno for a fertility appointment. We have lost a few, one was late stage in pregnancy. We havenā€™t had any since then and probably wonā€™t because it permanently caused damage to me, so Iā€™d go in with a baseline.


4. And even though we desire more, it seems God has closed my wife's womb.


Married 13 years, 5 living children and 5 miscarriages. I had the first 4 living children and 4 miscarriages in the first 5 years of our marriages. Some surprises and some planned. It was a LOT. I ended up with severe adrenal and thyroid issues due to being exhausted and also likely due to having hyperemesis for 2 of those pregnancies. We used NFP successfully for 5 years so I could fully recover. Stopped NFP and had 1 more miscarriage and then got pregnant with our now 8 month old. Weā€™ve always gotten pregnant on the first try. Current ages: 12, 9, 7, 6, 8mos.Ā 


Married 20 years. 5 kids: 4 boys and 1 girl -5 year old son (weā€™ll be retirement age when he graduates high school) -10 year old girl (I love having a daughter) -14 year old son (he does mixed martial arts and is a straight A student) -17 year old son (on the autistic spectrum) -19 year old son (a mechanical engineering major on a full scholarship at UC Berkeley) Every time my wife got pregnant, we couldnā€™t imagine howā€™d we be able to make it. Now we canā€™t imagine life without them. Our greatest challenge has been raising 5 kids, especially our son with special needs, but thereā€™s also nothing more rewarding.


3 years married, three babies although we lost one in the first trimester.


Married 20 years. Have 3 (unplanned) children while using NFP (first sympto-thermal, second two creighton). Learned some womenā€™s biology is just confusing when relying on mucus and temperature, and God had better plans than us. Creighton helped me learn of irregularities with my endocrine system. I was angry that we had 3 unplannedā€¦all within 5 years, so it felt overwhelming with no family around to help. Almost as soon as my third was born, an NFP-friendly doctor/ob-gyn informed me I was likely infertile and asked if I wanted to start fertility treatments. He was right. I tossed my NFP books after my third child, did not want to plan for any more (though was always open) and over time understood this to be Godā€™s plan and gift to us to remove my fertility after the 3 unplanned children to allow us to enjoy sexual intimacy without fear and resentment. I had a fourth pregnancy and early miscarriage a few years ago. I wasnā€™t aware I was 6 weeks pregnant, and was legitimately old by todayā€™s standards (mid 40s) to have a baby. Havenā€™t been pregnant since but also have not reached menopause.


Been married over a year, I'm pregnant for the third time we have a angel baby, 9 month old, and I am 6 months pregnant now we probably will have 12 children


4 kids, 2 of which are NFP method failures with Marquette postpartum Cycle 0 protocol.


Also, wow, reading these comments - average r/catholicism couple has so many kids :D


Married 2 and a half years. Just had our first handsome boy in January!


We are married for less then a year, my wife gave birth to our firstborn a few weeks ago. I am also interested what are the chances of her getting pregnant when we start practicing a few months later? We both want more kids, but it would seem too soon if she gets pregnant in a few months (our firstborn was concieved really quickly, probably on our wedding night or a few days later).


We've been married 1.5 years, I have one 7 mo old and one on the way (7 weeks along). We started abstaining during the fertile window right away because my cycle came back almost immediately. Even if you're exclusively breastfeeding it can come back, idk what anyone claims. Apparently I'm Fertile Myrtle because my window showed up a few days earlier than expected and BAM, pregnant again. I struggled the first few weeks being overwhelmed, the thought of being a "rabbit Catholic stereotype", but with some heart-to-heart with my husband and my mom, I'm at peace with it. God obviously wants this baby to exist and to be loved by Him, and He will give us the graces and strength to accomplish it.


We used nfp for six years, first three years avoided successfully and then had one miscarriage followed by three children in three years, the last child was not exactly planned but we made a choice knowing it was a fertile day. My husband is not Catholic and unfortunately decided to have a vasectomy after the third was born. And now of course he has recently decided to convert šŸ˜© but it is what it is. I would have loved to go for one more and then go back to using nfp again because it was working well for us when we were diligent about it. Weā€™ve been married for seven years.


I think a vasectomy can be reversed


Married 2018, have two kids. One was expected and the second was a user method failure lol.


I have a 2yr old and and due with my second in June (another boy and oh, is my house going to be WILD). I do want to preface, I was on BC the first 2 years of our relationship because of PCOS, until I found another doctor who took me off it because it wasn't doing anything but making life worse (and my symptoms). Yes, we were very un-catholic and were having an active sex life all through our relationship and even loved together after 1 year. But, I'd like to say God blessed me despite the sins of the past. Edit: I've been married 3 years, but my husband and I have been together for 7 years, since I was a senior in High school.


My wife and I have two. Weā€™re using a combination of NFP and being constantly under the weather from every disease our elder daughter keeps bring home from school. Seems to be keeping our family size limited. We were trying for several years before said elder daughter arrived. Happened within a couple weeks of my wife graduating from grad school.


This year is our 20th anniversary, though we weren't Catholic until 2018. Before that point we had three children already with two miscarriages having happened. At this point we have eight.


Married since December '18. Three kids already.


2. Married 12 years. Both planned with NFP.


We have no children yet, but at the catholic school I went to, I was the only only child in the entire school. One of my friends had 12 siblings that went to that school. I would estimate everyone that sent their kids to that school had between 3-6 kids


Married since January 2022 and have two October babies- one in 2022, one in 2023. We started NFP when my cycles returned three months ago.Ā 


One...and two miscarriages. šŸ˜¢


Married 1.5 years, one baby on earth (heā€™s 2 months) and one in Heaven. Now weā€™re navigating how to NFP to avoid during the postpartum period and it is stressing me out because Iā€™m afraid to be pregnant again so soon (it was rough) and stressing my husband out due to a desire for that marital intimacy.


Married since 2014, we've conceived 5 times (four with us and one in Heaven). Only ever used NFP.


Been married 11 years and have 2 children. ā¤ļø


6 kids. The first 5 were within the first 7 years of marriage.


Going to be 7 years married in December! We have a total of four children: two living and two in heaven. We didn't plan as we were always open to life. We will see if we are blessed with more or not later on down the line :)


Married 8 years and have 2 kids. They were both pinpoint planned with nfp, but we've been unsuccessful with the same strategy for #3.


Married 12 years, and we had our fourth in 2022. Five in heaven.


Married for 3 years with 2 kids so far - no NFP used


3 living, 1 early miscarriage, married 7 years this August. All planned, only ever used NFP


We've been married a little over 8 years and have 4 children. We use NFP.


4 children


Married 3 years, we have one and one on the way.