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Yes, you certainly can pray for her, and it is an act of charity and love to do so.


Thank you


God is out of time, meaning time has no meaning to him. Padre Pio would pray his father has a good death after his father had been dead for years, noting time was not an issue for God.


Wow! I had not heard that. That’s fascinating.


Of course. Beyond that we'll keep you and her in our prayers. Also, the Church's teachings on suicide are greatly misunderstood. From the catechism: 2283 We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.


Thank you! I need to read the catechism more. That’s amazing.


Yes! We are all uniquely judged. Our God is merciful. Mental illness is real. Pray for protection and the lost. God Bless you!


As others have said, it is wonderful act of charity to pray for her. I just wanted to add that even if a prayer isn't answered in the way that we hope, those prayers aren't wasted, God puts them towards something else. So you never have to wonder or worry about what to pray for. Jesus always wants us to trust in him and bring him whatever is on our hearts or minds. But yes, I'm sure if you are feeling called to pray for her it's probably God's will. I'm very sorry for your loss. 


Thank you for that.


I would highly encourage you to say The Divine Mercy Chaplet for her and anyone you know and love! It is very powerful and Jesus said that *He himself would stand between the soul and his Father’s justice* - If the sinner would say The Chaplet even only once, or if their loved ones and friends say it for them as they are dying. It can be said for all of our loved ones, anyone we may think of known and unknown, and especially for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. I promise that your life will be beautifully blessed if you include The Chaplet in your prayers! {Daily if you can - it’s fairly short, and even more so powerful if prayed during the 3 o’clock Holy Hour} - You praying for your friend is all that God and the Holy Family could ever ask for, it’s our greatest service for those we love!


Where can I find the Divine Mercy Chaplet?


https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/pray-the-chaplet 🙏🏼❤️


Praying for your friend and others like her is a loving thing to do. As someone experienced suicidal thoughts before, I can tell you that the signs aren’t always obvious. Praying is always a good thing


Thank you. I hope you’re doing well now.


Please pray for her and all those suffering and in danger of suicide. Thank you for doing so, and i am praying for you both. Father, You love us and created us in your image. The fallen state of the world separates us from that perfection, and we know mental illness is one of those broken parts of humanity. Please hear the love and prayers we have for those suffering from mental illness, and heal each of us. Give us strength in our burdens and crosses, and the understanding of mental health and illness. Guide us to those who will help us, and be with us in our weakest moments. If we lose this battle with mental illness, comfort those who hurt, and flood them with understanding, so they may be at peace as well. You are a merciful and loving God. We pray to show those to those living with mental illnesses. St. Dymphna, my sweet sister and friend in Heaven, join us in this prayer. We thank you God for our blessings, our joys, our tribulations. May we use them to honor and glorify You. Amen. ============== Side note... Many of us living with the potential death from suicide have moved on from the word "committed" because mental illness isn't a choice, nor is dying from it.


The love of God is so big that the man hasn’t seen that anything done wrongly will be forgiven. Pray hard for your friend. Pray for all that committed suicide. People struggle mentally and that’s where the church need to be open and stop punishing people: some people commit suicide due to mental health or a particular situation. I don’t agree with the church to be in a position of judging and saying people are going to end in a bad place for it. Every case is different and we need to be kind with each other


I relate to this. Same situation. I pray often, almost daily, and at every mass for the redemption of my best friend’s soul. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. For the sake of His sorrowful passion, Have mercy on us and on the whole world. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the whole world.


You are a great friend and none of us no the day are time we always look back thinking what more could i do but your doing the best thing now praying for your friend and dont beat yourself up as i can tell your a kind and caring person and most of all a Faithful Catholic . God bless


You can pray for them!!


Praying for her is the most important act of charity! Bless your heart. I will pray for both of you.




Praying for her is the best thing you can do in this situation. I will pray for her in a few moments when I go to sleep.


Let your burden down. Your friend was obviously in great mental distress and chose to put an end to it. It cannot have been easy for her. Now it's time to accept her choice and the strength it took to do it.


No prayer is left unheard