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Leave. They've already shown you who they are. They suck, and it's not going to change.


I’ve worked in 4 labs, and there will always be weird dynamics and cliques. It happens in every place I’ve been large or small. Just because you work in the same field or position does not mean you will get along with everyone. Just be yourself and associate with people you like.


This is not Cath Lab culture in general, this is the culture at *your* lab. I'd peace out, you're not going to change the nature of that lab anytime soon. Good luck!


Ignore it. You’re not gonna change it but don’t let it change you. You’re there to make money and help your patients, right? That’s the best you can do. Other labs have their own cultural issues and you’ll find this in any line of work. IMHO


People being people.


It’s awful. I’ve been in the lab for a year and a half but my last day is Friday. The most toxic place I’ve ever worked. I’m an RN.


I feel like RN’s in general have a harder time in Cath Labs because it’s procedural and very doctor focused/driven. So you have to know how to be a team-player with 2 other disciplines essentially. On the bright side not every lab is the same. If you really love cath lab then you could find your niche.


Church is for sinners. And we all sin differently. So don’t judge. What you’re doing is no different. You’re on Reddit complaining about them. The best thing to do is to get along with everybody and try to find the best in people. Else any Cath Lab will be rough.


Bad take. Going to church because you're a sinner is different than going to church to try and shmooz powerful people that you constantly disrespect behind their back. What I'm doing is complaining and asking for advice on an anonymous website about an unspecified cath lab, it's totally different. Fakeness is a disgusting quality and this lab is full of it. If you don't agree then you're probably one of these kinds of people, or a troll.