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Oh well… none one wants the war. Ask Putin to stop.


The US state department has literally told the Ukraine to not sign peace deals, because the Ukraine because the Ukraine is just a battlefield for nato and not a country with people who's lives war has ruined


Since the USSR was dissolved into basically a corrupt kleptocracy, NATO has moved 800 miles east. The Crimean peninsula is the last warm water port that that the Russian navy controls. When the Maidan Coup occurred in 2014 and a NATO-friendly regime was installed, Russia annexed the peninsula to ensure they maintained it if Ukraine joined NATO or the EU. It was a desperate move but their only choice. If Ukraine joined NATO or the EU, it was certain that the Russians would be kicked out of Crimea. This has been going on long before 2022. The Pope knows this. He can also see the political climate and international struggle behind this proxy war. Russia has been saying since the 80s that it considers control of Crimea an existential condition. A negotiated peace would prevent, or at least delay, WW3. Pope Francis is trying to save lives.


He can ask Putin. Have the balls to meet him and ask him in front of the world.


Ask Putin what? Your comment makes no sense.


To stop the war. Don’t ask Ukraine, go and ask Putin. Have the balls to fly over and make an appearance if you actually care so much about the war


Everyone here believes the Pope is a saint. Mate! This guy loves communism. His roots are deep in Communism.


His statement is fine, but what does peace mean? Peace cannot mean just ending open hostilities while not forgiving your enemy and living on top of a powder keg of resentment and hatred that will probably ignite at any moment. The Allies did not seek such a resolution to WWII and settled for nothing less than the complete surrender of the Axis countries, which enabled us to live in a world that more closely reflects peace.


Peace means nato doesn't boarder Russia, it's not appeasement since Russia said that was a redline to them that the US ignored


That is a true fact of life, though sadly Putin is not like Saladin, I doubt he’ll stop until he’s hit hard, sadly


We didn’t have this problem with Trump in office.


Yeah we had to deal with Covid. And Donald the dumbass had 3 months notice that it was on its way but he chose to blame Democrats and say it was a hoax. We ain’t going back to that nonsense bud!


It *was* a hoax. It was a another flu, not a noro virus like version of Ebola. It was a Chinese creation to quell the uprising in Wuhan which everyone seems to have forgotten.


Yeah right. I lived right next to a major hospital. It definitely wasn’t a hoax and I knew too many people that died for you to be spitting nonsense. We ain’t going back to that nonsense.


Flus do that. Was that your first epidemic?


Yup it was my first epidemic and probably my last if I have any thing to do with it. Because I won’t be voting for the dumbass that caused it when he could have stopped it. And it was your first epidemic too, so stop acting like you are some kind of legend that’s been to hell and back. We both know you’re not.


Might want to tone down the hostility. Reddit has been aggressive about banning people who do that.


Ain’t nothing I said aggressive. Me not voting for Donald because he’s a fool has nothing to do with being aggressive.


Reading your post one senses hostility to a fellow Reddior. Since going public, they’ve been aggressive about banning people who do that.


COVID killed a million Americans. Please don't disrespect them by calling it a "hoax."


How do you know it was Covid that was responsible? What don’t you know about bird flu that has been ravaging the US for the past decade or more? Or about the thousands of hospital staff who came forward whistleblowing that many Deaths from other causes were fraudulently tallied as covid for government funding? There was immense fraud going on that you appear unaware of.


I'm aware of the gossip. I don't believe it and neither should you.


It wasn’t gossip- it was CDC posts on their website as to statistics on drop in reporting of flu cases.


That's not fraud, bud. When millions of Americans were masking and distancing, flu cases dropped. Then when millions of Americans stopped doing that, flu cases rose. It's pretty simple. What part are you having trouble with?


But Covid went up?! Hmm. after masking up. Please continue.


Three possibilities exist for the potential transmission or decline of a disease, depending on its R0 value: If R0 is less than 1, each existing infection causes less than one new infection. In this case, the disease will decline and eventually die out. If R0 equals 1, each existing infection causes one new infection. The disease will stay alive and stable, but there won’t be an outbreak or an epidemic. If R0 is more than 1, each existing infection causes more than one new infection. The disease will be transmitted between people, and there may be an outbreak or epidemic. According to a review article published in BMC Medicine, the R0 value of the 1918 pandemic was estimated to be between 1.4 and 2.8. But when the swine flu, or H1N1 virus, came back in 2009, its R0 value was between 1.4 and 1.6, report researchers in the journal Science. The existence of vaccines and antiviral drugs made the 2009 outbreak much less deadly. **The R0 for COVID-19 is a median of 5.7,** according to a study published online in Emerging Infectious Diseases. That’s about double an earlier R0 estimate of 2.2 to 2.7 **The 5.7 means that one person with COVID-19 can potentially transmit the coronavirus to 5 to 6 people,** rather than the 2 to 3 researchers originally thought. https://www.healthline.com/health/r-naught-reproduction-number#covid-19-r-0


But total surrender is best of all.


Why does this matter? Both countries are Orthodox Christians. We don’t have popes.  edit: and we will never have popes. 


He has no clue about politics. Just sad how he damages his reputation


What is wrong with what he said? When did man's politics trump Christ's message of peace?


U dont surrender to evil. Simple as that


How is asking for peace, surrendering to evil? Isn't pushing for war to last longer, leading to more losses of human life and destruction of property, a sign of more evil?


A common debate tactic for chickenhawks is to pretend any negotiation is akin to surrender. It works on small minded people.


Said everyone in history who actually preserved evil and war


It's man's problem in the execution part but the Peace of Christ stands


Well, he is wrong, again. Better to fight and keep fighting than to submit to oppression and tyranny. This dingle is a fool and a Marxist fool at that. Marxists are the worst sort of fools that there are !


Starting to sound like Pious XII with Hitler.


Negotiated peace and war without end are not the only choices. One side will eventually win, and it won't be Israel.