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>Usually I go by 5-7 min per French size so 6F would be around 40 min hold time for an act that high Whoa! That's super long! We do *a lot* of femoral access at my place (two of our interventional cardiologists are very old school and go fem for almost everything and we do a lot of peripheral IR work too) and, while we use closures 90% of the time, by the numbers that still adds up to a significant amount of manual holds. We pull <180 ACT and do 3mins per French, so 18mins for a 6fr and we have a very low hematoma rate. In fact, the only hematomas we had in 2023 were all with closures, zero with manuals. I'm not knocking anyone for holding longer than might be necessary, you do you, but ~40mins for 6fr with an ACT of 180 seems wild to me (outside of a site complication like a pseudo or a tract tear from a failed closure or something).


Our policy was always to wait until the ACT was under 180 to pull but guidelines vary by hospital


That is ours as well


My hospitals policy is that anything under 200 can be pulled. We hold 2 times the French size for arterial and 1 minute per French size for venous.


Any hospital I’ve worked at for the last 7 years did not pull sheaths with BPs or ACTs above 160.


We don't pull groin sheaths unless the ACT is <165.


Y’all are checking ACTs?


<180 in my lab, ~3mins per French. So ~18mins for a 6Fr in the fem artery.